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The poor in England 1700-1850 : an economy of makeshifts
Authors: ---
Year: 2003 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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This fascinating study investigates the experience of English poverty between 1700 and 1900 and in the ways in which the poor made ends meet. The phrase 'economy of makeshifts' has often been used to summarise the patchy, desperate and sometimes failing strategies of the poor for material survival. Incomes or benefits derived from such strategies allegedly ranged from wages supported by under-employment via petty crime through to charity, but allusions to this array of makeshifts usually fall short of answering vital questions about how and when the poor secured access to them. This book represents the single most significant attempt in print to supply the English 'economy of makeshifts' with a solid, empirical basis and to advance the concept of makeshifts from a vague but convenient label to a more precise yet inclusive definition. Individual chapters written by some of the leading, young historians of welfare examine how advantages gained from access to common land, mobilisation of kinship support, resorting to crime, and other marginal resources could prop up struggling households. They suggest how the balance of these strategies might change over time or be modified by gender, life-cycle and geography. A comprehensive introduction summarises the state of research on English poverty, and a thought-provoking conclusion makes valuable suggestions for the direction of future research. This book will be crucial for historians of social life and welfare, of interest to researchers working on eighteenth- /nineteenth- century England and will be useful to undergraduates seeking guidance on the historiography of poverty.


Poor --- Poor --- Charity --- Income --- Public welfare --- Social networks --- History --- History --- History. --- History. --- History. --- History. --- history --- poor --- poverty --- england --- Kinship --- Lancashire --- London --- Pawnbroker --- Poor relief --- Vestry

Fürsorge im Wirtschaftsboom : Die Entstehung des Bundessozialhilfegesetzes von 1961
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3486581325 1306778778 3486594737 Year: 2007 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Das Bundessozialhilfegesetz (BSHG) von 1961 reformierte die traditionelle Fürsorge grundlegend. Nach der Rentenreform von 1957 war es die zweite große sozialpolitische Neuerung der Ära Adenauer. Erstmals garantierte das BSHG einen Rechtsanspruch auf Hilfe und sicherte nicht nur ein Existenzminimum, sondern auch die Mittel für ein Leben, ""das der Würde des Menschen entspricht"". Friederike Föcking untersucht die Entstehung dieses für den bundesdeutschen Sozialstaat grundlegenden Gesetzes von den ersten Reformansätzen in der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg an. Mit ihrer Darstellung der Entwickl

Der Sozialstaat in Deutschland und Europa: Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Jena vom 6. bis 9. Oktober 2004
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3899492196 3110895412 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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[Publications from the Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers, Vol. 63]The volume reproduces the reports and discussions at the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers in Jena from 6th to 9th October 2004.

Patient Centered Medicine
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535129929 9535129910 9535148796 Year: 2017 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Patient-centered medicine is not an illness-centered, a physician-centered, or a hospital-centered medicine approach. In this book, it is aimed at presenting an approach to patient-centered medicine from the beginning of life to the end of life. As indicated by W. Osler, ""It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has."" In our day, if the physicians and healthcare professionals could consider more than the diseased organ and provide healthcare by comforting the patients by respecting their values, beliefs, needs, and preferences; informing them and their relatives at every stage; and comforting the patients physically by controlling the pain and relieving their worries and fears, patients obeying the rules of physicians would become patients with high adaptation and participation to the treatment.

Reform des sozialstaats II : Theoretische, institutionelle und empirische aspekte
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3428494008 342809400X 3428794001 Year: 1998 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Duncker & Humblot,

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Der vorliegende Band präsentiert in überarbeiteter Form die Referate, die auf der Jahrestagung 1996 des Ausschusses für Sozialpolitik in Ingolstadt vorgetragen wurden. -- In einem ersten grundlegenden Beitrag beschäftigt sich Gert Wagner mit ""Zentralen Aufgaben beim Um- und Ausbau des Sozialstaats"". Er entwickelt seine Vorstellungen auf der Basis des von Rawls konstruierten Paradigmas, bei dem sich vernünftige, risikoaverse Individuen über grundlegende Verfassungsentscheidungen und Direktiven für ein System der sozialen Sicherung hinter dem ""Schleier des Nichtwissens"" einigen. Frank Schulz

Sozialpolitik im vereinten Deutschland II..
ISBN: 3428474694 3428074696 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : Duncker & Humblot,

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H. Hanusch / U. Cantner, Thesen zur Systemtransformation als Schumpeterianischem Prozeß - R. Hauser, Die personelle Einkommensverteilung in den alten und neuen Bundesländern vor der Vereinigung. Probleme eines empirischen Vergleichs und der Abschätzung von Entwicklungstendenzen - R. Eisen, Zur Entwicklung des Gesundheitswesen in den neuen Bundesländern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verhältnisses von GKV, PKV und öffentlichen Gesundheitsdiensten - F. Buttler, Der Arbeitsmarkt in den neuen Bundesländern 1991/92 - W. Mieth, Die zweigeteilte Konjunktur im vereinigten Deutschland und das ostdeutsche Lohnniveau.

Das Wiener Stadtzeichnerbuch 1678-1685 : ein Bettlerverzeichnis aus einer frühneuzeitlichen Stadt
Year: 2014 Publisher: Böhlau

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Nicht nur in der Gegenwart, sondern auch in der Vergangenheit spielte das Thema BettlerInnen in Wien eine wichtige Rolle. Zwischen 1443 und 1693 wurde das Betteln in Wien mittels obrigkeitlicher Bettelzeichen („Stadtzeichen") beschränkt. Erhalten gebliebene Bettlerverzeichnisse aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert bieten Einblick in die Lebenswelten der „gekennzeichneten" Menschen.

Charity in Islamic societies
ISBN: 9780521821643 9780521529129 0521821649 0521529123 Year: 2008 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

Il welfare e il suo doppio : percorsi etnografici nelle camorre del Casertano
ISBN: 8867054961 8867054260 Year: 2016 Publisher: Ledizioni

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Much of the literary production on the Camorra focuses on the aspects of military control of the territory and on predatory activities in politics and economics. Less attention is paid to the social reproductive factors of organized crime groups. The aspects of mutuality and solidarity within the Camorra have never received a systematic and thorough observation. This research instead proposes the analysis of the elements of legitimacy and consensus of the Camorra groups in the territories in which they are established. Welfare and its double is a work that is articulated through a rich system that uses quantitative and ethnographic methodologies: an approach located at the meeting point between sociology and anthropology in the analysis of social policies, which uses unpublished and difficult judicial documents availability. A demanding field work in the Caserta area has made it possible to decipher the forms of social assistance present: public and mafia ones. The result is the panorama of a criminal group that ensures incredible protection against affiliates and their families, which competes with the protections offered by public welfare. However, the results of this study show that it is precisely in the territories most conditioned by the Mafia presence that new forms of social struggle are born. It is here, in fact - where criminal infiltrations affect the procurement of welfare services - that the most innovative social actions in defense of the weakest categories were born.

Igreja, caridade e assistência na Península Ibérica (sécs. XVI-XVIII)

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Inscrito na ordem temporal da longa duração, o fenómeno da caridade e da assistência na Europa esteve em mutação contínua durante o último milénio, somando experiências e soluções que se foram adaptando ao próprio devir histórico, reflectindo as representações mentais dominantes e os discursos que as mediatizavam. A proximidade dos modelos e das práticas, e até das apropriações sociais registadas nos diferentes espaços políticos e religiosos, foi a tónica dominante de um processo que, essencialmente, se caracterizou pela ausência de rupturas ou mesmo de transformações abruptas. Distintas foram, sim, as formas de gestão das variadíssimas instituições assistenciais; as tutelas que sobre elas se exerceram; as denominações - ou os significados de denominações semelhantes -; os tempos de intervenção dos poderes institucionais. Comum foi também, muitas vezes, a interactividade, quando não a complementaridade, entre os diferentes organismos envolvidos na assistência, mesmo quando posicionados em campos opostos. A intervenção da Igreja nesta área, num tempo em que a afirmação do poder régio passava também pelo controle destas questões sociais, foi o tema central do seminário Bispos, Cabidos e Assistência na Península Ibérica (séculos XVI-XVIII), de que resulta o presente volume.

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