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Martin Creed : Works
Year: 2010 Publisher: London Thames & Hudson

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Creed, Martin

A Remarkable Collection of Babylonian Mathematical Texts : Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection Cuneiform Texts I
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780387489773 9780387345437 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York

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This new text from Jöran Friberg, the leading expert on Babylonian mathematics, presents 130 previously unpublished mathematical clay tablets from the Norwegian Schøyen collection, and provides a synthesis of the author's most important work. Through a close study of these tablets, Friberg has made numerous amazing discoveries, including the first known examples of pre-Classical labyrinths and mazes, a new understanding of the famous table text Plimpton 322, and new evidence of Babylonian familiarity with sophisticated mathematical ideas and objects, such as the three-dimensional Pythagorean equation and the icosahedron. In order to make the text accessible to the largest possible audience, the author has included an introductory chapter entitled, "How to get a better understanding of mathematical cuneiform texts." Throughout the text he avoids anachronisms and makes every effort to teach the reader to do the same. The approach in this book is inherently pedagogical, as Friberg illustrates all the steps of the process of interpretation and clearly explains the mathematical ideas, including terminology, metrological systems, and methods of calculation. Drawings and color photos of a large selection of tablets are also included. Particularly beautiful hand copies of the most complicated texts were made by Farouk Al-Rawi, professor of Ancient Languages and Archaeology at Baghdad University. While the book is reader-friendly, it remains as detailed and exhaustive as possible. It is the most comprehensive treatment of a set of Babylonian mathematical texts ever published and will open up this subject to a new generation of students, mathematicians, and historians of science. Jöran Friberg is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He has recently published the book Unexpected Links Between Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics (World Scientific 2005), and its sequel Amazing Traces of a Babylonian Origin in Greek Mathematics (World Scientific 2007).

The inhuman condition : looking for difference after Levinas and Heidegger
ISBN: 1402028253 140202827X 9781402028274 1402028261 1280411929 9786610411924 9400789262 9781402028250 9781402028267 Year: 2004 Volume: 175 Publisher: Dordrecht ; London : Kluwer Academic,

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At the origin of this volume, a simple question: what to make of that surprisingly monotonous series of statements produced by our societies and our philosophers that all converge in one theme - the importance of difference? To clarify the meaning of the difference at stake here, we have tried to rephrase it in terms of the two major and mutually competing paradigms provided by the history of phenomenology only to find both of them equally unable to accommodate this difference without violence. Neither the ethical nor the ontological approach can account for a subject that insists on playing a part of its own rather than following the script provided for it by either Being or the Good. What appears to be, from a Heideggerian or Levinasian perspective, an unwillingness to open up to what offers to deliver us from the condition of subjectivity is analysed in these pages as a structure in its own right. Far from being the wilful, indifferent and irresponsive being its critics have portrayed it to be, the so-called 'postmodern' subject is essentially finite, not even able to assume the transcendence to which it owes its singularity. This inability is not a lack - it points instead to a certain unthought shared by both Heidegger and Levinas which sets the terms for a discussion no longer our own. Instead of blaming Heidegger for underdeveloping 'being-with', we should rather stress that his account of mineness may be, in the light of contemporary philosophy, what stands most in need of revision. And, instead of hailing Levinas as the critic whose stress on the alterity of the Other corrects Heidegger's existential solipsism, the problems into which Levinas runs in defining that alterity call for a different diagnosis and a corresponding change in the course that phenomenology has taken since. Instead of preoccupying itself with the invisible, we should focus on the structures of visibility that protect us from its terror. The result? An account of difference that is neither ontological nor ethical, but 'mè-ontological', and that can help us understand some of the problems our societies have come to face (racism, sexism, multiculturalism, pluralism). And, in the wake of this, an unexpected defence of what is at stake in postmodernism and in the question it has refused to take lightly: who are we? Finally, an homage to Arendt and Lyotard who, if read through each other's lenses, give an exact articulation to the question with which our age struggles: how to think the 'human condition' once one realizes that there is an 'inhuman' side to it which, instead of being its mere negation, turns out to be that without which it would come to lose its humanity?

Phénoménologie de la religion et herméneutique théologique dans la pensée du jeune Heidegger : Commentaire analytique des Fondements philosophiques de la mystique médiévale (1916-1919)
ISBN: 1281339393 9786611339395 1402067313 1402067305 9781402067303 9781402067310 Year: 2008 Volume: 184 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer,

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Cette étude tente de reconstruire la première phénoménologie de la religion du jeune Heidegger par l’examen du recueil de notes éparses rédigées entre 1916 et 1919 et intitulé rétrospectivement Les fondements philosophiques de la mystique médiévale. Entre sa thèse d’habilitation et ses premiers cours d’après-guerre, Heidegger se consacre à l’écriture d’une Phénoménologie de la conscience religieuse qui, pour des raisons quelque peu mystérieuses, restera finalement inachevée. Si certains de ses éléments seront repris et assimilés dans les cours sur Paul et Augustin des années 1920 et 1921, de nombreux autres, concernant des auteurs tels que Maître Eckhart, Bernard de Clairvaux, Luther, Schleiermacher ou Adolf Reinach, ou des notions phénoménologiques, théologiques et religieuses, telles que la prédonation, la foi, la prière ou l’a priori religieux, trouvent dans ce texte une thématisation tout à fait spécifique, dictée par une situation biographique et philosophique singulière. C’est pour répondre à cette dimension hapaxique que ce livre tente un commentaire exhaustif des notes heideggeriennes. Et c’est à l’occasion de cette lecture suivie que sont apparues les grandes lignes de ce que l’on peut appeler une « herméneutique théologique » censée guider la phénoménologie sur le terrain religieux nouvellement investi et la familiariser avec des phénomènes qui résistent en certains endroits à son esprit méthodique. Malgré leur caractère introductif, les premières recherches de Heidegger témoignent d’une richesse, d’une profondeur et d’un respect de la vie religieuse inégalés à ce jour et il n’est pas exagéré de dire qu’elles devraient servir de prolégomènes à toute phénoménologie future de la religion. Ainsi, parallèlement au travail d’explication, le travail ici présenté esquisse en ce domaine quelques chemins possibles en prolongeant certaines descriptions heideggeriennes et en posant les bases d’un nouveau dialogue entre phénoménologie, théologie et sciences religieuses.

The Wirtz gardens
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9076704368 Year: 2003 Publisher: Schoten Wirtz International NV

De protestantse ethiek en de geest van het kapitalisme
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789461055804 9461055803 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam Boom

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Het boek is een klassieker met een grote actuele betekenis, juist in onze tijd, waarin de religie terugkeert op de publieke agenda en de vanzelfsprekendheden van het kapitalisme steeds meer ter discussie staan.In zijn werk (1920) nuanceert Weber zijn befaamde these van de onttovering van de wereld, daarmee doelend op het onstuitbare proces van secularisering, waarin de godsdienst langzamerhand minder centraal komt te staan in de maatschappij. Hij laat zien hoe vooral het protestantisme met zijn ethiek van hard en succesvol werken de ontwikkeling van de vrije markt heeft begeleid. In naam van God geld verdienen, winst maken en woekeren met materiële goederen: zo is de ethiek van de protestant de geest van de kapitalist, de bourgeois, de ondernemer. Een schokkende en fascinerende stelling, die economen, sociologen, historici en filosofen steeds opnieuw is blijven uitdagen. (2013-06-30)

Ontological Fundamentals for Ethical Management : Heidegger and the Corporate World
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789400718746 9789400718753 Year: 2011 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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The book develops a philosophical foundation to the field of management as an academic discipline using the work of Martin Heidegger as a guiding philosophy. It asks the questions ˜what is a corporation?' and ˜what is corporate management?' These two questions are foundational for management thought in general and management ethics in particular. Most other academic fields are in some way defined and guided by a philosophical discourse. This philosophical discourse is largely missing in the field of management thought and education. Without this foundation it can never be clear what actually belongs into a certain academic discipline and what does not. It also therefore lacks a sound and well articulated ontological foundation critical for developing approaches to ethical management. This book seeks to fill this gap and consequently represents an interdisciplinary effort between the academic field of management/business administration and philosophy, which is vital for business ethics.

Il gesuita che disegno la Cina : la vita e le opere di Martino Martini.
ISBN: 9788847015333 9788847015326 9788847017573 Year: 2010 Publisher: Milano Springer

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L'Occidente fu sempre attratto dalla Cina, ma la mitica "Terra di Mezzo" rimase un mondo sconosciuto, favoloso e irraggiungibile fino all'inizio del Seicento, quando il gesuita Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) penetrò in quell'immenso Paese, facendo conoscere alla Cina la civiltà europea. Fu un altro grande gesuita a compiere l'operazione inversa, rivelando all'Europa il volto della Cina: il trentino Martino Martini (1614-1661). Questo libro vuol essere un contributo alla conoscenza di un uomo straordinario per fede, scienza, capacità oratoria, coraggio fisico, abilità diplomatica e doti d'iniziativa. Visse solo 47 anni, di cui una dozzina passati sul mare o segregato in luoghi remoti e inospitali, ma, oltre a svolgere la sua missione evangelizzatrice in Cina, riuscì a raccogliere sul Celeste Impero una mole immensa di materiale, esponendola in alcune opere che ebbero in Europa vastissima risonanza. Tra queste un Atlante della Cina di ricchezza e precisione eccezionali. Sullo sfondo, il Seicento europeo mette in scena i suoi fasti e le sue miserie: secolo abietto e sontuoso, percorso dai fremiti del nuovo e dai sussulti del vecchio, che si apre alle innovazioni scientifiche più ardite e si accanisce nella cruenta repressione degli slanci riformatori, tra guerre interminabili, pestilenze e devastazioni, ma anche una straordinaria fioritura artistica e culturale. Dall'altra parte del mondo, in Cina, il Seicento fu altrettanto contraddittorio: insanguinato dalla feroce guerra di successione tra la vecchia dinastia dei Ming e la nuova dei Ching, fu tuttavia un'epoca di grande rinnovamento della civiltà cinese, che sfociò in un singolare amalgama di cultura letteraria, saggezza amministrativa, ritualità e credenze popolari, senza contare le millenarie tradizioni scientifiche e tecniche su cui si innestarono le grandi innovazioni matematiche, astronomiche e cartografiche europee, introdotte dai gesuiti insieme con la pratica evangelizzatrice. Protagonista di questo fecondo incontro di civiltà e di tradizioni, propugnatore di una prassi missionaria tollerante, rispettoso della sensibilità e delle consuetudini di quel popolo così fiero e civile, Martino Martini seppe interpretare il proprio apostolato con saggezza ed equilibrio, ma anche con rigore e disciplina. Nominato mandarino, esercitò la carica con dignità e decoro, al punto di diventare cinese egli stesso, per lingua, costumi e abiti, pur senza rinunciare in nulla alla sua fede.

Migge : The original landscape designs 1910-1920
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783035613599 3035613591 Year: 2019 Publisher: Basel Birkhäuser

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Leberecht Migge is one of the best known – and least known garden designers of classical modernism. As a protagonist or even originator of landscape architecture in tune with innovative and socially involved building, he promoted that every household should have a garden. All his design work was deemed lost until recently, so that his oeuvre was accessible only in publications. In a spectacular discovery, the Archive of Swiss Landscape Architecture has found 322 sketches, drawings and plans of all kinds by Leberecht Migge, comprising also hitherto unknown designs for private gardens. A relevant selection of this original material is published here for the first time, in bestquality presentation. The volume is rounded off by an assessment of the significance of these designs.

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