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Paul Reynaud (1878-1966) : Biographische Studien zum Liberalismus in Frankreich
ISBN: 3486565230 3486596128 1306782392 Year: 2001 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Kaum ein Staatsmann Frankreichs hat bereits zu Lebzeiten so kontroverse Einschätzungen hervorgerufen oder ein vergleichbares Maß an Anfeindungen selbst aus dem eigenen Lager auf sich gezogen wie Paul Reynaud. Sein glückloses Agieren als Ministerpräsident und die Umstände seines Rücktritts im Frühsommer 1940 verknüpfen seinen Namen zudem mit einem Abschnitt der französischen Zeitgeschichte, der das kollektive Gedächtnis des Landes traumatisch belastet hat. Die katastrophale militärische Niederlage und die anschließende Selbstpreisgabe der parlamentarischen Demokratie überschatten so zu Unrecht das politische Lebenswerk eines Mannes, der lange als einer der innovativsten und mutigsten Politiker Frankreichs aufgetreten war. Die Untersuchung folgt ihrem Protagonisten auf wichtige Reflexions- und Handlungsfelder und erarbeitet ein Politikerprofil, das in vielem als paradigmatisch für die noch über den Zweiten Weltkrieg hinaus parteigeschichtlich kaum faßbare rechte Mitte Frankreichs gelten kann. Paul Reynaud was one of the few French statesmen whose activities were controversial even while he was still alive. His unfortunate term as Prime Minister and the circumstances of his abduction 1940 will forever link him to the issue of the German occupation of France, a situation which has left a deep impact in the French collective consciousness. Grüner works to show the unknown facets of Reynauds biography and personality and proves that he was one of the most innovative politicians of his time.


Liberalism --- Reynaud, Paul,

Forms of life and subjectivity : rethinking Sartre's philosophy
Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge, UK : Open Book Publishers,

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"Forms of Life and Subjectivity: Rethinking Sartre's Philosophy explores the fundamental question of why we act as we do. Informed by an ontological and phenomenological approach, and building mainly, but not exclusively, on the thought of Sartre, Daniel Rueda Garrido considers the concept of a "form of life" as a term that bridges the gap between subjective identity and communities. This first systematic ontology of "forms of life" seeks to understand why we act in certain ways, and why we cling to certain identities, such as nationalisms, social movements, cultural minorities, racism, or religion. The answer, as Rueda Garrido argues, depends on an understanding of ourselves as "forms of life" that remains sensitive to the relationship between ontology and power, between what we want to be and what we ought to be. Structured in seven chapters, Rueda Garrido's investigation yields illuminating and timely discussions of conversion, the constitution of subjectivity as an intersubjective self, the distinction between imitation and reproduction, the relationship between freedom and facticity, and the dialectical process by which two particular ways of being and acting enter into a situation of assimilation-resistance, as exemplified by capitalist and artistic forms of life. This ambitious and original work will be of great interest to scholars and students of philosophy, social sciences, cultural studies, psychology and anthropology. Its wide-ranging reflection on the human being and society will also appeal to the general reader of philosophy."

Paul Gilson : Een Brusselse componist van de wereld
Year: 2023 Publisher: Brussel, Belgium : ASP editions - Academic and Scientific Publishers,

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PAUL GILSON (1865-1942), born and raised in Brussels, grew into a valued artist during the fin de siècle. He was and is known as an erudite composer, orchestrator, theoretician, critic, musicographer and educator. A prestigious Prix de Rome (1889) and his symphonic work La Mer (1892) made him known far beyond the national borders. Because of his remarkable commitment to wind music, and that of amateur orchestras in particular, we still remember Gilson today as the Father of Belgian wind music. Gilson's extremely versatile artistry resonated with numerous international trends. He closely followed current musical life at home and abroad and reported extensively in newspapers, magazines and radio broadcasts. At the conservatories of Brussels and Antwerp and as a private teacher, he managed to stimulate and sustainably influence a new generation of composers and musicians. That pedagogical passion also challenged Gilson to bundle his sharp insights into theoretical tracts. All of these facets of Gilson's life and work are the focus of this book, with a particular focus on his national and international importance. From his life to his correspondence with Russians, from his elaborate theories to his music for wind orchestras, opera music and compositions for horn and saxophone: the authors of this volume provide an in-depth and extensive insight into the character of Paul Gilson.

La clémence et la grâce : étude de Cinna et Polyeucte de Pierre Corneille
ISBN: 9791024010243 9791024003634 9791024003603 Year: 2014 Publisher: Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre

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De quel sublime sommes-nous capables ? Voici peut-être une des questions que Cinna et Polyeucte nous adressent. Plus obscures à nos temps modernes que la légitimation du crime et l'aspiration à la perdition, la clémence et la grâce offrent un mystère auquel Corneille donne toute sa force d'inouï. Non pas modernes mais contemporaines, intempestives, ces deux tragédies nous invitent avec éclat, mais aussi avec une douceur inattendue, à explorer cette « obscure clarté » qui peut propulser chacun à une altitude insoupçonnée, sans le séparer néanmoins de la commune humanité. Douceur et clarté des fins heureuses où les liens humains se trouvent refondés dans Cinna, transcendés dans Polyeucte. Douceur et clarté d'une dramaturgie qui, tout en transportant le spectateur par l'extraordinaire d'une action vraie, lui offre tous les moyens d'apprécier l'art avec lequel elle est représentée, et de s'en divertir.

The German Poetry of Paul Fleming : Studies in Genre and History
ISBN: 1469656833 1469656825 Year: 2020 Publisher: Baltimore, Maryland : Project Muse,

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This study reassesses the poetry of Paul Fleming (1609-1640) in the context of its own literary, historical, and social background. The four chapters focus initially on generic and historical context. The study of selected texts leads to more general considerations of the sources and significance of certain major themes. A number of poems by Fleming and poets contemporary with him uncovered in the twentieth century are evaluated here for the first time. The result is a substantially revised view of Fleming's poetic development. Fleming is shown to have been a more complex and wide-ranging poet than was conventionally thought, one whose debt to Renaissance literary traditions has been underestimated.

História e ficção em Paul Ricoeur e Tucídides
Year: 2016 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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Este trabalho, marcado por um grande entusiasmo científico e uma investigação muito séria e rigorosa, sobre a novidade do conceito de narrativa histórica de Paul Ricoeur, tem como eixo central a relação entre narrativa histórica e verdade de facto nas conceções históricas de Tucídides e Ricoeur. A grande questão que alimenta todo este trabalho científico é a seguinte: sendo a poética histórica uma mimese da ação humana, será que ela se reduz, contra as teses do positivismo histórico, a mero artefacto literário? Qual o verdadeiro contributo de Paul Ricoeur para uma mediação entre as duas teses mais célebres sobre o discurso histórico: ciência ideográfica ou nomotética? Se a grande tese de Ricoeur é a de que a história é um discurso que visa sempre, através de um método científico e crítico, a verdade dos factos, embora não possa dispensar a imaginação, como compreender a relação entre história e ficção em Tucídides? São as categorias da mimese I, II e III de Ricoeur que Martinho soares aplica a Tucídides, no sentido de com elas apreender, testar e compreender a dimensão da prefiguração – valorizando a história e a memória, o semeion e o tekmerion –; a da configuração narrativa, que implica uma reflexão sobre ação e tempo humano, condensado na narrativa – o que torna pertinente a aproximação Tucídides/Aristóteles –; e, finalmente, a da refiguração, pela qual ao leitor é feito ver o passado como um “tua res agitur”, quiçá, de dimensões trágicas.


Paul Ricoeur --- centenary --- Coimbra --- reception

Esther Tellermann : Énigme, Prière, Identité.
ISBN: 9004499687 9004473351 Year: 2022 Publisher: Boston : BRILL,

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Cette première monographie consacrée à l'œuvre d’Esther Tellermann met en lumière, à travers des textes de 1999-2019 dont le lyrisme décentré s’ouvre à l’Autre, un regard novateur sur des réalités intérieures et extérieures, l’intime du monde, l’Histoire et l’intertextualité. This first book-length study of Esther Tellermann’s œuvre highlights her innovative approach to inner and outer realities, in texts from 1999-2019 whose decentered lyricism foregrounds ritual and reverie while engaging in dialogue with fellow writers. ; Readership: Ceux qui s’intéressent à la poésie française contemporaine ou qui étudient l’altérité et l’intersubjectivité, la littérature et l’inconscient, la perte et le deuil, le rêve et le mythe, le souvenir et l’oubli. All interested in contemporary French poetry, and anyone studying alterity and intersubjectivity, dreams and myth, literature and the unconscious, loss and mourning, remembrance and forgetting, or rites and prayer.

Paul Green's wordbook : an alphabet of reminiscence
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 146963838X 9781469638386 0913239674 9780913239674 Year: 1990 Publisher: Boone, North Carolina : Appalachian Consortium Press,

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Lire Ricoeur depuis la périphérie : décolonisation, modernité, herméneutique
Year: 2021 Publisher: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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At the basis of Paul Ricœur's philosophy, there is an intense and practical engagement with the urgent issues of his time - (de)colonization, globalization, modernity, cultural plurality, geopolitics. Examining this neglected fact reinvigorates the contemporary relevance of his thought and revitalizes social-political hermeneutics.

Paul Éluard. Le coeur absolu : Étude de Capitale de la douleur (1926)
ISBN: 9791024000503 9791024011318 9791024000527 Year: 2018 Publisher: Mont-Saint-Aignan : Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre,

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Souhaitant affranchir le nom d’Éluard des lieux communs du sentimentalisme, cette étude de Capitale de la douleur (1926) se veut attentive au cœur absolu du poème. Dans l’espace de la page s’opère une transmutation de l’expérience par la figuration d’un « je » universel qui redistribue les affects en chant impersonnel. De dada au surréalisme, le recueil s’inscrit en une époque de révolutions esthétiques, tout en conservant la mémoire vive de la poésie. Il invente ses propres modèles, regardant vers les tableaux et les collages, les rêves et les proverbes, à la lumière d’un lyrisme neuf. En une position éthique, le poète forme le vœu de partager « les débris de toutes [s]es merveilles » qui sont autant de fragments de réel. Le sourire triste ne fait pas écrire : c’est la force de se vouloir vivant parmi les vivants qui fait battre ici les poèmes.

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