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O livro Brasil nas Ondas do Mundo, organizado por Álvaro Vasconcelos, é mais uma tentativa para tentar compreender qual o papel que o Brasil é chamado a representar no mundo, questão nada displicente para nós, portugueses, e diriamos mesmo que para a Europa e a ordem internacional. A obra aparece num momento em que as interrogações sobre o presente do Brasil, atravessado por uma grave crise, podem pôr em questão algumas das conclusões a que tínhamos chegado, com base nas tendências que atravessam a sociedade brasileira. Por isso aos autores foi pedido que tivessem em consideração a crise brasileira e o que ela pode significar para a disfunção das tendências das últimas décadas. Será o perigo de regressão democrática real? Os progressos no Estado de direito irão aprofundar-se? Como é que a crise afeta a diplomacia brasileira e o seu soft power? Num mundo onde o protecionismo comercial se reforça, com a propagação do nacionalismo económico, quais são os caminhos para a inserção comercial do Brasil?
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City as a Stage explores the diverse ways in which modern cities of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries presented and projected themselves, especially by staging major urban events, which have often been interpreted as major local and national turning points. In particular, the book discusses how cities were imagined through the prism provided by other cities, major events, as well as alternative pasts and futures. How -with admiration, indifference or contestation- did various urban actors engage with the city as a stage? The book paints a multifaceted picture of the history of urban events and town twinning, while at the same illustrating how students and travellers experienced cities such as Berlin, Rome, Helsinki, and Tampere. As for individual urban events, Stockholm's General Art and Industrial Exposition of 1897, Helsinki's 400th anniversary of 1950, and the Moscow Youth Festival of 1957 are all given their own chapter.
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A Diateichisma is part of a city´s fortification system. Unlike a city wall it was built within the urban area dividing a city in two parts. This study focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, the phenomenon of diateichismata is considered as part of fortification architecture, on the other hand the influence of diateichism on the organisation of the urban space is pointed out. Furthermore, the reasons, why diateichismata were build are considered as a focal point of the study. The settlement are displayed in a catalogue, technical data is in charts. Written sources mentioning diatechisma are put together including relevant passages of the text. In scientific research diateichismata have been regarded as mere functional buildings, however, they have been studied systematically.
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The stories and interpretations of participation that make up this book are the result of research carried out during the drafting of the new law on participation, subsequently approved by the Tuscan Regional Authority (L.R. 69/07). The context is presented in two introductory essays that discuss some of the most relevant issues of participation This is followed by a section consisting of thirty-eight factsheets that critically address several of the Tuscan participatory experiences, broken down into five interpretational 'boxes': governance, decisional democracy, participatory planning, social self-organisation and conflict. Emerging from the cases analysed is a variegated landscape of experiences of interactive planning, with lights and shadows, significant results and difficulties, related primarily to the implementation phase of the projects. The authors seek to recount and valorise certain of the more original and innovative pioneering experiences, and to offer food for thought for the greater spread and enhanced efficacy of participatory practices, interactive planning and social self-organisation.
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Les trente-cinq études de ce volume, revues et mises à jour, retracent l'histoire de la Gaule méridionale, appelée d'abord Transalpine puis Narbonnaise, des premiers temps de la présence romaine aux débuts de l'Antiquité tardive et montrent les transformations d'un monde provincial sous l'empreinte de Rome. Une nouvelle géographie économique apparaît avec le déplacement des centres de gravité, de Narbonne vers la vallée du Rhône et Lyon. La romanisation de la société est autant politique que religieuse. On assiste à une intégration réussie des élites - notables issus de l'Italie et descendants des grandes familles aristocratiques indigènes - mais également à l'ascension des représentants de la société civique provinciale - le commun des détenteurs des magistratures et des sacerdoces. S'épanouit alors au cours de la seconde moitié du premier siècle av. J.-C. une culture de l'écrit qui se manifeste, en particulier par l'abondante production épigraphique, dans les lieux funéraires, les grandes demeures et les espaces publics urbains. L'accès des grandes familles à l'ordre équestre et à l'ordre sénatorial, puis leur participation au gouvernement de l'Empire viennent concrétiser, dès le premier siècle ap. J.-C., le rapprochement entre l'Italie et cette partie de l'Empire romain, dont le destin apparaît alors comme singulier, selon l'expression de Pline l'Ancien : À la vérité, plus l'Italie qu'une province. Cette somme érudite est appelée à devenir une œuvre de référence sur l'histoire de la Gaule narbonnaise.
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Le rapide développement récent des villes moyennes est, ici, analysé dans le contexte géographique très particulier de la périphérie de la région parisienne et, principalement, au travers des exemples de Chartres, Dreux et Évreux. Il est interprété comme l'expression de l'incorporation de ces villes au système urbano-industriel et comme le résultat de la diffusion, à partir du centre d'impulsion parisien, de deux processus majeurs et intimement liés : processus d'industralisation, processus d'urbanisation. Trois interrogations majeures guident la recherche et déterminent la matière de cet ouvrage. Les formes et les modalités de la croissance contemporaine sont-elles réellement spécifiques et originales ? Ou, les villes n'ont-elles toujours été que les instruments et que les relais de pouvoirs externes ? La division spatiale du travail transforme les villes en espaces productifs et leur attribue des tâches d'exécution. Quels sont les raisons, les mécanismes et les effets d'une telle mutation? Quelle logique nouvelle gouverne l'organisation et le fonctionnement de l'espace urbain ? Mettre les villes au service des stratégies des grandes organisations bouleverse leur rapport à l'espace et l'échelle de leurs relations géographiques. Entre l'échelle -locale - de la constitution des bassins d'habitat et de main-d'œuvre, qui engluent la ville dans le milieu urbain, et celle de son branchement sur divers réseaux nationaux ou internationaux, quelle réalité ; quelle intensité; quelle valeur conservent les solidarités régionales?
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This collection of original essays focuses upon Roman Italy where, with over 400 cities, urbanization was at the very centre of Italian civilization. Informed by an awareness of the social and anthropological issues of recent research, these contributions explore not only questions of urban origins, interaction with the countryside and economic function, but also the social use of space within the city and the nature of the development process.; These studies are aimed not only at ancient historians and classical archaeologists, but are directed towards those working in the related fields of urban studies in the Mediterranean world and elsewhere and upon the general theory of towns and complex societies.
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"What is the heritage of our cities? Which are the monuments, places, and spaces in which it accumulates, and by which practices is it formed, handed down, appropriated? Gerhard Vinken takes the readers to twelve cities on three continents and analyses the diverse and contradictory heritage formations that have had a lasting impact on urban life. The vitality of urban heritage, as these vivid and in-depth case studies show, lies in the dynamic and often conflictual processes of social appropriation and interpretation. Covering a diverse range of themes, the book familiarizes the reader with important questions and theories in urban research and heritage studies."
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How should we go about collaborating with children and adolescents? Young Participation: Creativity and Conflict in Planning explores how youth participation work in practical terms, in the context of urban development processes at the municipal level in Norway. From their unique perspectives, several social scientists, artists, an architect, and a young contributor discuss experiences and dilemmas of including children, teens, and young adults as contributing stakeholders on various projects. The reader will find concrete examples of participation processes and tools developed in cooperation with young people, architects, and public employees. The chapters reveal how good intentions regarding inclusion can obscure power hierarchies, friction, and conflicts of interest. Yet they also demonstrate that the potential for creativity and innovation are great when young people are invited to contribute their input in planning and developing everything from youth community centers and school grounds to parks and other outdoor spaces in local neighborhoods. This anthology will provide inspiration to researchers, students, municipal employees, urban planners, and others working collaboratively in urban and community development. Among the topics covered are participation as co-research, social entrepreneurship and participation as part of school curricula and in socio-cultural place analyses, the power of the hand in creative practices, co-location as a trend, digital and hybrid participation processes, and power plays in planning. By introducing a new model for 'thick participation', the anthology attempts to ensure that young citizens are not just seen and heard but are also given the opportunity to become lasting resources within their local communities. The book's editors, senior researcher Aina Landsverk Hagen and research professor Bengt Andersen, are both based at the Work Research Institute (AFI), Oslo Metropolitan University.
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Examining the debate between activists and professional planners over the vision of the future of a large growth corridor in Sydney, Australia, this case study maps the history of development from the late sixties to the mid-nineties, during which time serious environmental and financial problems arose. The book outlines five major visions of the future development and examines forms of political, economic, and institutional power applied by the parties in the project, with emphasis on the processes of infrastructure privatization and ecological impacts. The conclusion reflects on contemporary dilemmas about pluralism.
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