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Palliativmedizin und betäubungsmittelrecht : Möglichkeiten und grenzen
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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Die Etablierung palliativmedizinischer Versorgungsstrukturen im ambulanten Bereich hat in den vergangenen Jahren die ärztliche Betreuung von Palliativpatienten deutlich verändert. Eine an den spezifischen Bedürfnissen schwerstkranker Patienten orientierte Versorgung im häuslichen Umfeld erfordert es, bestehende gesetzliche Regelungen zu hinterfragen, anzupassen oder fortzuentwickeln. Kontrovers diskutiert wird, wie das Grundanliegen des Betäubungsmittelrechts -- Schutz der Bevölkerung vor Abhängigkeit und Missbrauch sowie Sicherstellung der notwendigen medizinischen Versorgung -- mit dem palliativmedizinischen Selbstverständnis der Gewährung einer bestmöglichen Behandlung von Schmerzpatienten in Einklang gebracht werden kann. In diesem Spannungsfeld fasst der Band die Beiträge eines Expertenworkshops zusammen, der 2012 von der Klinik für Palliativmedizin sowie dem Zentrum für Medizinrecht der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen veranstaltet wurde. Ergänzt um Beiträge weiterer Autoren werden aktuelle Konfliktbereiche im Verhältnis von (Betäubungsmittel- )Recht und Palliativmedizin aufgegriffen und im interdisziplinären Dialog beleuchtet. The collection is related to a workshop at the Georg-August-University Göttingen from 2012 and refers to the use of narcotics in palliative care. Experts of law and medicine discuss the situation of doctors leaving narcotics at their patients home, the prevailing legal norms and the need for reform.

Dopage et performance sportive : Analyse d'une pratique prohibée
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 286580075X 2865802507 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris : INSEP-Éditions,

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Nul ne peut contester qu'il existe aujourd'hui une réelle volonté de lutter contre le dopage en sport. Tous les spécialistes, du législateur au médecin, en passant par les dirigeants sportifs et le sportif lui-même, s'accordent pour reconnaître la nécessité de ce combat. Pourtant, en dépit des moyens mis en œuvre, bien des obstacles font résistance pour éradiquer ce phénomène qui entache l'image du monde sportif.- Pourquoi les campagnes officielles de lutte contre le dopage semblent-elles porteuses de si peu d'effets ?- De quoi dépend le fait de fermer les yeux ou, au contraire, de les ouvrir, afin de mener dans un cas une politique de l'autruche, ou d'affronter dans l'autre les réalités en face ?- Existe-t-il un lien entre le dopage et les valeurs véhiculées par notre société dans son ensemble ? En regroupant acquis théoriques et données d'enquêtes de terrain, les auteurs font un état des lieux du dopage et recensent tout ce qui entrave la lutte antidopage. Ils proposent un diagnostic original, ni moraliste, ni complaisant, de cette "pratique prohibée". Chacun reconnaîtra la situation de double contrainte où se trouve enfermé le champion, entre la nécessité de gagner et celle de "rester propre". Cet ouvrage guide le lecteur dans l'exploration actualisée de ce domaine difficile d'accès. Il lui offre en même temps d'imaginer, en une démarche prospective, les scénarios possibles que pourrait connaître notre société, dans un futur plus ou moins proche, et qui seraient l'auto-contrôle, la responsabilisation, la répression accrue ou... la libéralisation ? Servies par un cadre sociologique rigoureux, les analyses développées demeurent largement accessibles à tous les acteurs du milieu sportif, à tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux enjeux contemporains du sport de haut niveau, qu'ils soient spectateurs, sportifs pratiquants, dirigeants, responsables fédéraux, formateurs ou chercheurs.

Wirtschaftsethische Perspektiven des Drogenproblems..
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3428474287 3428074289 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : Duncker & Humblot,

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Papers presented at a meeting of the Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Ethik des Vereins fèur Socialpolitik, held in Zèurich on Dec. 5-6, 1991.

Yaa Baa : Production, trafic et consommation de méthamphetamine en Asie du Sud-Est continentale
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2355960305 2747523977 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bangkok : Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine,

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Yaa baa, « le médicament qui rend fou ». En Thaïlande le surnom de la méthamphétamine sonne comme un avertissement, mais il n’a pas dissuadé des centaines de milliers de Thaïlandais, jeunes pour la plupart, de s’y adonner avec plus ou moins de retenue. « Drogue de travail » ou « drogue de loisir », il s’agit d’un véritable phénomène de société qui n’est pas étranger aux évolutions économiques et aux mutations culturelles qu’a connues le royaume au cours de ces dernières décennies. Ce livre s’efforce de donner des explications à un engouement qui touche également d’autres pays de la région. Il replace la consommation de méthamphétamine dans les logiques du narcotrafic dont les ressorts sont à rechercher aux marges orientales de la Birmanie, en plein cœur du Triangle d’Or.

Drug Policies and Development : Conflict and Coexistence
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9004440488 9004440496 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands : Koninklijke Brill NV,

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The 12th volume of International Development Policy explores the relationship between international drug policy and development goals, both current and within a historical perspective. Contributions address the drugs and development nexus from a range of critical viewpoints, highlighting gaps and contradictions, as well as exploring strategies and opportunities for enhanced linkages between drug control and development programming. Criminalisation and coercive law enforcement-based responses in international and national level drug control are shown to undermine peace, security and development objectives.

Drug addiction
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1789233712 1789233704 1838814582 Year: 2018 Publisher: IntechOpen

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This edited volume is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of drug addiction. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the pertinent research area. All chapters are complete in themselves but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims at providing a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors on drug addiction, and opens new possible research paths for further novel developments.

Recent advances in drug addiction research and clinical applications
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535124927 9535172867 9535124919 Year: 2016 Publisher: IntechOpen

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Although it is well-accepted that drug addiction is a major public health concern, how we address it as a society continues to evolve as recent advances in the lab and clinic clarify the nature of the problem and influence our views. This unique collection of eight chapters reviews key findings on the neurobiology and therapeutics of addiction while capturing the diversity of perspectives that shape these concepts, which range from evolutionary biology to psychiatry to the legal system. This book discusses in depth how technological advances have led to important discoveries and how these discoveries, in turn, are increasingly being translated into clinical practice. It also presents avenues for future study that hold promise for the many affected by addiction.

Toxicomanias : incidências clínicas e socioantropológicas
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9788523208820 Year: 2009 Publisher: SciELO Books - EDUFBA

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The reflections and debates around the use and abuse of drugs reflect the different ways that humans use to deal with the pain of their own existence. Readers from different fields of knowledge, as well as people interested in the topic, will have the possibility to go through texts that point out issues, bringing up impasses and perspectives for the construction of multiple work possibilities.

Retreat or Entrenchment? : Drug Policies in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads
ISBN: 9176351602 9176351637 Year: 2021 Publisher: Stockholm Stockholm University Press

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The drug policies of the Nordic countries have been relatively strict. Since this seems to contradict the internationally recognized liberal criminal policy in general, analyses have been devoted to try to understand this gap. Why doesn’t the “Scandinavian exceptionalism” apply to the drug policies? The new question in relation to drug policy is, however, if and how the Nordic countries will adapt to a situation when several countries all over the world are questioning ‘the war on drugs’ and orienting themselves in the direction of decriminalization and legalization. An analysis of a possible change in drug policies must be undertaken against the background of the existing policies. There are both similarities and differences between the five countries. A common feature is a stress on the demand side through both treatment and punishments directed against the user and abuser. Differences are shown in degrees of toughness in drug policies with Sweden strongest stressing a zero-tolerance stand and Denmark being the most liberal in the Nordic context. The strong welfare state ideology of all the countries is important for understanding the obstacles to a more liberal and permissive drug policy. The welfare state is an interventionist state. To not do anything about what is considered to be a problem both for the individual and the society is just not an option. In most of the countries the traditions from the temperance movements also have influenced the drug policies through the stepping-stone or gateway theory, not making a distinction between soft and hard drugs. At the same time, a number of facts and processes work in the direction of change. The drug policies of the countries have not delivered, including high numbers of drug-related deaths. The debate has opened up in just a short period of time. Many of the political youth parties demand decriminalisation of use of drugs and so have some public authorities. Human rights arguments are increasingly being put forward as a critique of police interventions. A tendency for politicians to meet the critique seems to be to separate the marginal abuser from the recreational user. The first one should be given treatment and care according to welfare state ideology. The second one, however, could be punished since the user in line with neo-liberal theory can choose and by the use contributes to the drug trade and even the killings in poor suburbs. The Nordic countries stand at a crossroads, but what new roads will be taken is far from clear.

Transnational organized crime : analyses of a global challenge to democracy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 383942495X 3837624951 Year: 2013 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany transcript Verlag

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Transnational organized crime interferes with the everyday lives of more and more people - and represents a serious threat to democracy. By now, organized crime has become an inherent feature of economic globalization, and the fine line between the legal and illegal operation of business networks is blurred. Additionally, few experts could claim to have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the laws and regulations governing the international flow of trade, and hence of the borderline towards criminal transactions. This book offers contributions from 12 countries around the world authored by 25 experts from a wide range of academic disciplines, representatives from civil society organizations and private industry, journalists, as well as activists. Recognizing the complexity of the issue, this publication provides a cross cultural and multi-disciplinary analysis of transnational organized crime including a historical approach from different regional and cultural contexts. Conception: Regine Schönenberg and Annette von Schönfeld. »Insgesamt vermittelt der Band [...] trotz oder gerade wegen der zahlreichen Perspektiven auf das Thema ein Verständnis für die Vielschichtigkeit des Problems und die Notwendigkeit umfassenderer Ansätze.« Christian Patz, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 09.04.2015 »Es ist die nüchterne, wissenschaftliche Analyse und ihre Sprache, die die Problematik so eindringlich präsentiert und beweist, dass die Organisierte Kriminalität weltweit keine marginale Erscheinung ist und konsequentes, gemeinsames Handeln erfordert - auch in Deutschland.« Europäische Sicherheit & Technik, 3 (2014) »Das Buch bietet einen guten Einstieg in die Thematik und liest sich sehr abwechslungsreich.« Alexander Kamprad,, 1 (2014) »The broad range of perspectives and multi-professional approach are refreshing and fit well into the editors mission to focus on features of TOC that are not generally brought into conversation with each other.« Nicholas Dietrich, H-Soz-u-Kult, 06.12.2013 Reviewed in: taz, 20.06.2013, Wolf-Dieter Vogel

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