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The central mathematical concept in the theory of frictionless markets is a martingale measure. In this, the first monograph devoted to the theory of financial markets with transaction costs, the authors argue that, for financial markets with proportional transaction costs, this concept should be replaced by that of the consistent price system, which is a martingale evolving in the duals to the solvency cones. Three main subjects are considered: 1. The Leland approach to the hedging of contingent claims based on approximate replication. 2. Arbitrage theory for markets with proportional transaction costs based on a geometric approach. 3. The consumption-investment problem analyzed using viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The first part contains recent findings on hedging errors and limit theorems for Leland-type strategies. The rigorous mathematical analysis presented in the book is designed to serve as a platform for further studies. The second part includes a chapter on the arbitrage theory for frictionless markets in discrete time. It is presented as an introduction to the theory of markets with transaction costs, but can also be read independently. The main subjects of the second part are no-arbitrage criteria and hedging theorems for European and American options under transaction costs. In contrast to the classical theory, the value processes are vector-valued and the concept of the martingale measure is replaced by the concept of the consistent price system. Hedging theorems give dual descriptions of the set of initial endowments needed to super-replicate contingent claims. These descriptions are expressed in terms of consistent price systems. This volume provides a detailed study of various new phenomena arising in the presence of market friction in discrete and continuous time. The mathematics needed is a synthesis of ideas from finite-dimensional geometry, geometric functional analysis, and general theory of stochastic processes. The third part deals with the optimal control of portfolios in the presence of market friction using the geometric approach developed in the second part. It contains a study of viscosity solutions of a multidimensional HJB equation. Special attention is paid to the two-asset model, for which the structure of optimal control is described, together with findings on the asymptotic behavior of solutions for vanishing transaction costs. The appendix provides a toolbox containing auxiliary results from various branches of mathematics used in the book.
Frais de transaction --- Transaction costs. --- -Transaction costs --- -Martingales (Mathematics) --- -332.01519236 --- Finance --Mathematical models. --- Business mathematics. --- Economics, Mathematical. --- Probabilities. --- International economics. --- Economics. --- International Economics. --- Business Mathematics. --- Quantitative Finance. --- Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes. --- Transaction costs --- Externalities (Economics) --- Econometric models. --- Costs, Social --- External economies and diseconomies --- External effects (Economics) --- Social costs --- Economics --- Public goods --- Waste (Economics) --- Welfare economics --- Cost --- Right of property --- Finance --- Martingales (Mathematics) --- 303.0 --- 305.91 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Stochastic processes --- Mathematical models --- Statistische technieken in econometrie. Wiskundige statistiek (algemene werken en handboeken) --- Econometrie van de financiële activa. Portfolio allocation en management. CAPM. Bubbles --- Martingales (Mathematics). --- Mathematical models. --- Finances --- Martingales (Mathématiques) --- Modèles mathématiques --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMATHE LIVSTATI SPRINGER-B
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We beschikken in België over een goede en toegankelijke ziekenhuiszorg, zonder noemenswaardige wachtlijsten. Er dienen zich voor de zorg echter cruciale uitdagingen aan. Alle westerse landen worden geconfronteerd met snel wijzigende zorgnoden door de sterke toename van patiënten met multipele chronische aandoeningen. Die toename is toe te schrijven aan de vergrijzing van de bevolking en aan een meer performante medische en verpleegkundige zorg, waardoor veel meer aandoeningen kunnen behandeld worden en evolueren naar een chronische pathologie. Daarnaast is er de steeds voortschrijdende tendens naar hooggespecialiseerde zorg, met de daarbijhorende fragmentering.Om een antwoord te kunnen bieden op deze uitdagingen is een fundamentele hervorming nodig van ons gezondheidssysteem. Een zorgaansturing vanuit de objectieve noden van de patiënt moet gestalte krijgen in flexibele vormen van samenwerking tussen de verschillende zorgactoren. Het is hoog tijd dat we ons beraden over de manier waarop we dit nieuwe zorgmodel kunnen vormgeven, en de plaats van de ziekenhuizen daarin. Ziekenhuizen zullen in de toekomst niet langer op zich staande instellingen kunnen zijn waar acute zorg wordt verleend; ze worden een schakel in een keten van zorg waarin de patiënt centraal staat.Dit boek schetst aan de hand van vier themas (netwerken, technologie, HR en financiering) de krijtlijnen en randvoorwaarden van een nieuw toekomstgericht zorgsysteem.
Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Sociology of health --- Belgium --- Health Care --- Health Care Costs --- Health Policy --- Economics, Hospital --- Congresses --- W 3 Congresses --- Ziekenhuizen ; Vlaanderen --- Gezondheidszorg ; Vlaanderen --- 673 Gezondheidsinstellingen --- ziekenhuis --- zorgverlening --- Vlaanderen --- zorginstellingen --- gezondheidszorg --- 613.4 --- Ziekenhuizen --- 603.63 --- Zorgsysteem --- ziekenhuizen --- gezondheidsbeleid --- medische sociologie --- #SBIB:316.334.3M53 --- Ziekenhuiswezen --- ziekenhuiswezen --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: hulpverleningsinstellingen --- Gezondheidszorg --- Hospitals --- Sanitation --- Medical care --- PXL-Healthcare 2015 --- gezondheidszorg (België) --- zorgsector --- Ziekenhuis --- Emigratie
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Consumenten zijn mondiger en kritischer geworden. Ze geloven niet meer in mooie praatjes, maar willen graag geïnformeerd worden. Sterke marketing durft die evolutie te omarmen. De 21e-eeuwse marketeer overtuigt klanten niet op een opdringerige manier, maar gaat zoals een uitgever na aan welke informatie zijn consumenten nood hebben.Maar het succes van content marketing heeft een keerzijde. De concurrentie in de branche stijgt en je moet als marketeer met straffe inhoud voor de dag komen om je verhaal succesvol naar je publiek te communiceren.Content marketing laat je de essentiële elementen binnen het contentmarketingproces ontdekken. Via voorbeelden, cases en praktische tips reikt het boek templates en actieplannen aan die je leren hoe je content marketing structureel kan inzetten in je organisatie.Bron :
Marketing --- marketingstrategie --- marketing --- Informatiemanagement --- Klantenservice --- Team personeel strategie beleid cultuur Change verandering success --- Marketing : strategieën --- 658.8 --- merkbeleid --- PXL-Media & Tourism 2017 --- communicatiemanagement --- marketingcommunicatie --- communicatiemiddelen --- Content marketing --- Marketingstrategieën --- Branding --- Merkstrategieën --- merchandising --- sales promotion --- agribusiness and business economics --- advertising --- food marketing --- globalization --- market analysis --- market development --- marketing bill --- marketing channels --- marketing cooperatives --- marketing costs --- marketing strategies --- marketing year --- markets --- prices --- sales --- economic recession --- market surveys --- market value --- social marketing --- standards and grades --- Contentmarketing --- Marketingstrategie --- Merkstrategie
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* Explains the issues and future challenges confronting healthcare systems* Equips the reader with the tools used in the international literature for analyzing these issues and challenges* Acquaints the reader with the crucial stylized facts and pieces of econometric evidenceHealth Economics is the most complete text available on the economics of health behavior and health care delivery. Appropriate both for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students of economics, this text provides the key analytical tools required to understand current research, presenting empirical evidence on each issue and summarizing results for easy comprehension. Issues discussed include the "cost explosion" in health care, the power of medical associations, the search for remuneration systems with favorable incentives, and technological change in medicine. Without neglecting ethical concerns, modern microeconomic theory is applied to formulate theoretical implications and predictions, and key arguments are summarized to facilitate follow-up, review, and documentation.Rather than simplifying the issues facing todays healthcare systems, the book models existing complexities as they are, adapting economics to reflect the views of the average person.
W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General) --- Economics, Medical --- Delivery of Health Care --- Insurance, Health --- Health Care --- Economics/Management Science. --- Economics general. --- Public Health/Gesundheitswesen. --- Social Policy. --- Law and Economics. --- Sociology. --- Economics. --- Social policy. --- Commercial law. --- Economie politique --- Politique sociale --- Droit commercial --- Sociologie --- AA / International- internationaal --- 368.42 --- 61 --- 339.325.5 --- 336.024 --- gezondheidszorg --- economische politiek --- micro-economie --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen. --- Geneeskunde. --- Gezondheidszorg. --- Sociale begroting, rekeningen en uitgaven. Gezondheid. --- Medical economics --- Health --- Health economics --- Hygiene --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Sociale begroting, rekeningen en uitgaven. Gezondheid --- Gezondheidszorg --- Ziekte- en invaliditeitsverzekering. Ziekenfondsen --- Geneeskunde --- Economic aspects
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Setting the price of a non-life insurance policy involves the statistical analysis of insurance data, taking into consideration various properties of the insured object and the policy holder. Introduced by British actuaries, generalized linear models (GLMs) have by now become a standard approach used for pricing in many countries. The book focuses on methods based on GLMs that have been found useful in actuarial practice. Basic theory of GLMs in an insurance setting is presented, with useful extensions that are not in common use. The book can be used in actuarial education designed to meet the European Core Syllabus and is written for actuarial students as well as practicing actuaries. To support the readers, it contains case studies using real data of some complexity that are available on the www.
Insurance --- Linear models (Statistics) --- Assurance --- Modèles linéaires (Statistique) --- Rates --- Mathematical models --- Modèles mathématiques --- AA / International- internationaal --- 368.00 --- 303.0 --- -Insurance --- -Linear models (Statistics) --- 368 --- Models, Linear (Statistics) --- Mathematical statistics --- Statistics --- Assurance (Insurance) --- Coverage, Insurance --- Indemnity insurance --- Insurance coverage --- Insurance industry --- Insurance protection --- Mutual insurance --- Underwriting --- Finance --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen. --- Statistische technieken in econometrie. Wiskundige statistiek (algemene werken en handboeken). --- Modèles linéaires (Statistique) --- Modèles mathématiques --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVMATHE LIVSTATI SPRINGER-B --- Insurance policies --- Insurance rates --- Rates (Insurance) --- Rating bureaus (Insurance) --- Statistische technieken in econometrie. Wiskundige statistiek (algemene werken en handboeken) --- Theorieën over verzekeringen. Actuariële wetenschappen --- Rates and tables --- Costs --- Experience rating
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1: Een korte geschiedenis - 2: De registratie van minimale gegevens - 3: Het budget van de financiële middelen - 4: De financiering van het dagziekenhuis - 5: De financiering van de ziekenhuizen via de medische honoraria - 6: De financiering van de farmaceutische verstrekkingen en medische materialen - 7: De bijdrage van de patiënt - 8: Een globale beschouwing bij de ziekenhuisfinanciering
#SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:35H436 --- 657 --- Costs and Cost Analysis --- Economics, Hospital. --- Financial Management, Hospital. --- België --- Academic collection --- Financiering --- ziekenhuisbeleid --- financiering --- 613.4 --- Financial Managements, Hospital --- Management, Hospital Financial --- Managements, Hospital Financial --- Hospital Financial Management --- Hospital Financial Managements --- Economics, Hospital --- Hospital Economics --- Economic, Hospital --- Hospital Economic --- Hospitals --- 657 Accountancy --- Accountancy --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- Beleidssectoren: welzijn, volksgezondheid en cultuur --- methods. --- economics --- Contains audio-visual material --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Financial management --- ziekenhuismanagement --- Belgium --- Ziekenhuizen ; financiering --- Financial Management, Hospital --- methods --- WX 157 Financial administration. Business management. Cost accounting
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Recognizing the increasing importance of environmental issues, energy prices, material availability and efficiency and the difficulty of adequately managing these issues in traditional accounting systems, several companies all over the world have started implementing Environmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting (EMA and MFCA). "Environmental and Material Flow Costs Accounting" explains and updates the approach developed for the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DSD/UNDESA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and in addition includes experiences of several case studies and recent developments regarding EMA and MFCA in national statistics and ISO standardization. Although it is aimed primarily at professional accountants, process technicians and environmental managers within production companies, it will also be of interest to environmental auditors who are becoming more involved in tracking or verifying environment-related information in financial and other relevant reports. Those involved with environmental management and cleaner technologies, production planning and organization, as well as management accounting and sustainability reporting will undoubtedly find this Work to be an invaluable guide in acquiring practical advice.
Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Accountancy --- Production management --- technologiebeleid --- bedrijfseconomie --- boekhouden --- milieubeleid --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- auditing --- productieorganisatie --- logistiek --- informatica management --- Environmental auditing --- Environmental impact analysis --- Industrial management --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Analysis of environmental impact --- Environmental assessment --- Environmental impact assessment --- Environmental impact evaluation --- Impact analysis, Environmental --- Environmental monitoring --- Environmental protection --- Auditing, Environmental --- Environmental accounting --- Environmental compliance auditing --- Green accounting --- Environmental engineering --- Environmental policy --- Environmental reporting --- Environmental aspects --- Costs --- Accounting
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Aan de hand van soms onthutsende voorbeelden toont De prijs van uw gezondheid de lezer waarom onze gezondheidszorg ernstig gevaar loopt.Ons prachtige systeem riskeert immers te ontsporen, waardoor het niet meer betaalbaar wordt en de solidariteit verloren gaat. Enerzijds is er verspilling door te veel onderzoeken en overbehandeling. Daar waar men anderzijds wél bespaart, gebeurt dit vaak ten koste van de kwaliteit van de zorg. Bovendien besteden we te weinig geld aan goede preventie. De prijs die we daar allemaal voor betalen is hoog. Dure zorg, minder goede kwaliteit en vermijdbare gezondheidsproblemen worden dagelijkse kost.Maar Lieven Annemans stelt ook een herstelplan voor. Zijn plan bestaat uit tien pijlers en heeft als doel een betaalbare en kwaliteitsvolle gezondheidszorg te blijven garanderen voor iedereen: jong en oud, arm en rijk, ongeacht afkomst, taal en cultuur.
Gezondheidszorg België. --- Health Care Costs --- Gezondheidszorg ; België --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg, België --- eerstelijnszorg --- organisatie gezondheidszorg --- 601.51 --- Gezondheidszorg in België --- Gezondheidszorg --- België --- BPB1403 --- Politique de la santé --- 670 Gezondheid --- 132 Sociale zekerheid --- gezondheidszorg --- Kwaliteitszorg --- Gezondheidsbeleid --- Sociology of health --- gezondheidseconomie --- Gezondheidszorg ; België. --- Belgium --- Health --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- W 74 Medical economics. Health care costs (General) --- PXL-Healthcare 2014 --- egészségügyi politika --- polityka zdrowotna --- πολιτική για την υγεία --- politika për shëndetësinë --- zdravotnícka politika --- здравствена политика --- zdravotní politika --- sveikatos politika --- sundhedspolitik --- здравна политика --- política sanitaria --- Gesundheitspolitik --- politika tas-saħħa --- terveyspolitiikka --- politică în sănătate --- política de saúde --- veselības aizsardzības politika --- hälso- och sjukvårdspolitik --- zdravstvena politika --- gezondheidsbeleid --- health policy --- tervishoiupoliitika --- politica sanitaria --- sundhed --- zdravie --- terveydensuojelu --- ochrana zdravia --- terveys --- veselība --- egészségvédelem --- política de sanidad --- sănătate --- egészségügy --- egészségmegőrzés --- bescherming van de gezondheid --- υγειονομική πολιτική --- salud --- sveikata --- santé --- ochrana zdraví --- health protection --- shëndet --- protection de la santé --- hälsopolitik --- υγεία --- zdravlje --- tervisekaitse --- saúde --- sveikatos apsauga --- política sanitária --- egészség --- proteção da saúde --- politique sanitaire --- protezione della salute --- gezondheid --- salute --- health --- Gesundheitsschutz --- sundhedsbeskyttelse --- tervis --- protección de la salud --- mbrojtje e shëndetit --- προστασία της υγείας --- sanidad --- Verstrekkingen GV : Geneeskundige verstrekkingen (in de enge zin) --- Prestations SS : Prestations de santé (au sens strict) --- Santé Gezondheid --- Sécurité sociale Sociale zekerheid --- Politique sociale Sociaal beleid --- beartas sláinte --- Gezondheidszorg ; België --- Politique de la santé
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Inhoud : Inleiding. Deel 1. Loonprofielen : De lonen in de Vlaamse sectoren - De lonen per functiefamilie. Deel 2. Wie verdient meer (en waarom) ? Wie krijgt wat ? Wie wil meer ? : Wie verdient meer (en waarom) ? De loonhoogte - Wie krijgt wat ? De loonsamenstelling - Wie wil meer ? De loontevredenheid.
Wages --- loon --- Wage formation --- Flanders --- Lonen ; Vlaanderen --- 331.2 --- 658.32 <493> --- #ECO:03.12:industrie en onderneming loon --- #ECO:05.01:landen België --- enquêtes --- Vlaanderen --- Academic collection --- #SBIB:316.334.2A553 --- 331.4 --- 307.23 --- 332.20 --- 332.26 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- 658.32 <493-17> --- #A9911A --- 658.32 <493-17> Salaries. Wages. Remuneration. Pay--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- Salaries. Wages. Remuneration. Pay--Vlaanderen. Vlaams Gewest. Nederlandstalige Gemeenschap in België --- 331.2 Loon. Salaris. Vergoeding --(algemeen) --- Loon. Salaris. Vergoeding --(algemeen) --- Compensation --- Departmental salaries --- Earnings --- Pay --- Remuneration --- Salaries --- Wage-fund --- Wage rates --- Working class --- Income --- Labor costs --- Compensation management --- Cost and standard of living --- Prices --- 301.08 --- 493.8 --- Personeelsbeleid en loonbeleid, functieclassificaties --- Loon --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --- Statistieken van de lonen --- Bezoldiging van de arbeid: algemeenheden --- Loonevolutie --- Beloningssystemen --- Loonbeleid --- arbeidssociologie --- lonen --- Beloningssysteem --- Emigratie --- Wages - Belgium - Flanders
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The Economist is a British publication that describes itself as a weekly newspaper. It is mostly written and edited in Britain, focusing on current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture. Based in London, the newspaper is owned by the Economist Group, with its core editorial offices in the United States, as well as across major cities in continental Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The newspaper has a prominent focus on data journalism and interpretive analysis over original reporting, to both criticism and acclaim.
Economic conditions. Economic development --- Finance --- Economic relations. Trade --- Economic history --- Securities --- Commerce --- Histoire économique --- Finances --- Valeurs mobilières --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Great Britain --- Grande-Bretagne --- Economics --- Economie. --- Economische situatie. --- Weekbladen. --- HISTORIA ECONOMICA --- FINANZAS --- VALORES --- COMERCIO --- INTERNATIONAL NEWS. --- WORLD POLITICS. --- BUSINESS. --- FINANCE. --- CURRENT EVENTS. --- PUBLICACIONES PERIODICAS. --- -Economic history --- -Finance --- -Securities --- -330.05 --- Blue sky laws --- Capitalization (Finance) --- Investment securities --- Portfolio --- Scrip --- Securities law --- Underwriting --- Investments --- Investment banking --- Funding --- Funds --- Currency question --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- Electronic information resources --- -Law and legislation --- -Electronic information resources. --- E-journals --- -Economics --- -#A80358 --- #BA02306 --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- #TS:KOMA --- #TS:KTEW --- 05 --- 460 Economie --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften Engels --- 336 --- 338 --- 339 --- bedrijfsbeheer --- bedrijfseconomie --- Engels --- T --- economie --- informatieve tijdschriften --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- 050 --- 33 --- abonnementen --- actualiteiten --- $a33 --- Bedrijfsmanagement --- Economische betrekkingen --- Economische ontwikkeling --- Economische toestand --- Financiën --- 330.05 --- -periodieken - tijdschriften --- Economische toestand. Economische ontwikkeling --- Economische betrekkingen. Handel --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Economie --- Law and legislation --- -Periodicals --- Informatieve tijdschriften --- Business, Economy and Management --- General and Others --- Law --- Social Sciences --- Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies --- Informatieve tijdschriften. --- Business, Economy and Management. --- General and Others. --- -Great Britain --- Commerce. --- Economic history. --- Finance. --- Securities. --- Economics. --- Great Britain. --- Histoire économique --- Valeurs mobilières --- Périodiques --- EBSCOBSP-E EJECONO EJETUDE EPUB-ALPHA-E EPUB-PER-FT PROQUEST-E --- Current periodicals --- Economie 330 --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften; Engels --- Finances. --- Hebdomadaires. --- Economie internationale. --- Histoire économique. --- Periodicals. --- renib --- HISTORIA ECONOMICA. --- FINANZAS. --- GRAN BRETANA. --- COMERCIO. --- Trade --- Business --- Transportation --- Capital --- Conditions, Economic --- Consumption --- Cost of Living --- Easterlin Hypothesis --- Economic Conditions --- Economic Factors --- Economic Policies --- Economic Policy --- Economics, Home --- Factors, Economic --- Home Economics --- Household Consumption --- Macroeconomic Factors --- Microeconomic Factors --- Policies, Economic --- Policy, Economic --- Production --- Remittances --- Utility Theory --- Consumer Price Index --- Condition, Economic --- Consumer Price Indices --- Consumption, Household --- Economic Condition --- Economic Factor --- Factor, Economic --- Factor, Macroeconomic --- Factor, Microeconomic --- Factors, Macroeconomic --- Factors, Microeconomic --- Household Consumptions --- Hypothesis, Easterlin --- Index, Consumer Price --- Indices, Consumer Price --- Living Cost --- Living Costs --- Remittance --- Theories, Utility --- Theory, Utility --- Utility Theories --- Commercial Sector --- Prices --- Sales --- Vendors --- Businesses --- Commerces --- Commercial Sectors --- Price --- Sale --- Sector, Commercial --- Sectors, Commercial --- Vendor --- Industry --- Ethics, Business --- Industries --- Anglia --- Angliyah --- Briṭanyah --- Grossbritannien --- Marea Britanie --- Nagy-Britannia --- Prydain Fawr --- Royaume-Uni --- Saharātchaʻānāčhak --- Storbritannien --- United Kingdom --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Velikobritanii︠a︡ --- Wielka Brytania --- Northern Ireland --- Scotland --- Wales --- Business, international --- England and Wales --- Velikobritanii͡ --- Förenade kungariket --- Grã-Bretanha --- Igirisu --- Iso-Britannia --- Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta --- HB-B --- tijdschriften bedrijfsmanagement --- -05 --- #A80358 --- tijdschriften business --- tijdschriften handelswetenschappen en recht --- Politiek --- Bedrijfseconomie --- Management --- Economie & Recht --- Actualiteit --- Taal --- -Business, Economy and Management. --- Economie & Recht --- -Current periodicals --- -Electronic information resources --- Commerce -
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