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Sexualkriminalität : Erscheinungsformen, Sanktionierung, Legalbewährung und kriminelle Karrieren
Year: 2020 Publisher: Göttingen : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Few crimes capture the interest and attention of the public as sexual driven crime. Relapsing sex offenders especially spark debates on how best to deal with this particular group. Incidents of serious sexual crimes are, fortunately, rare in Germany which partly complicates empirical research into sexual criminality. This study aims to contribute to an understanding of sexual crimes by providing an overview of such offences in Germany by nature of the offence, offender-types, penalties and (partially) criminal careers from the perspective of judicial oversight of sexual crime. The study examines 9,430 sexual offenders from all over Germany based on data from the Federal Central Criminal Register where either custodial sentences were served or non-custodial sanctions imposed in the base year. It tracks the sample group over six years comparing their outcomes with other non-sexual offender types.


Sex crimes.

Meurtriers sexuels : Analyse comparative et nouvelles perspectives
Year: 2005 Publisher: Montréal, Canada : Presses de l'Université de Montréal,

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Qu'est-ce qui pousse un individu à commettre un meurtre sexuel ? Quelles étaient les intentions du meurtrier au moment des faits ? Pourquoi une agression sexuelle dévie-t-elle vers l'homicide ? Cette étude, qui repose sur une analyse comparative des violeurs et des meurtriers sexuels, démontre que le meurtre sexuel dépend de la combinaison de facteurs développementaux, intentionnels et situationnels. La colère, la consommation d'alcool, la motivation sexuelle dans l'agression, le sadisme sont autant d'indices qui permettent de comprendre le meurtre sexuel. Cet ouvrage remet en question nombre d'idées reçues sur les meurtriers sexuels. Contrairement à ce que l'on aurait tendance à croire, les sadiques ne représentent qu'une minorité de meurtriers sexuels et les violeurs ont souvent la même histoire criminelle et les mêmes troubles de la personnalité que les meurtriers sexuels. En fait, le parcours criminel des meurtriers sexuels ressemble étrangement à celui des délinquants récidivistes et il apparaît difficile de tracer un profil précis qui les identifierait hors de tout doute possible. Théorique mais aussi pratique, cet ouvrage propose des stratégies d'enquêtes et d'interrogatoires en matière de meurtre sexuel. Jean Proulx et Maurice Cusson sont professeurs à l'École de criminologie de l'Université de Montréal. Eric Beauregard est criminologue au Service correctionnel du Canada. Alexandre Nicole est criminologue à l'Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal.


Sex crimes. --- Murderers.

Rape unresolved : policing sexual offences in South Africa
ISBN: 1485115590 1775821552 Year: 2015 Publisher: Claremont : UCT Press,

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"Of the approximately 50,000 rape cases reported in South Africa every year, only between 4% and 8% end in conviction. To understand the criminal justice system's s failure to adequately deal with sexual violence, one needs to start with the police. This book tells the story of some of the cases reported to the South African Police Service and how they were dealt with." -- Publisher's description:


Rape --- Sex crimes

Vergewaltigung und sexuelle : nötigung untersuchung der strafverfahrenswirklichkeit
Year: 2010 Publisher: Göttingen, Germany : Universitätsverlag Göttingen,

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Sexual violence attains a high level of public attention, almost daily the media report about it. Also for the crime and justice policy, it was always a reason to discuss the sharpening and expansion of sentences. More astonishing is that hardly anyone has examined why relatively many persons is suspected of sexual violence, but only a small percentage is ever sentenced. This volume is intended to provide new insights by describing on the one hand the identified issues, and on the other hand analysing identification processes, selection processes and sentencing. This will be based on a census of investigations in two court districts in Lower Saxony. Sexuelle Gewalt kann einer hohen öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit gewiss sein; fast täglich wird in den Medien darüber berichtet. Auch für die Kriminal- und Rechtspolitik war sie immer wieder Anlass, Strafschärfungen vorzunehmen und das Maßregelrecht auszubauen. Um so erstaunlicher ist es, dass kaum jemand untersucht hat, wieso relativ viele Personen wegen sexuellen Gewalthandlungen verdächtigt, aber nur ein kleiner Prozentsatz deswegen verurteilt wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll hierzu neue Erkenntnisse liefern, indem sie einerseits die ermittelten Sachverhalte beschreibt und andererseits Ermittlungsvorgänge, Selektionsprozesse und Strafzumessung analysiert. Dies erfolgt anhand einer Vollerhebung von Ermittlungsverfahren eines Jahrgangs in zwei niedersächsischen Landgerichtsbezirken.


Rape --- Sex crimes --- Criminal law

Verso un nuovo diritto penale sessuale : Diritto vivente, diritto comparato e prospettive di riforma della disciplina dei reati sessuali in Italia
Year: 2010 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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This book is centred on the proposal of a new organic criminal discipline for sexual offences in Italy. The Foreword introduces innovative concepts and 'general' breakdowns relating to sexual criminal law. Chapter 1 then addresses a critical analysis of the current discipline, pursuant to articles 609-bis and following of the Criminal Code and the related case law. Chapter 2 tables an in-depth comparative analysis of the legislation governing sexual offences in Germany, Portugal, France and England, which is also extended to legal theory and practice. Chapter 3 then presents, complete with detailed commentary, an organic project of reform for Italian legislation, characterised by a total discontinuity with the current discipline, where the principal incriminations hinge upon the mere 'sexual dissent' of the victim, breaking down different types of sexually relevant behaviour that are at present all lumped in together in the melting-pot of "sexual assault" into three different offences, while also introducing other incisive innovations.

Kriminaltherapie heute : Forschungsberichte zur Behandlung von Delinquenten und Drogengeschädigten

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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.

Sexual Abuse : Breaking the Silence
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535169394 953510425X Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Sexual assault can be considered as expression of aggression through sex. This, in turn, can have serious negative effects on a survivor’s social and occupational functioning. This book has been organized towards that specific approach, by compiling the scientific work of very well-known scientists from all over the world. The psychological victimization of sexual assault, the physiological aspect of sexual abuse and the different attitudes in coping with sexual assault based on different cultural backgrounds are analyzed. Having in mind that one solution may not necessarily be suitable for all cases, we hope that this book will open a debate on sexual assault for future practice and policy and that it will be a step forward to ‘break the silence’.

Gender und Recht : Perspektiven aus den Legal Gender Studies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839465958 383766595X Year: 2023 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Im Recht gibt es eine Vielzahl von problematischen Konstruktionen von Geschlechterkategorien und Machtverhältnissen. Die Beiträger*innen legen diese aus Sicht der Legal Gender Studies offen und setzen sich kritisch mit bestehenden Vorstellungen im Recht auseinander. Rechtsvergleiche und Erkenntnisse aus wissenschaftlichen Nachbardisziplinen erweitern darüber hinaus die Perspektive. Auf diese Weise wird eine notwendige Brücke zwischen Kritik, rechtlicher Dogmatik und rechtswissenschaftlicher Ausbildung geschlagen. Kreative Reformvorschläge bieten zudem Ansätze für ein produktives Weiterdenken von Recht und Geschlecht.

Propuesta efectiva de ruta de atención intersectorial a las violencias sexuales
ISBN: 9789588943237 958894323X Year: 2016 Publisher: Medellín : Universidad Católica Luis Amigó,

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este libro pretende ser una guía intersectorial de ciudad, es decir un derrotero para los diferentes sectores que tienen dentro de sus competencias la atención de las violencias, a partir del posicionamiento de una Ruta. El texto ofrece lineamientos técnicos y normativos para la atención integral de las violencias sexuales y busca ser un apoyo para la labor de quienes intervienen la Ruta intersectorial en Medellín, pues aún se presentan problemas en el abordaje integral de estos eventos. Esta propuesta es extensiva a otras poblaciones del país o del exterior.

Sexual Assault in Canada : Law, Legal Practice and Women’s Activism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 077663044X 0776619772 1283891875 0776626175 9780776619774 9781283891875 Year: 2012 Publisher: Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa Press

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