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"Prosecuting international crimes in Africa contributes to the understanding of international criminal justice in Africa. The books argues for the rule of law, respect for human rights and the eradication of a culture of impunity in Africa. it is a product of peer-reviewed contributions from graduates of the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, where the Master's degree programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa has been presented since 2000"--Back cover.
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The European Union's efforts to approximate substantive criminal law began under the third pillar of the Maastricht Treaty, then amended by the Amsterdam and Nice Treaties. As with other areas of cooperation in criminal matters, this domain has been 'communitarised' by the Lisbon Treaty. Since then, it is the area where the most initiatives have been introduced. In this context, the purpose of the book is twofold. The first aim is to evaluate the changes introduced by the new Treaty and, three years after its entry into force, to provide an overview of the concrete implementation and practical impact of these changes. The second is to reflect on future prospects.
Criminal law --- International crimes --- Philosophy. --- Law and legislation.
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While the system of international law is improving enormously and certain legal provisions are becoming an integral part of jus cogens norms, this body of law must be studied together with other systems which have basically been effective in its development. The principles of the rule of law must be evaluated collectively rather than selectively. In fact, most Islamic nations have ratified the ICC Statute. They have thereby contributed to the establishment of the pillars of morality, equality, peace and justice. At the same time, those pillars may be strengthened by means of an accurate interpretation of the principles of international criminal laws by all parties. The objective of these comparative philosophies is to examine their core principles, similarities and differences. The intention is to indicate that the variation in theories may not obstruct the legal implementation of international criminal law if their dimensions are judged objectively and with the noblest of motives towards mankind.
International criminal law (Islamic law) --- International crimes (Islamic law) --- Islamic law --- International law --- Human rights --- Islam --- Sharia
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60 Jahre nach dem Verfahren gegen die deutschen Hauptkriegsverbrecher versuchen die Beiträger dieses Buches, die Nürnberger Prozesse aus historischer und juristischer Sicht zu bewerten und dabei Zusammenhänge, Widersprüche und Folgewirkungen aufzuzeigen. Angesichts stetig wiederkehrender Berichte über Massenverbrechen in aller Welt befinden wir uns erst auf halbem Weg hin zu einem effektiven System internationaler Strafgerechtigkeit. Mit dem Blick auf das Vermächtnis von Nürnberg soll dieser Band dazu beitragen, Antworten auf die Fragen zu finden, wie Recht durchgesetzt werden kann und Menschenrechtsverbrecher wirkungsvoll für ihre Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können. 60 years after the trials of the main German war criminals, the articles in this book attempt to assess the Nuremberg Trials from a historical and legal point of view, and to illustrate connections, contradictions and consequences. In view of constantly reoccurring reports of mass crimes from all over the world, we have only reached the halfway point in the quest for an effective system of international criminal justice. With the legacy of Nuremberg in mind, this volume is a contribution to the search for answers to questions of how the law can be applied effectively and those committing crimes against humanity be brought to justice for their actions.
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What are chances and challenges of referring to human rights law in defining crimes under international law? Under what circumstances is a reference to human rights law dogmatically appropriate and practically likely? The answers to these questions are explored through a look at the theoretical framework, practical application in jurisprudence as well as empirically through interviews with judges. By highlighting the common roots and the differences between both areas of law, the existing inconsistencies in the application of the law, as well as approaches which could contribute to their solution, the book presents a crucial contribution to the debate on legal certainty and innovation in international criminal law.
International criminal law. --- International law and human rights. --- Human rights and international law --- Human rights --- Criminal law, International --- ICL (International criminal law) --- Criminal law --- International law --- Criminal jurisdiction --- International crimes --- Law --- Civil Rights
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60 Jahre nach dem Verfahren gegen die deutschen Hauptkriegsverbrecher versuchen die Beiträger dieses Buches, die Nürnberger Prozesse aus historischer und juristischer Sicht zu bewerten und dabei Zusammenhänge, Widersprüche und Folgewirkungen aufzuzeigen. Angesichts stetig wiederkehrender Berichte über Massenverbrechen in aller Welt befinden wir uns erst auf halbem Weg hin zu einem effektiven System internationaler Strafgerechtigkeit. Mit dem Blick auf das Vermächtnis von Nürnberg soll dieser Band dazu beitragen, Antworten auf die Fragen zu finden, wie Recht durchgesetzt werden kann und Menschenrechtsverbrecher wirkungsvoll für ihre Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können. 60 years after the trials of the main German war criminals, the articles in this book attempt to assess the Nuremberg Trials from a historical and legal point of view, and to illustrate connections, contradictions and consequences. In view of constantly reoccurring reports of mass crimes from all over the world, we have only reached the halfway point in the quest for an effective system of international criminal justice. With the legacy of Nuremberg in mind, this volume is a contribution to the search for answers to questions of how the law can be applied effectively and those committing crimes against humanity be brought to justice for their actions.
Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946. --- War crime trials. --- Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949. --- International crimes. --- Crimes against humanity. --- Crimes, International --- International crime --- International offenses --- Nuremberg War Crime Trials, 1946-1949 --- Subsequent proceedings, Nuremberg War Crime Trials --- Trials (War crimes) --- Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, 1945-1946 --- Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 --- Crime --- International crimes --- Genocide --- War crimes --- War crime trials --- Trials (Crimes against humanity) --- Trials (Genocide) --- Trials --- History --- Germany --- Nazism --- Nuremberg --- Nuremberg trials --- War crime
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Today, nearly any group or nation with violence in its past has constructed or is planning a memorial museum as a mechanism for confronting past trauma, often together with truth commissions, trials, and/or other symbolic or material reparations. Exhibiting Atrocity documents the emergence of the memorial museum as a new cultural form of commemoration, and analyzes its use in efforts to come to terms with past political violence and to promote democracy and human rights. Through a global comparative approach, Amy Sodaro uses in-depth case studies of five exemplary memorial museums that commemorate a range of violent pasts and allow for a chronological and global examination of the trend: the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC; the House of Terror in Budapest, Hungary; the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre in Rwanda; the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, Chile; and the National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York. Together, these case studies illustrate the historical emergence and global spread of the memorial museum and show how this new cultural form of commemoration is intended to be used in contemporary societies around the world.
Collective memory. --- Crimes against humanity --- Political atrocities --- Genocide --- Museums. --- Cleansing, Ethnic --- Ethnic cleansing --- Ethnic purification --- Ethnocide --- Purification, Ethnic --- Crime --- Atrocities --- International crimes --- War crimes --- Collective remembrance --- Common memory --- Cultural memory --- Emblematic memory --- Historical memory --- National memory --- Public memory --- Social memory --- Memory --- Social psychology --- Group identity --- National characteristics --- Memorialization --- Historical museums. --- 911 memorial. --- 911. --- genocide. --- holocaust museum. --- holocaust. --- memorial museum. --- museums. --- september 11 memorial.
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Le droit international pénal est destiné à attirer de plus en plus l'attention du public averti du fait même des travaux des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux ad hoc pour l'ex-Yougoslavie et pour le Rwanda et de la mise en place prochaine d'une cour criminelle internationale à caractère permanent. Cet ouvrage expose les principes du droit international pénal qui s'avèrent particulièrement pertinents à cet égard en traitant par de courts articles des thèmes choisis de cette discipline en mettant toutefois l'accent sur la répression pénale internationale. Cet ouvrage servira de référence et guide pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux juridictions pénales internationales ainsi qu'à tous les praticiens de droit national appelés à traiter des notions de droit international pénal. Il offre un outil de travail aux gouvernements, experts, universitaires, représentants d'organisations gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales oeuvrant à la mise en place d'une instance pénale internationale. En outre, ce recueil contribue à une meilleure compréhension des enjeux et s'avère un atout pour une négociation éclairée des composantes essentielles d'une cour criminelle internationale qui contribuera réellement à la répression des violations graves du droit international humanitaire. Préface de Antonio Cassese (Président du Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie).
Droit international pénal. --- International offenses --- French. --- International crimes --- Law, Politics & Government --- Law, General & Comparative --- French --- -34 <038> --- #KVHA:Recht. Woordenboeken. Frans --- #KVHA:Internationaal recht. Woordenboeken. Frans --- Crimes, International --- International crime --- Crime --- Droit international pénal. --- Criminal law --- Dictionaries --- International law --- 34 <038> --- International offenses - Dictionaries - French. --- procédure pénale --- crimes & --- terrorisme --- droits humains --- guerre --- droit public --- guerre mondiale II --- torture --- conflits sécurité et consolidation de la paix --- justice --- Nuremberg --- violence
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Much of the literature on post-violent contexts addresses problems of transitional justice, memory studies, and post-conflict reconciliation.�This volume inscribes an innovative domain of inquiry, situating itself creatively amidst these discussions but building upon the literatures of museum and heritage studies.�The contributors (themselves�practitioners, artists, curators, activists and academics) draw from a broad range of geographical and theoretical material, �and�explore new ways of bearing witness vis-a-vis curatorial practice, heritage work and memorializing the past, to examine the challenges and limitations of such endeavors.
ART --- Crimes against humanity --- Crimes against humanity. --- HISTORY --- History of ideas. --- Kollektives Gedächtnis. --- Libraries and Museums. --- Material culture. --- Menschenrechtsverletzung. --- Museum exhibits. --- Museums & museology. --- Museums --- Museumspädagogik. --- Museumsverwaltung. --- Political atrocities --- Political atrocities. --- Politisches Delikt. --- Politiska grymheter --- SOCIAL SCIENCE --- Utställningsteknik. --- Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. --- Vergangenheitsbewältigung. --- Museum Studies. --- Social History. --- Curatorship. --- Utställningar. --- Media Studies. --- Violence in Society. --- Museum exhibits --- Atrocities --- Museum curating --- Museum curatorial practice --- Museum curatorship --- Curatorship --- Display techniques --- Displays, Museum --- Museum displays --- Exhibitions --- Museum techniques --- Crime --- International crimes --- Genocide --- War crimes
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This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This edited collection explores the background and implementation of the Nordic Barnahus (or 'Children's House') model – recognised as one of the most important reforms related to children who are the victims of crime in the Nordic region. This book discusses both its potential to affect change and the challenges facing it. The model was introduced as a response to a growing recognition of the need for more integrated and child-centred services for children exposed to violence and sexual abuse. In the Barnahus structure, different professions work together to ensure that victimized children receive help and treatment and that their legal rights are met. This original study is organised into four broad themes: child-friendliness, support and treatment; the forensic child investigative interview; children’s rights perspectives; and interagency collaboration and professional autonomy. Each themed section includes in-depth chapters from different Nordic countries, outlining and analysing the practice and outcomes of the collaborative work engaged in by Barnahus from different perspectives. The introductory and concluding chapters offer a comparative lens useful for policy and practice implementation within the Nordic welfare state context and beyond, ensuring this book has global academic and practical appeal.
International criminal law. --- Critical criminology. --- Crime --- Juvenile delinquents. --- Social service. --- Criminology and Criminal Justice. --- Crime and Society. --- Youth Offending and Juvenile Justice. --- Critical Criminology. --- Social Work and Community Development. --- International Criminal Law. --- Sociological aspects. --- Benevolent institutions --- Philanthropy --- Relief stations (for the poor) --- Social service agencies --- Social welfare --- Social work --- Human services --- Delinquents --- Delinquents, Juvenile --- Juvenile offenders --- Offenders, Juvenile --- Offenders, Youthful --- Young offenders --- Youthful offenders --- Criminals --- Youth --- Criminal sociology --- Criminology --- Sociology of crime --- Sociology --- Radical criminology --- Criminal law, International --- ICL (International criminal law) --- Criminal law --- International law --- Criminal jurisdiction --- International crimes --- Sociological aspects --- Crime—Sociological aspects. --- International Criminal Law . --- multi-agency working --- child protection --- criminology --- Scandinavia --- policy
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