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Com enfoque no espaço Euro-Atlântico, este volume analisa as relações da Rússia com atores diversos, em níveis de análise diferenciados, e com ênfase nas dimensões de atuação relevantes a nível político, económico e de segurança. Destacam-se o espaço pós-soviético, área vital de atuação e influência russa; as relações com a União Europeia (UE); o Ártico, pelos recursos energéticos abundantes e pelas rotas de distribuição; as relações com os Estados Unidos da América; as relações com a Turquia, um ator emergente com estatuto regional importante para a diplomacia de Moscovo; e as relações no quadro do Médio Oriente, região em grande mudança desde a primavera Árabe com implicações para a diplomacia russa. De um modo inclusivo esta análise visa clarificar os alinhamentos de política externa russa mais de duas décadas após o fim da União Soviética, com todas as implicações que lhe estão subjacentes, constituindo um contributo fundamental para a compreensão das relações internacionais russas num contexto em mudança.
Political science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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Time series data are chronological sequences of observations produced by regularly and repeatedly measuring some characteristic or characteristics of the same case over time (e.g., aggregate support for the government in a country, the crime rate in a city). Time series analysis is the application of statistical models to time series data. This entry defines time series analysis and distinguishes time series data from other forms of data. It defines important time series notation and terminology. It provides a discussion of the challenges of time series analysis and of key time series fundamentals: autoregression, autocorrelation, serial correlation, stationarity, exogeneity, weak dependence, trending, seasonality, structural breaks, and stability.
Political Science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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La autoridad política no constituye si no un aspecto del control social y para comprender sus peculiaridades es preciso distinguirla de los demás aspectos de aquél. En control puede considerarse desde dos puntos de vista: primero desde la persona que lo ejerce y segunda, el de la persona sometida a el. Parece más conveniente adoptar el último de esos puntos de vista y estudiar los tipos de control segun el modo como afectan al sentido de la libertad de individuo. En contenido de esta obra es: 1. El control político 2. La función del gobierno 3. La estructura política 4. La naturaleza de la acción política 5. El problema político central 6. Gobierno y estratificación 7. El concepto de un Estado mundial
Political science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Freedom --- Political control & freedoms
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"India wins yet again!" Narendra Modi announced in May 2019, just after securing a second term as Prime Minister of the world's largest democracy in a landslide general elections victory. When Modi was elected for a first term five years ago, he promised that India would win back its place at the high table of leading world powers. Indeed, after decades of sustained growth, India today is at a tipping point in terms of socio-economic prospects for its 1.35 billion citizens. As the global balance of power and economic growth shifts towards Asia, and a whole new set of forces is seeking to redefine the international order, opportunities abound for the subcontinent to carve out its place as a leading, democratic, global actor. Is India ready to do so?
Political Science / World / Asian --- Political science --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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While the "decline of the West" is now almost taken for granted, China's impressive economic performance and the political influence of an assertive Russia in the international arena are combining to make Eurasia a key hub of political and economic power. That, certainly, is the story which Beijing and Moscow have been telling for years. Are the times ripe for a "Eurasian world order"? What exactly does the supposed Sino-Russian challenge to the liberal world entail? Are the two countries' worsening clashes with the West drawing them closer together? This ISPI Report tackles every aspect of the apparently solidifying alliance between Moscow and Beijing, but also points out its growing asymmetries. It also recommends some policies that could help the EU to deal with this "Eurasian shift", a long-term and multi-faceted power readjustment that may lead to the end of the world as we have known it.
Political Science / International Relations --- Political science --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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The Asia-Pacific has become the Indo-Pacific region as the US, Japan, Australia and India have decided to join forces and scale-up their political, economic and security cooperation. The message coming from Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi is clear: China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is no longer the only game in town and Beijing's policymakers better get ready for fierce competition. Japan's ongoing and future "quality infrastructure" policies and investments in the Indo-Pacific in particular make it very clear that Tokyo wants a (much) bigger slice of the pie of infrastructure investments in the region. China's territorial expansionism in the South China Sea and its increasing interests and presence in countries in South Asia have done their share to help the four aforesaid countries expand their security and defence ties. Beijing, of course, smells containment in all of this and it probably has a point. Who will have the upper hand in shaping and defining Asian security and providing developing South and Southeast Asia with badly-needed infrastructure: the US and Japan together with its allies or the increasingly assertive and uncompromising China and its Belt and Road Initiative?
Political Science / International Relations --- Political science --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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Also in the last year the signs of decomposition of the political, economic and institutional world conceived at the end of the Second World War and definitively freed from the end of the cold war have multiplied. Meanwhile, the advent of Donald Trump as president of the United States has introduced an unprecedented tension between the US and the international order they themselves produced. More generally, the growth of China and the renewed assertiveness of Russia seem to herald a new phase of the reflux of Western impact on the rest of the world. Above all, a variegated dispute over legitimacy has affected the liberal orientation of the post-bipolar order, with ever more profound consequences for the holding of the multilateral fabric of international coexistence, international organizations and even the institutional set-up of individual states. The ISPI 2019 Report questions this upheaval, both in the political and economic dimensions. The first part of the volume is dedicated to the global context and its repercussions on Europe, while the second is addressed as usual to Italian foreign policy.
Political Science / International Relations --- Political science --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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It wants to understand what is specific in the universe of young offenders hospitalized in institutions to comply with socio-educational measures in Rio de Janeiro. The reasons that lead young women to crime are discussed, confronting some theories with empirical work that combines field observation, analysis of drawings, personal diaries and interviews with young women, as well as analysis of their medical records and interviews with mothers and with the technicians of the school where they are collected. Daughters of the World will be of great value to all who seek ways to overcome violence in the most varied forms of manifestation.
Political science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- POLITICAL SCIENCE
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Die politische Landschaft der Niederlande wurde viele Jahre lang von drei Strömungen - den Christdemokraten, den Sozialdemokraten und den Liberalen - dominiert. Die Lage veränderte sich ab Mitte der 1960er Jahre: An die Stelle der vorherigen Stabilität trat eine immer grössere Unberechenbarkeit. Auch nahm die politische Zersplitterung zu und seit 2002 verzeichneten populistische Gruppierungen wiederholt Erfolge. Die raschen Veränderungen im Parteienspektrum sorgen bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung für eine Überbewertung der Unterschiede zwischen "damals" und "heute": Der aktuellen Instabilität steht die erstarrte Unbeweglichkeit der Vergangenheit gegenüber. Ein solches Bild ist jedoch eine Vereinfachung, denn auch in früheren Jahren konnten die politischen Spannungen eskalieren, und immer wieder scheiterten Kabinette vorzeitig. Neben allen Veränderungen sind somit auch Kontinuitäten und langfristig wirksame Traditionslinien in der niederländischen Politik zu beobachten.Der Sammelband Eine zersplitterte Landschaft geht auf diese Kontinuitäten und Veränderungen ein, indem er all jene Parteien betrachtet, die im Jahr 2017 in die Zweite Kammer des niederländischen Parlaments gewählt worden sind. Die älteste von ihnen existiert bereits seit beinahe 100 Jahren (SGP), die jüngsten Parteien (DENK und FvD) sind erst kurz vor der Wahl gegründet worden. Fast alle Beiträge sind von Vertretern der wissenschaftlichen Büros der Parteien verfasst worden, wodurch ein einzigartiger Blickwinkel entstanden ist: wissenschaftliche Distanz kombiniert mit einer Betrachtung von "innen heraus".
Political science & theory --- Political science & theory. --- Political science. --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The
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Gemeinden gehören zum Grundbestand politischer Institutionen in der Geschichte Europas. Wie dieser Tatbestand in der politischen Theorie, in den Gesellschaftslehren, in der Rechtswissenschaft und in der christlichen Theologie reflektiert worden ist, wird in diesem Band von Historikern, Politologen und Juristen untersucht. So entsteht ein Grundriß der Theorien politischer Ordnung von der Antike bis in die Moderne.
Cities and towns, Medieval --- Cities and towns, Renaissance --- State, The --- History --- Congresses. --- Renaissance cities and towns --- Medieval cities and towns --- Administration --- Commonwealth, The --- Sovereignty --- Political science
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