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Transgender children --- Mothers --- Parents of sexual minority youth --- Tarney, Julie. --- Sexual minority youth --- Children
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This edited volume is about diversifying the teaching profession. It is unique in its inclusion of multiple dimensions of diversity; its chapters focus on a wide range of under-represented groups, including those from lower socio-economic groups, Black and minority ethnic groups, migrants, the Travelling community, the Deaf community, the LGBTQI+ community and those of mature age.The book includes contributions from Australia, England, Iceland, Portugal and Scotland, as well as a number of chapters from the Irish context, mostly emanating from projects funded under Ireland's Higher Education Authority's Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH): Strand 1--Equity of Access to Initial Teacher Education.The book also critically engages the rationale for diversifying the profession, arguing not only that representation still matters, but also that ultimately teacher diversity work needs to encompass system transformation to achieve a diverse, equitable and inclusive teaching profession.
Diversity in the workplace --- Minority teachers --- Sexual minority teachers --- Teachers with disabilities
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A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. Conflicts about space and access to resources have shaped queer histories from at least 1965 to the present. As spaces associated with middle-class homosexuality enter mainstream urbanity in the United States, cultural assimilation increasingly erases insurgent aspects of these social movements. This gentrification itself leads to queer displacement. Combining urban history, architectural critique, and queer and trans theories, Queering Urbanism traces these phenomena through the history of a network of sites in the San Francisco Bay Area. Within that urban landscape, Stathis Yeros investigates how queer people appropriated existing spaces, how they expressed their distinct identities through aesthetic forms, and why they mobilized the language of citizenship to shape place and secure space. Here the legacies of LGBTQ+ rights activism meet contemporary debates about the right to housing and urban life.
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Sexual minorities --- Gay couples --- Lesbian couples --- Children of sexual minority parents --- Gender minorities --- GLBT people --- GLBTQ people --- Lesbigay people --- LBG people --- LGBT people --- LGBTQ people --- Non-heterosexual people --- Non-heterosexuals --- Sexual dissidents --- Minorities --- Sexual minority parents' children --- Sexual minority parents --- Family relationships --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- LGBTQ+ families. --- LGBTQ+ parents. --- Children of LGBTQ+ people.
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Wie konstituiert sich das aktuelle queer-politische Subjekt und welche Rolle spielen Identitätspolitiken dabei? Tanja Vogler geht dieser Frage nach, indem sie Bewegungsmaterialien queerer Einrichtungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum analysiert und Aktivist*innen in Interviews zu Wort kommen lässt. Dabei werden Theorie, Bewegungsgeschichte und Empirie miteinander verknüpft und am Beispiel des zeitgenössischen queeren Aktivismus das Verhältnis von Politik und Identität differenziert dargestellt.
Social sciences --- Gay activists. --- Activists, Gay --- Gay rights activists --- Rights activists, Gay --- Sexual minority activists --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization
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"Au-delà de la contestation des régimes politiques, les révolutions du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient se sont traduites depuis 2010 pour un foisonnement de luttes : ouvrières et syndicales, féministes, antiracistes, pour les droits des minorités sexuelles et de genre... Elles ont favorisé la remise en question de multiples hiérarchies sociales. Rompant avec l'image dominante d'un acteur protestataire homme affrontant les autorités sur les places publiques, cet ouvrage démontre que le genre est une catégorie nécessaire pour expliquer le déclenchement, les dynamiques et les issues de ces conjonctures. Les cas des révolutions tunisienne, égyptienne, yéménite, syrienne, bahreïnie et soudanaise, ainsi que du hirak algérien et du soulèvement libanais, révèlent les recompositions des rapports entre les hommes et les femmes, ainsi que des masculinités et des féminités dans différents milieux sociaux. En dépit de la violence des restaurations autoritaires et des guerres, l'analyse au prisme du genre permet ainsi d'envisager les révolutions comme des processus aux effets durables."--Page 4 of cover.
Feminism --- Women --- Women political activists --- Sexual minority activists --- Sexual minorities --- Sex role --- Protest movements --- Arab Spring, 2010 --- -History --- Political activity --- History --- Social conditions
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This is a collection of published papers from a variety of authors from around the world on the topic of the health and wellbeing of minority sexual orientation and gender identity populations. Some of the included papers focused on health inequality and inequity and some focussed on healthcare delivery. Many showed how health inequities in LGBT+ groups of people were found across a wide variety of political environments and health and wellbeing topics and frequently inadequate healthcare delivery. The increasing interest in research in this area, which has been neglected in the past, shows its growing importance.
women’s health --- education --- medical education --- sexual orientation --- mental health --- gender role nonconformity --- community connectedness --- sexual minority women --- recognition --- LGBTI --- curriculum development --- health inequalities --- wellbeing --- decolonizing the curriculum --- Chinese gay men --- tobacco --- undergraduate medical education --- transgender --- sexual identity --- risk factors --- adolescents --- both-gender attraction --- social inclusion and sense of community --- LGBT --- substance use --- sexually transmitted diseases --- lesbian --- Ottawa Charter --- behavioral characteristics --- SMW --- bullying --- trans --- community participation --- homosexuality --- heterosexism --- sexual minority youth --- gender --- chronic health conditions --- loneliness --- alcohol consumption --- drunkenness --- sexual minority --- influencing factors --- diversity --- GSN apps --- interpersonal sensitivity --- assessment as learning --- gender competency --- social connectedness --- gay --- health care system --- same-sex marriage --- suicidality --- Theory of Recognition --- bisexual --- cannabis --- same-gender attraction --- HBSC --- systematic review --- medical student --- romantic attraction --- LGBT+ friendly healthcare --- family support --- gay men --- content analysis --- social participation --- game-based teaching --- sexual and gender minorities --- age --- Blued
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Queer Kinship on the Edge? Families of Choice in Poland explores ways in which queer families from Central and Eastern Europe complicate the mainstream picture of queer kinship and families researched in the Anglo-American contexts. The book presents findings from under-represented localities as a starting point to query some of the expectations about queer kinship and to provide insights on the scale and nature of queer kinship in diverse geopolitical locations and the complexities of lived experiences of queer families. Drawing on a rich qualitative multi-method study to address the gap in queer kinship studies which tend to exclude Polish or wider Central and Eastern perspectives, it offers a multi-dimensional picture of 'families of choice' improving sensitivity towards differences in queer kinship studies. Through case studies and interviews with diverse members of queer families (i.e., queer parents, their children) and their families of origin (parents and siblings), the book looks at queer domesticity, practices of care, defining and displaying families, queer parenthood familial homophobia, and interpersonal relationships through the life course. This study is suitable for those interested in LGBT studies, sexuality studies, kinship and Eastern European studies.
Social Science / LGBTQ+ Studies --- Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Gay and Lesbian studies / LGBTQ studies --- Sociology: family and relationships --- Queer theory --- Sex --- Sexual minorities --- Sexual minority youth --- Transgender children --- Social aspects --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Family relationships
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The first critical biography of gay-rights activist Vito Russo.Celluloid Activistilluminates, through the life of this fascinating individual, some of the most explosive cultural revolutions in American history and significantly expands the fields of gay film studies, biography, and history.
Russo, Vito --- Homosexuality in motion pictures --- Gay activists --- Film historians --- Motion pictures --- Political activists --- Motion picture historians --- Historians --- History --- Russo, Vito. --- ACT UP New York (Organization) --- Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (New York, N.Y.) --- Aids Coalition to Unleash Power/New York --- ACT UP/NY --- Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (New York, N.Y.) --- GLAAD/New York --- Activists, Gay --- Gay rights activists --- Rights activists, Gay --- Sexual minority activists
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This two-volume open-access book offers a theoretically and empirically-grounded portrayal of the experiences of people claiming international protection in Europe on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). It shows how European asylum systems might and should treat asylum claims based on people’s SOGI in a fairer, more humane way. Through a combined comparative, interdisciplinary (socio-legal), human rights, feminist, queer and intersectional approach, this book examines not only the legal experiences of people claiming asylum on grounds of their SOGI, but also their social experiences outside the asylum decision-making framework. The authors analyse how SOGI-related claims are adjudicated in different European frameworks (European Union, Council of Europe, Germany, Italy and UK) and offer detailed recommendations to adequately address the intersectional experiences of individuals seeking asylum. This unique approach ensures that the book is of interest not only to researchers in migration and refugee studies, law and wider academic communities, but also to policy makers and practitioners in the field of SOGI asylum.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Migration. Refugees --- Human rights --- mensenrechten --- gender --- migratie (mensen) --- Sexual minority political refugees --- #SBIB:39A6 --- Political refugees --- Legal status, laws, etc --- Etniciteit / Migratiebeleid en -problemen --- Migration, immigration & emigration --- Public administration --- Gender studies, gender groups --- Open access --- Sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) --- European asylum systems --- Homophobia and transphobia --- SOGI-related asylum claims --- Human rights violations --- Law, policy and practice --- Migration and integration --- Refugees --- Sexual diversity
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