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In Diagnosing Desire: Biopolitics and Femininity into the Twenty-First Century, Alyson K. Spurgas examines the "new science of female sexuality" from a critical, sociological perspective, considering how today's feminist-identified sex researchers study and manage women with low desire. Diagnosing Desire investigates experimental sex research that measures the disconnect between subjective and genital female arousal, contemporary psychiatric diagnoses for low female desire, new models for understanding women's sexual response, and cutting-edge treatments for low desire in women-including from the realms of mindfulness and alternative healing.
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"Music and sexuality seem to have been linked together since someone first beat out a rhythm on a drum. Making Sex Sound explores the intersection in the mid-20th century onward"--
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In Diagnosing Desire: Biopolitics and Femininity into the Twenty-First Century, Alyson K. Spurgas examines the "new science of female sexuality" from a critical, sociological perspective, considering how today's feminist-identified sex researchers study and manage women with low desire. Diagnosing Desire investigates experimental sex research that measures the disconnect between subjective and genital female arousal, contemporary psychiatric diagnoses for low female desire, new models for understanding women's sexual response, and cutting-edge treatments for low desire in women-including from the realms of mindfulness and alternative healing.
Social Science / Women's Studies --- Social Science / Human Sexuality --- Social Science / Gender Studies --- Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization
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Sex Work On Campus examines the experiences of college students engaged in sex work and sparks dialogue about the ways educators might develop a deeper appreciation for-and praxis of-equity and justice on campus. Analyzing a study conducted with seven college student sex workers, the book focuses on sex work histories, student motivations, and how power (or lack thereof) associated with social identity shape experiences of student sex work. It examines what these students learn because of sex work, and what college and university leaders can do to support them. These findings are combined in tandem with analysis of current research, popular culture, sex work rights movements, and exploration of legal contexts. This fresh and important writing is suitable for students and scholars in sexuality studies, gender studies, sociology, and education.
Social Science / Prostitution & Sex Trade --- Antiques & Collectibles --- Social Science / Human Sexuality --- Social sciences --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Gender studies, gender groups
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Sex Work On Campus examines the experiences of college students engaged in sex work and sparks dialogue about the ways educators might develop a deeper appreciation for-and praxis of-equity and justice on campus. Analyzing a study conducted with seven college student sex workers, the book focuses on sex work histories, student motivations, and how power (or lack thereof) associated with social identity shape experiences of student sex work. It examines what these students learn because of sex work, and what college and university leaders can do to support them. These findings are combined in tandem with analysis of current research, popular culture, sex work rights movements, and exploration of legal contexts. This fresh and important writing is suitable for students and scholars in sexuality studies, gender studies, sociology, and education.
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How is "gender" received by students of educational research, pedagogy and related fields? What are the students' views on gender issues? Based on the observation that interest in gender issues is perceived more as an individual and somewhat anachronistic phenomenon, the empirical study reconstructs the influence of the educational institution university and the study of the specific subject area on students. Wie wird "Geschlecht" von Studierenden der Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften rezipiert? Wie stehen die Studierenden zu Geschlechterfragen? Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass das Inte¬resse an Geschlechterfragen eher als individuelle und zudem etwas anachronistische Erscheinung wahrgenommen wird, rekonstruiert die empirische Studie, welchen Einfluss die Bildungsinstitution Uni-versität sowie das Studium des spezifischen Fachgebietes auf die Studierenden haben. Ihre Stärke [der Arbeit] liegt in der ausführlichen Darstellung, Einordnung und Herleitung des Forschungsgegenstandes sowie der empirischen Methode. Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung NRW 37/2015 Das Buch von Sabine Klinger sucht eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie in den Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften "Geschlecht" thematisiert wird und wie die Studierenden den Umgang mit Geschlechterfragen handhaben. Dazu hat die Autorin eine empirische Studie durchgeführt, der Gruppendiskussionen zugrunde liegen. In sechs Kapiteln verdeutlicht sie die Ergebnisse und stellt ihre daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse dar. Newsletter der Vernetzungsstellefür Gleichberechtigung, Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte 9/2014 Die Arbeit liest sich insgesamt mit Gewinn, theoretisch und auch in der Veranschaulichung. Ihr Ergebnis lässt eher Erschrecken zurück. Allerdings kann das ja auch zu neuen Anstrengungen führen: allen im Raum der Universität, besonders in der Pädagogik und den Bildungswissenschaften Arbeitenden kann sie als didaktischer Leitfaden dienen. Aber auch Bildungsarbeiter_innen in anderen Feldern bietet sie eine Fülle von Anregungen, wie Gespräche mit jungen Erwachsenen über Geschlecht zu führen wären, damit der Glaube an die Gleichheit nicht länger die realen Verhältnisse übertüncht., 01.09.2014
Gender studies, gender groups --- Sex. --- Sex role. --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Bildungsforschung --- educational research --- Gender --- pedagogy --- qualitative social research --- Qualitative Sozialforschung
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»What’s fappening?«, fragt Hanna Rose – eine Anspielung auf den Neologismus fap, der auf zumeist humoristischen Internet-Plattformen als lautmalerischer Ausdruck für Selbstbefriedigung verbreitet wird. Der Begriff steht hier sinnbildlich für die Entpathologisierung der Selbstbefriedigung in der Spätmoderne: Einstmals verpönt und als krankhaft angesehen, gilt sie nun als wichtiger Bestandteil sexueller Gesundheit.Ausgehend von historischen Diskursen, modernen Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnissen widmet sich die Autorin der Untersuchung qualitativer Interviews mit Männern und Frauen über ihre Masturbationsbiografie. Im Fokus steht damit die Frage nach der konkreten Einbettung in das (Sexual-)Leben und dem subjektiven Erleben von Selbstbefriedigung, die aus soziologischer und sexualwissenschaftlicher Perspektive bisher nur selten als eigenständiger Forschungsgegenstand behandelt wurde.
Masturbation --- Sex --- Young adults --- Social aspects --- Young people --- Young persons --- Adulthood --- Youth --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Autoeroticism --- Autoerotism --- Onanism
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Para sumarse a los esfuerzos ya emprendidos por otros estudiosos y desde otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales, esta obra ingresa nuevamente en el análisis de las prácticas y significados de la sexualidad. El objetivo es el mismo: entender que la sexualidad nos remite de manera compleja con otras relaciones sociales y que se encuentra cargada de valoraciones y significados contradictorios, pero ahora incorpora algunos avances en la investigación, reflexiona en ella teórica, metodológica e históricamente, y supedita todo ello a la crítica y sistematización del conocimiento sobre el tema.
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Mexico --- Sexualidad (Mexico) --- Congresos. --- Sex --- Sex customs --- Customs, Sex --- Human beings --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Manners and customs --- Moral conditions --- Gender (Sex) --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- History of the Americas
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This Open Access book uses the concept of ‘euphoria’ to investigate when, why and how marginal gender, sex and sexuality groups have positive experiences of their diverse variations even within repressive and disordering contexts. Drawing on data from multiple online surveys including a study of 2,407 LGBTQ+ people and a study of 272 people with intersex variations, it names and offers a new ecological framework for understanding participants’ influences on and barriers to euphorias, asserting the subversive possibilities of being euphorically queer, as opposed to euphoric and queer. The author argues that it is the particularities of negative internal, socio-cultural and institutional contexts for a marginal group or groups that contributes towards the possibilities that shape their potential euphoric feelings and experiences. Ultimately, she calls for a more expansive focus in gender and sexuality studies to show the complex effects of dysphoria and repression on the possibilities of pleasure and joy. This book will be of interest to scholars across Gender, Sexuality and Queer Studies.
Sex. --- Queer theory. --- Human body—Social aspects. --- Sexuality Studies. --- Queer Studies. --- Gender Studies. --- Sociology of the Body. --- Gender identity --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology
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Michel Houellebecq is perhaps the single most successful and controversial of all contemporary novelists writing in French. Houellebecq has become a global publishing phenomenon: his books have been translated worldwide, three film adaptations of his work have been produced, and the author has been the subject of million-euro publishing deals and of successive media scandals in France.If Houellebecq is unique in contemporary French writing, it is thanks not only to his extraordinary success, but to the unparalleled scope of his narrative ambition. In the work which most forcefully marked his breakthrough to the mainstream - Les Particules élémentaires - Houellebecq made a significant appeal to the science-fiction genre in order to undergird his critique of contemporary society. For Houellebecq presents humanity - at least modern, western humanity - as in a terminal state of decadence and decline and ripe for replacement by its post-human successor. His novels narrate a metaphysical mutation or paradigm shift through which humanity as we know it ceases to be the over-riding value or focus of our world when it comes into conflict with a competitor in the form of a post-human or neo-human species.It is the aim of this book to appraise the global significance of Houellebecq's novelistic visions while at the same time situating them within the context of French literature, culture and society.
Houellebecq, Michel --- Authors, French --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Écrivains français --- Houellebecq, Michel. --- Critique et interprétation. --- Thomas, Michel, --- Уэльбек, Мишель --- וולבק, מישל --- Literary Criticism / European / French --- Literature --- History and criticism --- Appraisal of books --- Books --- Evaluation of literature --- Criticism --- Literary style --- Appraisal --- Evaluation --- Languages --- French --- Human sexuality --- Michel Houellebecq --- Platform (novel) --- The Map and the Territory --- Thomas, Michel
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