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What do the words Resistance and public law suggest? On the one hand, they evoke the close relationship between the Resistance, intended as a historical phenomenon, and the institutional solutions and legal problems which arose in that situation and which have soon given rise to a profound renewal of the state. On the other hand, they remind us of what happened, at a given moment, to many jurists, who were otherwise involved in the choice of the path to take, as scholars, public officials or as men. Moving from the evocation of Silvio Trentin's testimony, which functions here as an example, this volume suggests an interdisciplinary path, in which one can try to approach the complexity of the Resistance's legal universe, its many voices and its controversial representations. Seventy years after the Italian Republic's birth, wondering on such issues and remembering the experiences of some of their protagonists can provide a useful starting point to grasp a plural and very rich message, and to renew trust in a constituent legacy which is still capable of innervating the spirit of the country with strength.
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Le droit est-il appliqué ? Ainsi formulée, la question est assurément provocante. Certes, nul ne doute de l'existence de comportements contraires aux prescriptions de la règle de droit. Cependant, ces violations ne trouvent-elles pas toujours une réponse assurant in fine le triomphe de l'ordre juridique ? L'acte administratif illégal est annulé, le préjudice réparé, bref, l'ordre des choses rétabli : le coupable puni, c'est la victoire du droit tout autant que l'absence de crime. Pourtant, certains criminels courent toujours et certains actes illégaux échappent à tout recours. De nombreuses règles - éventuellement d'importance fondamentale - demeurent inappliquées. Les raisons de cette inapplication peuvent en être diverses : inaction des autorités, inertie des victimes et des créanciers, inadéquation des procédures, résignation ou force des habitudes, etc. Comment saisir l'incrédulité envers la règle, le labeur de la démarche, la crainte de représailles qui anéantiraient le gain escompté ? Quelle place réserver aux prescriptions non juridiques - qu'elles soient éthiques, religieuses, économiques ou autres - qui s'interposent au quotidien entre la règle de droit et son application ? L'objet de cet ouvrage, issu d'une journée d'études organisée à la faculté de droit d'Aix-en-Provence le 13 septembre 2017, est de nourrir la réflexion sur cette thématique en rassemblant les contributions d'une quinzaine d'auteurs sur l'origine, l'ampleur et les manifestations du phénomène.
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The service covered by an obligation corresponds, in the definition offered by the law (art. 1174 of the Italian civil code), to an interest of the creditor. What happens if this interest, in the context of a contractual relationship, can no longer be satisfied due to unforeseen causes not attributable to the parties? The jurisprudence affirms that when an interest is objectively functional and necessary for the realization of the contractual program, its infringement can lead to the cancellation of the legal bond. However, what are the exact legal consequences of such cancellation, and what are its forms? This is the essential content of this work, aimed at investigating the foundation and content of the extra-legislative category of the unexpected unusability of a service.
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At a time when bombs are raining down on Ukraine, they have fallen silent on Syria. But another danger lurks in the latter: that of silence. To break this silence, this book discusses Syrian public law in a critical way. À l'heure où les bombes pleuvent sur l'Ukraine, elles se sont tues sur la Syrie. Mais un autre danger guette cette dernière: celui du silence. Pour briser ce silence, cet ouvrage discute le droit public syrien de manière critique.
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Waste is a commodity, and in particular the separately collected, single-variety waste from private households such as waste paper is a highly coveted commodity that public bodies responsible for waste management, i.e. the municipalities, and private sector waste management companies compete for. The German recycling law (KrWG), which came into force in 2012, allows for this waste according to §§ 17, 18 KrWG an exception to the general obligation to hand over the waste to the public bodies responsible for waste management. However, the exception is so narrow that the competent authorities, which are often the responsible bodies for waste management at the same time, can easily ban the collection of private companies. This restricts the European free movement of goods and infringes EU competition law. The present work highlights these restrictions and infringements and examines whether they can be justified, in particular, by the exemptions for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). Insofar as this does not succeed, an amendment of the relevant regulations of §§ 17 and 18 KrWG is proposed.
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Public law --- Constitutional law --- Law
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Dieser Band enthält die Referate und Diskussionen der Tagung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Saarbrücken vom 4.-7. Oktober 2017. This volume includes lectures and discussion from the Conference of the Association of German Professors of Constitutional Law in Saarbrücken, 4-7 October 2017
Public law --- Constitutional law --- Law
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This book discusses the fundamental issues of public law in the area of statelessness in the perspectives of comparative law and international-law standards, proposing an approach in which statelessness is not a homogeneous concept but is best analysed and responded to through the lens of different categories of statelessness.
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Collecting societies are central players in copyright law in Germany with an annual turnover of currently almost two billion euros. Hundreds of thousands of cultural workers are directly dependent on the exploitation of their rights by collecting societies. Critics are of the opinion that these rights owners have only insufficient influence on the supposedly intransparent distribution of funds by the collecting societies. The criticism culminated in accusations of "mafia-like structures". This paper examines the internal structure and corporate governance of collecting societies. While their activities and state supervision are partially harmonized throughout Europe and regulated in the German VGG, the internal structure of the societies as a hybrid between private and public law has hardly been investigated. With the help of interviews with stakeholders, it is possible to evaluate the status quo and to make suggestions for improvement that are suitable for raising the standard of co-determination.
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Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt umfassend die rechtlichen Grundlagen der im Jahr 2017 eingeführten Echtzeitüberweisung (SEPA Instant Payment). Der Autor stellt wiederholt Inkonsistenzen zwischen dem europarechtlich harmonisierten Zahlungsverkehrsrecht und dem maßgeblichen Interbankenabkommen heraus und zeigt an diesen Stellen bereits detailliert neue Lösungen auf Grundlage des gegenwärtigen Rechts auf. In einem weiteren Schwerpunkt wird die Rolle der Echtzeitüberweisung in der Digitalisierung der Bankenbranche, insbesondere im Verhältnis zum Bargeld und zu weiteren Bezahldiensten wie PayPal, erörtert. De lege ferenda schlägt der Autor größere Anpassungen im Fristenregime und die Einführung eines Chargeback-Systems, wie es aus der Kreditkartenzahlung bekannt ist, in konkreter Ausgestaltung vor. Die Anregungen im rechtspolitischen Teil des Werks zielen auf einen Einklang der sich ergänzenden Rechtsquellen sowie eine Erhöhung der Attraktivität der Echtzeitüberweisung in der Praxis ab. Der Autor Dr. Marius Rakers ist als Rechtsanwalt in einer multidisziplinären Wirtschaftskanzlei aus Steuerberatern, Wirtschaftsprüfern und Rechtsanwälten tätig und berät Unternehmen in den Bereichen Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Steuerrecht sowie Bankrecht. Seine steuerrechtlichen Kenntnisse vertiefte er im Rahmen eines berufsbegleitenden LL.M.-Studiums.
Public law. --- Finance—Law and legislation. --- Public Law. --- Financial Law. --- Law
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