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Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach was a wealthy scion of a Frankfurt patrician family, of hereditary nobility, and the younger brother of Zacharias Conrad (1683-1734), one of the greatest book collectors and manuscript specialists of his time. He first studied under the mathematical rationalist Enlightenment philosopher Christian Wolff (1679-1754) in Halle before earning a law degree from the University of Strasbourg in 1714. As a European traveler, he kept detailed travel diaries and lived in Frankfurt as a private scholar with technical, natural history and artistic interests, a collector of books, instruments, paintings, drawings and prints. His enthusiasm for everything technical, measurable and newly invented led to experimental learning in a wide variety of fields, but - since there was no compulsion to earn a living - rarely to long-term employment. Practical evidence of Uffenbach's activities are, for example, a renovated bridge over the Main, various large fireworks, diverse music and an opera as well as some copperplate engravings. His scientific activities are documented in handwritten records, such as more than 8,000 pages of travel diaries, five volumes of minutes of meetings of his learned society founded in Frankfurt, numerous letters and manuscripts of unpublished writings: Uffenbach enjoyed traveling, learning, reading and testing, but the breadth of his studies was more important to him than their depth. Uffenbach's own handwritten catalogs and inventories of the collections correlated manuscripts with printed books in the library, instruments, models, drawings, and copper engravings. The result was a complex, multi-part working tool that he bequeathed in 1736 to the newly founded University of Göttingen, which received it after his death in 1770.Translated with (free version).
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The most recent scientific literature on the treatment of social problems or controversial social questions in the Social Sciences classroom, and their inclusion into curricula, emphasizes the need to introduce students into large-scale social debates where different points of view exist, different interests are at stake, and where it is desirable that they construct their own opinions in that respect from a critical and reasoned perspective. Work with social problems permits a typology of analysis that includes the relative experience of the past and the expectations for the future in a present that is lived, and to consider the temporal relation on the basis of an analysis of changes and continuities that are observable from a comparative perspective. In the comprehension and interpretation of the historicity of the present and in planning the social future, social problems would have to represent a fundamental curricular tenant that gives relevance to the contemporaneousness of the student. In view of the scarcity of studies in this area, this monograph offers a rich collection of studies aimed at answering two structural research questions: What are the purposes of teaching history and social sciences at today's schools? What is the place of social thought formation and social problems in learning/teaching in Social Sciences?.
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"Artykuly, kto´re wla?czono do ksia?z?ki, zostaly pierwotnie zaprezentowane jako referaty wygloszone w czasie konferencji naukowej zatytulowanej "Wspo´lczesne problemy spoleczne w dynamicznej rzeczywistos´ci", be?da?cej jubileuszem prof. Jolanty Grotowskiej-Leder. Konferencja odbyla sie? w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Lo´dzkiego w paz´dzierniku 2021 r. Na ksia?z?ke? sklada sie? dziewie?c´ teksto´w naukowych. Wie?kszos´c´ z nich odnosi sie? do rzeczywistos´ci pandemicznej, kieruja?c nasza? uwage? w strone? nowych sposobo´w konceptualizacji i dos´wiadczania problemo´w spolecznych, a takz?e organizowania przeciwdzialania im po marcu 2020 r."-- Provided by publisher.
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This book looks at the ways that energy, food, and water help to create connections between sustainability and security. The concept of security is in our current societies increasingly connected with sustainability, which seeks to ensure that we as humans are able to live and prosper on this planet now and in the future. The concepts of energy security, food security, and water security--used separately or together--manifest the burgeoning linkages between security and sustainability. This book brings together ten scientific articles that look at different aspects of security, sustainability, and resilience with an emphasis on energy, food, and/or water in the context of Finland and Europe. Together, the articles portray a rich picture on the diverse linkages between both energy, food, and water, and between security and sustainability. In sum, the articles and related preface conclude that ensuring sustainable security--or secure sustainability--requires systemic, structured processes that link the policies and actors in these two important but still distant fields.
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00 jaar geleden publiceerde Leo XIII de encycliek rerum novarum. Deze publicatie was geen geïsoleerd feit, maar de uiting van het zoeken van de Kerk naar een antwoord op de maatschappelijke veranderingen die zich ca. 1880 voltrokken. In dit boek wordt nagegaan hoe de katholieke Kerk reageerde op de snelle sociaal-economische en maatschappelijke mutaties in de geürbaniseerde en geïndustrialiseerde regio van Noord-West-Europa (Rijnland, Noord-Frankrijk, België en Nederland). Er wordt speciale aandacht besteed aan de wederzijdse beïnvloeding tussen de verschillende regio's. vooral drie facetten komen aan bod: de ideologische reflectie, de opkomst van de volksbewegingen (landbouwers, arbeiders, middenstand, werkgevers, vrouwen) en de aanpassing van de kerkelijke pastorale strategie.
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The core teachings and practices of Buddhism are systematically directed toward developing keen and caring insight into the relational or interdependent nature of all things. Hershock applies Buddhist thought to reflect on the challenges to public good, created by emerging social, economic, and political realities associated with increasingly complex global interdependence. In eight chapters, the key arenas for public policy are addressed: the environment, health, media, trade and development, the interplay of politics and religion, international relations, terror and security, and education. Each chapter explains how a specific issue area has come to be shaped by complex interdependence and offers specific insights into directing the growing interdependence toward greater equity, sustainability, and freedom. Thereby, a sustained meditation on the meaning and means of realizing public good is put forward, which results in a solid Buddhist conception of diversity. Hershock argues that concepts of Karma and emptiness are relevant across the full spectrum of policy domains and that Buddhist concepts become increasingly forceful as concerns shift from the local to the global. A remarkable book on this fascinating religion, Buddhism in the Public Sphere will be of interest to scholars and students in Buddhist studies and Asian religion in general.
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Social stratification --- Social problems --- Economic order
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