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Antropología, psiquiatría y alteridad : De los médicos etnógrafos a la colectivización intercultural del cuidado
Year: 2021 Publisher: Tarragona, Spain : Publicacions URV - Universitat Rovira i Virgili,

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El presente libro realiza aportaciones novedosas tanto en el panorama de las ciencias sociales como en el de otras disciplinas y campos profesionales que se enfrentan con los problemas del acceso y la adecuación de la atención médica en contextos de diversidad cultural. Una de sus aportaciones es la posibilidad de diálogo entre las diversas prácticas y modelos, y su potencial replicación y adaptación a otros contextos con problemáticas análogas. Así, pues, se proponen y discuten tres modelos de intervención intercultural en salud mental, que representan a las prácticas interculturales más emblemáticas en este ámbito en Bélgica y España, a partir del análisis de tres estudios de caso correspondientes a la formulación cultural de casos psiquiátricos del Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro (Madrid), la clínica etnopsiquiátrica del Hospital Universitario Brugmann y la antipsiquiatría intercultural de las casas comunitarias peul (Bruselas).

The Dilemma of Context
ISBN: 0814778909 0814788742 0814739512 0814779166 9780814788745 9780814779163 9780814778906 Year: 1989 Publisher: New York, NY : New York University Press,

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In The Dilemma of Context, Scharfstein contends that the problems encountered with context are insoluble. He explains why this problem lays an intellectual burden on us that, while remaining inescapable,can become so heavy it destroys the understandingit was created to further.

Sounds of the underground : a cultural, political, and aesthetic mapping of underground and fringe music
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0472121642 0472119753 Year: 2016 Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press,

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In this book, Stephen Graham examines the largely unexplored terrain of underground music-exploratory forms of music-making, such as noise, free improvisation, and extreme metal, that exist outside or on the fringes of mainstream culture, generally independent from both the market and from traditional high-art institutions. Until now there has been little scholarly discussion of underground music and its cultural, political, and aesthetic importance. In addition to providing a much-needed historical outline of this diverse scene, Stephen Graham focuses on the digital age, showing the underground and its fringes as based largely in radical anti-capitalist politics and aesthetics, tied to the political contexts and structures of late-capitalism. Sounds of the Underground explores these various ideas of separation and capture through interviews and analysis, developing a critical account of both the music and its political and cultural economy.

Race on display in 20th- and 21st century France
ISBN: 1781384150 1781388628 178138309X Year: 2016 Publisher: Liverpool : Liverpool University Press,

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In Race on Display in 20th- and 21st-Century France Knox turns the tables France's rhetoric of 'internal otherness', asking her reader not to spot those deemed France's others but rather to deconstruct the very gazes that produce them. Weaving together a vast corpus of colonial French children's comics, Francophone novels, and African popular music, fashion, and dance, Knox traces how the ways colonial 'human zoos' invited their French spectators to gaze on their colonized others still inform the frameworks through which racial and ethnic minorities are made-and make themselves-visible in contemporary France. In addition to analyzing how literature and music depicting immigrants and their descendants in France make race and ethnicity visible, Knox also illustrates how the works she analyzes self-reflexively ask whether they, as commodities sold within wider cultural marketplaces, perpetuate the culture of exoticism they seek to contest. Finally, Knox contends that to take seriously the way the texts interrogate the relationship between power, privilege, and the gaze also requires reconsidering the visions of normalcy from which racial and ethnic minorities supposedly depart. She thus concludes by exposing a critical 'blind spot' in French cultural studies-whiteness-before subjecting it to the same scrutiny France's 'visible minorities' face.

Lucien Lévy-Bruhl: Entre Philosophie et Anthropologie: Contradiction et Participation
ISSN: 12485284 ISBN: 9782271066527 2271066522 2271078091 Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris CNRS Éditions

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En quoi consiste le « primitif » n’est-il pas un succédané de l’enfant, du rêveur ou du criminel auxquels veulent le cantonner les défenseurs de la « civilisation » ? Comment comprendre que les Bororo puissent dire qu’ils sont des oiseaux Arara ? C’est la question que pose Lévy-Bruhl dans la Mentalité primitive en 1922. Cet historien de la philosophie, spécialiste des transferts culturels entre la France et l’Allemagne, intervient ainsi, au croisement de la philosophie, de l’anthropologie, de la psychologie et de la sociologie dans le contexte des sciences humaines alors naissantes et déjà rivales. Aujourd’hui, ses travaux continuent d’alimenter les débats entre le structuralisme, la philosophie analytique et la phénoménologie. Qu’est ce qui fonde, dans l’esprit humain, le principe de contradiction ? À quoi tiennent les sentiments et des croyances qui font percevoir un être naturel comme un être social ? Qu’est-ce qui rend possible la participation immédiate et affective au monde ? Voici enfin redécouvert un pan considérable de l’histoire de la pensée, qui lie le XIXe au XXe siècle, et qui permet de relire autrement Durkheim, Bergson, Lévi-Strauss.

Escravidão e subjetividades : no Atlântico luso-brasileiro e francês (Séculos xvii-xx)
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2821855834 2821855877 9782821855878 Year: 2016 Publisher: OpenEdition Press

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Para além do Atlântico negro de Paul Gilroy, o Atlântico da escravidão, noção abrangente cujas fronteiras vão ao coração dos continentes, ainda que constantemente retrabalhado por subdivisões linguísticas (o Atlântico lusófono, francófono, anglófono...) ou hemisféricas (Atlântico Sul, Norte). Este livro, no entanto, desafia essas fronteiras: surge como uma história cruzada entre o Atlântico Sul e o Atlântico Norte, entre um espaço lusófono e um outro, francófono; entre datas da abolição da escravatura separadas no tempo. Busca definir os vínculos, os efeitos de convergência, bem como as diferenças entre esses mundos. O livro reúne 12 historiadores para pensar as ligações entre escravidão, pós-escravidão, cidadania e subjetividade, entre os séculos XVII e XX, no Atlânticoda Escravidão.

Imaging identity : media, memory and portraiture in the digital age
ISBN: 1760460419 1760460400 9781760460419 9781760460402 Year: 2016 Publisher: ANU Press

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Imaging Identity presents potent reflections on the human condition through the prism of portraiture. Taking digital imaging technologies and the dynamic and precarious dimensions of contemporary identity as critical reference points, these essays consider why portraits continue to have such galvanising appeal and perform fundamental work across so many social settings. This multidisciplinary enquiry brings together artists, art historians, art theorists and anthropologists working with a variety of media. Authors look beyond conventional ideas of the portrait to the wider cultural contexts, governmental practices and intimate experiences that shape relationships between persons and pictures. Their shared purpose centres on a commitment to understanding the power of images to draw people into their worlds. Imaging Identity tracks a fundamental symbiosis -- to grapple with the workings of images is to understand something vital of what it is to be human.

Marginal people in deviant places : ethnography, difference, and the challenge to scientific racism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0472902652 0472055380 Year: 2022 Publisher: Ann Arbor, Michigan : University of Michigan Press,

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Marginal People in Deviant Places revisits twentieth-century ethnographic studies of deviance, arguing that ethnographies that focus on marginal subcultures--ranging from Los Angeles hoboes to men who have sex with other men in St. Louis bathrooms, to taxi dancers in Chicago, to elderly Jews in Venice, California--produce new ways of thinking about social difference more broadly in the United States. Irvine demonstrates how the social scientists who told the stories of these marginalized groups offered an early challenge to then-dominant narratives of scientific racism and then offers a social history of certain American outsiders and a prehistory of the academic fields of ethnic studies and sexuality studies. Through the stories Irvine recounts in this book, she identifies an American paradox represented in a simultaneous desire for and rejection of outsiders and describes the rise of an outsider capitalism that integrates difference into American society by marketing it. Place plays a crucial role in this work as Irvine examines its role in shaping ethnographies about outsiders and therefore understandings of social difference. Irvine has visited the sites of each of the ethnographies about which she writes, collecting photos, videos, and archival materials that will help readers understand the importance of place in the generation of particular ethnographic stories. The open-access online edition of this book is richly illustrated to help convey the deep sense of emplacement of the ethnographies discussed in this book and includes a series of interviews with sociologists about how they conduct their work and understand their forebears.

Interplay of things : religion, art, and presence together
ISBN: 1478013532 1478014466 1478021764 1478091762 Year: 2021 Publisher: Durham : Duke University Press,

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"Drawing on literature along with the visual and performing arts, Anthony B. Pinn theorizes religion as a technology for interrogating human experiences understanding the ways in which things are always involved in processes of exchange and interplay."--

Hoe anders is anders ? : over wereldbeelden en Afrikaanse kennissystemen
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9064451478 Year: 2000 Volume: 6 Publisher: Berchem Mechelen EPO Centrum voor Internationaal Management en Interculturele Communicatie

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Neerslag van een studiedag die in maart 1999 georganiseerd werd door het Universitair Centrum voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (UCOS) en het Centrum Leo Apostel (CLEA). Doel: de vaststelling onderzoeken dat communicatieproblemen tussen culturen veelal te maken hebben met het anders denken over en het anders zien en beleven van de realiteit. In die context bogen de auteurs zich over een aantal vragen: Is het "andere" werkelijk zo onoverbrugbaar "anders"? Of is dit slechts een interpretatie? En zijn er in de realiteit niet veel meer gelijkenissen dan we vermoeden? Hebben we niet sedert geruime tijd dezelfde soort basisuitgangspunten als de nieuwste bevindingen in de wetenschappen erbij betrokken worden - bijvoorbeeld in verband met ruimte en tijd? Enerzijds willen de auteurs kennissystemen uit andere culturen "de-exotiseren" via een vergelijking met de nieuwste bevindingen in de wetenschap. Anderzijds zijn ze van mening dat ook de wetenschappen baat kunnen hebben bij een vergelijking met enkele elementen uit de Afrikaanse kennissystemen.

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