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Folklore --- Indian religions --- India --- Legends --- -Tales --- -Academic collection --- CALL --- mythologie --- verhalen --- Indische mythologie --- Indische sagen en legenden --- 294 --- #GGSB: Godsdiensten (dogmatiek) --- #GGSB: Hindoeisme --- Folk tales --- Folktales --- Folk literature --- Traditions --- Urban legends --- Indische godsdiensten --- Tales --- Academic collection --- Godsdiensten (dogmatiek) --- Hindoeisme
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Prostitutes --- Prostitution --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Sex workers --- History --- History of the Netherlands --- anno 1800-1899 --- Sex work
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De homoseksuele straatprostitutie is een schimmige, weinig bekende wereld. Alleen al daarom is dit een interessante uitgave. Sioen geeft geen cijfermateriaal, maar beschrijft een wereld die hij van nabij heeft meegemaakt. Van 1992 tot 1995 werkte hij als psycholoog bij Adzon, een Brusselse organisatie die jongens in de prostitutie probeert te helpen. Aan de hand van zijn ervaringen en uitgebreide gesprekken probeert Sioen een beeld te geven van de jongensprostitutie in de omgeving van het Brusselse Centraal Station. Eerst beschrijft hij de scene rond het Fontainasplein. Hij vertelt over de jongens, hun klanten, de manier waarop zij onopvallend met elkaar kontakt leggen en hoe zij met elkaar omgaan. Dan beschrijft de auteur hoe een aantal jongens waarmee hij heeft gesproken in de prostitutie terecht is gekomen door te kijken naar hun achtergrond en hun houding ten opzichte van seks, drank en drugsgebruik. Alle jongens zijn zelf homo; ondanks verschillen in achtergrond hebben ze met elkaar gemeen dat ze zich verwaarloosd en verstoten voelden als kind. Tenslotte worden de activiteiten van Adzon beschreven. Een helder geschreven en met veel cases geïllustreerd boek.(Biblion recensie, Hans Pols.)
Male prostitutes --- Male prostitution --- Teenage prostitution --- Sociale agogiek --- bijzondere doelgroepen. --- kinderprostitutie --- Social problems --- Sexology --- jeugdproblematiek --- straathoekwerk --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- minderjarigen --- prostitutie --- Belgium --- Prostitutie --- Jongens --- drugs --- homoseksualiteit --- seksualiteit --- verslaving --- ADZON, Brussel --- Brussel --- prostitués --- #SBIB:613.88H31 --- #SBIB:613.88H32 --- #SBIB:613.88H42 --- 493.23 --- 392.65 --- Homoseksualiteit, biseksualiteit --- Seksuele probleemgebieden: prostitutie --- Seksualiteit en adolescenten --- Adolescent prostitution --- Prostitution, Juvenile --- Prostitution --- Homosexual prostitution --- Male hustling --- Male sex work --- Prostitution, Male --- Same-sex male prostitution --- Boys, Call --- Call boys --- Callboys --- Giglis (Male prostitutes) --- Gigolos (Male prostitutes) --- Male hustlers --- Male sex workers --- Rent boys --- Rentboys --- Taxi boys (Male prostitutes) --- Working boys (Male prostitutes) --- Men --- Prostitutes --- Jongen --- Opvoeding --- Onderwijs --- #gsdbP --- 320 --- sociale vraagstukken --- questions sociales
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Before Efe came to Belgium, she imagined castles and clean streets and snow as white as salt. Belgium, ‘…a country wey dey Europe. Next door to London'. At the house on Zwarterzusterstraat four very different women have made their way from Africa to claim for themselves the riches of Europe. Sisi, Ama, Efe and Joyce are prostitutes, the girls who stand in the windows of the red-light district, promising to make men’s dreams come true – if only for half an hour and fifty euros.The murder of Sisi, the most enigmatic of the women, shatters their already fragile world and as the women gather to mourn, the stories they have kept hidden are finally told. Drawn together by tragedy, the women reveal, each in her own voice, what has brought them to their present lives. Joyce, a great beauty whose life has been destroyed by war; Ama, whose dark moods manifest a past injustice; Efe, whose efforts to earn her keep are motivated by a particular zeal and finally, Sisi, whose imagination takes her far beyond the squalor of her reality. These are stories of terror, of displacement, of love, and of a sinister man named Dele… Raw, vivid and suffused with the power of the oral story-telling tradition, On Black Sisters’ Street is a moving story of the illusion of the West through African eyes, and its annihilation. It is also, however, a story of courage, of unity and of hope.
English literature --- Prostitutes --- Africans --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Sex workers --- Ethnology --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Anṿerśah (Belgium) --- Anṭṿerpen (Belgium) --- Antwerpen (Belgium) --- Antuerpia (Belgium) --- Anvers (Belgium) --- Anversa (Belgium) --- Antwerpia (Belgium) --- Anwerpia (Belgium) --- Andowerpia (Belgium) --- Amberes (Belgium) --- Antverpia (Belgium) --- Ambivaritum (Belgium) --- Anderpus (Belgium) --- Andevorpum (Belgium) --- Andoverpis (Belgium) --- Andoverpum (Belgium) --- Antwerpha (Belgium) --- Antwerpium (Belgium) --- Antwerpo (Belgium) --- Antwerpum (Belgium) --- Handoverpia (Belgium) --- Andwerpa (Belgium) --- Antverpis (Belgium) --- Antverpo (Belgium) --- Antverpum (Belgium) --- Social conditions --- אנטווערפען
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Journalism --- Werkman, Hendrik --- Avant-garde (Aesthetics) --- Werkman, Hendrik Nicolaas, --- 655.15 <492 GRONINGEN> --- -Werkman Hendrik Nicolaas --- The Next Call --- Nederland --- grafiek --- avant-garde --- twintigste eeuw --- typografie --- tijdschriften --- 766.071 WERKMAN --- 766.03 --- 766.045 --- Aesthetics --- Modernism (Art) --- Printing houses, presses and related businesses--Nederland--GRONINGEN --- Werkman, Hendrik Nicolaas --- Werkman Hendrik Nicolaas
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In Heerlijke nieuwe wereld – de titel is een verwijzing naar het beroemde boek van Aldous Huxley – legt hij de donkere kanten van onze maatschappij bloot. Als ‘Michael G.’ onderzoekt hij de gang van zaken in callcenters. Hij werkt in een fabriek die broodjes bakt voor supermarktketen Lidl. Daar wordt hij tot de rand van de uitputting gebracht en loopt hij regelmatig brandwonden op. En hij leeft als dakloze, waarbij hij bij temperaturen van min twintig de nacht op straat doorbrengt. Met zijn reportages wil Wallraff aandacht vragen voor de schrijnende omstandigheden waarin sommige van onze medemensen leven.
Sociology of minorities --- Sociology of work --- Migration. Refugees --- migratie (mensen) --- Germany --- 304 --- 331-057.2 --- 331.656.44 --- 362.52 --- 621.395.2 --- media --- arbeidsomstandigheden --- migratie --- rascisme --- 307.3 --- 311 --- armoede --- diversiteit --- racisme --- vluchtelingen --- maatschappij - sociale problemen --- fabrieksarbeiders --- gastarbeiders --- thuislozen --- call center - callcenter --- 331 --- migration --- Sociologie van de welvaart --- Sociale ethiek --- 960 --- journalistiek --- Duitsland geschiedenis --- levensbeschrijvingen --- biographies et mémoires
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Depuis le début des années quatre-vingt, la traite des femmes a connu un développement sans précédent. De nos jours, des milliers de femmes du Tiers Monde sont "importées" en Europe par des trafiquants sans scrupules qui les forcent bien souvent à se prostituer. C'est pour dénoncer ce nouvel esclavage que Chris De Stoop s'est lancé dans une enquête personnelle qui l'a mené dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Amérique. Pourquoi les Ghanéennes désertent-elles massivement leurs villages ? Comment les Philippines se font-elles pièger par de douteux impresarios ? Qu'est-ce qui attire des millions de touristes "sexuels" à Bangkok et Pattaya ? Comment la bande du Milliardaire a-t-elle édifié son empire du sexe aux Pays-Bas et en Belgique ? L'auteur répond en pionnier à ces questions et démonte les rouages de ces filières qu'il a patiemment infiltrées. Huit mois après sa parution en néerlandais, ce livre a déjà suscité en Belgique la création d'une Commission d'Enquête parlementaire, à Chypre une enquête parlementaire et aux Pays-Bas une révision des conditions d'octroi de permis de travail. Il a également servi de base au film documentaire de la BBC, "The Women Trade". Mais il ne fait que lever le voile que un phénomène internationale appelé à prendre de plus en plus d'ampleur.
Social problems --- Criminology. Victimology --- Belgium --- Europa --- Europe --- Femmes --- Maatschappij --- Sociologie --- Société --- Vrouwen --- Prostitution --- Pimps --- Proxénètes --- Prostitutes --- -Prostitutes --- -Prostitution --- -176.5 --- 364.282 --- 343.9 --- 326.1-055.2 --- 326.1-055.3 --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Panders --- Procurers --- Proxenetes --- Criminals --- Sex workers --- Proxénètes --- 176.5 --- Prostitution - Europe --- Pimps - Europe --- Prostitutes - Europe --- Traite des femmes
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History of the United Kingdom and Ireland --- anno 1800-1899 --- Law enforcement --- -Prostitutes --- -Prostitution --- -Sexually transmitted diseases --- -Working class women --- -Women --- Sexual diseases --- Sexually transmissible infections --- Sexually transmitted infections --- STDs (Diseases) --- STIs (Sexually transmitted infections) --- VD (Disease) --- Venereal diseases --- Communicable diseases --- Sexual health --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Enforcement of law --- Criminal justice, Administration of --- History --- -Rehabilitation --- -History --- -Law and legislation --- -Sexual behavior --- -Law enforcement --- Sex workers --- -History of the United Kingdom and Ireland --- -Sexual diseases --- Prostitutes --- Prostitution --- Sexually transmitted diseases --- Working class women --- Women --- Rehabilitation --- Law and legislation --- Sexual behavior --- Scotland --- 19th century --- Policing --- Sex work
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The Dutch Review of Church History is a long-established periodical, primarily devoted to the history of Christianity. It contains articles in this field as well as in other specialised related areas. For many years the Dutch Review of Church History has established itself as an unrivalled resource for the subject both in the major research libraries of the world and in the private collections of professors and scholars. Now published as an annual the Dutch Review of Church History offers you an easy way to stay on top of your discipline. With an international circulation, the Dutch Review of Church History provides its readers with articles in English, French and German. Frequent theme issues allow deeper, cutting-edge discussion of selected topics. An extensive book review section is included in every issue keeping you up to date with all the latest information in the field of Church history. Contributors to vol. 83 include: Gian Ackermans, Petty Bange, David Bos, F.G.M. Broeyer, Charles Caspers, Theo Clemens, Claire Cross, Mathilde van Dijk, Ingrid Dobbe, Eamon Duffy, Joris van Eijnatten, Lieve Gevers, Jeremy Gregory, W.M. Jacob, Trevor Johnson, Ian Jones, Leo Kenis, Frances Knight, Fred van Lieburg, Stuart Mews, Frank van de Pol, Peter Raedts, Joke Spaans, Robert Swanson, John Tomlinson, Anton Weiler, David Wykes, and Nigel Yates.
Christian church history --- 254 --- Priester. Ambt:--algemeen --- Clergy --- Ordination --- Vocation, Ecclesiastical --- Ecclesiastical vocation --- Vocations, Ecclesiastical --- Bishops --- Rites and ceremonies --- Sacraments --- Clergy members --- Clergymen --- Indigenous clergy --- Major orders --- Members of the clergy --- Ministers (Clergy) --- Ministers of the gospel --- Native clergy --- Ordained clergy --- Ordained ministers --- Orders, Major --- Pastors --- Rectors --- Religious leaders --- Appointment, call, and election --- Priesthood --- History --- Congresses --- Office --- Diocesan clergy --- Ecclesiastics --- Secular clergy --- Church history. --- Christianity --- Ecclesiastical history --- History, Church --- History, Ecclesiastical --- Church history --- Netherlands
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The Open Call in Flanders is more than just another architecture competition: any governmental agency or public institution can choose to work with an Open Call for any given construction project. Since its invention by the first Flemish Government Architect bOb Van Reeth in 2000, more than 700 assignments have been published in this procedure, resulting in almost 350 completed public architectural and infrastructural projects so far. This volume compiles 70 of these, from all over Flanders—from its west coast to the Dutch border in the east—to illustrate the astounding quality of these projects. They prove that public architecture can be daring, thought-provoking, cooperative, and well-done at the same time. The book takes an extensive look at how this procedure works, how it is received by architects, politicians, and clients—and ultimately, at the outstanding public architecture in Flanders as an example for other countries to study closely. Including buildings by 51N4E, Bovenbouw Architectuur, Dierendonckblancke, Zaha Hadid, KAAN, Maxwan, Hideyuki Nakayama, Ney & Partner, noAarchitecten, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, RCR Arquitectes, Robbrecht en Daem, Sergison Bates, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Xaveer de Geyter, among others.
Architecture --- Public buildings --- Competitions. --- 72.039(493) --- 711.61(493) --- 72.092 --- Openbare gebouwen ; Vlaanderen ; 1ste helft 21ste eeuw --- Vlaams Bouwmeesterschap --- Team Vlaams Bouwmeester --- Publieke ontwerpopdrachten --- Architectuur ; Vlaanderen ; opdrachten van de overheid --- Architectuur in opdracht --- Openbare bouwcultuur ; Vlaanderen --- Architectuur ; Vlaamse overheidsgebouwen ; Open Call ; Open Oproep --- Architectuurgeschiedenis--2000 - 2050--België --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; pleinen, open ruimten ; België --- Architectuurwedstrijden --- Bâtiments publics --- Competitions --- History --- Concours --- Histoire --- 72.037 --- 725.1 --- België --- Vlaanderen --- The Open Call (Flanders) --- Eenentwintigste eeuw (architectuur) --- 21ste eeuw (architectuur) --- Openbare gebouwen --- Openbare infrastructuur (architectuur) --- public buildings [governmental buildings] --- Projets d'architecture --- Architecture publique --- Constructions --- 72.039 --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- 72.092 Architectuurwedstrijden --- Royal Museum of Fine Arts [Antwerp] --- Hadid, Zaha, 1950-2016 --- Kaan, Kees --- Nakayama, Hideyuki, 1972 --- -Kersten Geers --- Van Severen, David, 1978 --- -Robbrecht, Paul --- Daem, Hilde --- Souto de Moura, Eduardo --- De Geyter, Xaveer --- Flandre --- Bâtiments publics --- architecture [discipline] --- open competitions --- Beel, Stéphane --- Robbrecht en Daem architecten [Ghent] --- XDGA [Brussels] --- KAAN Architecten [Rotterdam] --- Architecten Werk Groep [Antwerpen] --- 51N4E [Brussels] --- Zaha Hadid Architects --- Flanders
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