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Een verhalend ontwerp voor de rekenles voor kinderen van 6 tot 8 jaar, om voor te lezen of samen met hen te lezen. Onderweg op hun reis komen Ieke en Pol puzzels tegen die ze op moeten lossen. De kinderen kunnen daarbij helpen. De puzzels en opdrachten hebben allemaal te maken met wat op de basisschool bij rekenen-wiskunde aan bod komt. Bij dat vak gaat het niet alleen om rekenen, maar ook om het maken van kaarten en plattegronden, om begrippen als 'boven' en 'onder', 'links' en 'rechts', om ordenen en om logisch redeneren. (Bron: covertekst)
Wiskunde ; basisonderwijs --- wiskunde ; basisonderwijs --- wiskunde
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Spesso i giochi danno lo spunto per affrontare argomenti matematici interessanti e significativi. Si tratta di un punto di partenza stimolante per accedere alla matematica, come gli autori hanno potuto verificare in occasione di molte lezioni-laboratorio tenute con studenti delle scuole superiori in Italia, Svizzera, Germania e Stati Uniti. Da tale esperienza concreta nasce il presente volume, che ne conserva la struttura di avvicinamento al rigore matematico attraverso domande e approfondimenti successivi, consolidati da molti esercizi. Insegnanti, studenti e appassionati di matematica troveranno nel libro percorsi che partono dai giochi e approdano a temi matematici talvolta fuori dagli schemi dei programmi scolastici: i grafi, le permutazioni, i gruppi, le funzioni di più variabili reali, il teorema di punto fisso di Brouwer, gli omeomorfismi, le curve nel piano e i primi concetti della topologia, solo per citarne alcuni. Il testo si offre quindi sia come supporto pratico per proporre itinerari didattici, sia come lettura di approfondimento, che confidiamo piacevole, a proposito di alcuni giochi e della matematica che permettono di scoprire.
Mathematics --- toegepaste wiskunde --- wiskunde
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Wist je dat de natuur boordevol wiskunde zit? Een van de boeiendste wiskundige theorieën over de natuur is de rij van Fibonacci. Fobonacci was een man die een verbazingwekkend patroon ontdekte dat vaak in de natuur wordt gevolgd.
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This monograph provides the application of soliton theory to solve certain problems selected from the fields of mechanics. The work is based of the authors' research, and on some specified, significant results existing in the literature. The present monograph is not a simple translation of its predecessor appeared in Publishing House of the Romanian Academy in 2002. Improvements outline the way in which the soliton theory is applied to solve some engineering problems. The book addresses concrete resolution methods of certain problems such as the motion of thin elastic rod, vibrations of initial deformed thin elastic rod, the coupled pendulum oscillations, dynamics of left ventricle, transient flow of blood in arteries, the subharmonic waves generation in a piezoelectric plate with Cantor-like structure, and some problems related to Tzitzeica surfaces. This comprehensive study enables the readers to make connections between the soliton physical phenomenon and some partical, engineering problems.
Mathematics --- wiskunde
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This book is devoted to the study and optimization of spatiotemporal stochastic processes, that is, processes which develop simultaneously in space and time under random influences. These processes are seen to occur almost everywhere when studying the global behavior of complex systems, including ¢ physical and technical systems, ¢ population dynamics, ¢ neural networks, ¢ computer and telecommunication networks, ¢ complex production networks, ¢ flexible manufacturing systems, ¢ logistic networks and transportation systems, ¢ environmental engineering, ¢ climate modelling and prediction, ¢ earth surface models. Classical stochastic dynamic optimization forms the framework of the book. Taken as a whole, the project undertaken in the book is to establish optimality or near-optimality for Markovian policies in the control of spatiotemporal Markovian processes. The authors apply this general principle to different frameworks of Markovian systems and processes. Depending on the structure of the systems and the surroundings of the model classes the authors arrive at different levels of simplicity for the policy classes which encompass optimal or nearly optimal policies. A set of examples accompanies the theoretical findings, and these examples should demonstrate some important application areas for the theorems discussed. Audience This book is intended for experts in applied mathematics, cybernetics, and in the theory of optimal control.
Mathematics --- wiskunde
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This is an elementary introduction to the representation theory of real and complex matrix groups. The text is written for students in mathematics and physics who have a good knowledge of differential/integral calculus and linear algebra and are familiar with basic facts from algebra, number theory and complex analysis. The goal is to present the fundamental concepts of representation theory, to describe the connection between them, and to explain some of their background. The focus is on groups which are of particular interest for applications in physics and number theory (e.g. Gell-Mann's eightfold way and theta functions, automorphic forms). The reader finds a large variety of examples which are presented in detail and from different points of view. The examples motivate the general theory well covered already by the existing literature. Hence for complete proofs of most of the essential statements and theorems the reader is often referred to the standard sources. Plenty of exercises are included in the text. Some of these exercises and/or omitted proofs may give a starting point for a bachelor thesis and further studies in a master program.
Mathematics --- wiskunde
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Questo manuale è stato realizzato per permettere ai futuri studenti di Ingegneria di affrontare con successo i propri studi. Vengono presentati alcuni concetti di base in matematica, generalmente già appresi prima dell'ingresso all'Università. Si è constatato che non tutti gli studenti hanno una padronanza completa di questo insieme di nozioni fondamentali: perciò il presente manuale fornisce un utile supporto, sotto forma sia di esercizi sia di nozioni teoriche. Il futuro studente potrà scegliere i capitoli che più lo interessano, al fine di verificare la propria capacità a risolvere problemi quali i "Problemi di revisione", ricorrendo alle proprie abilità di ragionamento ed alle proprie conoscenze.
Mathematics --- wiskunde
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The quintessential Renaissance Man, Leonardo da Vinci was well aware of the fundamental importance of mathematics for architecture. This issue of the Nexus Network Journal examines Leonardo's knowledge of theoretical mathematics, explores how he used concepts of geometry in his designs for architectural projects, and reports on a real-life construction project using Leonardo's principles. Authors include Sylvie Duvernoy, Kim Williams, Rinus Roelofs, Biagio Di Carlo, Mark Reynolds, João Pedro Xavier, Vesna Petresin, Christopher Glass, and Jane Burry. To complete the issue Rachel Fletcher writes her Geometer's Angle column on "Dynamic Symmetry", Michael Ostwald reviews A Theory of General Ethics by Warwick Fox, Sarah Clough Edwards reviews Inigo Jones and the Classical Tradition by Christy Anderson, and Sylvie Duvernoy reviews Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt by Corinna Rossi.
Mathematics --- wiskunde
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