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El estudiante liberal : sociología y vida de la comunidad escolar universitaria de Valencia, 1875-1939
Year: 2009 Publisher: Madrid : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,

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With the Bourbon Restoration, the political system that would mark the following decades of Spanish history was consolidated. We know it as the liberal state, and it covered all spheres of society, including higher education. The creation of a liberal university according to the new model was completed, inhabited by a new type of student, a liberal student. We want to know who was part of this group, what was its origin and composition and how it evolved. We are interested in seeing how he faced his academic years, in which he related to the physical spaces, the legislation or the teaching staff of this new university. We aspire to understand how he lived the day to day of his student condition, both within the faculties and in the city that welcomed them, and to get closer to his mentality through the manifestations that he carried out as a corporation. To do so, we focus on an intermediate university, that of Valencia, small enough to be comprehensive, but important enough to be largely representative of the generality. In short, it is about drawing the new student type, with its changes and its permanence, connected with the liberal system of which it was both a result and a member, between the years that separated the coups d'etat of 1875 and 1936.

Kulturtransfer und Wissenszirkulation in den langen 1960er Jahren : Das deutsch-amerikanische Fulbright-Programm für Lehrer:innen
ISBN: 3781560139 3781525716 Year: 2023 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn, Germany : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt,

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Als ein Ergebnis der Reeducation- und Reorientationpolitik der alliierten westlichen Besatzungsmächte entstand das deutschamerikanische Fulbright-Programm, welches seit 1952 Austauschaufenthalte deutscher Lehrer:innen in den USA finanziert und koordiniert. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die durch das Programm angestoßenen transatlantischen Wissensbewegungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den USA in den langen 1960er Jahren. Mithilfe unterschiedlicher Quellen werden die Institutionalisierung, Ausgestaltung und Operationalisierung des deutsch-amerikanischen Fulbright-Programms sowie die Begegnungen der Lehrer:innen im alltagskulturellen und schulischen Kontext nachvollzogen, um so den Bildungs- und Kulturtransfer als Teil des gesellschaftlichen Wandels der Bundesrepublik nachzuzeichnen.

Findigkeit in unsicheren Zeiten
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3863882857 3940755125 9783863882853 Year: 2008 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich UniPress

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Das Buch behandelt die Situation von Geisteswissenschaftler/innen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Ausgangspunkt der sieben empirischen Beiträge sind Benachteiligungen von Geisteswissenschaftler/innen im Vergleich zu anderen Hochschulabsolvent/innen. Diese äußert sich in einer überdurchschnittlich hohen Arbeitslosenquote, einer signifikant höheren Verbreitung prekarisierter Arbeitsverhältnisse sowie häufig einem vergleichsweise niedrigem Einkommen. Anliegen des Buches ist es auf der Basis einer breiten empirischen Bestandsaufnahme der Geisteswissenschaften, aktuelle Möglichkeiten und zukünftige Chancen dieser Berufsgruppe zu eruieren.

Los grados de la Universidad de Irache (1613-1700)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8413773075 8413771641 9788413773070 Year: 2020 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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This book studies the more than 6000 graduates of the Benedictine University of the Abbey of Irache from 1613 to 1700. It was a University in which only Arts and Theology were taught. However, degrees were also awarded in Medicine, Civil Law and Canon Law. That University was not only frequented by students from Navarra, but it received candidates from different points of the Iberian Peninsula. Likewise, in Irache the elite of the Benedictine Congregation of Valladolid (Aguirre, Lardito, Espinosa, Sala…) was graduated. A collection of notable people parade through the pages of the book, which provides data for further research.--- Este libro es un estudio de los más de seis mil graduados de la Universidad benedictina de la Abadía de Irache desde 1613 hasta 1700. Fue una sede universitaria en la que solamente se enseñó Artes y Teología. Sin embargo, se concedieron grados también en Medicina, Derecho civil y Derecho Canónico. Esa Universidad no solamente fue frecuentada por alumnos de Navarra, sino que a ella acudieron a graduarse estudiantes desde los diversos puntos de la Península Ibérica. Asimismo, en Irache se graduó la élite de la Congregación benedictina de Valladolid (Aguirre, Lardito, Espinosa, Sala…). Una retahíla de personajes célebres desfila por las páginas del libro, que suministra datos para ulteriores investigaciones.

The coombs : a house of memories
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1921934174 1921934182 9781921934186 Year: 2014 Publisher: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory : ANU Press,

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The Coombs Building at The Australian National University is a Canberra icon. Named after one of Australia’s greatest administrators and public intellectuals—‘Nugget’ Herbert Cole Coombs—for more than forty years the building has housed two of the University’s four foundational Schools: the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies and the Research School of Social Sciences. This volume of recollections is about the former. It looks at life in the building through the prism of personal experience and happenstance. Part memoir, part biography, and part celebration, this book is about the people of Coombs, past and present. Through evocative and lucid reflections, present and former denizens of the building share their passions and predilections, quietly savour their accomplishments and recall the failings and foibles of the past with a kindly tolerance.

Promise Nation : Transforming Communities through Place-Based Scholarships
ISBN: 0880995068 0880995041 Year: 2015 Publisher: Kalamazoo, Michigan : W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research,

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Miller-Adams explores and documents the proliferation of Promise-type scholarship programs in the United States.


Scholarships --- High school graduates --- Business and education --- Public-private sector cooperation --- Community and school --- Scholarships, fellowships, etc. --- Graduates, High school --- High schools --- Alumni and alumnae --- Scholarships. --- Public-private sector cooperation. --- Community and school. --- Business and education. --- United States. --- School and community --- Schools --- Parents' and teachers' associations --- Private-public partnerships --- Private-public sector cooperation --- Public-private partnerships --- Public-private sector collaboration --- Cooperation --- Bursaries --- Fellowships --- Funds, Scholarship --- Scholarship funds --- Endowment of research --- Student aid --- Student loans --- Corporations and education --- Industry and education --- Education and business --- Education and corporations --- Education and industry --- Education --- Worksite schools --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- USA --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- États-Unis --- É.-U. --- ÉU

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