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Cultes et textes sacrés dans l’Égypte tardive : Diffusion, circulation et adaptation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9791042101121 9782724708585 2724709896 272470858X 9782724711356 2724711351 9782724709896 Year: 2023 Publisher: Le Caire : Institut français d’archéologie orientale ,

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Les temples égyptiens et leurs clergés, loin de fonctionner comme des entités isolées, faisaient l’objet de nombreux points de contact entre les dieux, comme entre les hommes. Toutefois, bien que ces échanges soient avérés et témoignent d’une certaine universalisation de la religion égyptienne au niveau du pays, chaque clergé local avait à cœur de transformer ces emprunts pour les adapter aux particularités de son panthéon et de ses sanctuaires. De fait, il est souvent difficile de retracer avec certitude l’origine exacte de telle ou telle influence, de postuler l’existence d’un texte source (Urtext) ou encore de définir quelle est la part de « norme » et la part d’adaptation dans chaque tradition. Far from being isolated units, ancient Egyptian temples were places of numerous points of contact among deities and among men. While these links are well known and tend to show a measure of universality in Egyptian religion throughout the country, each local clergy was intent on modifying this common background to adapt it to the specificity of its own pantheon and sanctuaries. Indeed, it is often difficult to determine with any certainty the precise origin of this or that influence, to postulate the existence of an original source (Urtext), or even to distinguish in each tradition which part proceeds from the “norm” and which is the product of an adaptation.

The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vols.): Typology and Disposition
ISBN: 9004218653 9786613683687 9004227490 1280772913 9789004227491 9789004218659 9789004230019 9789004230026 9781280772917 Year: 2012 Publisher: Brill

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The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts form the oldest sizable body of religious texts in the world. Discovered in the late nineteenth century, they had been inscribed on the interior stone walls of the pyramid tombs of third-millennium kings and queens. From their content it is clear that they were concerned with the afterlife state of the tomb owner, but the historical meaning of their emergence has been poorly understood. This book weds traditional philological approaches to linguistic anthropology in order to associate them with two spheres of human action: mortuary cult and personal preparation for the afterlife. Monumentalized as hieroglyphs in the tomb, their function was now one step removed from the human events that had motivated their original production.

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