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The Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Northern Kenya ERICABELLA ROTH AND ELLIOT FRATKIN 1. INTRODUCTION Formerly nomadic livestock-keeping pastoralists have settled in many regions of the world in the past century. Some groups, including those in the former Soviet Union, Iran, and Israel, have settled in response to state-enforced measures; others including Saami in Norway or Bedouins in Saudi Arabia, in response to changing economic opportunities. East Africa, home to many cattle- and camel-keeping pastoral societies, has been among the most recent to change. The shift to sedentism by East African pastoralists increased d- matically in the late 20th century as a result of sharp economic, political, demographic, and environmental changes. Prolonged drought, population growth, increased reliance on ag- culture, and political insecurities including civil war and ethnic conflict have all affected the ability of pastoralists to keep their herds. Still, the majority of pastoralist households in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Tanzania remain committed to raising livestock, even as they adapt to farming or urban residence. Pastoral production remains a major economic focus in the savannas and scrub deserts of Africa, due to both its ecological adaptability and the economic incentive to market livestock and their products (Fratkin, 2001). Pastoralists settle for a variety of reasons, some in response to pushes'away from the pastoral economy, others to the pulls'of urban or agricultural life.
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Over the past two decades, how has urban agriculture changed in sub-Saharan Africa? Is city farming now better integrated into environmental management and city governance? And, looking ahead, how might urban agriculture address the needs of the low-income households and modernizing cities of Africa? In this book, leading specialists in the fields of urban agriculture and urban environment present a unique collection of case studies that examines the growing role of local food production in urban livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. Amongst many issues, the authors probe the changing role of urban agriculture, the risks and benefits of crop–livestock systems, and the opportunities for making locally produced food more easily available and more profitable. Concluding chapters reflect on the policy and governance implications of greater integration of urban natural resources and the built environment, an expanded role for urban agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and the crucial role of women in urban food systems. African Urban Harvest will be of interest to decision-makers, development professionals, researchers, academics, and students and educators in urban planning, development studies, African studies, and environmental studies.
Agronomy --- Economic geography --- Cameroon --- Uganda --- Kenya --- Agricultural economics. --- Development economics. --- Economic policy. --- Agricultural Economics. --- Development Economics. --- Economic Policy. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Economic development --- Agrarian question --- Agribusiness --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural production economics --- Agriculture --- Production economics, Agricultural --- Land use, Rural --- Economic aspects --- Urban agriculture --- Food supply
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Vrouwenrechten. Het is een thema dat helaas nog altijd brandend actueel is. Overal ter wereld zijn vrouwen het slachtoffer van tal van vormen van discriminatie en van ongelijkheid, zowel in hun beroepsleven als op familiaal, sociaal of politiek vlak. De rechten waarvoor vrouwen wereldwijd vechten, zijn dan ook erg uiteenlopend. In 1994 gaf de internationale gemeenschap tijdens de Conferentie van Caïro het startsein om de strijd voor betere vrouwenrechten op te voeren. Twintig jaar later maken Marleen Temmerman en Tine Maenhout een stand van zaken op en vertellen waar vrouwenrechten nu eigenlijk echt over gaan.Journaliste Tine Maenhout trok naar het opvangcentrum voor slachtoffers van geweld van Marleen Temmerman in Kenia. De verhalen die ze daar optekende, vormden de basis voor een zoektocht naar de historische en culturele wortels die aan de grondslag liggen van geweld tegen vrouwen. Want vrouwenrechten zijn een stuk complexer dan ze op het eerste gezicht lijken. Pas als die complexiteit ten volle wordt onderkend, kunnen er echt stappen vooruit gezet worden. Aan de hand van gesprekken met vooraanstaande experts proberen Tine en Marleen daarom het begrip 'vrouwenrechten' verder scherp te stellen. Het resultaat van hun zoektocht is een boeiend samengaan van verhalen, stemmen en tegenstemmen, meningen en discours over de vele verschillende facetten van vrouwenrechten wereldwijd
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Discrimination against women --- Discrimination sexuelle à l'égard des femmes --- Droits des femmes --- Emancipatie van de vrouw --- Emancipation de la femme --- Emancipation of women --- Femmes [Droits des ] --- Femmes--Emancipation --- Rechten van de vrouw --- Rights of women --- Sex discrimination against women --- Sexual discrimination against women --- Subordination of women --- Vrouwen--Discriminatie op grond van het geslacht --- Vrouwen--Emancipatie --- Vrouwenemancipatie --- Vrouwenrechten --- Women [Discrimination against ] --- Women's liberation --- Women's rights --- Women--Emancipatie --- Women--Rights of women --- 305 --- Vrouwen --- Discriminatie --- Ongelijkheid --- Droits de la femme --- gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen --- Geweld --- Homme politique |x Politicus |y EUROVOC (0436) --- 396 --- Women --- Violence against. --- Social conditions --- Violence against --- Kenya --- права на жената --- ženska prava --- kvindens rettigheder --- kvinnors rättigheter --- práva žen --- drepturile femeilor --- práva žien --- права жена --- sieviešu tiesības --- δικαιώματα της γυναίκας --- Rechte der Frau --- naiste õigused --- women's rights --- derechos de la mujer --- diritti della donna --- të drejtat e grave --- direitos da mulher --- cearta na mban --- nők jogai --- drittijiet tan-nisa --- rechten van de vrouw --- moterų teisės --- prawa kobiet --- pravice žensk --- права на жените --- naisten oikeudet --- искоренување насилство врз жените --- женски права --- prava žena --- ženská práva --- заштита на женските права --- родова рамноправност --- Frauenrechte --- Equal opportunities --- Violence --- International --- Gender roles --- Religion --- Reproductive rights --- Book --- Culture
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