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Advances in digital forensics II : IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, January 29-February 1, 2006
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780387368917 0387368906 9780387368900 9786612970610 1282970615 0387368914 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York, New York : Springer,

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ADVANCES IN DIGITAL FORENSICS II Edited by: Martin S. Olivier and Sujeet Shenoi Digital forensics deals with the acquisition, preservation, examination, analysis and presentation of electronic evidence. Networked computing, wireless communications and portable electronic devices have expanded the role of digital forensics beyond traditional computer crime investigations. Practically every crime now involves some aspect of digital evidence; digital forensics provides the techniques and tools to articulate this evidence. Digital forensics also has myriad intelligence applications. Furthermore, it has a vital role in information assurance – investigations of security breaches yield valuable information that can be used to design more secure systems. Advances in Digital Forensics II describes original research results and innovative applications in the emerging discipline of digital forensics. In addition, it highlights some of the major technical and legal issues related to digital evidence and electronic crime investigations. The areas of coverage include: Themes and Issues in Digital Forensics Evidence Collecting and Handling Forensic Techniques Operating System and File System Forensics Network Forensics Portable Electronic Device Forensics Linux and File System Forensics Training, Governance and Legal Issues This book is the second volume in the anual series produced by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 11.9 on Digital Forensics, an international community of scientists, engineers and practitioners dedicated to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in digital forensics. The book contains a selection of twenty-five edited papers from the First Annual IFIP WG 11.9 Conference on Digital Forensics, held at the National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, USA in the spring of 2006. Advances in Digital Forensics is an important resource for researchers, faculty members and graduate students, as well as for practitioners and individuals engaged in research and development efforts for the law enforcement and intelligence communities. Martin S. Olivier is a Professor of Computer Science and co-manager of the Information and Computer Security Architectures Research Group at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Sujeet Shenoi is the F.P. Walter Professor of Computer Science and a principal with the Center for Information Security at the University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. For more information about the 300 other books in the IFIP series, please visit For more information about IFIP, please visit


Computer Science. --- Computer Communication Networks. --- Database Management. --- Information Storage and Retrieval. --- Computer science. --- Database management. --- Information storage and retrieval systems. --- Informatique --- Réseaux d'ordinateurs --- Bases de données --- Systèmes d'information --- Gestion --- Computer crimes -- Investigation -- Congresses. --- Electronic discovery (Law) -- Congresses. --- Electronics in criminal investigation -- Congresses. --- Evidence, Criminal -- Congresses. --- Forensic sciences -- Data processing -- Congresses. --- Forensic sciences --- Electronics in criminal investigation --- Computer crimes --- Electronic discovery (Law) --- Evidence, Criminal --- Telecommunications --- Criminology, Penology & Juvenile Delinquency --- Electrical & Computer Engineering --- Social Welfare & Social Work --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Social Sciences --- Data processing --- Investigation --- Information Technology --- Computer Science (Hardware & Networks) --- Criminal evidence --- Computer discovery (Law) --- Cyber discovery (Law) --- Cyberdiscovery (Law) --- Digital discovery (Law) --- E-discovery (Law) --- Computers and crime --- Cyber crimes --- Cybercrimes --- Electronic crimes (Computer crimes) --- Internet crimes --- Electronic bugging --- Electronic listening devices --- Criminalistics --- Forensic science --- Digital forensic science --- Computer and network forensics --- Computer forensics --- Digital forensics --- Network forensics --- Computer communication systems. --- Computer security. --- Information storage and retrieval. --- Systems and Data Security. --- Data base management --- Data services (Database management) --- Database management services --- DBMS (Computer science) --- Generalized data management systems --- Services, Database management --- Systems, Database management --- Systems, Generalized database management --- Electronic data processing --- Computer privacy --- Computer system security --- Computer systems --- Computers --- Cyber security --- Cybersecurity --- Electronic digital computers --- Protection of computer systems --- Security of computer systems --- Data protection --- Security systems --- Hacking --- Communication systems, Computer --- Computer communication systems --- Data networks, Computer --- ECNs (Electronic communication networks) --- Electronic communication networks --- Networks, Computer --- Teleprocessing networks --- Data transmission systems --- Digital communications --- Electronic systems --- Information networks --- Telecommunication --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Network computers --- Informatics --- Science --- Protection --- Security measures --- Distributed processing --- Information storage and retrieva. --- Automatic data storage --- Automatic information retrieval --- Automation in documentation --- Computer-based information systems --- Data processing systems --- Data storage and retrieval systems --- Discovery systems, Information --- Information discovery systems --- Information processing systems --- Information retrieval systems --- Machine data storage and retrieval --- Mechanized information storage and retrieval systems --- Electronic information resources --- Data libraries --- Digital libraries --- Information organization --- Information retrieval --- Discovery (Law) --- Electronic evidence --- Digital preservation --- Criminal investigation --- Criminal procedure --- Evidence (Law) --- Reasonable doubt --- Crime --- Privacy, Right of

Handboek burgerlijk recht.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789050954549 9050954022 9789050954556 9789050954563 9050954561 9789400001411 9050954545 9789050954020 Year: 2005 Publisher: Antwerpen : Intersentia,

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De keuze van Hélène Casman als opvolger-auteur van het vierde deel van het Handboek Burgerlijk Recht lag – om meer dan één reden – voor de hand: de auteur is immers niet alleen titularis van de cursus “Patrimoniaal Familiaal Vermogensrecht” aan de VUB, maar ook haar talrijke gezaghebbende geschriften in dit domein van het burgerlijk recht en haar ervaring als gewezen notaris te Antwerpen dragen bij tot de uitmuntende kwaliteit van haar actualisering van dit deel van R. Dekkers zijn Handboek. In de voetsporen van René Dekkers heeft Hélène Casman dus het deel herwerkt over huwelijksstelsels, Erfrecht en Giften. Ze heeft het helemaal bijgewerkt en onder meer het hele nieuw huwelijksvermogensrecht erin toegelicht, ook de ondertussen nog heel recent opnieuw gewijzigde principe van de veranderbaarheid. Zo ook voor het nieuwe erfrecht van de langstlevende echtgenoot en van de langstlevende wettelijk samenwonende partner. Naast huwelijkscontracten bespreekt ze ook samenwoningscontracten. Ook alle aspecten van het erfrecht komen uitgebreid aan bod: erfgerechtigdheid, hoe de nalatenschap verkregen wordt evenals de vereffening van de nalatenschap. In het laatste boek worden de giften behandeld: giften in het algemeen, schenkingen, legaten, voorbehouden en beschikbare delen evenals de bijzondere soorten van giften. Ze heeft dit deel IV herdacht en herschreven, maar ze is daarbij trouw gebleven aan de stijl van René Dekkers.


Private law --- burgerlijk recht --- Belgium --- 347 <493 --- 347.2 <493> --- 347.13/.14 <493> --- Droit civil --- BPB1103 --- zakenrecht --- verjaring --- onroerende goederen --- roerende goederen --- eigendomsrecht --- belgie --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 347.0 --- V50 - Droit civil belge : généralités - Belgisch burgerlijk recht : algemene werken --- VBS-Naslagwerk --- erfpacht --- recht, burgerlijk --- recht, zaken --- vruchtgebruik --- 347.13/.14 <493> Rechtshandelingen. Rechtsdaden. Rechtsfeiten. Verjaring--België --- Rechtshandelingen. Rechtsdaden. Rechtsfeiten. Verjaring--België --- 347.2 <493> Zakenrecht--België --- Zakenrecht--België --- Burgerlijk recht. Privaatrecht--België --- Burgerlijk recht --- droit civil --- droit reel --- prescription --- biens immobiliers --- biens mobiliers --- droit de propriete --- belgique --- Burgerlijk recht, privaatrecht: algemene werken en handboeken --- 347.4 <493> --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- V50 - Droit civil belge : généralités - Belgisch burgerlijk recht : algemene werken --- huurwetgeving --- recht, verbintenissen --- 347.4 <493> Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- Verbintenissen. Overeenkomsten. Verbintenissenrecht. Obligaties. Contracten--België --- 347.65 <493> --- 347.67 <493> --- 347.626 <493> --- Droit successoral --- Droit matrimonial --- Don --- huwelijksrecht --- erfrecht --- don --- 347.60 --- 347.67 <493> Schenkingen. Testamenten. Legaten. Giften--België --- Schenkingen. Testamenten. Legaten. Giften--België --- 347.65 <493> Erfrecht. Erfopvolging. Nalatenschap--België --- Erfrecht. Erfopvolging. Nalatenschap--België --- Huwelijksgoederenrecht. Huwelijkscontract--België --- Erfrecht --- Huwelijksrecht --- Gift --- droit matrimonial --- droit successoral --- gift --- Familierecht.Erfopvolgingen (algemeenheden) --- Burgerlijk recht. --- Persons (Law) --- Domestic relations --- Security (Law) --- Prescription (Law) --- Right of property --- Obligations (Law) --- Evidence (Law) --- Contracts --- Inheritance and succession --- Gifts --- Husband and wife --- Personnes (Droit) --- Familles --- Sûretés (Droit) --- Prescription (Droit) --- Droit de propriété --- Obligations (Droit) --- Preuve (Droit) --- Contrats --- Successions et héritages --- Donations --- Régimes matrimoniaux --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Verjaring. --- Zakenrecht. --- Zekerheden. --- Burgerlijk recht ; België --- Civil law --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Ebooks --- Droit de la famille --- 347.1 <493> --- 347.6 <493> --- adoptierecht --- recht, huwelijk --- recht, jeugd --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- liġi tal-familja --- οικογενειακό δίκαιο --- obiteljsko pravo --- Derecho de familia --- perekonnaõigus --- perhelainsäädäntö --- ģimenes tiesības --- family law --- prawo rodzinne --- familjerätt --- семејно право --- družinsko pravo --- e drejta e familjes --- rodinné právo --- породично право --- familierecht --- familieret --- Familienrecht --- šeimos teisė --- семейно право --- dlí teaghlaigh --- dreptul familiei --- családjog --- diritto di famiglia --- direito da família --- Anerkennung der Mutterschaft --- zákon o rodině --- родителско право --- 347.6 <493> Familierecht. Gezinsrecht. Huwelijksgoederenrecht--België --- Familierecht. Gezinsrecht. Huwelijksgoederenrecht--België --- 347.1 <493> Personenrecht--België --- Personenrecht--België --- Spende --- donacija --- donazzjoni --- donativo --- дарителство --- adomány --- annetus --- donácia --- lahjoitus --- gåvobistånd --- донација --- ziedojums --- donacion --- dovana --- gavebistand --- finanční sbírka --- dary --- dono --- δωρεάν παροχή --- donation --- donație --- бесплатна помош --- darování --- dobrovolný příspěvek --- gratis hjælp --- добротворство --- aiuto gratuito --- доброволен прилог --- dobročinnost --- e drejta martesore --- drept matrimonial --- diritto matrimoniale --- Derecho matrimonial --- laulības un ģimenes tiesības --- брачно право --- házassági jog --- δίκαιο γαμικών σχέσεων --- direito matrimonial --- bračno pravo --- avioliitto-oikeus --- prawo małżeńskie --- liġi taż-żwieġ --- matrimonial law --- Eherecht --- abieluõigus --- ægteskabsret --- äktenskapslagstiftning --- santuokos ir šeimos teisė --- pravo zakonske zveze --- manželské právo --- manželská zmluva --- contrat de mariage --- περιουσιακές σχέσεις των συζύγων --- matrimoniální právo --- santuokinės nuosavybės teisės --- kontratë martesore --- avioehto --- γαμικό σύμφωνο --- matrimonial property rights --- äktenskapsbalken --- брачен договор --- contratto di matrimonio --- Ehevertrag --- marriage contract --- të drejta pasurore martesore --- eheliches Güterrecht --- laulības līgums --- contrato matrimonial --- abieluleping --- aviopuolisoiden varallisuusoikeudelliset suhteet --- régime matrimonial --- santuokos sutartis --- bračno imovinsko pravo --- manželská smlouva --- laulāto mantiskās tiesības --- äktenskapskontrakt --- regime matrimonial --- svatební smlouva --- capitulaciones matrimoniales --- contrato de matrimonio --- huwelijksstelsel --- házastársi életközösség --- házassági szerződés --- huwelijkscontract --- имотни односи на вонбрачни другари --- contract de căsătorie --- egendomsordning inom äktenskapet --- convenção nupcial --- házastársi vagyonközösség --- abieluvaraleping --- majetkové práva manželov --- имотни односи на брачни другари --- sanazione di matrimonio --- régimen matrimonial --- regime matrimoniale --- Scheidungsrecht --- diritto successorio --- derecho sucesorio --- pärimisõigus --- perintöoikeus --- dedno pravo --- prawo spadkowe --- ligji i trashëgimisë --- paveldėjimo teisė --- наследно право --- öröklési jog --- lagstiftning om arvsrätt --- dlí an chomharbais --- direito sucessório --- arveret --- law of succession --- nasljedno pravo --- dedičské právo --- наследствено право --- mantojuma tiesības --- κληρονομικό δικαίωμα --- liġi tas-suċċessjoni --- dreptul succesiunilor --- dědické právo --- Erbrecht --- pravo nasljeđivanja --- Закон за наследување --- тестаментално наследување --- dědění ze zákona --- įpėdinystės teisė --- граѓанско применето право --- законско наследување --- sukcese --- dědění ze závěti --- E-books --- an dlí sibhialta --- dlí an phósta --- deonú --- Belgique --- Burgerlijk recht ; Belgi&#235 --- DROIT CIVIL BELGE --- TRAITE --- Droit des personnes --- Etat d'une personne --- Droit de la personnalité --- Mariage --- Divorce --- Filiation --- Adoption --- Questions de l'entretien --- Traités --- DROIT CIVIL --- Obligations --- THEORIE GENERALE DES OBLIGATIONS --- BELGIQUE --- sources et effets --- CONTRAT --- PREUVE --- Acqui 2006

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