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Guillaume Apollinaire naît l’année même où meurt Flaubert et rédigera ses premiers écrits le regard tourné vers le dix-neuvième siècle. Pourtant l’image qu’on retient de lui est celle d’un être de la rupture, d’un innovateur peu enclin aux compromis.Il existe cependant un autre Apollinaire : non pas le poète d’Alcools ou de Calligrammes, ni même le pornographe occasionnel à l’abri de ses initiales, mais le conteur de L’Hérésiarque & Cie (1910), dont l’esthétique puise pour l’essentiel dans l’œuvre aujourd’hui trop peu connue de Marcel Schwob, qui contient elle-même une lecture savante des contes de Flaubert et de Maupassant. Le premier geste de l’hérétique n’est-il pas de revenir aux sources en proposant des Écritures une interprétation jusqu’alors inédite, voire irrecevable ou simplement scandaleuse ? Sous cette prose en apparence lisse, les excréments sont étalés au grand jour, les pires obscénités déferlent sur nous. Cependant, il n’est rien d’étonnant à ce que ce registre affleure dès lors que la langue se souvient - digestivement, s’entend : car lire déjà c’était dévorer, l’auteur se nourrissant des mots d’autrui. Avec Le Poète assassiné, son second recueil, nous découvrons une langue toujours hérissée de gros mots, en laquelle grondent des borborygmes, au milieu d’irrévérencieux lâchages de vents. La machine à conter fonctionne à présent à vide, Apollinaire ne faisant en somme que réécrire son précédent volume, en le délestant il est vrai des allusions à autrui : l’auteur apollinarise. Car un auteur ne vient jamais seul : c’en sont toujours deux, trois qui se pressent à la fois, se bousculent, se frayent un passage. On cherchera donc aussi à suivre Apollinaire dans la compagnie d’auteurs qui loin de l’avoir précédé lui sont résolument contemporains : tel Blaise Cendrars qui n’ayant cessé d’agir en rival viendra curieusement, en dépit des allégations mensongères et des prises de bec répétées, à son tour s’alimenter aux contes de L’Hérésiarque, pour, dans une…
Apollinaire, Guillaume, --- Apollinaire, Guillaume --- Kostrowisky, Guillaume de, --- De Kostrowisky, Guillaume, --- Kostrowitzky, Wilhelm Apollinaris de, --- Apollinaris de Kostrowitzky, Wilhelm, --- Apolliner, Giĭom, --- Apollinair, Gkigiōm, --- Apoliner, Giyom, --- אפולינר, ג., --- אפולינר, גיום --- Lalanne, Louise --- Poetry --- Literature (General) --- littérature
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Cet ouvrage souhaite initier, tout chercheur intéressé par le langage, à l’essentiel de la psychomécanique guillaumienne, seule approche prenant résolument en compte le phénomène irréductible de la représentation. Ce phénomène est présent dans tous les aspects du langage oral et écrit, cette approche se refusant à ignorer les sujets parlant et écrivant. L’originalité et la pertinence des vues de Gustave Guillaume sont présentées dans un style très particulier, nécessité par l’acuité de ses analyses. Aussi, l’auteur prépare-t-il le lecteur à ce style, soit en anticipant le sens avant les citations, soit en en le commentant après ces dernières, soit en utilisant les deux types d’explications. Les concepts guillaumiens appartenant au vocabulaire de la psychologie instituée et ceux concernant la psychomécanique du langage sont étudiés successivement, un index de ces notions permettant de les retrouver rapidement. Ce livre propose une introduction à la psychomécanique guillaumienne dont la richesse et la profondeur sont encore trop ignorées.
Psycholinguistics. --- Language, Psychology of --- Language and languages --- Psychology of language --- Speech --- Linguistics --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Psychological aspects --- Guillaume, Gustave, --- Giĭom, Gi︠u︡stav, --- affectivité --- signe --- langage --- représentation --- discours --- langue --- expression --- pensée --- cognition --- compréhension --- sujet parlant --- Guillaume --- psychomécanique --- modèle cognitif de l’interaction communicationnelle --- psychologie subjective --- psychologie située
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Les analyses comparatives montrent qu’entre la Convention de Vienne des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises et le droit vietnamien de la vente, il existe un nombre significatif de règles identiques. Le rapprochement de la législation vietnamienne de la CVIM a été plus affirmé après la récente réforme du droit des contrats au Vietnam, marquée par la promulgation des nouveaux Code civil et Loi commerciale en 2005. Toutefois, les différences n’en sont pas moins importantes. L’analyse théorique et jurisprudentielle permet de faire des constats intéressants. Le droit uniforme de la vente internationale prévoit des solutions plus souples et plus précises que le droit vietnamien. Il est également à remarquer que la mise en œuvre des règles est très différente d’un système à l’autre. Un examen historique et philosophique des deux systèmes permet de comprendre cette différence. En effet, en droit vietnamien, les conceptions conservatrices affirmées dans l’ancien régime de l’économie planifiée ont beaucoup limité les efforts de réforme du législateur. Il faut prendre aussi en considération l’influence d’autres valeurs culturelles et juridiques présentes dans l’histoire du Vietnam, comme celles du confucianisme.
Export sales contracts --- Sales --- Vente internationale --- Vente --- Droit --- United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- Conflict of laws --- Law - Non-U.S. --- Law, Politics & Government --- Law - Africa, Asia, Pacific & Antarctica --- Choice of law --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- International private law --- Private international law --- Civil law --- C.I.S.G. --- CISG --- Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías --- Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises --- Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- Convenzione di Vienna sui contratti di vendita internazionale di beni mobili --- FN-konvensjonen om kontrakter for internasjonale løsørekjøp --- Forenede nationers konvention om aftaler om international løsørekøb --- Forenede nationers konvention om internationale køb --- International Sale of Goods Convention --- Kokusai buppin baibai keiyaku ni kansuru Kokuren jōyaku --- Kokusai tōitsu baibaihō --- Konvention der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii obʹedinennykh nat︠s︡iĭ o dogovorakh mezhdunarodnoĭ kupli-prodazhi tovarov --- Kukche mulpʻum maemae kyeyak e kwanhan UN hyŏpyak --- Lien ho kuo kuo chi huo wu hsiao shou ho tʻung kung yüeh (1980 April 11) --- U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods --- U.N. Convention on the International Sale of Goods --- Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf --- VN-Verdrag inzake de Internationale Koop van Roerende Lichamelijke Zaken --- Weense Koopverdrag --- Wiener UN-Kaufrechtskonvention --- Wīn baibai jōyaku --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah bi-shaʼn al-Bayʻ al-Dawlī lil-Baḍāʼiʻ --- Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşması --- Law --- Legal polycentricity --- droit de la vente --- Vietnam --- droit commercial --- commerce --- Convention des Nations unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises (CVIM) --- conventions internationales --- Konvencija Ujedinjenih nacija o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe --- Úmluva OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží
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This open access book presents a discussion on human rights-based attributes for each article pertinent to the substantive rights of children, as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It provides the reader with a unique and clear overview of the scope and core content of the articles, together with an analysis of the latest jurisprudence of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. For each article of the UNCRC, the authors explore the nature and scope of corresponding State obligations, and identify the main features that need to be taken into consideration when assessing a State’s progressive implementation of the UNCRC. This analysis considers which aspects of a given right are most important to track, in order to monitor States' implementation of any given right, and whether there is any resultant change in the lives of children. This approach transforms the narrative of legal international standards concerning a given right into a set of characteristics that ensure no aspect of said right is overlooked. The book develops a clear and comprehensive understanding of the UNCRC that can be used as an introduction to the rights and principles it contains, and to identify directions for future policy and strategy development in compliance with the UNCRC. As such, it offers an invaluable reference guide for researchers and students in the field of childhood and children’s rights studies, as well as a wide range of professionals and organisations concerned with the subject.
Children's rights. --- Children --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Convention on the Rights of the Child --- Child welfare --- Law and legislation --- Law --- Adong Kwŏlli Hyŏbyak --- CIDE --- CDN --- Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança --- Convención de los derechos de los niños --- Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño --- Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'enfant --- Convention internationale des droits de l'enfant --- Convention Internationale relative aux droits de l'enfant --- Convention internationale sur les droits de l'enfant --- Convention of the Rights of the Child --- Convention on Rights of the Child --- Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant --- Convenția internațională cu privire la drepturile copilului --- Convenția cu privire la drepturile copilului --- Convenzione internazionale dei diritti del fanciullo --- Convenzione internazionale sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza --- Convenzione sui diritti del fanciullo --- Convenzione sui diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza --- CRC --- FN's konvention om barnets rettigheder --- Internationaal Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind --- Ittifāqīyat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah li-Ḥuqūq al-Ṭifl --- IVRK --- Jidō no kenri jōyaku --- Jidō no kenri ni kansusu jōyaku --- Kodomo no kenri jōyaku --- Kodomo no kenri ni kansuru jōyaku --- Konvensi Hak Anak --- Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak --- Konvensjon om barnets rettigheter --- Konvention om barnets rettigheder --- Konventionen om barnets rättigheter --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o pravakh rebenka --- Konwencja o prawach dziecka --- Kunvānsiyūn-i Ḥuqūq-i Kūdak --- Lapsen oikeuksien yleissopimus --- Samningur Sameinuðu þjóðanna um réttindi barnsins --- Simiso Semalungelo Ebantfwana --- Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes --- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child --- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child --- Convención de los derechos del niño --- Open Access --- Children’s rights --- Children's well-being --- Civil and political rights --- State’s compliance --- Social policy --- Protection measures from exploitation --- UN Committee on the Rights of the Child --- Government accountability --- Rights monitoring --- Community Well-Being
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This book was inspired by the Hydrology–H030 Session of the 2019 AGU (America Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. In recent years, simulating potential future vulnerability and sustainability of water resources due to climate change are mainly focused on global and regional scale watersheds by using climate change scenarios. These scenarios may have low resolution and may not be accurate for local watersheds. This book addresses the impacts of climate change upon water quantity and quality at small scale watersheds. Emphases are on climate-induced water resource vulnerabilities (e.g., flood, drought, groundwater depletion, evapotranspiration, and water pollution) and methodologies (e.g., computer modeling, field measurement, and management practice) employed to mitigation and adapt climate change impacts on water resources. Application implications to local water resource management are also discussed in this book.
GCM --- bias correction methods --- hydrological simulation --- climate change --- IRES --- OM --- DOC --- POC --- ephemeral stream --- event sampling --- headwaters --- tailwater recovery ditch --- AnnAGNPS --- BMP --- asymmetric warming --- normalized difference vegetation index --- second-order partial correlation analysis --- day and nighttime warming --- diurnal temperature range --- cottonwood --- sap flux --- STELLA --- vapor pressure deficit --- water year type --- hydrological drought --- adaptive strategies --- Central Valley --- streamflow --- SWAT model --- CNRM-CM5 --- CESM1-BGC.1 --- HADGEM2-AO.1 --- Alabama River Basin --- GRACE --- GGDI --- drought --- wavelet coherence --- teleconnections --- water model --- energy model --- climate scenario --- Nile River Basin --- perception --- adaptation --- irrigation water quality --- agriculture --- smallholder farmers --- Ethiopia Rift Valley --- vulnerability assessment --- Indian Himalayas --- springs --- springshed management --- water security --- n/a
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In 2018, the International Symposium on Nanogeoscience was held in Guiyang, China. Scholars from around the globe gathered to discuss recent progress and development trends in various aspects of nanogeoscience, including nanomineralogy. Nanomineralogy, an important aspect of nanogeoscience, focuses on the composition, structure, and physical and chemical properties of nanoscale minerals and their interrelations with other Earth critical components. To give a sampling of the latest progress in nanomineralogy and related fields, we offer this Special Issue, which describes a full range of recent nanomineralogic achievements relating to everything from nanominerals and geochemistry, mineral nanostructures, and nanomineral deformation, to nanopores in oil and gas reservoirs, nanomineral deposits, and nanomineral material. Today, nanomineralogy faces a new strategic opportunity as well as a revolutionary challenge. We thus present this special nanomineralogy-focused issue of Minerals with the aim of encouraging our colleagues to familiarize themselves with current developments, trends, and directions in nanomineralogy, enabling an understanding of the potential of the field as a whole. We look forward to developing further scientific research and cooperation in nanomineralogy, hoping thereby to attract and guide young scholars to participate in this field.
preparation --- hydroxysodalite --- bentonite --- alkali-activation --- water-bath --- total porosity --- shale gas reservoir --- Longmaxi Formation --- Southeast Chongqing --- pyrite --- thermal treatment --- pyrrhotite --- Hg(II) removal --- mechanism --- Changling Fault Depression --- Shahezi Formation --- fractal dimensions --- pore structure --- shale lithofacies --- lacustrine shales --- pore networks --- pore connectivity --- spontaneous fluid imbibition --- Shahezi shales --- Sm–Nd dating --- Shuiyindong --- Carlin-type gold deposit --- Southwestern China --- southern North China --- marine shale --- nanopore structure --- heterogeneity --- fractal dimension --- calcium carbonate --- mesopore --- amoxicillin --- adsorption --- kinetics --- thermodynamics --- nanocubic pyrite --- hydrothermal synthesis --- greigite --- thiourea --- iron --- nanoparticle --- Fe --- nanomaterial --- colloid --- L-edge XANES --- speciation --- hierarchical nanocomposite --- sepiolite --- clay mineral --- heavy metals --- water treatment --- nanograins --- principal slip zone --- crystallographic preferred orientation --- amorphization --- mirror-slip surface --- faults --- earthquakes --- localization --- Nantuo Formation --- syn-glacial dolostone --- rare earth elements --- ferruginous conditions --- South China --- nanostructure --- OM–clay aggregate --- silica nanograin --- tectonic and thermal evolution --- Longmaxi Formation shale --- N2 adsorption --- helium ion microscope --- minerals --- trace elements --- major elements --- fault zone --- tectonically deformed coal --- differentiation mechanism --- metallic nanoparticles --- migration mechanism --- prospecting --- Shenjiayao gold deposit --- syngenetic framboids --- diagenetic framboids --- paleoredox conditions --- shale gas content --- middle Yangtze area --- nanocrystalline rutile --- phase transition --- metallization --- high pressure --- diamond anvil cell --- n/a --- Sm-Nd dating --- OM-clay aggregate
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Stadslucht maakt vrij is sinds de eerste publicatie in 2005 geëvolueerd tot een vaste waarde en geapprecieerde stem in het debat rond steden. Sven Gatz, Sas van Rouveroij en Christian Leysen zijn nu al aan hun vierde publicatie toe. Het boek focust deze keer op cultuur in de stedelijke context, in de breedste zin van het woord: cultuur en/in de stad.Cultuur beïnvloedt de individuele ontplooiing en emancipatie, beïnvloedt ook integratie en sociale cohesie. Cultuur is onontbeerlijk voor de identiteitsvorming van de eigen inwoners én voor het op de kaart zetten van een stad naar de buitenwereld toe. Tot slot is stedelijke cultuur een wezenlijke motor voor de economie en de tewerkstelling in de stad. 'Cultuur en/in de Stad' kan daarom worden geordend volgens enkele begrippenparen: Stad/Cultuur, Hoog/Laag, Identiteit/Imago, Cultuur/Culturen, Publiek/Privaat
City and town life --- Sociale agogiek --- vrijetijds-, toerisme- en cultuuragologie. --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Sociology of culture --- Sociology [Urban ] --- Belgium --- Flanders (Belgium) --- BPB1108 --- Homme politique --- 587 Stedenbeleid --- 601 Cultuurbeleid --- Politique culturelle --- Ville --- City life --- Town life --- Urban life --- Sociology, Urban --- Politicus --- Cultuurbeleid --- Stad --- Europe --- Civilization. --- PXL-Social Work 2015 --- samenleving --- cultuur --- stadsvernieuwing --- Stadssamenleving --- Vlaanderen --- Cultuur --- Vrijetijds-, toerisme- en cultuuragologie. --- città --- baile --- linn --- Stadt --- grad --- town --- πόλη --- město --- cidade --- miasto --- miestas --- pilsēta --- kaupunki --- ciudad --- qytet --- град --- oraș --- belt --- stad --- by --- város --- mesto --- mesto (väčšie) --- città dormitorio --- гратче --- city --- didmiestis --- città polo --- место --- politika kulturali --- beartas cultúir --- културна политика --- kulturna politika --- kultuuripoliitika --- kulturní politika --- politică culturală --- Kulturpolitik --- πολιτιστική πολιτική --- politica culturale --- cultural policy --- cultuurbeleid --- kultūrpolitika --- politikë kulturore --- kulttuuripolitiikka --- polityka kulturalna --- kultúrna politika --- kultūros politika --- kulturpolitik --- política cultural --- политика за култура --- kultúrpolitika --- kulturudvikling --- művelődéspolitika --- kulturelle Entwicklung --- ανάπτυξη του πολιτιστικού τομέα --- kulturní rozvoj --- политичка фигура --- polaiteoir --- personalitate politică --- политическа личност --- politicus --- politik/politička --- politična osebnost --- figura política --- personalità politica --- poliitikko --- πολιτικό πρόσωπο --- personalidade política --- politiski nozīmīga persona --- persunaġġ politiku --- politiker --- Politiker --- polityk --- политичар --- politikan --- political figure --- politikus --- politikos veikėjas --- poliitik --- politik --- političar --- shtetar --- politician (male) --- politicien --- politiskā darbiniece --- politicienne --- femme politique --- politiķis --- politiku --- uomo politico --- statesman --- politician (female) --- valstsvīrs --- πολιτικός (η) --- politički vođa --- politička --- politikai személyiség --- donna politica --- politisk personlighed --- działacz sceny politycznej --- staatsvrouw --- mara fil-politika --- poliittinen henkilö --- działaczka sceny politycznej --- politická činitelka --- politický představitel --- mulher política --- politisk personlighet --- politikas --- politikai személy --- femeie politician --- државник --- politinis veikėjas --- om politic --- politiikan harjoittaja --- политическа фигура --- politický činiteľ --- politický predstaviteľ --- политичка личност --- om de stat --- politieke figuur --- politiķe --- политик --- politician --- πολιτικός --- státník --- politico --- staatsman --- politický činitel --- politiska personība --- politikant --- male politician --- politikė --- política --- πολιτικός (ο) --- politická představitelka --- politiskais darbinieks --- politikerin --- politica --- raġel fil-politika --- politikanta --- политички водач --- homme politique --- miespoliitikko --- politikusnő --- valstybės veikėjas --- clase política --- homem político --- female politician --- personalidad política --- politická činiteľka --- političarka --- politička ličnost --- personalità politika --- államférfi --- poliittinen johtaja --- πολιτική προσωπικότητα --- πολιτικός άνδρας --- γυναίκα πολιτικός --- politiciană --- folkvald --- político --- beslutsfattare --- donna in politica --- άνδρας πολιτικός --- naispoliitikko --- statista --- estadista --- naispoliitik --- homem de Estado --- Toerisme --- Emigratie
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Österreich spielte in den KSZE-Verhandlungen eine wichtige, aber vielfach unterschätzte Rolle. Der neutrale Kleinstaat engagierte sich vor allem in den besonders umstrittenen humanitären und menschenrechtlichen Fragen. Benjamin Gilde zeichnet die einzelnen Etappen dieses äußerst sensiblen Prozesses nach und zeigt dabei auch, dass Wien - trotz der ständig proklamierten Neutralitätsverpflichtung - in allen wesentlichen Fragen die Positionen des Westens unterstützte. Seine breit recherchierte Studie bietet einen profunden Einblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte der humanitären Dimension der KSZE. Sie rückt dabei zugleich die Bedeutung der österreichischen Akteure zurecht: Nicht Bundeskanzler Bruno Kreisky war es, der die KSZE-Politik des Landes vorantrieb und für ihren humanitären Schwerpunkt sorgte, sondern die verhandelnden Diplomaten, allen voran Helmut Liedermann und Franz Ceska.
Human rights --- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe --- Austria --- Foreign relations --- C.E.S. (Conference) --- C.S.C.E. (Conference) --- CES (Conference) --- CSCE (Conference) --- E.T.Y.K. (Conference) --- ESK (Conference) --- ETYK (Conference) --- K.S.S.E. (Conference) --- K.S.Z.E.(Conference) --- KEBS (Conference) --- KSSE (Conference) --- KSZE (Conference) --- SSSE (Conference) --- All-European Conference on Security and Cooperation --- Conférence européenne pour la coopération et la sécurité --- Conference on European Security --- Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe --- Conférence sur la sécurité et la coopération en Europe --- Conferencia Europea para Derechos Humanos y Seguridad --- Conferencia sobre la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa --- Conferenza sulla sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa --- Conferința pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa --- Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyökonferenssi --- Európai Biztonsági és Együttműködési Értekezlet --- Europäische Sicherheitskonferenz --- European Security and Cooperation Conference --- European Security Conference --- Europeiska säkerhetskonferensen --- KBWE (Conference) --- Konferansen om sikkerhet og samarbeid i Europa --- Konference o bezpečnosti a spolupráci v Evropě --- Konferencia o bezpečnosti a spolupráci v Európe --- Konferencija o evropskoj bezbednosti i saradnji --- Konferencja Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie --- Konferensen om säkerhet och samarbete i Europa --- Konferenz für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit Europas --- Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa --- Obshcheevropeĭskoe soveshchanie po bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestvu --- Soveshchanie po bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestvu v Evrope --- Sŭveshtanie za sigurnost i sŭtrudnichestvo v Evropa --- Совещание по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе --- Общеевропейское совещание по безопасности и сотрудничеству --- Austria. --- CSCE. --- human rights.
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"This book theorises and concretises the idea of 'absolute rights' in human rights law with a focus on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It unpacks how we might understand what an 'absolute right' in human rights law is and draws out how such a right's delimitation may remain faithful to its absolute character. Concretising these starting points, it considers how, as a matter of principle, the right not to be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment enshrined in Article 3 ECHR is and ought to be substantively delimited by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). Focusing on the wrongs at issue, this analysis touches both on the core of the right and on what some might consider to lie at the right's 'fringes': from the aggravated wrong of torture, to the severity assessment delineating inhumanity and degradation; the justified use of force and its implications for absoluteness; the delimitation of positive obligations to protect from ill-treatment; and the duty not to expel persons to places where they face a real risk of torture, inhumanity or degradation. Few legal standards carry the simultaneous significance and contestation surrounding this right. This book seeks to contribute fruitfully to efforts to counter a proliferation of attempts to dispute, circumvent or dilute the absolute character of the right not to be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and offer the groundwork for transparently and coherently (re)interpreting the right's contours in line with its absolute character"--
European Court of Human Rights. --- C.E.D.O. --- CEDO --- CEDU --- ECtHR --- Avrupa İnsan Hakları Dîvanı --- Cour européenne des droits de l'homme --- Tribunal Europeo de Derechos del Hombre --- Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos --- Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte --- Evropeĭskiĭ Sud po pravam cheloveka --- Европейский Суд по правам человека --- Council of Europe. --- Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo --- Eurōpaiko Dikastērio Anthrōpinōn Dikaiōmatōn --- Ευρωπαικό Δικαστήριο Ανθρώπινων Δικαιωμάτων --- Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului --- Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka --- Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi --- Evropský soud pro lidská práva --- I︠E︡vropeĭsʹkyĭ Sud z prav li︠u︡dyny --- Європейський Суд з прав людини --- Evropeĭski sŭd po pravata na choveka --- Европейски съд по правата на човека --- Europos Žmogaus teisių teismas --- Mardu iravunkʻneri evropakan dataran --- İnsan Hakları Avrupa Mahkemesi --- Evropski sud za ljudska prava --- Европски суд за људска права --- AİHM --- Gjykata Europiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut --- GJEDNJ --- EGMR --- Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohus --- European Commission of Human Rights --- International law and human rights --- Torture (International law) --- Refoulement --- BPB2105 --- torture --- traitement cruel et dégradant --- omänsklig behandling --- maus tratos --- суров и понижувачки третман --- nelidské zacházení --- сурово, нехумано и понижувачко однесување и казнување --- förnedrande behandling --- castigos corporais --- nedværdigende og grusom behandling --- okrutne i poniżające traktowanie --- grym och kränkande behandling --- βάναυση και εξευτελιστική μεταχείριση --- cruel and degrading treatment --- tratamento cruel e degradante --- okrutno i ponižavajuće postupanje --- kruto in ponižujoče ravnanje --- сурово и понижувачко постапување --- grausame und erniedrigende Behandlung --- окрутно и понижавајуће поступање --- julma ja alentava kohtelu --- trattament krudili u degradanti --- wrede en onterende behandeling --- žiaurus ir žeminantis elgesys --- trattamento crudele e degradante --- tratament crud și degradant --- rupja un pazemojoša izturēšanās --- kegyetlen, embertelen, megalázó bánásmód --- жестоко и унизително отношение --- trato cruel y degradante --- julm ja alandav kohtlemine --- kruté a ponižujúce zaobchádzanie --- íde chruálach mhídhaonna --- trajtim mizor dhe poshtërues --- kruté a ponižující zacházení --- mishandling --- мачење --- нехумано однесување --- βασανισμός --- нехуман третман --- týrání --- tortura --- mučenje --- tortury --- мучење --- мъчение --- piinamine --- tortyr --- Folter --- mučenie --- tortură --- torturë --- βασανιστήρια --- foltering --- spīdzināšana --- kidutus --- kínzás --- тортура --- céasadh --- mučení --- tortur --- kankinimas --- Forced repatriation --- Non-refoulement --- Refugees --- Deportation --- Repatriation --- International criminal law --- Human rights and international law --- Human rights --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- United Nations. --- CAT --- Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment --- Konvensi Anti Penyiksaan --- Konvensi Menentang Penyiksaan dan Perlakuan atau Hukuman Lain yang Kejam, Tidak Manusiawi dan Merendahkan Martabat Manusia --- Konvensi PBB 1984 Tentang "Penyiksaan dan Perlakuan atau Hukuman yang Kejam, Tidak Manusiawi dan Merendahkan Martabat Manusia Lainnya" --- United Nations Convention against Torture --- AİHS --- Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözles̜mesi --- Convención Europea para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales --- Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos --- Convenția Europeană a Drepturilor Omului --- Convenția Europeană Pentru Drepturile Omului și Protecția Persoanelor Care Necesită Protecție Internațională --- Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales --- Convention européenne des droits de l'homme --- Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo --- E.M.R.K. --- EKPC --- EMRK --- ESDA --- Euroopa Inimõiguste Konventsioon --- Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimus --- Eurōpaïkē Symvasē --- Eurōpaikē Symvasē Dikaiōmatōn tou Anthrōpou --- Europäische Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten --- Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention --- Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter --- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- European Convention of Human Rights --- European Convention on Human Rights --- European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens --- Europeiska konventionen om de mänskliga rättigherna --- Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna --- Europeiska människorättskonventionen --- Europejska Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności --- Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka --- Europese Conventie voor de Rechten van de Mens --- Europese Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de Fundamentele Vrijheden --- EVRM --- Evropeĭska konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ za pravata na choveka --- Evropeĭska konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ za zashtita na pravata na choveka i osnovnite svobodi --- Evropeĭskai︠a︡ Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o zashchite prav cheloveka i osnovnykh svobod --- Evropska konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda --- İHAS --- İ.H.A.S. --- İnsan Hakları Avrupa Sözleşmesi --- Konvencija za zaštita na čovekovite prava i osnovni slobodi --- Konvencijah o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin (1950 November 5) --- Konvensjon om beskyttelse av menneskerettighetene og de grunnleggende friheter --- Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten --- Konvent︠s︡ii︠a︡ o zashchite prav cheloveka i osnovnykh svobod --- Konwencja Europejska --- Konwencja o Ochronie Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności --- Konwencja Praw Człowieka --- Lajnah al-Ūrūbbīyah li-Ḥuqūq al-Insān --- Rom-Konvention für Menschenrechte --- Verdrag tot Bescherming van de Rechten van de Mens en de Fundamentele Vrijheden --- Yleissopimus ihmisoikeuksien ja perusvapauksien suojaamiseksi --- traitement cruel et dégradant --- International law and human rights. --- Refoulement. --- Torture (International law). --- Committee against Torture.
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Der Schutzgegenstand personenbezogener Daten gemäß Art. 4 Nr. 1 DS-GVO wird auf den Schutz der kontext-spezifischen personalen Identitäten erweitert. In Anbetracht der gleichzeitigen Realisierung etwa der kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Identität bedarf es eines spiegelbildlichen Identitätsschutzes aus dem offline-Kontext für den online-Kontext. Dies verlangt die spieltheoretisch begründete Verhandlungsfähigkeit der Bilder personaler Identitäten, damit sich der Selbstdatenschutz mit einem Mediationsagenten wirksam ausüben lässt. Demnach sollte ein iteratives „identity management by design“ zur technischen Gestaltungsanforderung werden, um dem Prinzip einer verhandlungsfähigen personalen Identität im Online-Kontext gerecht zu werden.
Droit de la protection des données --- data protection --- UE/CE Droit --- EU law --- Protection de la vie privée --- protection of privacy --- Game theory. --- Internet --- Technologies de l'information et de la communication --- information technology --- Individus --- personality --- Online identities. --- UE/CE Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne --- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights --- Médiateur --- mediator --- Thèses --- thesis --- Germany --- Allemagne RF --- Германија --- Германия --- Duitsland --- Tyskland --- Deutschland --- Γερμανία --- Nemčija --- Njemačka --- Germania --- Allemagne --- An Ghearmáin --- Nemecko --- Niemcy --- Saksa --- Vokietija --- Németország --- il-Ġermanja --- Vācija --- Saksamaa --- Alemanha --- Alemania --- Německo --- Gjermania --- Немачка --- spolkové Německo --- Сојузна Република Германија --- Federal Republic of Germany --- West-Duitsland --- Vācijas Federatīvā Republika --- Alemanha do Oeste --- Bondsrepubliek Duitsland --- RFA --- Germania ovest --- NSR --- Germania federale --- RFT --- Alemanha Ocidental --- Västtyskland --- ir-Repubblika Federali tal-Ġermanja --- Repubblica federale di Germania --- RFN --- BR Deutschland --- Vakarų Vokietija --- Germania occidentale --- Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság --- Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland --- SRN --- Saksamaa Liitvabariik --- západní Německo --- Repubblica federale tedesca --- Alemania Federal --- Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γερμανίας --- Alemania Occidental --- Förbundsrepubliken Tyskland --- Alemanha RF --- ФРГ --- Republika Federalna Niemiec --- Савезна Република Немачка --- Gjermania Perëndimore --- Saksan liittotasavalta --- German Federal Republic --- Savezna Republika Njemačka --- Vokietijos Federacinė Respublika --- СРН --- PCG --- ΟΔΓ --- SLV --- Alemanha Federal --- Западна Немачка --- Länsi-Saksa --- Spolková republika Nemecko --- FRG --- Duitse Bondsrepubliek --- NSZK --- Westdeutschland --- República Federal de Alemania --- Nemecká spolková republika --- Allemagne de l'Ouest --- Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine --- Lääne-Saksamaa --- die Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Δυτική Γερμανία --- Alemania RF --- Allemagne fédérale --- Γερμανία ΟΔ --- Německá spolková republika --- VFR --- RFGJ --- República Federal da Alemanha --- západné Nemecko --- West Germany --- Vesttyskland --- Republica Federală Germania --- Федерална република Германия --- Zvezna republika Nemčija --- Západní Berlín --- BRD --- République fédérale d'Allemagne --- Ομοσπονδιακή Γερμανία --- Spolková republika Německo --- Republika Federale e Gjermanisë --- teżi --- avhandling --- διατριβή --- Hochschulschrift --- väitöskirja --- kandidátská práce --- tese --- disertacija --- proefschrift --- afhandling --- дисертация --- dysertacja --- tesi --- teză --- tesis --- szakdolgozat --- temë shkencore --- diplomska naloga --- diplomski (magistarski, doktorski) rad --- väitekiri --- kandidátska práca --- теза --- дисертација --- thèse --- tēze --- értekezés --- dissertation --- дипломска работа --- disertační práce --- disertace --- докторска дисертација --- магистерска теза --- diplomamunka --- Habilitationsschrift --- teza --- diplomová práce --- magisterij --- doktorská práce --- disszertáció --- rigorózní práce --- Dissertation --- doktorsavhandling --- doktori értekezés --- disputats --- habilitační práce --- doktorat --- Doktorarbeit --- pravobranitelj --- Mittler --- közvetítő --- posrednik --- tarpininkas --- bemiddelaar --- rzecznik praw obywatelskich --- посредник --- forligsmand --- vidutājs --- medlare --- medjatur --- ombudsman --- sovittelija --- διαμεσολαβητής --- народен правобранител --- sprostredkovateľ --- ndërmjetës --- Provedor de Justiça --- Defensor del Pueblo --- médiateur --- difensore civico --- avocatul poporului --- lepitaja --- ochránce práv ve veřejné správě --- mediátor --- prostředník --- komisař pro lidská práva --- Ararteko --- pověřenec pro občanské záležitosti --- zástupce občanů --- Síndic de Greuges --- Justicia de Aragón --- oikeusasiamies --- ombudsmenas --- Valedor do Pobo --- Diputado del Común --- Ombuds --- ombudsmand --- омбутсман --- zprostředkovatel pro občanské záležitosti --- įgaliotinis --- avokat populli --- επίτροπος διοικήσεως --- Ombudsmann --- Procurador del Común --- Seimo kontrolierius --- Ombudsman --- veřejný ochránce práv --- charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne --- Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- χάρτης των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie --- az Európai Unió alapjogi chartája --- Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea --- Karta Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej 2000 --- Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea --- Povelja EU-a o temeljnim pravima --- Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- Cairt um Chearta Bunúsacha an Aontais Eorpaigh --- Повеља ЕУ о основним људским правима --- EÜ põhiõiguste harta --- Grundrechtscharta der Europäischen Union --- Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale a Uniunii Europene --- Charta základních lidských práv Evropské unie --- Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia --- Listina EU o temeljnih pravicah --- Den Europæiske Unions charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Повелба на ЕУ за основните права --- Харта за защита на човешките права --- Euroopan unionin perusoikeuskirja --- Karta e BE-së për të Drejtat Themelore --- ES pagrindinių teisių chartija --- Charta EÚ o základných právach --- ES Pamattiesību harta --- Pamattiesību harta --- Повелба на ЕУ --- EU's charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Europos Sąjungos pagrindinių teisių chartija --- Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta --- európai alapjogi charta --- Euroopa põhiõiguste harta --- europæisk charter om grundlæggende rettigheder --- Karta e të Drejtave Themelore --- Karta e të Drejtave Themelore të Bashkimit Europian --- Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union --- Fundamental Rights Charter --- Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta --- Evropská charta základních lidských práv --- Carta Europeia dos Direitos Fundamentais --- ευρωπαϊκός χάρτης των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων --- Euroopan perusoikeuskirja --- Carta Europea de los Derechos Fundamentales --- Повелба за основните права --- Carta Europeană a Drepturilor Fundamentale --- Alapjogi Charta --- Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali --- charte européenne des droits fondamentaux --- Charta základních lidských práv EU --- Karta Europiane e të Drejtave Themelore --- põhiõiguste harta --- europeiska stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- Charta základních lidských práv Společenství --- Carta Drepturilor Fundamentale --- Eiropas Pamattiesību harta --- Europees handvest van de grondrechten --- EU-Grundrechtscharta --- European Charter of Fundamental Rights --- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union --- EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna --- europäische Grundrechtscharta --- Pagrindinių teisių chartija --- Internet users --- Virtual identities --- Identity (Psychology) --- osebnost --- личност --- personnalité --- személyiség --- personība --- personlighed --- personalità --- isiksus --- Persönlichkeit --- personalitate --- personaje --- asmenybė --- persoonallisuus --- persoonlijkheid --- προσωπικότητα --- osobowość --- osobnosť --- osobnost --- personalitet --- personlighet --- personalidade --- conduct --- личностна идентичност --- характер (личност) --- карактерна особеност --- cecha osobowości --- karakteregenskab --- identidade pessoal --- yksilöllisyys --- osebna identiteta --- individualitet --- личен идентитет --- karakter --- karattru (personalità) --- karatteristika tal-personalità --- temperamentti --- iseloom --- správanie --- käyttäytyminen --- identité personnelle --- individuelle Identität --- identidade individual --- Persönlichkeitszug --- identité individuelle --- individuaalsus --- raksturs (personība) --- Verhalten --- chování --- συμπεριφορά --- izturēšanās --- egyéniség --- osobnostná identita --- charakter (osobowość) --- caractère --- identità individwali --- individuaalne identiteet --- rasgo personal --- karaktär --- charakter (osobnosti) --- identitate individuală --- identità personali --- individual identity --- charakter (osobnosť) --- individuální identita --- traço de personalidade --- personale Identität --- character (personality) --- χαρακτήρας (προσωπικότητα) --- individualitate --- carácter --- temperament --- individualidade --- tempérament --- individualitāte --- identidad individual --- comportamiento --- поведение --- elgsena --- identitet personal --- personības iezīme --- προσωπική ταυτότητα --- osobnostní identita --- persoonlijke identiteit --- ταμπεραμέντο --- temperaments --- карактер --- beteende --- личностна черта --- charakteris --- comportament --- индивидуална идентичност --- trait de la personnalité --- gedrag --- adfærd --- individwalità --- individuality --- ličnost --- ατομικότητα --- individualiteit --- behaviour --- individualidad --- individuálna identita --- osobnostní rys --- henkilökohtainen identiteetti --- asmeninės savybės --- osobine ličnosti --- osobni identitet --- identiteet --- individualita --- individualità --- identità individuale --- tożsamość osobista --- personal identity --- personality trait --- Temperament --- identità personale --- ατομική ταυτότητα --- identitate personală --- identiteetti --- ponašanje --- indywidualność --- personlig identitet --- trăsătură a personalității --- темперамент --- Individualität --- käitumine --- imġiba --- tipar i personalitetit --- značaj --- tratti della personalità --- luonteenpiirteet --- sjellje --- caráter (personalidade) --- temperamento --- carattere --- индивидуалност --- karakter (personalitet) --- vedenje --- črty osobnosti --- identitet individual --- osebnostna poteza --- zachowanie --- χαρακτηριστικό της προσωπικότητας --- temperamentas --- egenskaper --- personalidad --- personīgā identitāte --- comportamento --- Charakter (Persönlichkeit) --- caracter (personalitate) --- Informationstechnologie --- informaatioteknologia --- teknologjia e informacionit --- infotehnoloogia --- tecnología de la información --- informatietechnologie --- tecnologia da informação --- informačná technológia --- информационна технология --- informationsteknologi --- teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni --- informācijas tehnoloģija --- technologie de l'information --- informační technologie --- tehnologia informației --- információtechnológia --- информатичка технологија --- информациона технологија --- informationsteknik --- τεχνολογία των πληροφοριών --- technologia informacyjna --- informacinė technologija --- tecnologia dell'informazione --- informacijska tehnologija --- sidetehnoloogia --- communications technology --- teknologji komunikacioni --- Kommunikationstechnologie --- Information and communication technologies --- technologie de la communication --- výpočetní technika --- komunikačná technológia --- komunikācijas tehnoloģijas --- informacijos technologija --- tehnologia comunicațiilor --- komunikační technologie --- technique de l'information --- ryšių priemonių technologija --- телекомуникациска технологија --- επικοινωνιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia da comunicação --- комуникациска технологија --- viestintäteknologia --- ICT --- tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni --- tecnologia delle comunicazioni --- informační technika --- tecnología de la comunicación --- obavijesna tehnologija --- kommunikationsteknologi --- communicatietechnologie --- τεχνική των πληροφοριών --- információs technológia --- Интернет --- internet --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- Games, Theory of --- Theory of games --- Mathematical models --- Mathematics --- privatumo apsauga --- beskyttelse af privatlivet --- varstvo zasebnosti --- eraelu puutumatuse kaitse --- Schutz der Privatsphäre --- заштита на приватноста --- protezione della vita privata --- заштита приватности --- ochrana soukromí --- proteção da vida privada --- privatlivets helgd --- privātās dzīves aizsardzība --- protección de la vida privada --- προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- a magánélet védelme --- ochrana súkromia --- prawo do prywatności --- неприкосновеност на частен живот --- yksityisyyden suoja --- mbrojtja e jetës private --- zaštita privatnosti --- eerbiediging van het privé-leven --- protezzjoni tal-privatezza --- protection de la vie privée --- protecția vieții private --- Recht auf Respektierung der Privatsphäre --- тајност на писмата --- teisė į privatumą --- diritto della vita privata --- derecho a la intimidad --- tutela della vita privata --- a magán- és családi élet tiszteletben tartásához való jog --- právo na súkromie --- ochrana soukromého a rodinného života --- recht op privacy --- δικαίωμα σεβασμού της ιδιωτικής ζωής --- dreptul la respectatrea viații private --- õigus eraelu puutumatusele --- ret til privatliv --- right to privacy --- rätt till privatliv --- direito ao respeito da vida privada --- tiesības uz privāto dzīvi --- pravo na privatnost --- oikeus yksityisyyteen --- e drejtë për jetë private --- интегритет на личноста --- право на приватност --- právo na soukromí --- protecção da vida privada --- recht op privé-leven --- droit au respect de la vie privée --- derecho al honor --- rispetto della vita privata --- pravo EU-a --- ES tiesības --- право ЕУ --- pravo EU --- prawo unijne --- EU-ret --- δίκαιο της ΕΕ --- právo EU --- diritto dell'UE --- e drejta e BE-së --- uniós jog --- Derecho de la UE --- unionin oikeus --- droit de l'UE --- EU-Recht --- EU-recht --- ES teisė --- právo EÚ --- legislația UE --- direito da UE --- право на ЕУ --- EU-rätt --- ELi õigus --- liġi tal-UE --- право на ЕС --- pravo Europske unije --- právo Spoločenstva --- normativa comunitaria --- drept comunitar --- diritto europeo --- e drejtë e Bashkimit Europian --- droit de l'Union européenne --- право на Европската заедница --- κοινοτικό δίκαιο --- droit européen --- evropské právo --- réglementation communautaire --- EG-förordningar --- pravo Evropske unije --- direito da União Europeia --- Europos Sąjungos teisė --- uniós jogszabályok --- Euroopa Liidu õigus --- Kopienas noteikumi --- europeisk rätt --- communautaire wetgeving --- Community law --- drept european --- Eurooppa-oikeus --- δίκαιο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- nariadenia Spoločenstva --- legislația Uniunii Europene --- právo Evropské unie --- reglementări comunitare --- Euroopa Ühenduse õigus --- regulamentação comunitária --- prawo Unii Europejskiej --- közösségi jogszabályok --- Community regulations --- fællesskabsbestemmelser --- ευρωπαϊκό Δίκαιο --- právo ES --- European Union law --- Derecho comunitario --- európai uniós jogszabályok --- liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- communautair recht --- yhteisön asetukset --- közösségi rendeletek --- gemenskapsrätt --- az Európai Unió joga --- Derecho europeo --- регулативи на Заедницата --- europsko pravo --- droit communautaire --- direito comunitário --- európai jog --- diritto comunitario --- legislazione comunitaria --- право на ЕЗ --- recht van de Europese Unie --- fællesskabsregler --- Europäisches Recht --- Recht der Europäischen Union --- Bendrijos teisė --- közösségi jog --- EU-jog --- Eiropas Savienības tiesības --- právo Unie --- Derecho de la Unión Europea --- Euroopan unionin oikeus --- право Заједнице --- Gesetzgebung der Gemeinschaft --- EF-ret --- pravo Zajednice --- prawo wspólnotowe --- yhteisön oikeus --- fællesskabsret --- norme comunitarie --- право на Европските заедници --- EG-rätt --- Europees recht --- communautaire voorschriften --- direito europeu --- европско право --- právo Európskej únie --- Право на Общността --- disposizioni comunitarie --- κοινοτική νομοθεσία --- reglamentación comunitaria --- Gemeinschaftsrecht --- право на Европейския съюз --- komunitární právo --- az EU joga --- Kopienas tiesības --- Bendrijos reglamentai --- regolamentazione comunitaria --- európske právo --- communautaire rechtsorde --- legislativa EU --- European law --- право на Европската Унија --- pravo Skupnosti --- Euroopa õigus --- EU:n oikeus --- ühenduse õigus --- diritto dell'Unione europea --- право Уније --- EG-recht --- pravni propisi Europske unije --- Europos teisė --- zaštita podataka --- tietosuoja --- ochrana údajov --- databeskyttelse --- protecția datelor --- adatvédelem --- përpunim i të dhënave --- Datenschutz --- varstvo podatkov --- protección de datos --- protection des données --- cosaint sonraí --- proteção dos dados --- uppgiftsskydd --- duomenų apsauga --- andmekaitse --- ochrona danych --- datu aizsardzība --- προστασία δεδομένων --- ochrana údajů --- gegevensbescherming --- защита на информация --- protezzjoni tad-data --- заштита на податоци --- заштита података --- protezione dei dati --- Datensicherung --- varnost podatkov --- andmeturve --- ασφάλεια των δεδομένων --- zajištění dat --- dataskydd --- ochrana dat --- databeveiliging --- segurança de dados --- slándáil sonraí --- bezpečnost dat --- безбедност на податоци --- Datensicherheit --- data security --- datu drošība --- gegevensbeveiliging --- aineistoturvallisuus --- sigurnost podataka --- protecção dos dados --- sigurtà tad-data --- сигурност података --- datos protegidos --- sicurezza dei dati --- tietoturva --- zabezpečení údajů --- сигурност на данните --- sécurité des données --- bezpečnosť osobných údajov --- заштита на лични податоци --- bezpieczeństwo danych --- beveiliging van gegevens --- adatbiztonság --- zaštita informacija --- ochrana informací --- duomenų saugumas --- zabezpečení dat --- protezione dei dati personali --- securitate a datelor --- сигурност на податоци --- andmete turvalisus --- Identities --- tráchtas --- idirghabhálaí --- pearsantacht --- teicneolaíocht faisnéise --- Idirlíon --- cosaint príobháideachais --- dlí an Aontais Eorpaigh --- data protection. --- EU law. --- protection of privacy. --- Internet. --- information technology. --- personality. --- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. --- mediator. --- thesis. --- Germany.
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