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Sinds 1980 is Vlaanderen bevoegd voor zijn ruimtelijke ordening. Het had het begin van een doortastend beleid kunnen zijn, naar het adagio van de eerste Vlaamse minister-president Gaston Geens: 'We zullen moeten bewijzen dat wat wij zelf doen, beter is. 'Van dat voornemen is niets terecht gekomen. Het Vlaamse ruimtelijk beleid is al decennialang een draak. Het autonome Vlaanderen bakte er niks van. Erger nog, het gebeurde met voorbedachten rade: het was een bewuste politieke keuze van de opeenvolgende regeringen om de jongste twintig jaar vooral géén planmatig ruimtelijk beleid meer te voeren. Het vierluik van de ruimtelijke ordening (plannen-vergunnen-handhaven-grondbeleid) werd tot vergunnen gereduceerd: zo veel mogelijk, met regels die afwijkingen mogelijk maakten en daarbovenop nog eens uitzonderingsregels. Ruimtelijke planning werd op Vlaams niveau doorgeschoven naar de gemeenten die er ook geen prioritair belang aan hechten. Alles kan nog steeds, overal. De hoogste tijd dus voor een maatschappelijk debat waar de 'werkelijke' waarde van open ruimte in kaart wordt gebracht met aandacht voor ecologie, gezondheid en respect.
Ruimtelijke ordening --- Ruimtelijke ordening. Planologie. Stedenbouw --- 711 --- 711.4(A)(493) --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap --- Lintbebouwing --- Urban sprawl --- Bouwbeleid ; Vlaanderen ; 1980-1922 --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; denken over de stedenbouw; België --- Environmental planning --- Economic geography --- urban planning --- civic improvement --- urban management --- ruimtelijke ordening --- Flanders --- Urbanisation --- 711.1(493) --- 711.4 <493> --- 711.4 <493> Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw--België --- Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw--België --- 580 Ruimtelijke ordening --- 584 Landinrichting, grondbeleid --- 585 Gewestplannen --- Ruimtelijke planning
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Urban and Landscape Perspectives G. Maciocco Fundamental Trends in City Development What do phenomena like sprawl, "generic city" or urban segregation have in common with the concept of city? The question is not particularly easy. It is nevertheless the inquiry this book is based on, mainly because of the bewilderment we feel when faced with these phenomena that are spread throughout the urban world and constitute a tall order for our concepts of city. Expressions like "discomposed city", "generic city" and "segregated city" refer to entities that share the loss of the city as a space of communication and social interaction and as the space of the public sphere. In order to explore what we call the city adrift, certain positions of scholars of the city are analysed, using the utopia as an analytical category and referring to three kinds - the conservative utopia, liquidatory utopia and resistant utopia - which can perhaps significantly distinguish the different positions on current spatial trends of the city and, more generally, the phenomena emerging in the urban world. This book inquires into how the city can be re-established as the space of dialogue and communication, how the spatial conditions of the public sphere can be created and the city retrieved. And what the features might be of a city retrieved and restored to its citizens. The author adopts the concept of externity as an innovative element for the project for the city, a constituent feature of all those situations traditionally considered non-functional, therefore external, to our contemporary post-cities, which are consigned to us adrift through decomposition, genericity and segregation. We thus need to try to get the city to conserve and show its past even when not visible, and to continue nurturing the imagination of its inhabitants by urban action consisting perhaps of subtly improving their approach to the "void", the "small", to the past, the territory, in general, to all those spatial concepts which are in a sense external to our cultural worlds today, but which represent the most fertile material for the project for the city. Giovanni MACIOCCO obtained a degree in Engineering in 1970 at the University of Pisa and in Architecture at the University of Florence in 1974. He is Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning, Director of the Department of Architecture and Planning and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sassari. He is Director of the International Laboratory on "the Environmental Project" and the "International Summer School on the Environmental Project and Territorial Planning", and PhD Supervisor for Architecture and Planning of the same Faculty. He is the editor of the book series "Metodi del territorio", published by Franco Angeli, Milan, Director of the book series "Urban and Landscape Perspectives", edited by Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York and a member of the editorial board of international magazines such as Plurimondi, Pluriverso and Territorio. His main field of research is urban and territorial space planning. Several of his architectural and urban space projects have been published in specialist books, international journals or columns. Among his recent works, the following deserve a mention: La pianificazione ambientale del paesaggio, (FrancoAngeli, 1991); Le dimensioni ambientali della pianificazione urbana, (FrancoAngeli, 1991); La città, la mente, il piano, (FrancoAngeli, 1994); La città in ombra, (FrancoAngeli, 1996); La città possibile (Dedalo, 1997) with S. Tagliagambe; Les lieux de l'eau et de la terre, (Lybra immagine, Milan, 1998); Plurimondi, An International Forum for Research and Debate on Human Settlements, Wastelands (Dedalo, 2000); Territorio e progetto. Prospettive di ricerca orientate in senso ambientale, with P. Pittaluga (FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2003); "Il progetto ambientale nelle aree di bordo", with P. Pittaluga (FrancoAngeli, 2006).
Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Environmental planning --- Economic geography --- Geography --- landschapsarchitectuur --- ruimtelijke ordening --- steden --- landenkunde --- milieubeheer --- Cities and towns --- City planning --- 711.1 --- 711.4 --- 911.375 --- 711.4 Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- 711.1 Planologische grondslagen en principes: plannen; uitvoering; ontwikkelingswijze --- Planologische grondslagen en principes: plannen; uitvoering; ontwikkelingswijze --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Growth, Urban --- Sprawl, Urban --- Urban growth --- Urban sprawl --- Migration, Internal --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Growth --- Urban settlements (their study and geography). Towns. Cities --- Government policy --- Management
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To imagine a ''territorial future of the city" is to assert that the territory has urban potential. It points towards the rediscovery of an anchorage to the land: the city is urged by the territory to reflect on the meaning of man's dwelling, to inquire into the primary elements of its construction, to investigate what is essentially urban. For the city of our times has somehow hidden its essence; it has begun to lose its public sphere - becoming a simulacrum of itself, a group of theme-parks, of islands without an archipelago - placing its inhabitants in a ''no-man's-land between past and future''. It seeks its essence on the territory, since it is environmental interdependence that characterizes those relations on which the environmental quality of urban life is founded. And it is precisely the environmental dimension that, by proposing more extensive use of the territory, opens up prospects for a new public sphere through collective awareness-raising of the ''environmental dominants'' that constitute ''an idea that unites places and spatial concepts rich in nature and history'' and are present in the life of the men inhabiting a territory. Reinsertion of the territory in the context of urban life is explored in this book with contributions by architects, urbanists, sociologists and philosophers. They investigate low-density urban situations, an environmental city perspective that recuperates the historic depth and sense of the territory to relaunch them in current terms; thus we may speak of the "territorial future of the city". Giovanni MACIOCCO obtained a degree in Engineering at the University of Pisa and in Architecture at the University of Florence. He is Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning, Director of the Department of Architecture and Planning and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sassari. He is Director of the International Laboratory on "the Environmental Project". His main field of research is urban and territorial space planning. Several of his architectural and urban space projects have been published in specialist books, international journals and publications. Among his recent works, the following deserve a mention: La pianificazione ambientale del paesaggio, (FrancoAngeli, 1991); La città, la mente, il piano, (FrancoAngeli, 1994); La città in ombra, (FrancoAngeli, 1996); La città possible, with S. Tagliagambe (Dedalo, 1997); Les lieux de l'eau et de la terre, (Lybra Immagine, 1998); Wastelands (Dedalo, 2000); Territorio e progetto. Prospettive di ricerca orientate in senso ambientale, with P. Pittaluga (FrancoAngeli, 2003); Il progetto ambientale nelle aree di bordo, with P. Pittaluga (FrancoAngeli, 2006); Fundamental Trends in City Development (Springer, 2008), Urban Landscape Perspectives (Springer 2008). Cover-image: ‘Tenerife: la città dei nomadi’ by Maroun El-Daccache, 2006.
Geography. --- Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning. --- Urbanism. --- Cities, Countries, Regions. --- Landscape Architecture. --- Environment, general. --- Regional planning. --- Architecture. --- Environmental sciences. --- Géographie --- Aménagement du territoire --- Architecture --- Sciences de l'environnement --- 711.4 --- 712.2 --- 911.375 --- 911.53 --- Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Planologie van landschappen--(algemeen) --- Urban settlements (their study and geography). Towns. Cities --- Cultural landscape --- Cities and towns -- Growth. --- Urban ecology (Sociology). --- Communities - Urban Groups --- Sociology & Social History --- Social Sciences --- 712.2 Planologie van landschappen--(algemeen) --- 711.4 Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Cities and towns --- Growth. --- Growth, Urban --- Sprawl, Urban --- Urban development --- Urban growth --- Urban sprawl --- Urban ecology --- Urban environment --- Environmental aspects --- Urban planning. --- Landscape architecture. --- City planning. --- Environment. --- Migration, Internal --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Social ecology --- Sociology, Urban --- Environmental science --- Science --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Regional development --- Regional planning --- State planning --- Human settlements --- Land use --- Planning --- City planning --- Landscape protection --- Design and construction --- Government policy --- Horticultural service industry --- Landscape gardening --- Landscaping industry --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Management --- Architecture, Primitive --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Ecology
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