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Continental Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789400700581 9789400700598 Year: 2011 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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This book is a survey of the work of twentieth-century Continental philosophy and its potential impact on philosophy of religion as it is has been practiced predominantly in English-speaking countries. Major French thinkers such as Ricoeur, Levinas, Derrida, Foucault and Marion are included, as well as Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva. The influence of the Frankfurt school of critical theory, exemplified today by Jürgen Habermas, is also acknowledged. In the English-speaking domain, philosophy of religion has been principally identified with analytic philosophy, where the universal presumptions of an abstract reason, especially with reference to matters of belief and its justification, have dominated. In this tradition, truth pertains to an objective frame of reference, which is based both on logical arguments and modes of verification. In contrast, Continental philosophy does not demarcate a specific area or subject matter that is designated as belonging to philosophy of religion. The boundaries between disciplines and their ideas are much more fluid. As a result, questions regarding religion can be located with reference to specific themes within a worldview that allows for a wide range of influences. In Continental philosophy also there is a greater appreciation of historical and cultural influences on the formation of philosophy's structures and procedures. At the same time, there is a move to greater self-reflexivity and a growing awareness of the need to formulate a distinct ethics of intersubjectivity that seeks justice. The terms of reference have indubitably been changed.   Fascinating developments are today occurring as contemporary Continental philosophers explore new possibilities for formulating and responding to traditional philosophical problems in relation to religion from this more expansive perspective.

Sacred Science?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789086867523 9789086861965 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wageningen Wageningen Academic Publishers

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"Science and religion are often viewed as dichotomies. But although our contemporary society is often perceived as a rationalization process, we still need broad, metaphysical beliefs outside of what can be proven empirically. Rituals and symbols remain at the core of modern life. Do our concepts of science and religion require revitalization? Can science itself be considered a religion, a belief, or an ideology? Science's authority and prestige allows for little in the way of alternate approaches not founded in empirical science. It is not unusual to believe that technology and science will solve the world's fundamental problems. Has truth been colonized by science? Have scientific disciplines become so specialized and "operationally closed" that they have constructed barriers to other disciplines as well as the general public? The writers of this book set out to investigate whether the symbols of academia may in some cases take on a quality of sacrality, whether the rule of experts can be said to have the character of a "priesthood of knowledge", whether religion has a place in scientific contexts, and a selection of other questions concerning science and its relations to religious belief."--P. [4] of cover.

De islam en het Westen : 111 vragen : gesprekken
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789020930962 9020930966 Year: 2012 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Dit boek is het resultaat van uitgebreide interviews met Samir Khalil Samir, hoogleraar theologie en islamologie, over de islam en het samenleven van volkeren met verschillende geloofsovertuigingen en culturen. Wat houdt de islam precies in? Welke relatie is er tussen de islam en het Westen? Kan de islam werkelijk integreren in de Europese samenlevingen? Hoe kunnen christenen en moslims bouwen aan een vreedzame samenleving? Wat zijn de voorwaarden voor een constructieve ontmoeting?

The Legacies of Richard Popkin
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781402084744 1402084730 9781402084737 9048178916 9786611871161 1281871168 1402084749 Year: 2008 Volume: 198 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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Richard H. Popkin (1923-2005) transformed the study of the history of philosophy in the second half of the twentieth century. His History of Scepticism and his many other publications demonstrated the centrality of the problem of skepticism in the development of modern thought, the intimate connections between philosophy and religion, and the importance of contacts between Jewish and Christian thinkers. In this volume, scholars from around the world assess Popkin’s contributions to the many fields in which he was interested. The Legacies of Richard Popkin provides a broad overview of Popkin’s work and demonstrates the connections between the many topics he wrote about. A concluding article, by Popkin’s son Jeremy Popkin, draws on private letters to provide a picture of Popkin’s life and career in his own words, revealing the richness of the documents now accessible to scholars in the Richard Popkin papers at the William Andrews Clark Library in Los Angeles.

A comprehensible universe: the interplay of science and theology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1281513156 9786611513153 3540776265 3540776249 3642096379 9783540776246 9783540776260 9783642096372 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York Springer

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Why is our world comprehensible? This question seems so trivial that few people have dared to ask it. In this book we explore the deep roots of the mystery of rationality. The inquiry into the rationality of the world began over two-and-a-half-thousand years ago, when a few courageous people tried to understand the world with the help of reason alone, rejecting the comforting fabric of myth and legend. After many philosophical and theological adventures the Greek concept of rationality laid the foundations of a revolutionary way of thinking: the scientific method, which transformed the world. But looking at the newest fruits of the world's rationality - relativity theory, quantum mechanics, the unification of physics, quantum gravity - the question arises: what are the limits of the scientific method? The principal tenet of rationality is that you should never stop asking questions until everything has been answered ... "The Comprehensible Universe is a thoughtful book by two authors who have professional expertise in physics and astronomy and also in theology. They are exceptionally well informed about the history of the relation between science and theology, and they maintain throughout their discussion a respect for empirical evidence and a dedication to rationality. Even though I do not agree with all of their conclusions on matters of great complexity I am impressed by the fairness of their argumentation." Abner Shimony, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Physics, Boston University.

Il gesuita che disegnò la Cina
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788847015333 9788847015326 9788847017573 Year: 2010 Publisher: Milano Springer Milan

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L'Occidente fu sempre attratto dalla Cina, ma la mitica "Terra di Mezzo" rimase un mondo sconosciuto, favoloso e irraggiungibile fino all'inizio del Seicento, quando il gesuita Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) penetrò in quell'immenso Paese, facendo conoscere alla Cina la civiltà europea. Fu un altro grande gesuita a compiere l'operazione inversa, rivelando all'Europa il volto della Cina: il trentino Martino Martini (1614-1661). Questo libro vuol essere un contributo alla conoscenza di un uomo straordinario per fede, scienza, capacità oratoria, coraggio fisico, abilità diplomatica e doti d'iniziativa. Visse solo 47 anni, di cui una dozzina passati sul mare o segregato in luoghi remoti e inospitali, ma, oltre a svolgere la sua missione evangelizzatrice in Cina, riuscì a raccogliere sul Celeste Impero una mole immensa di materiale, esponendola in alcune opere che ebbero in Europa vastissima risonanza. Tra queste un Atlante della Cina di ricchezza e precisione eccezionali. Sullo sfondo, il Seicento europeo mette in scena i suoi fasti e le sue miserie: secolo abietto e sontuoso, percorso dai fremiti del nuovo e dai sussulti del vecchio, che si apre alle innovazioni scientifiche più ardite e si accanisce nella cruenta repressione degli slanci riformatori, tra guerre interminabili, pestilenze e devastazioni, ma anche una straordinaria fioritura artistica e culturale. Dall'altra parte del mondo, in Cina, il Seicento fu altrettanto contraddittorio: insanguinato dalla feroce guerra di successione tra la vecchia dinastia dei Ming e la nuova dei Ching, fu tuttavia un'epoca di grande rinnovamento della civiltà cinese, che sfociò in un singolare amalgama di cultura letteraria, saggezza amministrativa, ritualità e credenze popolari, senza contare le millenarie tradizioni scientifiche e tecniche su cui si innestarono le grandi innovazioni matematiche, astronomiche e cartografiche europee, introdotte dai gesuiti insieme con la pratica evangelizzatrice. Protagonista di questo fecondo incontro di civiltà e di tradizioni, propugnatore di una prassi missionaria tollerante, rispettoso della sensibilità e delle consuetudini di quel popolo così fiero e civile, Martino Martini seppe interpretare il proprio apostolato con saggezza ed equilibrio, ma anche con rigore e disciplina. Nominato mandarino, esercitò la carica con dignità e decoro, al punto di diventare cinese egli stesso, per lingua, costumi e abiti, pur senza rinunciare in nulla alla sua fede.

Origin(s) of Design in Nature
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789400741560 Year: 2012 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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Origin(s) of Design in Nature is a collection of over 40 articles from prominent researchers in the life, physical, and social sciences, medicine, and the philosophy of science that all address the philosophical and scientific question of how design emerged in the natural world. The volume offers a large variety of perspectives on the design debate including progressive accounts from artificial life, embryology, complexity, cosmology, theology and the philosophy of biology.  This book is volume 23 of the series, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology. book is volume 23 of the series, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology. book is volume 23 of the series, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology.

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