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"The book of Leviticus is by far the most quoted in rabbinic literature such as the Mishna or the Talmud, while it has been marginalized in the Christian tradition. Nevertheless, scholars of both traditions have again become highly interested in it for some decades now. As shown by many recent publications, the book is thoroughly studied for textual, literary, historical and reception aspects. It has often been said and written that the text of Leviticus is stable in comparison to many other books of the Hebrew Bible, and t0hat its Greek translation is quite literal. Yet, the text of Leviticus continues to raise questions, not only regarding its content and textual witnesses, but also its interpretation, history and reception. The third international colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, held in Fribourg in October 2015, aimed to bring together some specialists of the text of Leviticus in order to advance research on its textual witnesses and the aforementioned topics. The articles collected in this book reflect the width of current research. They deal with the witnesses to the text of Leviticus in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Masoretic Text, the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Septuagint. They also study the book's Hebrew editing; its relation to other books such as Joshua, Luke-Acts and Flavius Josephus; and the challenge of its translation, with a case study in French." -- Publisher.
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Building Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure in Developing Countries contains the papers presented at the International Conference on Development and Investment in Infrastructure (DII-2022). The contributions cover a wide range of topics related to infrastructure issues on the African continent: Sustainable Infrastructure Development Smart Infrastructure and Cities Quality and Resilient Infrastructure Education, Empowerment, Gender Equity, Wellness and Development Environmental and Waste Management/Facilities & Real-Estate Management Infrastructure, Investment and Finance- Trends and Forecasts Infrastructure: Shock Events, Procurement, Project Management, Health & Safety Infrastructure: Economic, Social/Environmental Sustainability Digital Innovation and transition in the built environment Building Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure in Developing Countries evaluates innovations, empowerment, growth and sustainable development of infrastructure development in Africa, and aims at administrators, academics, and professionals.
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This open access book explores the intersection of gender and climate change, suggests ways in which innovative technologies can accelerate climate relief actions, and offers strategies for integrating climate change initiatives into national policies and planning. By examining the devastating consequences of climate change on women and girls throughout the continent, the authors pose a crucial question: Does gender matter in climate change discussions in Africa? Political and social traditions have burdened women with greater vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related natural disasters, including violence, displacement, poverty, famine and lack of access to clean water. However, women are also key to effective and inclusive climate mitigation, adaptation, and decision-making. The authors provide a compelling discourse that identifi es the social and economic benefi ts for all citizens when genderinclusive policies shape equitable and targeted action plans, from mitigationto adaptation and funding. The UN’s SDG 13 calls for urgent action and commitment to combat climate change. The implementable and action-oriented propositions presented in this book will be of interest to students, educators, practitioners, third-sector actors, and policymakers committed to gender equality, sustainable development and climate action in Africa.
Climate change --- Business & management --- Sustainability --- Sex. --- Bioclimatology. --- Sustainability. --- Ethnology --- Culture. --- Technological innovations. --- Business. --- Africa. --- Gender Studies. --- Climate Change Ecology. --- African Culture. --- Innovation and Technology Management. --- African Business.
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The Lower !Garib, or Orange River flows through the historical Namaqualand and since 1990 has formed the international border between Namibia and South Africa. The contributors to his volume focus on this hardly discussed stretch of the Orange River to understand the region's social history, geography, and economy. It brings together scholars from Namibia, South Africa, and overseas, as well as the knowledge and analysis from people living in the region. In concise chapters and short portraits, they discuss the region's past and present from a variety of perspectives.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Human Geography. --- Border Studies. --- Geography. --- History of Colonialism. --- History. --- Politics. --- Postcolonialism. --- Social Geography. --- South Africa. --- Space.
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Les modalités de recrutement des enseignants et les systèmes de formations connaissent depuis une dizaine d’années de nombreux bouleversements. Ceux-ci sont liés à des modifications profondes des programmes scolaires, des exigences en termes de diplômes, des structures de formation. Ces contextes de changement conduisent à de nouveaux questionnements sur les complémentarités possibles et souhaitables entre les mondes de l’éducation et de l’enseignement, de la formation, de la recherche. Les chercheurs dans les domaines des didactiques des disciplines se sont toujours impliqués dans ce type de problématique. Pour y répondre, ils proposent dans le cadre de cet ouvrage d’interroger les fondements de la transmission des savoirs, d’analyser les pratiques des enseignants et des formateurs, de construire avec et pour les enseignants et les élèves des dispositifs pouvant répondre aux défis actuels. Cet ouvrage est composé d’un ensemble d’études et de propositions issues de travaux et de réflexions de professeurs, de chercheurs, d’étudiants, d’inspecteurs, de décideurs institutionnels. Il est donc destiné à tout acteur potentiel, professionnel ou expert, des mondes de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la recherche.
Education --- formation des enseignants --- enseignant --- recrutement des enseignants
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Dans un monde confronté aux changements climatiques et à des pandémies en lien avec la destruction des milieux naturels, les enjeux liés à la préservation de la biodiversité sont dorénavant bien connus et ont donné lieu à des accords internationaux majeurs, comme le protocole de Nagoya. Dans ce contexte mondial, les recherches menées au Sud sont primordiales. Les contributions rédigées ici par des chercheurs dʼAfrique, de lʼocéan Indien, dʼAsie du Sud-Est et dʼEurope traduisent la vigueur de la recherche sur la biodiversité dans les pays intertropicaux francophones. Documenter la diversité des écosystèmes végétaux locaux, mieux connaître les savoirs traditionnels et les utilisations populaires des plantes ou des champignons, valoriser le rôle des collections botaniques, identifier des chaînes de valorisation économique responsables, gérer durablement les écosystèmes et leurs ressources, élaborer des outils stratégiques pour une gouvernance environnementale basée sur la science et, enfin, montrer la nécessité de lʼimplication citoyenne et de lʼensemble des acteurs concernés, tels sont les grands thèmes déclinés ici. Cet ouvrage collectif intéressera tous ceux qui travaillent sur la biodiversité des écosystèmes intertropicaux. Il souligne la nécessité dʼune science de lʼaction au service du développement durable.
Environmental studies, Geography & Development --- plantes --- champignons --- collections botaniques --- développement --- écologie --- savoirs traditionnels --- valorisation --- médicaments --- alimentation --- gestion environnementale --- Afrique --- Madagascar
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