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El Partido Demócrata Cristiano ha sido una pieza clave en la más general inserción de la política chilena en las grandes tendencias político-ideológicas que dominaron la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Durante el siglo pasado las relaciones entre adores políticos externos y chilenos se enmarcaron en el contexto de grandes procesos y disyuntivas de relevancia mundial: la Guerra Fría y la más general competencia entre proyectos sociales holísticos, la emergente preocupación por los derechos humanos, la experiencia de las transiciones post dictatoriales en Europa Meridional, entre otros. Estos actores externos Jugaron un papel muy relevante en Impulsar la estrategia política de salida do la dictadura chilena que, al converger con factores internos, tuvieron un impacto importante en determinar los lineamientos de la transición. Los adores políticos locales, como el PDC, lejos de ser piezas en manos de referentes externos, tuvieron un papel protagónico, usando sus redes internacionales para afianzar y consolidar su proyecto político. A diferencia de otros trabajos que han abordado la dimensión internacional de la transición, el foco de este libro no son los aspectos económicos, ni los ideológicos, sino más bien la centralidad política de un ador, el Partido Demócrata Cristiano, y la capacidad que éste tuvo de consolidar a nivel internacional su posición de referente para el retorno a la democracla en Chile.
History of the Americas --- Chile --- Christian Democracy --- Dictatorship --- Democracy --- International links
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Future access networks are converged optical-wireless networks, where fixed-line and wireless services share the same infrastructure. In this book, semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and mm-wave wireless links are investigated, and their use in converged access networks is explored: SOAs compensate losses in the network, and thereby extend the network reach. Millimeter-wave wireless links substitute fiber links when cabling is not economical.
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In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird gezeigt, dass die Tragfähigkeit evolventisch basierter Zahnwellenverbindungen auf geradezu revolutionäre Art und Weise gesteigert werden kann, wenn für ihre Realisierung nicht das System zur Bezugsprofilgenerierung der [DIN 5480], sondern das in dieser Dissertation neu entwickelte, hoch innovative System zur Profilgenerierung zugrunde gelegt wird. Mit ihm werden, wie mit umfangreichsten Studien belegt wird, die Gestaltfestigkeitsgrenzen nicht nur verschoben, sondern völlig neu definiert. Des Weiteren werden Näherungsgleichungen zur Beschreibung der für das Kriterium der Gestaltfestigkeit optimalen Geometrien sowie für ihre zur nennspannungsbasierten Auslegung erforderlichen Grundgrößen entwickelt. Diese vereinfachen die optimale Ausführung evolventisch basierter Zahnwellenverbindungen außerordentlich. Darüber hinaus wird widerlegt, dass alternative Profilformen, die in der Regel erhebliche wirtschaftliche Nachteile haben, Tragfähigkeitsvorteile aufweisen. Mit dem neuen System zur Profilgenerierung ist nicht nur das volle Potenzial evolventisch basierter Zahnwellenverbindungen erschlossen, sondern zudem deren Anpassung an die an sie gestellten Anforderungen respektive Versagenskriterien möglich.
Links and link-motion. --- Zahnwellenverbindung --- DIN 5480 --- Profilwellenverbindung --- Passverzahnung --- Steckverzahnung --- komplexe Trochoide
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Emotions play a central role in every human life, from the moment we are born until we die. They prepare the body for action, guide decisions, and highlight what should be noticed and remembered. Since emotions are central to daily functioning and well-being, it is important to understand the extent to which aging affects the perception of, attention to, memory for, as well as experience and regulation of emotions.An early scientific view of how people's emotions are affected by aging argued that aging led to a deterioration of emotional function. This theory, represented by for example Carl Jung (1875-1961), claimed that old age is a period of life when people feel an increased emotional sameness and less emotional energy. According to this scientific view, the aging emotional landscape was bleached, barren, and flattened. Current psychological research, however, shows that emotion is rather a psychological domain that is relatively unaffected by the aging process or even improves with age, in contrast to most cognitive functions. For example, even though there is evidence that aging is associated with deficits in emotion recognition, various emotional functions seem to remain intact or become better with age, such as the ability to regulate one’s emotions or the extent of experiencing positive emotions. However, more research is needed to determine brain and behavior related, quantitative and qualitative age-related changes of different aspects of emotion processing and emotional functioning.In the current Frontiers research topic we aim to present exciting new findings related to the effects of healthy aging on both more perceptually driven bottom-up as well as more cognitively driven top-down aspects of emotions. In particular, questions such as the following need to be raised and addressed: What neural and behavioral processes are underlying age differences in emotion perception and memory for emotional information? Are there differences between how older and younger adults experience and regulate their emotions, and what drives these differences? Is there a gradual reduction or more of a qualitative change of our emotional experiences over the life cycle, from the turbulent childhood and youth to the mellower old age? And what aspects of age-related changes in emotional processing can be explained by age-related changes in the brain, and which are more affected by other factors such as changes in other body systems, in experiential processes, or in overall life goals?
Psychology --- Social Sciences --- Emotional perception --- Brain --- emotional experience --- Cognition-Emotion Interactions --- Aging --- Behavior --- emotional regulation --- Emotional Memory --- Brain-Behavior Links --- emotional attention
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Dit boek bevat een negental essays over de toenemende digitalisering bij de overheid en de invloed daarvan op de overheid/burger-relatie. De positieve ontwikkelingen, maar ook de zwakke plekken worden blootgelegd en mogelijke verbeterpunten worden beschreven. De essays leveren een belangrijke bijdrage aan het project van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) die het effect van de toenemende digitalisering bij de overheid heeft onderzocht en dat als resultaat het WRR-rapport opleverde. Dit boek is interessant voor IT-managers en projectleiders die werkzaam zijn bij de overhei
Goverment links. --- Information society. --- Information technology -- Social aspects. --- Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Theory --- Knowledge management. --- Information technology --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Information ethics --- Management of knowledge assets --- Intellectual capital --- Organizational learning --- public administration --- bestuurskunde --- political science --- politicologie
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This book provides a broad introduction to the physics and technology of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). This new configuration of the LHC is one of the major accelerator projects for the next 20 years and will give new life to the LHC after its first 15-year operation. Not only will it allow more precise measurements of the Higgs boson and of any new particles that might be discovered in the next LHC run, but also extend the mass limit reach for detecting new particles. The HL-LHC is based on the innovative accelerator magnet technologies capable of generating 11–13 Tesla fields, with effectiveness enhanced by use of the new Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing scheme, and other state-of-the-art accelerator technologies, such as superconducting compact RF crab cavities, advanced collimation concepts, and novel power technology based on high temperature superconducting links.The book consists of a series of chapters touching on all issues of technology and design, and each chapter can be read independently. The first few chapters give a summary of the whole project, of the physics motivation and of the accelerator challenges. The subsequent chapters cover the novel technologies, the new configurations of LHC and of its injectors as well as the expected operational implications. Altogether, the book brings the reader to the heart of technologies for the leading edge accelerator and gives insights into next generation hadron colliders.
Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland) --- Physics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Nuclear Physics --- Large Hadron Collider --- Hadron colliders --- Supercolliders --- High Field Superconducting Magnets --- High Energy Colliders --- Superconducting Accelerators --- Advanced Collimators --- High Luminosity Colliders --- LHC Upgrades --- Crab Cavities --- Superconducting Links
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L'histoire du groupe "Socialisme ou Barbarie" ressemble à celle de toutes les avant-gardes : extrêmement isolé durant son existence (1949-1967), il est devenu quasi-mythique aujourd'hui sans que son apport théorique soit mieux connu.Ses analyses de la bureaucratie n'ont guère été lues par les courants de la gauche critique, et s'il a influencé la mise en cause du marxisme dans le champ intellectuel français à la fin des années 1970, c'est au prix d'une dénaturation profonde de ses idées dans la mesure où elle n'avait comme objectif que de dénoncer le totalitarisme communiste, passant sous silence ses critiques du capitalisme. S'il parait impossible de saisir la part exacte qui revient à Castoriadis dans ces influences, du moins peut-on cerner son apport comme penseur original en tâchant de prendre la mesure des spécificités de son oeuvre par opposition à celles de ceux qui l'ont côtoyé.
Extreem links --- Extrême gauche --- Frans intellectuelen in geschiedenis --- French intellectual history --- Intellectuels français dans l'histoire --- Left radicals --- Links extremisten --- Radical left --- Socialisme et intellectuels --- Intellectuels --- Activité politique --- Castoriadis, Cornelius, --- Critique et interprétation --- Socialisme ou barbarie (France) --- Socialisme ou Barbarie. Organe de critique et d'orientation révolutionnaire (périodique) --- Communism and intellectuals --- France --- Intellectuals --- Political activity --- Political participation --- Philosophy --- socialisme --- gauche --- extrême gauche --- activité politique --- barbarie --- réformisme --- désaccord --- émancipation
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The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well.
equalization --- n/a --- space division multiplexing --- multi-input multi-output --- mode-division multiplexing --- mode-dependent loss --- caching --- neural network --- mitigation of optical transceiver impairments --- four-level pulse amplitude modulation --- least mean squares --- frequency-domain equalization --- nonlinearity compensation --- optical fiber communication --- optical communication --- modulators --- digital signal processing --- quadrature phase-shift keying --- space–time block-coding --- pointing error --- Device to Device --- fiber optics communications --- cycle-slip --- coherent communications --- coherent communication --- pluggable module --- recursive least squares --- data center interconnect --- average symbol length --- pulse position modulation–binary phase shift keying–subcarrier intensity modulation (PPM–BPSK–SIM) --- 400 Gigabit Ethernet --- direct detection --- QSFP-DD transceiver --- low-density parity-check (LDPC) --- coherent detection --- free space optical (FSO) --- carrier phase estimation --- optical communications --- bit error rate (BER) --- machine learning --- fiber optics links and subsystems --- short-reach optical links --- Indian Buffet Process --- pilot-aided-phase-unwrap --- space-time block-coding --- pulse position modulation-binary phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (PPM-BPSK-SIM)
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The present Special Issue of Symmetry is devoted to two important areas of global Riemannian geometry, namely submanifold theory and the geometry of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces. Submanifold theory originated from the classical geometry of curves and surfaces. Homogeneous spaces are manifolds that admit a transitive Lie group action, historically related to F. Klein's Erlangen Program and S. Lie's idea to use continuous symmetries in studying differential equations. In this Special Issue, we provide a collection of papers that not only reflect some of the latest advancements in both areas, but also highlight relations between them and the use of common techniques. Applications to other areas of mathematics are also considered.
warped products --- vector equilibrium problem --- Laplace operator --- cost functional --- pointwise 1-type spherical Gauss map --- inequalities --- homogeneous manifold --- finite-type --- magnetic curves --- Sasaki-Einstein --- evolution dynamics --- non-flat complex space forms --- hyperbolic space --- compact Riemannian manifolds --- maximum principle --- submanifold integral --- Clifford torus --- D’Atri space --- 3-Sasakian manifold --- links --- isoparametric hypersurface --- Einstein manifold --- real hypersurfaces --- Kähler 2 --- *-Weyl curvature tensor --- homogeneous geodesic --- optimal control --- formality --- hadamard manifolds --- Sasakian Lorentzian manifold --- generalized convexity --- isospectral manifolds --- Legendre curves --- geodesic chord property --- spherical Gauss map --- pointwise bi-slant immersions --- mean curvature --- weakly efficient pareto points --- geodesic symmetries --- homogeneous Finsler space --- orbifolds --- slant curves --- hypersphere --- ??-space --- k-D’Atri space --- *-Ricci tensor --- homogeneous space
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I saggi raccolti in Dentro e fuori il testo rappresentano una sintetica summa degli studi di Alberto Cadioli, mettendo in risalto alcuni dei passaggi più rilevanti – dal punto di vista teorico-metodologico – di una lunga attività di ricerca. Pur nella varietà e nella dinamicità dei percorsi, queste pagine rivelano la fedeltà a un presupposto che, già individuabile nei primi lavori, è rimasto sempre presente: la vocazione a indagare i nessi che stringono chi crea il testo letterario, chi lo porta alla stampa, chi lo riceve. «Fuori» e «dentro» il testo, dunque, coltivando una critica letteraria che, nelle prime indagini, utilizza gli strumenti della sociologia della letteratura e della storia dell’editoria, e poi via via quelli della filologia, in particolare dei testi a stampa e della filologia d’autore. Dall’editoria alla filologia, dunque, con l’obiettivo di approfondire la storia dei testi e della loro trasmissione, la storia della loro genesi e della mediazione editoriale che li ha portati ai lettori nelle forme di un oggetto storicamente e materialmente definito. Le riflessioni teoriche e le indicazioni metodologiche dei saggi qui proposti hanno spinto Cadioli a percorrere sentieri scarsamente battuti, a suggerire indirizzi di ricerca nuovi sui quali sono cresciuti e consolidati nuovi orientamenti critici, ormai radicati nel panorama degli studi sull’Otto-Novecento letterario.
Information Science & Library Science --- Literature (General) --- liens entre ceux qui créent le texte littéraire et ceux qui l'impriment --- sociologie de la littérature --- histoire de l'édition --- philologie de l'auteur --- médiation de l'édition --- littérature du XIXe siècle --- nessi tra chi crea il testo letterario e chi lo stampa --- sociologia della letteratura --- storia dell’editoria --- filologia d’autore --- mediazione editoriale --- Otto-Novecento letterario --- links between those who create the literary text and those who print it --- sociology of literature --- history of publishing --- authorial philology --- publishing mediation --- nineteenth-nineteenth century literary
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