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Modeling Human Potential Across the Lifespan
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Year: 2020 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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What is expertise? A modest answer implies good competence possessed by individuals with acknowledged skill. Although this interpretation implies adequate competence, a more precise definition signifies exclusive competence that experts are able to exhibit consistently. Such expertise falls within two categories: normatively exclusive expertise lies at the upper extreme of distributions for skills practiced by many people: another form refers to exclusive skills practiced by few people. Although both these forms typically show peak performance levels in early to mid-adulthood, objective comparisons outside this range often make use of age-graded categories. For example, competitions for junior and master athletes enable comparison of athletic prowess within categories pertaining to youth and later life, respectively. This Research Topic focuses on understanding human potential across the lifespan. Indicators of human potential include superior performances, relative to those by age peers, during given historical epochs. Examples used in previous research include record or top ranked performances in athletics and swimming, top ratings by chess players, high levels on objective measures of occupational or recreational performance, and superior laboratory performance after sustained periods of focussed deliberate practice. General modeling of such data indicates a necessity for sustained and focussed deliberate practice for the acquisition and maintenance of expertise. Focussed deliberate practice at the acquisition stage contributes to cognitive or physiological gains that enable transitions across a sequence of states relevant to expertise. Continuation of such practice contributes to the maintenance of expertise and, together with compensation and adaptation, helps to lessen performance loss beyond the period of peak performance. More specific models include those that emphasize the physiological underpinnings of expertise in different activities, cognitive techniques used to enhance performance, tactics within competitive activities, strategies pertaining to repeated performances, supportive influences on the development and retention of expertise, and statistical modeling of age trends. From a life span perspective, such modeling should take account of three temporal trends that, by consensus, provide the methodological foundations for lifespan research. These trends are historical transition (e.g., in participation rates and types of training in sport), cohort differences (i.e., cross-sectional trend) and age changes (i.e., longitudinal trend). Issues in modeling that require attention include (but are by no means limited to) the following: a) discussion about appropriate data analytic procedures to distinguish developmental and aging effects from those associated with cohort differences and historical era; for example, the extent to which developmental effects can be modelled for use in identifying talent in sport; b) investigation of the generalizability of findings from top performers: for example, the extent to which their age trends generalize to those of lesser ability; c) examination of issues related to attrition from databases of top performances: for example, attrition from such databases as age-class records and annual ‘Top N’ performance rankings arise from deletion of entries replaced by superior subsequent performances, in addition to reasons associated with morbidity, mortality, and loss of interest.

Macrocognition: The Science and Engineering of Sociotechnical Work Systems
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2018 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The increasing complexity of work systems and changes in the nature of workplace technology over the past century have resulted in an exponential shift in the nature of work activities, from physical labor to cognitive work. Modern work systems have many characteristics that make them cognitively complex: They can be highly interactive; comprised of multiple agents and artifacts; information may be limited and distributed across space and time; task goals are frequently ill-defined, conflicting, dynamic and emergent; planning may only be possible at general levels of abstraction or require adaptive solutions; some degree of proficiency or expertise is required; the stakes are often high; and uncertainty, time-constraints and stress are seldom absent. To complicate matters further, cognition in complex work settings is typically constrained by broader professional, organizational, and institutional practice and policy. These features of cognitive work present significant challenges to scientific methodology and theory, and subsequent design of reliable interventions. Historically, philosophers and scientists have attempted to understand the mental activities experienced during cognitive work at multiple levels of analysis using divergent methods. Some have examined cognition at an associative, contextual, functional or holistic level, relying on naturalistic methods to understand the higher mental processes as they work in harmony during goal-directed behavior. Others have embraced experimental methods and favored internal over external validity, often reducing cognition to a psychology of fundamental acts, such as short-term memory access with millisecond shifts in attention. More recently, Macrocognition has evolved as a complementary paradigm. Macrocognitive researchers have studied the cognitive functions and processes associated with skilled, adaptive, collaborative, and resilient cognitive work in the context of the aforementioned complexities of psychotechnical and sociotechnical work systems. Typically, this research has been carried out using cognitive task analytic techniques that draw on both naturalistic and (quasi-)experimental methods. The primary goals of research in Macrocognition are to better understand cognitive adaptations to complexity, to increase our theoretical understanding of the organism-environment relations by studying the mapping between cognitive work and real-world demands, and to promote use-inspired research capable of improving system performance.

Neural implementations of expertise
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2015 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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When we think about expertise, we usually consider people who master tasks at a level not reachable by most other people. Although we rarely realise it, however, most humans are experts in many aspects of everyday life. This expertise enables us to find our way through a complex environment that is our life. For instance, we can instantly recognise multiple objects and relations between them to form a meaningful unit, such as an office. Thus, research on expertise is not only important to investigate the cognitive and neural processes within an “elite” group, but it is also a powerful tool to understand how everyone can acquire complex skills.The goal of this RESEARCH TOPIC is to shed further light on the common and distinct neural mechanisms that implement various kinds of expertise. We broadly define expertise as skill in any perceptual, cognitive, social or motor domain, with the common core being optimised information processing due to knowledge acquired from repeated experiences. Thus, we are interested in the full range of mental processes modulated or modified by expertise, from “simple” object or pattern recognition to complex decision making or problem solving in a particular domain. These domains can range from everyday or occupational expertise to sports and rather artificial domains such as board games. In all cases, the aim should be to elucidate how the brain implements these sometimes incredible feats. We are particularly interested in connecting cognitive theories about expertise and expertise-related performance differences with models and data on the neural implementation of expertise.


Expertise. --- Cognition. --- Neurology. --- fMRI --- Sport --- Board games --- Language --- MRI --- Music --- EEG --- Perception --- Expertise

Neuroimaging and neuropsychology of meditation states
Authors: ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Neurophysiological and psychological modifications induced by meditation practice have been consistently addressed by neuroscience. Training meditation practice induced plasticity (Barinaga, 2003; Knight, 2004), and as a consequence several benefit for mental and physical health (Davidson & McEwen, 2012), and cognitive performance. One goal of meditation is to achieve the light of consciousness observing with equanimity (the right distance) clouds of the mind wandering. This Frontiers Research Topic brings together studies from groups of authors whose research focus on neuropsychological systems involved in meditation demonstrating how meditation activates and can modify brain areas, cognitive mechanisms and well-being.

Aux frontières de l'expertise : Dialogues entre savoirs et pouvoirs

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Après plusieurs siècles d’expérimentation des rapports entre connaissance et action, l’expertise demeure une activité aux contours flous et à la légitimité fragile. Si la période récente a vu le recours aux experts prendre une importance grandissante, elle a aussi vu leurs avis souvent mis en cause : qu’il s’agisse de la préparation de réformes (éducation, protection sociale, retraites) ou du traitement de questions marquées par une forte incertitude (OGM, bio-éthique, changement climatique, épidémies, etc.). Pour les démocraties de marché occidentales, le dilemme n’est certes pas nouveau mais demeure : ou bien fonder les décisions sur les « meilleurs experts » au risque d’être publiquement accusées de confisquer les pouvoirs, ou bien accroître leur légitimité en élargissant la participation des publics et prendre le risque de l’indécision. L’affirmation contemporaine de cette « nouvelle donne » implique désormais que l’expertise compose avec une multiplicité d’acteurs et d’instruments, de territoires et d’institutions, de flux et de reflux, qui dessine une cartographie pour le moins originale du pouvoir à l’intérieur de nos sociétés. Demeure une question en suspens : comment et par où entrer dans l’expertise ? Peut-on, par exemple, l’identifier à une « méthode scientifique » ou à une simple technique, sans risquer de la caricaturer, en évacuant la pluralité des situations et des activités sociales dans lesquelles celle-ci est convoquée ? À partir d’une réflexion théorique collectivement approfondie et de solides enquêtes de terrain, cet ouvrage invite à mieux cerner les contours et la variété du « devenir expert » de nos sociétés. En valorisant la diversité des approches et des disciplines, ce livre se veut aussi l’occasion de réfléchir à une articulation possible entre les différents types de classification qui permettent aujourd’hui de « lire » l’expertise et certains des enjeux majeurs qu’elle suscite : inégale distribution des savoirs, instabilité relative des…

Parler vin : Entre normes et appropriations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782753520288 2753520283 9782869062832 2869068182 Year: 2022 Publisher: Tours Presses universitaires François-Rabelais

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S’y connaître en vins est chic – mais pas si facile. Dans un contexte actuel général d'esthétisation des expériences personnelles, de plus en plus d'amateurs se tournent vers les médiateurs de ce savoir, ou savoir-faire, qui s'est progressivement professionnalisé et canonisé ; désormais, nombreux sont ceux qui acquièrent les rudiments de l’œnophilie. Les cours d’œnologie que ces personnes suivent véhiculent une normativité implicite spécifique, vécue de façon inégalement aisée, en fonction de leurs motivations à la formation, mais aussi des dispositions et des tactiques qu'elles arrivent à activer à son encontre. Ce rapport ambivalent et pluriel aux normes œnophiles se creuse dans leur appropriation domestique, déployant des stratégies bien davantage centrées sur le soi et sur les autres que sur le vin en lui-même. En analysant la rencontre entre des experts de vin et des novices intéressés à devenir des connaisseurs, ce livre fournit des clés de compréhension des raisons et des façons d'un processus d'expertisation, entre recommandations et valeurs. Il s'adresse à qui désire avoir une vision approfondie des ressorts identitaires de la consommation de vins.

Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2858313474 2858313466 9782858313471 Year: 2020 Publisher: [S.l.] PRESSES INALCO

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Institués au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale, les mandats de la Société des Nations illustrent les implications de l’arrivée des experts dans les Suds dès les années 1920. Ils constituent pour cette raison un angle d’attaque privilégié pour réfléchir aux liens entre expertise et colonisation comme aux dynamiques qui accompagnent les experts. S’ils ont été l’objet de discussions intenses, les mandats ne peuvent guère être considérés comme l’objet d’un champ d’expertise bien délimité avec ses méthodes uniformisées, son corps de savoirs systématisés et ses procédures formalisées de certification. Les discours institutionnels d’experts sur les mandats, divers et dénués de cohérence, dissimulaient souvent les modalités habituelles du gouvernement colonial. Cependant, les temps changeaient. La pluralité des cadres institutionnels où l’on discutait des mandats (Commission permanente des mandats, autres organes de la SDN) sapait le monopole supposé des États coloniaux sur la prise de décision informée. L’intérêt des organisations privées et caritatives était également d’importance, dans la mesure où certaines investirent massivement dans des projets exploratoires de développement à fort coefficient d’expertise. Ajoutées les unes aux autres, ces circonstances institutionnelles attiraient des experts potentiels vers les mandats, d’où l’on peut observer et les tensions d’empire qui marquaient l’ère coloniale finissante et les prémisses de politiques publiques fortement consommatrices d’expertise qui se diffusent dans les Suds après 1945. Expertise in the colonial world can be characterized, more perhaps than in any other context, by the tension between abstract knowledge and acquaintance with the field as inspirations for decision making. The League of Nations mandates instituted after World War I should not be understood as a laboratory of expertise in the colonial world, but as an early instance of the implications of bringing experts to the global South. Not only…

Manufacturing Refused Knowledge in the Age of Epistemic Pluralism
ISBN: 9819971888 Year: 2024 Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This open access book explores contemporary practices that challenge science, arguing that this matter cannot be simply disregarded as a new manifestation of “anti-scientism”. It scrutinizes the processes through which knowledge claims, refused by established institutions and the scientific community, seek legitimacy. Assuming an agnostic analytical stance, it explores the actors involved in such processes and their social worlds, their interactions with epistemic institutions, and the ways in which they enact such refused knowledge in their daily lives. Drawing on a three-year mixed-method research project, this collection demonstrates how refused knowledge can be seen as a distinct mode of knowing, employed in response to the uncertainties of everyday life. Thus, it offers a deeper understanding not only of how refused knowledge garners credibility, but also of how knowledge at large – including scientific knowledge – emerges from specific sociotechnicalassemblages. Federico Neresini teaches Digital Sociology and Sociology of Innovation at the University of Padua, where he also coordinated the PaSTIS research unit. His research interests are focused on STS, in particular on the construction processes of scientific knowledge and the analysis of technoscience in the public sphere. Maria Carmela Agodi is Professor of Sociology and Science & Technology Studies at the University of Naples Federico II. Her recent research interests center around the epistemological and sociomaterial dimensions of robotic surgery, anti-aging medicine and practices, and on the institutional impact of global research regulation and local evaluation practices. Stefano Crabu is a science, technology and medicine sociologist at the University of Padova. He studies innovation processes in the life sciences and ICT, mainly focusing on the sociomaterialand epistemological aspects of translational biomedicine, laboratory practices and hacking practices. Simone Tosoni is Associate Professor at the Università Cattolica (Milan) where he teaches sociology of cultural processes and digital media. He is currently working on the hybridization of media and machines, on social robotics, and the online circulation of knowledge refused by the scientific community.

Risque et expertise : 6es conférences Pierre Duhem
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2848678275 Year: 2020 Publisher: Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté,

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Le risque comme l’expertise sont des sujets d’une rare richesse, comme le confirme la vaste littérature sur ces questions. Lorsqu’ils sont croisés, les difficultés que chacun d’entre eux soulève s’en trouvent renforcées. Le présent ouvrage est le produit des sixièmes conférences Pierre Duhem qui avaient pour thème : risque et expertise. Il rassemble les textes originaux de l’économiste Marc Fleurbaey et du philosophe Sven Ove Hansson, ainsi que les échanges qu’ils ont eus avec les commentateurs Mikaël Cozic, Minh Ha-Duong et Emmanuel Henry. Un essai introductif, d’Alexandre Guay, complète le tout.

Abstract mathematical cognition
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Despite the importance of mathematics in our educational systems little is known about how abstract mathematical thinking emerges. Under the uniting thread of mathematical development, we hope to connect researchers from various backgrounds to provide an integrated view of abstract mathematical cognition. Much progress has been made in the last 20 years on how numeracy is acquired. Experimental psychology has brought to light the fact that numerical cognition stems from spatial cognition. The findings from neuroimaging and single cell recording experiments converge to show that numerical representations take place in the intraparietal sulcus. Further research has demonstrated that supplementary neural networks might be recruited to carry out subtasks; for example, the retrieval of arithmetic facts is done by the angular gyrus. Now that the neural networks in charge of basic mathematical cognition are identified, we can move onto the stage where we seek to understand how these basics skills are used to support the acquisition and use of abstract mathematical concepts.

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