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Décrocher son diplôme (et l'emploi de ses rêves!) : Comment maîtriser les compétences essentielles menant au succès à l'école, au travail et dans la vie
Authors: ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: [Ontario] : University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa,

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Going to university is exciting, but it can also be stressful. What courses should I take? What program should I choose? Will I get a job after graduation? This book shows that the best preparation for success on the job, and in life, is succeeding at university. Teamwork, meeting deadlines, overcoming challenges, writing well, and dealing with people are essential in any professional job. These same skills are also vital to becoming a strong student. This practical guide shows you how to master the critical skills and strategies for success at school, work, and in life. Whether you're starting post-secondary studies or are in the middle or about to graduate, this book will help you learn the skills to succeed at school and in the challenging job market. It's meant for all university students, many college and high school students, and their parents. This book will also help you flourish as a student, a professional, and a person. Ultimately, it's about the happiness that comes when you live a thoughtful, balanced, and self-directed life. "Fréquenter l'université, c'est palpitant, mais c'est également stressant. Quels cours suivre? Quel programme choisir? Vais-je décrocher un emploi après avoir obtenu mon diplôme? Rassurez-vous : ce livre permet de constater que la meilleure façon de bien se préparer son entrée dans le marché du travail, c'est de réussir ses études universitaires. Le travail d'équipe, le respect des échéanciers, la capacité de relever les défis, une belle plume, et la capacité d'interagir avec ses collègues : voilà autant d'éléments essentiels dans tout emploi professionnel. Ces mêmes compétences sont justement les fondements de tout bon étudiant. Ce guide pratique vous montre comment maîtriser ces compétences clés ainsi que les stratégies qui mènent à la réussite aux études, au travail et dans la vie."--

The Change Laboratory for Teacher Training in Entrepreneurship Education : A New Skills Agenda for Europe
ISBN: 3030025713 3030025705 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This open access book illustrates a new type of formative intervention for in-service teacher training in entrepreneurship education. The book describes a Change Laboratory and shows how teachers and workshop assistants develop the idea of a multidisciplinary project entailing the design of a self-service and parking lot in a dismissed area close to the city centre. The multidisciplinary project is taken as example of how an idea is debated and turned into collective action and change, the very essence of initiative and entrepreneurship. The Change Laboratory thus increases the participation of students, teachers and stakeholders in the school towards a new curriculum through the implementation of a multidisciplinary project connecting school with the world outside and working life. The book features a foreword by Luke Pittaway, USASBE Entrepreneurship Educator of 2018. The manuscript discusses key concepts of Cultural Historical Activity Theory’s Change Laboratory as a formative intervention in a coherent and accessible manner. Beyond that it carefully illustrates how the Change Laboratory and its principles of double stimulation and ascending from the abstract to the concrete can be used as a theory of change to address one of the difficult and new demands of the European Union’s New Skills Agenda. The author takes the reader through the expansive learning journey and uses strong evidence to show how a new object can be developed, and how associated tensions and contradictions can be surfaced and tackled by actors with a partially shared object, and how a new concept can be formed and enriched through implementation and reflection in a manner that generates collective transformative agency. (Reviewer) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 654101.

Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung : Bildung als Mittel der Armutsprävention in der Kreditgesellschaft
ISBN: 3845258659 3789083623 Year: 2003 Publisher: Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,

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Der produktive Gebrauch von Finanzdienstleistungen ist zum Schlüssel für die Teilhabe am modernen Wirtschaftsleben geworden. "Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung" soll in der Kommunikation zwischen Anbietern und Kunden die Fähigkeit beider Seiten erhöhen, Finanzdienstleistungen und Lebensbedürfnisse besser aufeinander abzustimmen. Ohne sie wird die moderne Kreditgesellschaft höhere Überschuldung, Ausschluss und Risiken vor allem für die unteren Bevölkerungsschichten mit sich bringen. Ansätze für eine »Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung« haben sich in der Bundesrepublik im Vergleich zu den USA und Großbritannien erst in Anfängen etabliert. Die vorliegende, mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes von 1999 und 2001 im Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen e.V. (iff) durchgeführte Untersuchung will diese Diskussion eröffnen. Sie setzt sich kritisch mit Bildungskonzepten in Deutschland und vergleichend in den USA und Großbritannien auseinander, ermittelt die Ziele sowie methodische Ansätze einer »Finanziellen Allgemeinbildung« aus der Perspektive eines sozialen Verbraucherschutzes. Prof. Dr. Udo Reifner ist Direktor des iff e.V.

Development of a K-12 financial education curriculum assessment rubric
ISBN: 0833093606 9780833093608 Year: 2015 Publisher: Santa Monica Rand Corporation

Life Skills Education for Youth : Critical Perspectives
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030852148 303085213X Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing AG,

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This open access volume critically reviews a diverse body of scholarship and practice that informs the conceptualization, curriculum, teaching and measurement of life skills in education settings around the world. It discusses life skills as they are implemented in schools and non-formal education, providing both qualitative and quantitative evidence of when, with whom, and how life skills do or do not impact young women’s and men’s lives in various contexts. Specifically, it examines the nature and importance of life skills, and how they are taught. It looks at the synergies and differences between life skills educational programmes and the way in which they promote social and emotional learning, vocational/employment education, and health and sexuality education. Finally, it explores how life skills may be better incorporated into education and how such education can address structures and relations of power to help youth achieve desired future outcomes, and goals set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Life skills education has gained considerable attention by education policymakers, researchers and educators as being the sine qua non for later achievements in life. It is nearly ubiquitous in global and national education policies, including the SDGs, because life skills are regarded as essential for a diverse set of purposes: reducing poverty, achieving gender equality, promoting economic growth, addressing climate change, fostering peace and global citizenship, and creating sustainable and healthy communities. Yet, to achieve these broad goals, questions persist as to which life skills are important, who needs to learn them, how they can be taught, and how they are best measured. This book addresses these questions.


Study & learning skills: general --- Careers guidance --- Schools --- Curriculum planning & development --- Social issues & processes --- The self, ego, identity, personality --- examining life skills education scholarships --- life skills for adolescents in developing countries --- linking life skills education and social-emotional learning --- life skills for 'at risk' youth --- social justice based approach to life skills --- empirical cases of life skills education --- employability and soft skills curriculum development --- career skills as education --- Open Access --- Educació --- Habilitats socials --- Joves --- Grups d'edat --- Adolescents --- Joves internautes --- Treball social amb els joves --- Serveis socials per als joves --- Competències socials --- Relacions humanes --- Socialització --- Acceptació social --- Mediació escolar --- Escolarització --- Civilització --- Art en l'educació --- Autoaprenentatge --- Autogestió pedagògica --- Autonomia de l'alumne --- Avaluació educativa --- Ciències de l'educació --- Competències bàsiques en educació --- Comunicació en l'educació --- Diferències entre sexes en l'educació --- Discriminació en l'educació --- Dones en l'educació --- Educació afectiva --- Educació ambiental --- Educació clàssica --- Educació cívica --- Educació comparada --- Educació comunista --- Educació d'adults --- Educació i lleure --- Educació en valors --- Educació familiar --- Educació integral --- Educació islàmica --- Educació militar --- Educació del consumidor --- Educació i desenvolupament econòmic --- Educació permanent --- Educació sanitària --- Educació STEM --- Educació tecnològica --- Educació viària --- Educadors --- Escola a casa --- Estadística educativa --- Estudiants --- Estudis a l'estranger --- Exàmens --- Experiències educatives --- Extensió universitària --- Fotografia en l'ensenyament --- Mètodes d'estudi --- Pedagogia --- Psicologia de l'aprenentatge --- Ràdio en l'ensenyament --- Relacions família-escola --- Sexisme en l'educació --- Sistema educatiu --- Sistemes de comunicacions mòbils en l'educació --- Sociologia de l'educació --- Teatre en l'ensenyament --- Teatre escolar --- Televisió en l'ensenyament --- Treball de grup en educació --- Universitats --- Vídeo en l'ensenyament --- Associacions de mares i pares d'alumnes --- Coeducació --- Col·laboració universitat-empresa --- Disciplina mental --- Ensenyament --- Erudició --- Escoles --- Formació --- Legislació educativa --- Anàlisi de tasques en educació

Compendium for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics Education
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030156362 3030156354 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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The purpose of this Open Access compendium, written by experienced researchers in mathematics education, is to serve as a resource for early career researchers in furthering their knowledge of the state of the field and disseminating their research through publishing. To accomplish this, the book is split into four sections: Empirical Methods, Important Mathematics Education Themes, Academic Writing and Academic Publishing, and a section Looking Ahead. The chapters are based on workshops that were presented in the Early Career Researcher Day at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13). The combination of presentations on methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives shaping the field in mathematics education research, as well as the strong emphasis on academic writing and publishing, offered strong insight into the theoretical and empirical bases of research in mathematics education for early career researchers in this field. Based on these presentations, the book provides a state-of-the-art overview of important theories from mathematics education and the broad variety of empirical approaches currently widely used in mathematics education research. This compendium supports early career researchers in selecting adequate theoretical approaches and adopting the most appropriate methodological approaches for their own research. Furthermore, it helps early career researchers in mathematics education to avoid common pitfalls and problems while writing up their research and it provides them with an overview of the most important journals for research in mathematics education, helping them to select the right venue for publishing and disseminating their work.

The Power of Peer Learning : Fostering Students’ Learning Processes and Outcomes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3031294114 3031294106 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This open access book explores new developments in various aspects of peer learning processes and outcomes. It brings together research studies examining how peer feedback, peer assessment, and small group learning activities can be designed to maximize learning outcomes in higher, but also secondary, education. Conceptual models and methodological frameworks are presented to guide teachers and educational designers for successful implementation of peer learning activities with the hope of maximizing the effectiveness of peer learning in real educational classrooms. There is a strong emphasis on how technology-enhanced tools can advance peer learning, both with respect to designing and implementing learning activities, as well as analyzing learning processes and outcomes. By providing empirical studies from different peer learning initiatives, both teachers and students in academic and professional contexts are informed about the state of the art developments of peer learning. This book contributes to the understanding of peer learning challenges and solutions in all level of education and provide avenues for future research. It includes theoretical, methodological, and empirical chapters which makes it a useful tool for both teaching and research.

Traditions in German-Speaking Mathematics Education Research
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030110699 3030110680 Year: 2019 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book shares revealing insights into the development of mathematics education research in Germany from 1976 (ICME 3 in Karlsruhe) to 2016 (ICME 13 in Hamburg). How did mathematics education research evolve in the course of these four decades? Which ideas and people were most influential, and how did German research interact with the international community? These questions are answered by scholars from a range of fields and in ten thematic sections: (1) a short survey of the development of educational research on mathematics in German speaking countries (2) subject-matter didactics, (3) design science and design research, (4) modelling, (5) mathematics and Bildung 1810 to 1850, (6) Allgemeinbildung, Mathematical Literacy, and Competence Orientation (7) theory traditions, (8) classroom studies, (9) educational research and (10) large-scale studies. During the time span presented here, profound changes took place in German-speaking mathematics education research. Besides the traditional fields of activity like subject-matter didactics or design science, completely new areas also emerged, which are characterized by various empirical approaches and a closer connection to psychology, sociology, epistemology and general education research. Each chapter presents a respective area of mathematics education in Germany and analyzes its relevance for the development of the research community, not only with regard to research findings and methods but also in terms of interaction with the educational system. One of the central aspects in all chapters concerns the constant efforts to find common ground between mathematics and education. In addition, readers can benefit from this analysis by comparing the development shown here with the mathematical education research situation in their own country.

Collaboration in Designing a Pedagogical Approach in Information Literacy
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030342581 3030342573 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This Open Access book combines expertise in information literacy with expertise in education and teaching to share tips and tricks for the development of good information literacy teaching and training in universities and libraries. It draws on research, knowledge and pedagogical practice from academia, to teach students how to sift through information to be able to distinguish the important and correct from the unusable. It discusses basic concepts and models of information literacy, as well as strategies for accessing, locating and retrieving information and methods suitable for the assessment and management of information. The book explains many concepts connected to information literacy and discusses pedagogical issues with a view to supporting the practitioner. Each chapter examines one aspect of information literacy, discusses the pedagogical challenges involved and provides suggestions for best practice.

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