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Metaphern und Metonymien sind Phänomene, die unser Denken, Sprechen und Handeln bestimmen und sich u.a. sprachlich manifestieren.Im Hinblick auf die Analyse von Metaphern und Metonymien sind gegenwärtig Tendenzen zu beobachten, die die Phänomene nicht mehr ausschließlich aus kognitiver Perspektive betrachten, da eine ausschließlich kognitive Beschreibung von Metaphern und Metonymien zu kurz greift. Stattdessen werden integrative und interdisziplinäre Ansätze verfolgt, die empirisch orientiert sind und neben kognitiven vor allem soziopragmatische, historische oder sprachvergleichende Aspekte in die Analyse integrieren. Der Sammelband greift diese aktuellen Tendenzen auf. Auf der Basis empirischer Untersuchungen von Metaphern und Metonymien sowohl aus einzelsprachlicher, sprachvergleichender und interdisziplinärer Perspektive werden in den einzelnen Beiträgen theoretische und methodische Fragestellungen diskutiert sowie neue Perspektiven der Forschung eröffnet. Open Access:Die freie Verfügbarkeit der E-Book-Ausgabe dieser Publikation wurde im Juli 2019 nachträglich ermöglicht durch den Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik.
Cognitive grammar. --- Metaphor. --- Metonyms. --- Metonymy --- Figures of speech --- Parabole --- Reification --- Cognitive linguistics --- Grammar, Comparative and general --- Psycholinguistics --- Discourse Analysis. --- Metonymy. --- Psycholinguistics.
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L’image de Japonais imitateurs possède une longue histoire : en Europe, elle émerge au xviiie et a connu jusqu’à récemment différentes phases caractéristiques. Bien que liée à la modernisation, cette histoire n’éclaire pas uniquement la rencontre du Japon avec la culture européenne, elle est aussi le miroir des conceptions de l’art en Occident où des contremodèles étaient nécessaires afin de soutenir l’idée que la création est la valeur suprême. La première partie de ce livre a pour objectif de montrer, à travers les discours sur le Japon, comment et pourquoi à l’époque moderne la question esthétique de l’imitation est au cœur des rapports de domination symbolique entre les cultures et, plus largement, entre les hommes. Les Japonais n’ont pas été passifs face à cette situation. Ils ont assimilé et réemployé ce discours, vis-à-vis de la Chine notamment, et essayé d’y réagir, que ce soit par le déni, la réactivation de savoir-faire locaux ou l’invocation d’un esprit national. Toutefois, bien qu’ils aient rejeté la plupart des dispositifs uniquement mimétiques, ils n’ont pas accepté une attitude purement subjective vis-à-vis de la création, ce qui se manifeste par un goût pour tout ce qui, de la matière, ne peut être sublimé, comme la terre ou les os. L’analyse d’œuvres majeures du Japon moderne et contemporain comme Vivre de Kurosawa Akira et Le Voyage de Chihiro de Miyazaki Hayao a pour but de montrer, comment de grands artistes japonais du xxe siècle ont fait travailler ensemble les notions de création et d’imitation, et comment ces approches alternatives, qui s’opposent à une vision héroïque et désocialisante de l’auteur, permettent d’assumer, autant que possible, la mort dans la vie. Japanese as imitators is a long-standing stereotype. In Europe it appears in the 18th century and follows different typical steps up to nowadays. The history of this narrative, which is related to modernization process, does not only shed a new light on Japan’s encounter with…
Asian Studies --- History --- emotions --- hero --- metaphor --- metonymy --- mitate --- rejection --- imitation --- métonymie --- originalité --- rejet de l’autre --- tradition et modernité --- émotion
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The nature of structures comprising part-whole relations belongs to the oldest, most fundamental and still discussed questions of philosophical ontology. Unlike many former approaches, which either give priority to the parts or to the whole of such structures, the present project is an ontological investigation that suggests an alternative to a hierarchical conception of parts and whole with a one-sided dependence relationship. In considering the dynamic ‘in-between’ or interplay of parts and whole, I develop and determine an ontological category called ‘part-whole oscillations’ (pwo). Die Beschaffenheit von Strukturen mit Verhältnissen zwischen Ganzen und Teilen gehört zu den ältesten, grundlegendsten und immer noch besprochenen Fragen der philosophischen Ontologie. Im Gegensatz zu vielen früheren Ansätzen, welche entweder die Teile oder das Ganze solcher Strukturen priorisieren, stellt das vorliegende Projekt eine ontologische Untersuchung dar, die eine Alternative zu einem hierarchischen Verständnis von Teilen und Ganzen mit einseitigem Abhängigkeitsverhältnis anbietet. Unter Berücksichtigung des dynamischen ‘Dazwischen’ beziehungsweise Wechselspiels von Teilen und Ganzen, entwickle und bestimme ich eine ontologische Kategorie namens ‘Teil-Ganze-Oszillationen’ (kurz pwo: part-whole oscillations).
Gestalt, Teil, Philosophie, Metonymie, Ontologie, Ganzes --- ÖFOS 2012, Metaphysik --- ÖFOS 2012, Wahrnehmungspsychologie --- ÖFOS 2012, Kognitive Linguistik --- Gestalt, Part, Philosophy, Metonymy, Ontology, Whole --- ÖFOS 2012, Metaphysics --- ÖFOS 2012, Psychology of perception --- ÖFOS 2012, Cognitive linguistics
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This interdisciplinary study presents the cutting-edge state of theoretical and applied research in phraseology. The author elaborates key terminology and theoretical concepts of phraseology, while challenging some prevailing assumptions. Exploration of phraseological meaning across sentence boundaries is supported by ample textual illustrations of stylistic use ranging from Old English to Modern English. The book contains innovative research in the discourse-level features of phraseological units from a cognitive perspective, along with creative use of phraseological metaphor, metonymy and allusion, including multimodal discourse. The author argues for the need to raise stylistic awareness among teachers and learners, translators, lexicographers and advertisers. This is the revised and extensively expanded new edition of Phraseological Units in Discourse: Towards Applied Stylistics (2001). It received honourable mention at the ESSE Book Award 2012.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES --- Linguistics / General --- English language --- Discourse analysis --- English --- Languages & Literatures --- English Language --- Rhetoric --- Style --- Terms and phrases --- Discourse analysis. --- Rhetoric. --- Style. --- Discourse grammar --- Text grammar --- English literature --- Metrics and rhythmics --- Semantics --- Semiotics --- Germanic languages --- Linguistics --- Extended metaphor --- Literal and figurative language --- Metaphor --- Metonymy --- Phraseology --- Pun --- Root (linguistics)
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Minimalism stands as the key representative of 1960s radicalism in art music histories-but always as a failed project. In The Names of Minimalism, Patrick Nickleson holds in tension collaborative composers in the period of their collaboration, as well as the musicological policing of authorship in the wake of their eventual disputes. Through examinations of the droning of the Theatre of Eternal Music, Reich's Pendulum Music, Glass's work for multiple organs, the austere performances of punk and no wave bands, and Rhys Chatham and Glenn Branca's works for massed electric guitars, Nickleson argues for authorship as always impure, buzzing, and indistinct. Expanding the place of Jacques Rancière's philosophy within musicology, Nickleson draws attention to disciplinary practices of guarding compositional authority against artists who set out to undermine it. The book reimagines the canonic artists and works of minimalism as "(early) minimalism," to show that art music histories refuse to take seriously challenges to conventional authorship as a means of defending the very category "art music." Ultimately, Nickleson asks where we end up if we imagine the early minimalist project-artists forming bands to perform their own music, rejecting the score in favor of recording, making extensive use of magnetic type as compositional and archival medium, hosting performances in lofts and art galleries rather than concert halls-not as a utopian moment within a 1960s counterculture doomed to fail, but as the beginning of a process with a long and influential afterlife.
Minimal music --- History and criticism. --- Meditative music --- Minimalism (Music) --- Minimalist music --- Music, Minimal --- Repetitive music --- Systematic music --- Music --- Minimalism, early minimalism, Tony Conrad, Marian Zazeela, La Monte Young, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Terry Riley, Glenn Branca, Rhys Chatham, authorship, music history, historiography, radicalism, leftist historiography, Jacques Rancière, drone, May '68, metonymy, Theatre of Eternal Music, punk, no wave, new wave, New York --- Authorship. --- Historiography. --- 1900-1999
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This volume draws together a diverse array of scholars from across the humanities to formulate and address the question of “ethics and literary practice” for a new decade. In taking up a conjunction whose terms remain productively open to question, fifteen essays survey a range of approaches and topics including genre and disciplinary rhetoric, emergence theory and literary signification, the ethics of alterity, of attention, and of aesthetics, the decolonial and the paracritical, neorealism and contingency, analogy and affect, scripture and national literature. From Seamus Heaney to Hannah Arendt, Teresa Brennan to Stanley Cavell, Ronit Matalon to Édouard Glissant, Uwe Timm to Katherena Vermette, Notes for Echo Lake to the Gospel of St. Matthew, these contributions demonstrate how broadly and fruitfully ramifying its organizing inquiry can be. Bringing such multifarious perspectives to the topic feels only more urgent as language, meaning, and expression enter the crucible of a “post-truth” era.
Ethics --- Stanley Cavell --- Michael Palmer --- poetry --- American philosophy --- Ralph Waldo Emerson --- poetics --- language poetry --- moral perfectionism --- emergence --- aesthetics --- mimesis --- Adorno --- ethics --- literature --- skepticism --- tragedy --- romanticism --- Emersonian perfectionism --- Emmanuel Levinas --- ethics and literature --- analogy --- empathy --- Israeli literature --- Israelis and Palestinians --- narrative ethics --- recognition --- responsibility --- decoloniality --- Kafka --- Timm --- racism --- genocide --- German Empire --- reading --- postcritical --- Afro-Caribbean literature --- African-American literature --- paracritical --- Glissant --- Seamus Heaney --- Jacques Derrida --- Seamus Heaney’s Human Rights Lecture --- po-ethics --- the other --- politics --- redress --- the individual --- Shakespeare --- Dante Alighieri --- Simon Critchley --- Czeslaw Miłosz --- Primo Levi --- alterity --- compassion --- enlarged thinking --- human rights --- judgment --- refugees --- sensus communis --- Teresa Brennan --- Hélène Cixous --- affect --- porosity --- vulnerability --- entre deux --- philosophy --- attention --- representation --- indigenous writers --- gendered violence --- Levinas --- Weil --- pedagogy --- metonymy --- metaphor --- neorealism --- contingency --- dialectics --- Heidegger --- Proust --- time --- literary form --- Being --- Alterity --- Anthropocene --- sonic rhetorics --- non-linguistic turn --- space --- prosody --- etymology --- Plato --- the Other --- orthography --- classical Greek --- Biblical Hebrew --- the reversible vov --- n/a --- Seamus Heaney's Human Rights Lecture --- Hélène Cixous
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