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Institués au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale, les mandats de la Société des Nations illustrent les implications de l’arrivée des experts dans les Suds dès les années 1920. Ils constituent pour cette raison un angle d’attaque privilégié pour réfléchir aux liens entre expertise et colonisation comme aux dynamiques qui accompagnent les experts. S’ils ont été l’objet de discussions intenses, les mandats ne peuvent guère être considérés comme l’objet d’un champ d’expertise bien délimité avec ses méthodes uniformisées, son corps de savoirs systématisés et ses procédures formalisées de certification. Les discours institutionnels d’experts sur les mandats, divers et dénués de cohérence, dissimulaient souvent les modalités habituelles du gouvernement colonial. Cependant, les temps changeaient. La pluralité des cadres institutionnels où l’on discutait des mandats (Commission permanente des mandats, autres organes de la SDN) sapait le monopole supposé des États coloniaux sur la prise de décision informée. L’intérêt des organisations privées et caritatives était également d’importance, dans la mesure où certaines investirent massivement dans des projets exploratoires de développement à fort coefficient d’expertise. Ajoutées les unes aux autres, ces circonstances institutionnelles attiraient des experts potentiels vers les mandats, d’où l’on peut observer et les tensions d’empire qui marquaient l’ère coloniale finissante et les prémisses de politiques publiques fortement consommatrices d’expertise qui se diffusent dans les Suds après 1945. Expertise in the colonial world can be characterized, more perhaps than in any other context, by the tension between abstract knowledge and acquaintance with the field as inspirations for decision making. The League of Nations mandates instituted after World War I should not be understood as a laboratory of expertise in the colonial world, but as an early instance of the implications of bringing experts to the global South. Not only…
History --- International Relations --- mandats --- experts --- empire colonial --- Société des Nations --- expertise --- développement --- Sud --- Mandates --- Experts --- Colonial Empire --- League of Nations --- Expertise --- Development --- South --- League of Nations.
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Die Pariser Friedenskonferenz im Jahr 1919 gilt als Schlüsselmoment politischer Reorganisation nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Sie führte zur Gründung des Völkerbundes als neues Zentrum internationaler Beziehungen. Im Mittleren Osten besiegelte sie zeitgleich die Aufteilung des Osmanischen Reiches, welche in eine nationale Widerstandsbewegung und die Schaffung der ‚Neuen Türkei‘ mündete. Internationale und regionale Umbruchprozesse rückt Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş in ihrer Studie eng zusammen. Im Zentrum stehen die Akteure der türkischen Nationsbildung – Intellektuelle, Aktivisten und Staatsmänner. Die Autorin analysiert, wie diese nationalistische Elite ihr politisches Projekt mit Ideen und Strukturen verknüpfte, die im Völkerbund verankert waren. Imperialistische Machtgefälle auf internationaler Ebene sind ebenso Teil dieser Verflechtungsgeschichte wie die Zentrierung von Macht und die Marginalisierung von Minderheiten auf nationaler Ebene. Auch die Frage nach alternativen Vorstellungen von Internationalismus auf Seiten türkischer Akteure wird beleuchtet. Die Studie eröffnet eine globalhistorische Perspektive, die über diplomatische Beziehungen hinausreicht und komplexe Zusammenhänge zwischen nationaler und globaler Ordnung aufzeigt. The book tells the history of Turkish nation-building after the First World War from a global historical perspective. The author focuses on the relationship between Turkish nationalists and the League of Nations. She demonstrates the ideas, interactions, and structures that linked the nationalist project with Geneva internationalism, thereby revealing connections between national and global order.
Global history. --- Globalgeschichte. --- Internationalismus. --- Kemalist state. --- Kemalist. --- League of Nations. --- Völkerbund. --- internationalism. --- HISTORY / Modern / 20th Century. --- Turkey --- History --- Foreign relations
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"Greg Burgess's important new study explores the short life of the High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany, from its creation by the League of Nations in October 1933 to the resignation of High Commissioner, James G. McDonald, in December 1935. The book relates the history of the first stage of refugees from Germany through the prism of McDonald and the High Commission. It analyses the factors that shaped the Commission's formation, the undertakings the Commission embarked upon and its eventual failure owing to external complications. The League of Nations and the Refugees from Nazi Germany argues that, in spite of the Commission's failure, the refugees from Nazi Germany and the High Commission's work mark a turn in conceptions of international humanitarian responsibilities when a state defies standards of proper behaviour towards its citizens. From this point on, it was no longer considered sufficient or acceptable for states to respect the sovereign rights of another if the rights of citizens were being violated. Greg Burgess discusses this idea, amongst others, in detail as part of what is a crucial v. for all scholars and students of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and modern Jewish history "--
Jewish refugees --- Political refugees --- Diplomats --- Jews --- Political persecution --- Refugees, Jewish --- History --- Persecutions --- Migrations --- McDonald, James G. --- McDonald, James Grover, --- מקדונלד, ג׳יימס ג., --- High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany --- High Commission for the Refugees from Germany --- High Commission for Refugees from Germany --- International High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany --- Haut-commissariat pour les réfugiés (Israelites et autres) provenant d'Allemagne --- Commission on Refugees --- High Commission for Refugees from Germany (League of Nations) --- League of Nations. --- Commission for Jewish Refugees from Germany --- League of Nations --- History. --- Germany --- Third Reich, 1933-1945 --- Politics and government --- Emigration and immigration --- 20th Century --- Nazi Germany --- Refugees --- High Commission for Refugees --- Holocaust
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With the benefit of hindsight, presenting the Treaty of Versailles as an example of ‘peace through law’ might seem like a provocation. And yet, the extreme variety and innovativeness of international procedural and substantial ‘experiments’ attempted as a result of the Treaty of Versailles and the other Paris Peace Treaties of 1919–1920 remain striking even today. While many of these ‘experiments’ had a lasting impact on international law and dispute settlement after the Second World War, and considerably broadened the very idea of ‘peace through law’, they have often disappeared from collective memories. Relying on both legal and historical research, this book provides a global overview of how the Paris Peace Treaties impacted on dispute resolution in the interwar period, both substantially and procedurally. The book’s accounts of several all-but-forgotten international tribunals and their case law include references to archival records and photographic illustrations.
Public international law --- League of nations --- Law --- Peace --- Coexistence, Peaceful --- Peaceful coexistence --- International relations --- Disarmament --- Peace-building --- Security, International --- War --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- League of Nations --- World War, 1914-1918 --- Peace treaties. --- Conflict of laws --- Peace. --- Permanent Court of International Justice --- Treaty of Versailles --- Europe --- Politics and government --- Frieden durch Recht --- Internationales Recht --- Paris peace treaties --- Dispute Settlement --- Versailles Peace Treaty --- Arbitral Tribunals --- Internationale Streitbeilegung --- Upper Silesia --- Versailler Vertrag --- Peace through Law --- Conditions de paix --- Conditions of Peace --- Fan-erh-sai ho yüeh --- Traktat Wersalski --- Versailles Treaty --- Vertrag von Versailles --- Traité de Versailles --- Versaĭski dogovor
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La faillite politique de la SDN ne doit pas faire oublier son action dans bon nombre de domaines techniques, souvent poursuivie après 1945 par des organismes dépendant de l’ONU. Ainsi, dans le domaine de la coopération intellectuelle, l’UNESCO a pris le relais de l’Organisation de Coopération Intellectuelle (OCI), qui a fonctionné de 1922 à 1946 et dont l’élément moteur a été l’Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle (IICI). Ce dernier, malgré ses défauts - notamment son caractère élitiste - a été un véritable laboratoire de la coopération culturelle en vue de favoriser l’activité des intellectuels et la diffusion d’une conscience universelle et pacifiste. La présente étude retrace l’histoire de l’OCI de 1919 à 1946 et tente d’établir un bilan de l’action de l’IICI tout en rendant compte du fonctionnement d’une organisation internationale dans l’entre-deux-guerres, notamment dans ses rapports avec les États et en particulier avec la France, qui a été à l’origine de l’IICI et qui l’a hébergé à Paris de 1926 à 1946.
International cooperation --- Intellectual cooperation --- Coopération internationale --- Coopération culturelle --- History. --- Histoire --- Intellectual Co-operation Organisation. --- International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation. --- League of Nations. --- Coopération internationale --- Coopération culturelle --- Unesco. --- Institut international de coopération intellectuelle. --- Organisation de coopération intellectuelle. --- Société des Nations. --- History --- Unesco --- SDN --- coopération --- OCI --- conscience universelle --- pacifisme --- organisation internationale --- État
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Dès les années 1920, le Brésil élabore les outils d’une diplomatie culturelle, suivant ainsi de près la France et devançant bien des pays dont les États-Unis. Il le fait notamment par le biais de l’Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle, ancêtre de l’UNESCO créé sous les auspices de la Société des Nations. Le présent ouvrage étudie les modalités de cette participation, ainsi que ses motivations. On découvre un Brésil soucieux de son image à l’extérieur, désireux de briser le cliché d’un pays encore « dans l’enfance de la civilisation ». On retrouve là les termes du débat sur l’identité brésilienne qui agite les milieux intellectuels brésiliens dans l’entre-deux-guerres, désireux de briser l’hégémonie du « modèle » culturel européen. Plus pragmatiquement, l’élaboration d’une image positive à destination de l’extérieur - clé de voûte du soft power - doit permettre à ce pays, secondaire sur la scène internationale, de servir son ambition d’y jouer un rôle plus conséquent, mais aussi de favoriser les intérêts économiques mis à l’honneur par le projet de développement national de Getúlio Vargas à partir de 1930. La participation du Brésil aux travaux de l’Institut est également pour celui-ci un moyen de ne pas être totalement absent de la scène européenne, malgré son départ de la SDN en 1926. Cela lui permet, d’une part, de garder une certaine autonomie vis-à-vis des États- Unis et, d’autre part, d’offrir des garanties aux démocraties soucieuses de voir le plus grand pays d’Amérique latine développer ses relations avec les régimes d’inspiration fasciste. La collaboration du Brésil avec l’Institut peut donc être comprise comme une illustration de l’« équidistance pragmatique » qui caractérise alors la politique extérieure brésilienne ; mais cette politique est également destinée à acquérir le prestige international nécessaire au leadership régional, dans le cadre des relations interaméricaines.
General --- Academies & Learned Societies Publications --- International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation. --- Brazil --- Foreign relations --- League of Nations. --- Institut international de coopération intellectuelle --- Institut de coopération intellectuelle de la société des nations --- International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation --- I.I.I.C. (International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation) --- IIIC (International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation) --- IICI (International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation) --- UNESCO --- Unesco --- I.I.C.I. (Institut international de coopération intellectuelle) --- IICI (Institut international de coopération intellectuelle) --- Instytut Międzynarodowy Współpracy Intelektualnej --- Intellectual Co-operation Organisation. --- Internationales Institut für Geistige Zusammenarbeit --- Mezinárodní institut pro intelektuální spolupráci --- Intellectual Co-operation Organisation --- League of Nations --- institut international --- politique culturelle --- coopération intellectuelle
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La crise économique que traverse l’Europe à la fin des années vingt apparaît comme un long cortège d’échecs pour la coopération entre États. Mais les projets évoqués au cours des années 1929-1933 comportent malgré tout des perspectives originales d’organisation du continent européen. Certains frappent même par leur modernité : par exemple l’idée qui consiste à imaginer des blocs économiques homogènes qui iraient, chacun à son rythme, vers l’union économique de l’Europe ; ou encore celle qui vise à instituer une société internationale de crédit finançant le développement de l’Europe du Centre et du Sud-Est. C’est aussi durant ces années que germent les fondements d’une Europe monétaire. Le débat européen porte également - à coté de ces perspectives - sur le processus à mettre en œuvre pour fédérer davantage les différents États du continent. Faut-il donner la priorité à l’économique ou alors au politique ? A bien des égards ces années apparaissent comme « un brouillon » pour la construction européenne de l’après seconde guerre mondiale. C’est pour cette raison que les propositions et les discussions des années de crise restent encore aujourd’hui d’une étonnante actualité en Europe The economic recession that swept through Europe in the late 1920s reads like a long line of failures for interstate cooperation. Yet the projects put forward from 1929 to 1933 contained original ideas for the organisation of the European continent. Some are even striking in their modernity. For example, there was the idea that uniform economic blocs could move, each at their own speed, towards European economic union. Then there was the design of setting up an international credit fund to finance the development of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The period also sowed the seeds for a monetary Europe. In addition to these ideas, Europeans discussed the best process for closer unification of the continent’s nations. Should the priority be placed on the economic or the political? In many…
History of Europe --- anno 1930-1939 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.0 --- 334.10 --- 92 --- 341.15 --- Geschiedenis. --- Histoire. --- History. --- 92 Geschiedenis. --- 92 Histoire. --- 92 History. --- Algemene theorieën en beginselen. --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden. --- Organisatie van de Verenigde Naties. --- Depressions --- European cooperation --- International economic relations --- International cooperation --- Commercial crises --- Crises, Commercial --- Economic depressions --- Business cycles --- Recessions --- History --- Algemene theorieën en beginselen --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden --- Organisatie van de Verenigde Naties --- Geschiedenis --- League of Nations. --- Europe --- Economic conditions --- 1929 --- 20th century --- 1918-1945 --- Relations économiques internationales 1900-1945 --- Crise économique de 1929 --- politique et gouvernement (1918-1945)
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Founded in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles as part of the League of Nations’ system, the ILO is still today the main organization responsible for the international organization of work and the improvement of working conditions in the world. Widely recognized for its efforts in building international labour standards, the ILO remains little studied by development specialists and historians. This book intends to fill this gap and traces the history of international development and its early pioneers, through an analysis of the activities of the International Labour Office, the Secretariat of the International Labour Organization, between 1930 and 1946. In this book, development is used as a key to questioning the ILO's place and function in the expanding inter-war world. The development practices and discourses that emerged in the 1930s were mainly intended to support the ILO's universalization strategy, which was made necessary by the events that shook Europe at the time. Development discourses and practices were also part of the "esprit du temps", as they were closely linked to the affirmation of the planist and rationalist ideas of the 1930s. However, development for the ILO was not reduced to a project of economic modernization, but was seen as a tool for social engineering, as evidenced by the ILO's missions of technical assistance, organized since 1930. The analysis of the expertise work makes it possible to highlight the logics that prevailed in technical assistance, which was more in line with institutional objectives, than with the dissemination of a genuine expertise. This book therefore hopes to bring new insight on the history of internationalism, and international organizations during the inter-war period and the Second World War, as well as on the role of the ILO in the history of international development thinking and practices.
Social history --- Social movements. --- Arbeitergeschichte. --- Diplomatie. --- Reform. --- HISTORY / Social History. --- Movements, Social --- Social psychology --- International Labour Office --- History. --- B.I.T. (International Labour Office) --- BEYITE --- BIT (International Labour Office) --- Bureau international du travail --- D.G.E. (International Labour Office) --- DGE (International Labour Office) --- Daftar-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Kār --- Diethnes Grapheion Ergasias --- Din̳e̳ baarako cake̳daba --- Guo ji lao gong ju, Rineiwa --- I.A.A. (International Labour Office) --- I.L.O. (International Labour Office) --- IAA (International Labour Office) --- ILO (International Labour Office) --- Internacia Labor Oficejo --- International Labor Office --- International Labour Organisation. --- International Labour Organization. --- Internationales Arbeitsamt --- Internationella arbetsbyrån --- Kantor Perburuhan Internasional --- Kokusai Rōdō Jimukyoku --- League of Nations. --- MʻAD (International Labour Office) --- Maktab al-ʻAmal al-Dawlī --- Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ truda --- Międzynarodowe Biuro Pracy --- Miz︠h︡narodne bi︠u︡ro prat︠s︡i --- O.I.T. (International Labour Office) --- Oficina Internacional del Trabajo --- Oficina Internacional del Treball --- OIT (International Labour Office) --- Secretaria Internacional do Trabalho --- Starptautiskais darba birojs --- U.I.L. (International Labour Office) --- Ufficio internazionale del lavoro --- UIL (International Labour Office) --- Uluslararası Çalışma Bürosu --- Văn phòng lao động quốc tế --- مكتب العمل الدولي --- 国际劳工局·日内瓦 --- Economic development --- Social policy --- Technical assistance --- History --- Diplomacy. --- Worker history. --- Assistance, Technical --- Assistance, Technological --- Technological assistance --- Economic assistance --- National planning --- State planning --- Economic policy --- Family policy --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economics --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- 1900-1999
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This book assesses the current situations in EU Member States on the basis of detailed empirical evidence and concrete case studies of the social policies that have been discontinued or altered, distinguishing between recent developments caused by the economic crisis and long-term trends. The volume is a timely warning about the weakening of the European Social Model and its possibly devastating future effects.
Welfare state --- Europe --- Social policy. --- Social conditions. --- #SBIB:327.7H231 --- #SBIB:316.8H40 --- Europese Unie: sociaal-economisch beleid, landbouw-, milieu-, cultuur- en communicatiebeleid --- Sociaal beleid: social policy, sociale zekerheid, verzorgingsstaat --- Europe -- Economic policy. --- Europe -- Social conditions -- 21st century. --- Europe -- Social policy. --- Social legislation -- European Union countries. --- International Labour Organisation --- Social policy --- Social conditions --- International Labour Organisation. --- Organização Internacional do Trabalho --- Organisation internationale du travail --- Organismo Internacional del Trabajo --- League of Nations. --- United Nations. --- Starptautiskā darba organizacija --- Mezhdunarodna organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ na truda --- Internationale Arbeitsorganisation --- Kokusai Rōdō Kikan --- Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ truda --- Miz︠h︡narodna orhanizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ prat︠s︡i --- Međunarodna organizacija rada --- Organisasi Perburuhan Internasional --- Munaẓẓamat al-ʻAmal al-Dawlīyah --- Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro --- Internationale Organisation der Arbeit --- Internasjonale arbeidsorganisasjon --- Internasjonale arbeids organisasjon --- Internationella arbetsorganisationen --- Organización Internacional de Trabajo --- Sāzmān-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Kār --- IAO (International Labour Organisation) --- ILO (International Labour Organisation) --- O.I.L. (International Labour Organisation) --- OIL (International Labour Organisation) --- OIT (International Labour Organisation) --- Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie --- I.L.O. (International Labour Organisation) --- O.I.T. (International Labour Organisation) --- I.A.O. (International Labour Organisation) --- IAA (International Labour Organisation) --- Nemzetközi Munkaügyi Szervezet --- Kukche Nodong Kigu --- Organización Internacional del Trabajo --- MOP (International Labour Organisation) --- MOT (International Labour Organisation) --- Międzynarodowa Organizacja Pracy --- Kansainvälinen työjärjestö --- Organització Internacional del Treball --- Mezinárodní organizace práce --- Internasjonal arbeider-assosiasjon --- Kukche Nodong Kigwan --- Tarptautinė darbo organizacija --- Bei̐nălkhalg Ămăk Tăshkilaty --- BĂT (Bei̐nălkhalg Ămăk Tăshkilaty) --- منظمة العمل الدولية --- 国際労働機関 --- Permanent Organization of Labor --- Milletlerarası Çalışma Teşkilâti --- Международна организация на труда --- Международная организация труда --- Міжнародна організація праці --- International Labour Organization --- Welfare state - Europe --- Europe - Social policy --- Europe - Social conditions --- Antarrāshṭrīya Śrama Saṅgaṭhana --- Olon Ulsyn Khȯdȯlmȯriĭn Baĭguullaga
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Lifelong learning and education is a key concept for the development of adult education as an area of practice and theoretical consideration. In recent decades, meanwhile, the idea of lifelong education and learning has been central to the guidance of various international organisations of many countries. Das erklärte Ziel des Buches, Studierende an kritische Auseinandersetzungen mit Bildungspolitik heranzufuhren, wird gut umgesetzt. Das Buch überzeugt durch einen klaren Aufbau und eine Fokussierung auf zentrale Inhalte [...].Zudem liefern Lima und Guimaraes etwas, das von Studierenden in der Regel geschätzt wird: Siebeziehen Positionen, die Ansatzpunkte für Auseinandersetzungen liefern. Insofern ist das Buch als Studienlektüre empfehlenswert. Katrin Kraus, In: Report 2/2012 Das Buch von Lima und Guimaraes ist ein zutiefst politisches Bekenntnis zu einer Bildung, die im Interesse von Humanität, Demokratie und Emanzipation gerade in heutiger Zeit ihren Wert hat. Es ist lesenswert, weil es diese Position - und das ist der Funktion als Studientext geschuldet - vom Grundsatz ausgehend entfaltet. Ekkehard Nuissl, In: Report 2/2012 Das Buch von Lima und Guimaraes ist ein Beispiel gelungener europäischer Erwachsenbildungswissenschaft. Arthur Schneeberger, In: Report 2/2012
Adult education, continuous learning --- Adult Education --- Adult Learning --- Lifelong Learning --- Unesco. --- Europe. --- Europe --- Educational and Cultural Organization of the United Nations --- Irgun le-ḥinukh, madaʻ ve-tarbut shelyad ha-Umot ha-meʼuḥadot --- I͡U.N.E.S.K.O. --- I͡Unesko --- Lien ho kuo chiao kʻo wen tsu chih --- Lien ho kuo chiao yü kʻo hsüeh wen hua tsu chih --- Munaẓẓamat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah lil-Tarbiyah wa-al-Thaqāfah wa-al-ʻUlūm --- Munaẓẓamat al-Umam al-Muttaḥidah lil-Tarbiyah wa-al-ʻUlūm wa-al-Thaqāfah --- NUB, Bolovsrol, soël, shinzhlėkh ukhaany baĭguullaga --- Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur --- Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture --- Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura --- Organizacija ujedinjenih nacija za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu --- Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura --- Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Edukacji, Nauki i Kultury --- Organizat͡sii Obʺedinennykh Nat͡siĭ i I͡UNESKO --- Organizat͡sii͡a Obʺedinennykh Nat͡siĭ po voprosam obrazovanii͡a, nauki i kulʹtury --- Organizat͡sii͡a Obʺedinennykh Nat͡siĭ po voprosam prosveshchenii͡a, nauki i kulʹtury --- Organizat͡sii͡a po voprosam prosveshchenii͡a, nauki i kulʹtury --- Ounesko --- Prosvetitelʹnai͡a, nauchnai͡a i kulʹturnai͡a organizat͡sii͡a Obʺedinennykh Nat͡si --- Qaṅgkār Qápraṃ Vidyāsāstr nin̊ Vappadharm nai Sahaprajājāti --- Saṃyukta Rāshṭra Śaikshika, Vaijñānika, aura Sāṃskr̥tika Saṅgaṭhana --- U.N.E.S.C.O. --- Unesko --- United Nations. --- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization --- United Nations Organisation for Education, Science, and Culture --- United Nations Organization and UNESCO --- United Nations Organization for Education, Science, and Culture --- YaTabābarut mangeśtāt yatemhert yabāhlenā yasāyns dereǧet --- Yūnask --- Yunésko --- Yunesuko --- Yūnisk --- Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture --- ユネスコ --- 国際連合教育科学文化機関 --- Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la educación, la ciencia y la cultura --- United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization --- Verenigde Naties. Organisatie voor onderwijs, wetenschap en cultuur --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Adult education --- continuous learning --- I͡U.N.E.S.K.O. (Irgun le-ḥinukh, madaʻ ve-tarbut shelyad ha-Umot ha-meʼuḥadot) --- Prosvetitelʹnai͡a, nauchnai͡a i kulʹturnai͡a organizat͡sii͡a Obʺedinennykh Nat͡siĭ --- U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) --- Yūnaskū --- Yūniskū --- United Nations Preparatory Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Commission --- International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation --- League of Nations. --- Intellectual Co-operation Organisation
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