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A Collection in Context : Kommentierte Edition der Briefe und Dokumente Sammlung Dr. Karl von Schäffer
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Year: 2017 Publisher: Tübingen Tübingen University Press

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The first volume of the series Tübinger Numismatische Studien examines the collection of Karl von Schäffer, comprising almost 3000 numismatic objects, which came into the possession of the University of Tübingen as an estate in 1888, in its context of scientific history. The edition of the complete collection documentation is evaluated by contributions to the history of the university collection, a biographical-psychological analysis of the person Karl von Schäffer, studies on the coin trade and on the collecting and research of coins in the 19th century, as well as by a detailed investigation of the networks of the educated bourgeoisie interested in antiquities and coins in the Kingdom of Württemberg. In the context of this dense transmission network, the coins and archival documents not only unfold their significance as important contemporary historical documents for the development of numismatics in the advanced 19th century, but at the same time represent a first-rate source for the reception of ancient coins as significant research objects in art history and cultural history. Band 1: A Collection in Context Mit der Begründung einer Universitätsmünzsammlung im Jahre 1798 und der Einrichtung der Numismatischen Arbeitsstelle im Jahre 1972 blickt die Universität Tübingen auf eine lange numismatische Tradition zurück. Die neue Reihe „Tübinger Numismatische Studien“ (TNS) soll die Tübinger Numismatik nun ins 21. Jahrhundert führen. Der erste Band der Reihe untersucht die knapp 3000 numismatische Objekte umfassende Sammlung Karl von Schäffer, welche als Nachlass im Jahre 1888 in den Besitz der Universität Tübingen gelangte, in ihrem wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext. Die Edition der vollständigen Sammlungsdokumentation wird durch Beiträge zur universitären Sammlungsgeschichte, einer biographisch-psychologischen Analyse der Person Karl von Schäffer, Studien zum Münzhandel und zum Sammeln und Erforschen von Münzen im 19. Jahrhundert sowie durch eine Detailuntersuchung zu den Netzwerken des antiken- und münzeninteressierten Bildungsbürgertums im Königreich Württemberg ausgewertet. Im Kontext dieses dichten Überlieferungsnetzes entfalten die Münzen und Archivalien nicht nur ihre Bedeutung als wichtige zeitgeschichtliche Dokumente für die Entwicklung der Numismatik im fortgeschrittenen 19. Jahrhundert, sondern stellen zugleich eine Quelle ersten Ranges für die Rezeption von antiken Münzen als kunstgeschichtlich und kulturhistorisch bedeutsame Forschungsobjekte dar.

Die Anwendung des Convenience-Konzepts auf den Betriebstyp Vending
ISSN: 16133056 ISBN: 1299427162 365302496X 3631617755 Year: 2011 Volume: Bd. 46 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Lang,

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Eine umfassende Aufarbeitung des Vending nach terminologischen, historischen, marktrelevanten und betriebstypenspezifischen Aspekten zeigt, dass Konsumenten bei der Automatenverwendung Convenience als wichtige Größe erachten. An eine theoretische Beschäftigung mit Convenience schließt eine kombinierte qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung des Konstrukts im empirischen Teil der Arbeit an. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung bestätigen die große Bedeutung von Convenience beim Vending und sind als Empfehlung für die Betreiber von Automaten gedacht, entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung

Du statère au sesterce : monnaie et romanisation dans la Gaule du Nord et de l'Est (IIIe s.a.C./Ier s.p.C.)
ISSN: 12981990 ISBN: 9782356131386 2356131388 2356135952 9782356135957 Year: 2015 Volume: 78 Publisher: Bordeaux: Ausonius,

Electrochemical Capacitors
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Electrochemical capacitors are being increasingly introduced in energy storage devices, for example, in automobiles, renewable energies, and mobile terminals. This book includes five high-quality papers that can lead to technological developments in electrochemical capacitors. The first paper describes the effect of the milling degree of activated carbon particles used in the electrodes on the supercapacitive performance of an electric double-layer capacitor. The second, fourth, and fifth papers describe novel electrode materials that have the potential to enhance the performance of next-generation electrochemical capacitors. Nickel molybdate/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite, copper-decorated carbon nanotubes, and nickel hydroxide/activated carbon composite are tested, and are shown to be promising candidates for next-generation electrochemical capacitors. The third paper reports the hybrid utilization of electrochemical capacitors with other types of energy devices (photovoltaics, fuel cells, and batteries) in a DC microgrid, which ensures wider applications of electrochemical capacitors in the near future. The knowledge and experience in this book are beneficial in manufacturing and utilizing electrochemical capacitors. Cutting-edge knowledge related to novel electrode nano-materials is also helpful to design next-generation electrochemical capacitors. This book delivers useful information to specialists involved in energy storage technologies.

Alternative assets and cryptocurrencies
ISBN: 3038979791 3038979783 9783038979784 9783038979791 Year: 2019 Publisher: Basel: MDPI,

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Alternative assets such as fine art, wine, or diamonds have become popular investment vehicles in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Correlation with classical financial markets is typically low, such that diversification benefits arise for portfolio allocation and risk management. Cryptocurrencies share many alternative asset features, but are hampered by high volatility, sluggish commercial acceptance, and regulatory uncertainties. This collection of papers addresses alternative assets and cryptocurrencies from economic, financial, statistical, and technical points of view. It gives an overview of their current state and explores their properties and prospects using innovative approaches and methodologies.

Arcade Britannia : a social history of the British amusement arcade
ISBN: 0262372347 0262544709 0262372355 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press,

Phylogenomic, Biogeographic, and Evolutionary Research Trends in Arachnology
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book focuses on systematics, biogeography, and evolution of arachnids, a group of ancient chelicerate lineages that have taken on terrestrial lifestyles. The book opens with the questions of what arachnology represents, and where the field should go in the future. Twelve original contributions then dissect the current state-of-the-art in arachnological research. These papers provide innovative phylogenomic, evolutionary and biogeographic analyses and interpretations of new data and/or synthesize our knowledge to offer new directions for the future of arachnology.

The Currency of Empire : Money and Power in Seventeenth-Century English America
ISBN: 150175579X 1501755781 1501755773 9781501755798 Year: 2021 Publisher: [s.l.] : Cornell University Press,

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In The Currency of Empire, Jonathan Barth explores the intersection of money and power in the early years of North American history, and he shows how the control of money informed English imperial action overseas. The export-oriented mercantile economy promoted by the English Crown, Barth argues, directed the plan for colonization, the regulation of colonial commerce, and the politics of empire. The imperial project required an orderly flow of gold and silver, and thus England's colonial regime required stringent monetary regulation. As Barth shows, money was also a flash point for resistance; many colonists acutely resented their subordinate economic station, desiring for their local economies a robust, secure, and uniform money supply. This placed them immediately at odds with the mercantilist laws of the empire and precipitated an imperial crisis in the 1670s, a full century before the Declaration of Independence. The Currency of Empire examines what were a series of explosive political conflicts in the seventeenth century and demonstrates how the struggle over monetary policy prefigured the patriot reaction to the Stamp Act and so-called Intolerable Acts on the eve of American independence.


Money --- Mercantile system --- International economic relations --- Fiscal policy --- Political aspects --- History --- United States --- Great Britain --- Foreign economic relations --- Currency --- Monetary question --- Money, Primitive --- Specie --- Standard of value --- Exchange --- Finance --- Value --- Banks and banking --- Coinage --- Currency question --- Gold --- Silver --- Silver question --- Wealth --- Cameralism --- Kameralism --- Mercantilism (Mercantile system) --- Balance of trade --- Economic policy --- Tax policy --- Taxation --- Finance, Public --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Government policy --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- USA --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- coin in colonial America, political history of colonial America, mercantilism in Colonial America. --- États-Unis --- É.-U. --- ÉU --- Business & Economics / Economic History --- History / United States / Colonial Period (1600-1775) --- History / Europe / Great Britain

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