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Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason" is so outstanding among modern philosophical works, that it can be termed "the" foundation of modern philosophy. Schopenhauer termed it "the most important book ever to have been written in Europe." Otfried Höffe guides the reader through the "Critique" one step at a time, expounding Kant's thoughts, submitting them to an interpretation and drawing a summary conclusion, placing the work and its topics within the context of its modern successors. A "critical" interpretation of Kant's text reveals that he had something to say on many discussions that are said to have originated after his death. Reducing his argumentation to its central tenets, it can be made stronger and applicable to current problems. Kant's eventual concern, however, even when writing theoretical philosophy, lay with the practical. Elaborating this concern and its connection to Kant's theoretical philosophy is a prime tenet of this book.
Philosophy. --- History of Philosophy. --- Epistemology. --- Ethics. --- Philosophy (General). --- Genetic epistemology. --- Epistémologie génétique --- Morale --- Kant, Immanuel
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For centuries, certain moral philosophers have maintained that morality is an illusion, comparable to talking of ghosts or unicorns. These moral skeptics claim that the world simply doesn't contain the sort of properties (such as moral badness, moral obligation, etc.) necessary to render moral statements true. Even seemingly obvious moral claims, such as "killing innocents is morally wrong" fail to be true. What would lead someone to adopt such a radical viewpoint? Are the arguments in its favor defensible or plausible? What impact would embracing such a view have on one's practical life? Taking as its point of departure the work of moral philosopher John Mackie (1917-1981), A World Without Values is a collection of essays on moral skepticism by leading contemporary philosophers, some of whom are sympathetic to Mackie's views, some of whom are opposed. Rather than treating moral skepticism as something to dismiss as quickly as possible, this anthology is a comprehensive exploration of the topic, and as such will be a valuable resource for students of moral philosophy at all levels, as well as professionals in the field of meta-ethics. A World Without Values presents state-of-the-art arguments that advance the ongoing philosophical debate on several fronts, and will enjoy an important place on any meta-ethicist's bookshelf for some years to come.
Philosophy. --- Ethics. --- Philosophy (General). --- Morale --- Ethics, Modern --- Nihilism (Philosophy) --- Mackie, J. L. --- Nihilism (Philosophy). --- Philosophy --- Mackie, John Leslie
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This project draws together the diverse strands of the debate regarding disability in a way never before combined in a single volume. After providing a representative sampling of competing philosophical approaches to the conceptualization of disability as such, the volume goes on to address such themes as the complex interplay between disability and quality of life, questions of social justice as it relates to disability, and the personal dimensions of the disability experience. By explicitly locating the discussion of various applied ethical questions within the broader theoretical context of how disability is best conceptualized, the volume seeks to bridge the gap between abstract philosophical musings about the nature of disease, illness and disability found in much of the philosophy of medicine literature, on the one hand, and the comparatively concrete but less philosophical discourse frequently encountered in much of the disability studies literature. It also critically examines various claims advanced by disability advocates, as well as those of their critics. In bringing together leading scholars in the fields of moral theory, bioethics, and disability studies, this volume makes a unique contribution to the scholarly literature, while also offering a valuable resource to instructors and students interested in a text that critically examines and assesses various approaches to some of the most vexing problems in contemporary social and political philosophy.
Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Medicine. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Political Philosophy. --- Ethics. --- Quality of Life Research. --- Philosophy (General). --- Ethics. --- medicine --- Political science --- Quality of Life. --- Medical ethics. --- Quality of Life --- Morale --- Science politique --- Ethique médicale --- Philosophy. --- Philosophy. --- Research. --- Philosophie
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Many debates about the moral status of things for example, debates about the natural rights of human fetuses or nonhuman animals eventually migrate towards a discussion of the capacities of the things in question for example, their capacities to feel pain, think, or love. Yet the move towards capacities is often controversial: if a human's capacities are the basis of its moral status, how could a human having lesser capacities than you and I have the same "serious" moral status as you and I? This book answers this question by arguing that if something is human, it has a set of typical human capacities; that if something has a set of typical human capacities, it has serious moral status; and thus all human beings have the same sort of serious moral status as you and I. Beginning from what our common intuitions tell us about situations involving "temporary incapacitation" where a human organism has, then loses, then regains a certain capacity this book argues for substantive conclusions regarding human fetuses and embryos, humans in a permanent vegetative state, humans suffering from brain diseases, and humans born with genetic disorders. Since these conclusions must have some impact on our ongoing moral and political debates about the proper treatment of such humans, this book will be useful to professionals and students in philosophy, bioethics, law, medicine, and public policy.
Philosophy. --- Ethics. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Philosophy of Medicine. --- Philosophy of Mind. --- Public Health. --- Philosophy (General). --- Ethics. --- medicine --- Philosophy of mind. --- Public health. --- Medical ethics. --- Morale --- Philosophie de l'esprit --- Santé publique --- Ethique médicale --- Philosophy.
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Vanaf het einde van de 18de eeuw speculeren medische wetenschappers over het bestaan van een `moreel orgaan' of een `ethisch centrum' in het brein. Aangemoedigd door medische ontdekkingen, opmerkelijke klinische casussen of mentale aandoeningen en nieuwe technologieën hadden zelfs vooraanstaande neurowetenschappers, waaronder Paul Flechsig, Arthur Van Gehuchten en Oskar Vogt, de ambitie om moraliteit in het menselijk brein te lokaliseren. In hun publicaties leest men allerlei ernstige voorstellen. Niettemin was die hele onderneming ook onderwerp van spot: critici vonden dit een frenologische droom die tot mislukken was gedoemd; zij noemden die pogingen belachelijk, grotesk of tijdverlies, het ganse project getuigde van wetenschappelijke onbekwaamheid. Vandaag is het onderzoek naar het morele brein terug. Op dit ogenblik brengen specialisten wereldwijd met behulp van nieuwe beeldtechnieken hersenprocessen in kaart die ze verantwoordelijk achten voor het opwekken van morele gevoelens, het verwerven van sociale kennis of het totstandkomen van antisociaal gedrag. Momenteel weet niemand welke richting dit onderzoek uitgaat. Volgt er opnieuw een ontgoocheling of volgt er een echte doorbraak waardoor menselijke moraliteit in de toekomst een medisch manipuleerbaar verschijnsel wordt?Dit boek brengt de geschiedenis van de zoektocht naar de plaats van de moraal tussen 1800 en 1930. Deze studie vertelt over hoe het oude geweten een moreel zintuig werd en plaatst de vaak verrassende lokalisaties van onze moraal in hun historische context. Dit boek handelt over de noms nauwe grens tussen wetenschap en sciencefiction in een project dat fang vergeten onderzoekers deed en eigentijdse nog steeds doet dromen
Cerveau --- Ethique philosophique --- Geschiedenis van de wetenschappen --- Hersenen --- Histoire des sciences --- Wijsgerige ethiek --- moraalpsychologie --- philosophie morale --- psychologie morale --- Brain --- Cognitive neuroscience --- moraalfilosofie --- Ethiek (moraal, zedenleer) --- Cognitive neuropsychology --- Cognitive science --- Neuropsychology --- Brain function localization --- Cerebral localization --- Localization of cerebral functions --- Neurophysiology --- Phrenology --- Localization of functions --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Functional localization --- Philosophical anthropology --- General ethics --- Ethiek --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- Neurologie --- Filosofie --- Oudheid --- China --- Godsdienst --- Sport --- Duurzaamheid --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Romeinse Rijk --- Hellenisme --- Griekenland --- Hellas --- Man --- Verpleegkunde --- Film --- Literatuur --- Muziek --- Schilderkunst --- Cultuur --- Tekenkunst --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Technologie --- Voeding --- Maatschappij --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Volwassene --- Vrouw --- Gehirn. --- General ethics. --- Moral. --- Philosophical anthropology.
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This book has two main goals. The first is to give an account, called Variabilism, of the moral significance of merely possible persons persons who, relative to a particular circumstance, or possible future or world, could but in fact never do exist. The second is to use Variabilism to illuminate abortion. According to Variabilism, merely possible persons just like anyone else matter morally but matter variably. Where we understand that a person incurs a loss whenever agents could have created more wellbeing for that person and instead create less, Variabilism asserts that the moral significance of any loss is a function of where that loss is incurred in relation to the person who incurs it. That is: a loss incurred at a world where the person who incurs that loss does or will exist has full more significance, according to Variabilism, while a loss incurred by that same person at a world where that person never exists at all has no moral significance whatsoever. Some other views deem all merely possible persons and all of their losses to matter morally. Still other views deem no merely possible persons and none of their losses to matter morally. Variabilism, instead, takes a middle ground between these two extreme positions. It thus opens the door to a certain middle ground on procreative choice in general and abortion in particular. Thus, given that, for persons, thinking and coming into existence come together, Variabilism supports the argument that the early abortion is ordinarily permissible when it is what the woman wants. That is so, since the loss incurred when, as an effect of the early abortion, a given person is never brought into existence to begin with has no moral significance at all. In contrast, the late abortion is ordinarily subject to a different analysis. For the loss incurred in that case has full moral significance, according to Variabilism, since it is incurred at a world where the person who incurs it already exists.
Philosophy. --- Ethics. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Constitutional Law. --- Medical Law. --- Law Theory/Law Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Medicine. --- Philosophy (General). --- Ethics. --- medicine --- Medical ethics. --- Law --- Public health laws. --- Constitutional law. --- Morale --- Ethique médicale --- Droit --- Santé publique --- Droit constitutionnel --- Philosophy. --- Philosophy. --- Philosophie --- Droit
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Whereas science, technology, and medicine have all called forth dedicated philosophical investigations, a fourth major contributor to the technoscientific world in which we all live - that is, engineering - has been accorded almost none of the philosophical attention it deserves. This volume thus offers a first characterisation of this important new field, by some of the primary philosophers and ethicists interested in engineering and leading engineers interested in philosophical reflections. The volume deals with such questions as: What is engineering? In what respect does engineering differ from science? What ethical problems does engineering raise? By what ethical principles are engineers guided? How do engineers themselves conceive of their profession? What do they see as the main philosophical challenges confronting them in the 21st century? The authors respond to these and other questions from philosophical and engineering view points and so illustrate how together they can meet the challenges and realize the opportunities present in the necessary encounters between philosophy and engineering - encounters that are ever more important in an increasingly engineered world and its problematic futures.
Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Technology. --- Engineering, general. --- Engineering Design. --- Modern Philosophy. --- Philosophy of Science. --- Ethics. --- Philosophy (General). --- Philosophy, modern. --- Science --- Technology --- Engineering. --- Engineering design. --- Morale --- Sciences --- Technologie --- Ingénierie --- Conception technique --- Philosophie --- Engineering --- Philosophie. --- Technik. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Construction --- Industrial arts --- Ethics, Engineering --- Professional ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Philosophy
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Het boek:Voor Chris Van Dam is coachen een zeer eenvoudig en uitdagend proces. Hij combineert de sterktes van het gestaltdenken met oplossingsgericht werken en onderstreept het belang van het werken met 'De Spiegel'. Deze metafoor verwijst naar de zin van zelfreflectie van de coach.De theoretische kaders waarvan gebruik wordt gemaakt, worden heel helder in hun essentie beschreven en daarnaast reikt de auteur enkele tools aan ter inspiratie. Het geheel wordt duidelijk geïllustreerd met praktijkervaringen uit de non-profitsector waardoor dit boek in de eerste plaats een praktijkboek is dat zich heel aangenaam laat lezen.Dit boek is bestemd voor teamleiders, afdelingshoofden, externe coaches,... maar ook voor cursisten die in opleiding zijn en het (team)coachen onder de knie willen krijgen.(
Accomplissement de soi (Psychologie) --- Actualización de sí mismo (Psicología) --- Développement personnel (Psychologie) --- Growth [Personal ] --- Personal growth --- Plénitude (Morale) --- Réalisation de soi (Psychologie) --- Réalisation de soi -- Méthodes --- Réalisation personnelle (Psychologie) --- Self-actualization (Psychology) --- Self-improvement --- Self-realization (Psychology) --- Zelfactualisering (Psychologie) --- Zelfrealisatie (Psychologie) --- Épanouissement de soi (Psychologie) --- Coaching ; management --- Coaching --- Managementvaardigheden --- Non-profitsector --- 366.41 --- Leidinggeven --- Management. --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Personal coaching --- Leadership --- Oplossingsgericht werken --- Teambegeleiding --- Teamontwikkeling --- Sociology of work --- Labour market
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This volume is one of the very few publications dedicated to the challenges that Continental philosophy poses to the field of Business Ethics. The authors want to draw attention to the work of Continental philosophers who have been relegated to the fringes of Business Ethics scholarship, and present some critical perspectives that have been ignored within Business Ethics practice. As such, this volume provides a critique of many of the assumptions that underpin traditional approaches to Business Ethics, and urges its readership to rethink moral agency and epistemology, as well as Business Ethics pedagogy.
ethiek --- economisch denken --- General ethics --- Economic schools --- Business ethics --- Morale des affaires --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVHUMAI SPRINGER-B --- Business ethics. --- Ethics. --- Economic theory. --- Business Ethics. --- Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods. --- Business --- Businesspeople --- Commercial ethics --- Corporate ethics --- Corporation ethics --- Professional ethics --- Wealth --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Continental philosophy.
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Although the creative impulse surges in revolt against everyday reality, breaking through its confines, it makes pacts with that reality’s essential laws and returns to it to modulate its sense. In fact, it is through praxis that imagination and artistic inventiveness transmute the vital concerns of life, giving them human measure. But at the same time art’s inspiration imbues life with aesthetic sense, which lifts human experience to the spiritual. Within these two perspectives art launches messages of specifically human inner propulsions, strivings, ideals, nostalgia, yearnings prosaic and poetic, profane and sacral, practical and ideal, while standing at the fragile borderline of everydayness and imaginative adventure. Art’s creative perduring constructs are intentional marks of the aesthetic significance attributed to the flux of human life and reflect the human quest for repose. They mediate communication and participation in spirit and sustain the relative continuity of culture and history.
Philosophy. --- Phenomenology. --- Ethics. --- Metaphysics. --- Philosophy of Man. --- Aesthetics. --- Philosophy (General). --- Esthétique --- Morale --- Métaphysique --- Phénoménologie --- Philosophie --- Husserl, Edmund, --- Art --- Inspiration in art --- Techne (Philosophy) --- Philosophy --- Aesthetics -- Congresses. --- Ethics -- Congresses. --- Metaphysics -- Congresses. --- Phenomenology -- Congresses. --- Philosophy -- Congresses. --- Philosophy & Religion --- Visual Arts --- Visual Arts - General --- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts --- Art. --- Architecture. --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Design and construction --- Philosophy, general. --- Building --- Arts --- Aesthetics --- Phenomenology . --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Values --- Philosophy, Modern --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- God --- Ontology --- Philosophy of mind --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Esthetics --- Taste (Aesthetics) --- Criticism --- Literature --- Proportion --- Symmetry --- Psychology --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics --- Husserl, Edmund, - 1859-1938.
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