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Making and Breaking Gender Inequalities in Work
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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"This timely book expertly analyses the persistence of gender inequalities in work. Despite the progress made through frameworks regulating work and employment relations, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated gender divides in labour markets. The authors present innovative ways to promote gender equality in a variety of industrial relations systems, welfare state models and labour market sectors. Making and Breaking Gender Inequalities in Work offers a rich, global and comparative study of this critical topic, addressing developments in formal and informal economies in countries with different levels of economic development. Mia Rönnmar and Susan Hayter have carefully selected expert contributors who apply an interdisciplinary approach and combine a range of theories and methodologies to provide fresh insights on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and on how to tackle gender inequalities in areas such as work-life balance, equality law, global value chains and collective bargaining. Illustrating the key issues in the subject, this book is an excellent resource for academic researchers and scholars in the fields of industrial relations, work and employment relations, gender studies and equality, labour and international law. Policymakers and employers' and workers' organizations at the national, regional and international levels will also find the analysis informative and enlightening"--

Rethinking Gender Inequalities in Organizations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1802207384 Year: 2024 Publisher: Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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"In this thoughtful book, Penny Dick challenges orthodox views of gender inequality. Combining post-structuralist thinking with process ontology, the author presents a novel conceptual approach to rethinking gender inequalities in organizations and management settings. The author argues that current understandings of gender inequalities tend to focus too much on how to improve women's access to higher value roles and occupations rather than questioning why some roles and occupations are seen to be so valuable in the first instance. Positing that organizations tend to value people and roles that are seen to visibly contribute to bottom line outcomes such as profit and reputation, the book argues that the undervaluation of particular forms of work is related to its perceived lack of centrality to such outcomes. While this problem is certainly more often prevalent in the types of work typically performed by women, it is also one that affects many men. This accessible and provocative account of the application of social constructionism and post-structuralist thinking to the study of gender inequalities will be an important resource for academics, researchers, and students interested in gender and social justice, business and management, diversity and management, gender and management, and gender equality studies"--

The Process of Occupational Sex-Typing : The Feminization of Clerical Labor in Great Britain
ISBN: 143991754X Year: 2018 Publisher: Temple University Press

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Samuel Cohn’s critical study of two Victorian British firms represents a radically new examination of women’s work. By contrasting the Post Office, which was the first employer to use female clerks instead of males, and the Great Western Railway, one of the last employers to make this change, Cohn identifies the organizational and economic limits to female employment. The Process of Occupational Sex-Typing challenges traditional accounts of clerical feminization that invoke cultural restrictions on women’s work, human capital theory, discrimination by co-workers, and the de-skilling of jobs. Further, Cohn puts forward an alternative theory of occupational sex-typing that emphasizes the high cost of male labor, differences between organizations in their ability to tolerate discrimination, the latent contradictions within internal labor markets, and competition to women from other sources of cheap labor.

Betriebliche Weiterbildungsentscheidungen im Garbage Can : Typenbildende Rekonstruktion in Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen.
ISBN: 3763974539 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bielefeld : wbv Publikation,

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Wie kleine Betriebe die Weiterbildungen für ihre Mitarbeitenden organisieren und finanzieren, entscheiden die Geschäftsführer:innen. Von welchen Einflüssen sie sich leiten lassen, rekonstruiert Christian Müller in seiner Dissertation. Mit der Grounded Theory analysiert er anhand qualitativer Interviews die Weiterbildungsentscheidungen in Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen verschiedener Branchen. In Anlehnung an das Garbage Can Model erweisen sich diese Entscheidungen vielfach als nicht linear, nicht rational und nicht planvoll. Die Analysen belegen, wie sehr situative Passung und Formalisierung, persönliche Intuition, Bildungserfahrungen und Werte aber auch Spezifika der Branche die Entscheidungen beeinflussen. In der Zusammenführung differenziert der Autor fünf Entscheidungstypen: planvoll-routiniert, inkrementell-pragmatisch, strategisch-achtsam, progressiv-partizipativ und puristisch-funktional.Als Pars pro Toto lassen sich aus den Ergebnissen Rückschlüsse über Weiterbildungsentscheidungen und -teilnahmen in Deutschland ziehen.

Alone in a Crowd : Women in the Trades Tell Their Stories
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1439918007 9781439918007 Year: 1985 Publisher: Philadelphia : Temple University Press,

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The problems of pipefitting and pregnancy, carpentry and child care, truck driving and femininity—these peculiar parings characterize the lives of an often unsung group of women. They are women who have entered the traditionally male-dominated world of the trades. They are women whom we meet in Alone in a Crowd, as twenty-five women who are blue-collar workers tell us in their own words what it is like to be a woman and a machinist or an electrician or a tugboat mate. Here are women who wear lipstick on the line and women who wear steel-toed boots in the yard, women who trade sexual wisecracks with their male coworkers and women who keep to themselves, women who want to get ahead and women who want out. In this book their actual voices speak to us about their nontraditional work and their nontraditional lives.

Gender Equality in Context : Policies and Practices in Switzerland
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3847409379 3847407279 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Gender Equality has not yet been achieved in many western countries. Switzerland in particular has failed as a forerunner in integrating women in politics and economy. Taking Switzerland as a case study, the authors critically reflect the state of gender equality in different policy areas such as education, family and labour. The collection of articles reveals how gender policies and cultural contexts interact with social practices of gender (in)equality. They also outline the gender(ed) effects of recent changes and reform strategies for scientists, politicians and practitioners.

Lohneinbussen von Frauen durch geburtsbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen : der Schattenpreis von Kindern und dessen mögliche Auswirkungen auf weibliche Spezialisierungsentscheidungen im Haushaltszusammenhang : eine quantitative Analyse auf Basis von SOEP-Daten
ISSN: 01721747 ISBN: 1299437516 3653012074 3631605099 Year: 2011 Volume: Bd. 43 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang,

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Dieses Buch wurde mit dem zweiten Preis des Deutschen Studienpreises 2011 der Körber-Stiftung in der Sektion ‘Sozialwissenschaften’ ausgezeichnet.
Die meisten Mütter unterbrechen nach der Geburt ihres ersten Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit. Auf der Basis einer humankapitaltheoretisch fundierten Lohnfunktion und mit Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) schätzt die Autorin den Lohneinfluss unterschiedlicher Ausprägungen von Erwerbserfahrung für westdeutsche Frauen und zeigt, dass Mütter – je nach Bildungsniveau und Unterbrechungsmuster – allein bis zum 46. Lebensjahr eine Bruttolohnsumme von bis zu 200 000 Euro verlieren. Im Ergebnis kann die Aufschiebung von Geburten ökonomisch rational sein. Eine Auszeit-Verkürzung senkt die Verluste erheblich. Der berechnete «Career Wage Gap» als Biografie-bedingter Einkommensnachteil von Frau zu Frau trägt dazu bei, geschlechtsspezifische Lohndiskriminierung in Deutschland fundiert zu beziffern.

À l’ombre des usines en fleurs : Genre et travail dans la parfumerie grassoise, 1900-1950
ISBN: 9791036566691 2853998738 Year: 2021 Publisher: Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires de Provence,

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La parfumerie grassoise, entre 1900 et 1950, étudiée à diverses échelles – de l’atelier jusqu’à l’ensemble d’un marché du travail local – est ici étudiée pour les rapports de genre qu’elle met en scène. Dans la première moitié du siècle, la parfumerie grassoise juxtapose des espaces de travail divers, où les rapports de genre sont plus ou moins cristallisés. Le poids du féminin et du masculin, comme constructions sociales, est ici mesuré au sein d’un secteur atypique : à partir d’un travail d’archives, de traitement iconographique et d’entretiens, est étudié l’impact des critères de genre sur la définition et la répartition du travail, les parcours individuels, l’organisation de la filière de production et, en retour, les représentations qui lui sont associées.

Le genre : un outil nécessaire : Introduction à une problématique
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2738488552 2940503869 9782738488558 Year: 2016 Volume: 1 Publisher: Genève : Graduate Institute Publications,

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Nous avons voulu, avec ce livre, créer un espace de connaissance autour de la thématique genre et développement, apporter des outils de réflexion aux femmes francophones, et aux hommes bien évidemment, et cela dans un esprit d’ouverture envers nos devancières – anglaises, américaines, latino-américaines – qui ont repris des concepts féministes ou en ont forgé de nouveaux pour les adapter aux situations spécifiques créées par les politiques et les projets de développement : repères intellectuels pour toutes celles et tous ceux qui cherchent, avec bonne volonté, à comprendre la formidable complexité du développement afin que leur action soit plus efficace, plus complète, et non plus source de distorsions socioéconomiques préjudiciables à tous, ou pire, source de détresses matérielles et psychologiques.

Sex discrimination in uncertain times
ISBN: 1921666773 1921666765 9781921666773 9781921666766 Year: 2010 Publisher: Acton, A.C.T. ANU E Press

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This collection of essays arose from a conference held to mark the silver anniversary of the Australian Sex Discrimination Act (1984). The collection has two aims: first; to honour the contributions of both the spirited individuals who valiantly fought for the enactment of the legislation against the odds, and those who championed the new law once it was passed; secondly, to present a stock-take of the Act within the changed socio-political environment of the 21st century. The contributors present clear-eyed appraisals of the legislation, in addition to considering new forms of legal regulation, such as Equality Act, and the significance of a Human Rights Act. The introduction of a proactive model, which would impose positive duties on organisations, is explored as an alternative to the existing individual complaint-based model of legislation. The contributors also pay attention to the international human rights framework, particularly the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. The essays are illuminated by recourse to a rich vein of historical and contemporary literature. Regard is also paid to the comparative experience of other jurisdictions, particularly the UK and Canada.

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