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Ontology was once understood to be the philosophical inquiry into the structure of reality: the analysis and categorization of what there is'. Recently, however, a field called ontology' has become part of the rapidly growing research industry in information technology. The two fields have more in common than just their name. Theory and Applications of Ontology is a two-volume anthology that aims to further an informed discussion about the relationship between ontology in philosophy and ontology in information technology. It fills an important lacuna in cutting-edge research on ontology in both fields, supplying stage-setting overview articles on history and method, presenting directions of current research in either field, and highlighting areas of productive interdisciplinary contact. Theory and Applications of Ontology: Philosophical Perspectives presents ontology in philosophy in ways that computer scientists are not likely to find elsewhere. The volume offers an overview of current research traditions in ontology, contrasting analytical, phenomenological, and hermeneutic approaches. It introduces the reader to current philosophical research on those categories of everyday and scientific reasoning that are most relevant to present and future research in information technology.
Ontology. --- Ontologie --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVHUMAI SPRINGER-B --- Ontology --- Being --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy)
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C’est en interrogeant la Phénoménologie de la perception de Maurice Merleau-Ponty que cette étude tâche d’élaborer une conception de la philosophie comme un apprentissage perceptif qui dépasserait l’opposition entre théorie et praxis. Le sujet empirique et son « attitude naturelle » sont appelés à retrouver la couche pré-objective qui fonde le monde objectif, à retrouver le corps vivant qui fonde le corps constitué et figé. Mais la vie empirique semble résister à cet appel, de telle sorte que la phénoménologie, pour désavouer l’attitude naturelle sans la critiquer explicitement, se tourne vers un cas extrême, excessif, de cette même attitude: la pathologie. Dans un deuxième temps, la théorie psychanalytique de Jacques Lacan est introduite pour montrer qu’il n’y a pas de vie pré-objective sans objectivité, de même qu’il n’y a pas de vie normale sans pathologie. Les rapports réciproques, ambigus, entre monde objectif et monde pré-objectif, entre normalité et pathologie, sont ici analysés pour permettre de voir que seul le mouvement perpétuel de l’un de ces pôles à l’autre peut constituer à la fois la vraie phénoménologie perceptive et l’existence enfin libre.
Subject (Philosophy) --- Phenomenology. --- Ontology. --- Knowledge, Theory of. --- Psychology --- Philosophy. --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, --- Philosophy, Modern --- Philosophy --- Being --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- Epistemology --- Theory of knowledge --- Phenomenology . --- Psychoanalysis. --- Psychology, Pathological --- Phenomenology --- Academic collection --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
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Observes that in his ""Nachlass"", Husserl probably refers to ""The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (1910-1911)"". This book reveals Husserl in a critical dialogue with himself. It states that the second part of the lectures was never written down, because at that time Husserl was busy writing the 1911 essay ""Philosophy as a Rigorous Science.""
Theory of knowledge --- Phenomenology --- Philosophy, Modern --- Phenomenology. --- Philosophy, Modern. --- Modern philosophy --- Husserl, Edmund, --- Addresses, essays, lectures --- Phenomenology . --- Philosophy of mind. --- Genetic epistemology. --- Ontology. --- Philosophy of Mind. --- Epistemology. --- Being --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- Developmental psychology --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Mind, Philosophy of --- Mind, Theory of --- Theory of mind --- Cognitive science --- Philosophical anthropology --- Epistemology --- Psychology
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Hulpverleners komen steeds meer onder druk te staan. De intensieve informatiedoorstroming, de hoge verwachtingen om de problemen snel en zo efficiënt mogelijk op te lossen, het toenemend administratief werk en de hoge caseload (meer cliënten op korte tijd begeleiden) zijn een dagelijks gegeven. Er mag geen tijd verspild worden. Nochtans is het net die zogenaamde verspilde tijd waarin hulpverleners tijd kunnen maken voor een gesprek of een spel met hun cliënt. Dit zijn momenten waarin niets moet en echte ont-moeting plaatsvindt. Op dergelijke micromomenten worden bouwstenen gelegd voor een warme, duurzame en wederkerige relatie in tijden van lief en leed. Deze samenwerkingsrelatie vormt immers het fundament om met de cliënt, die zich bevindt in een maatschappelijk kwetsbare levenssituatie, samen te zoeken hoe zijn levenskwaliteit kan toenemen. In dit boeiend praktijkboek worden hulpverleners, management, cliënten en hun netwerk uitgenodigd om stil te staan bij deze samenwerkingsrelatie gekleurd door warmte, betrokkenheid en authenticiteit. De publicatie is gelardeerd met herkenbare praktijkvoorbeelden, handige tips en suggesties. Het is een boek waarin ongetwijfeld menig hulpverlener en cliënt zich zal herkennen. Het biedt bovendien concrete handvatten voor de praktijk, in het bijzonder voor hulpverleners in spe. Op een bevlogen wijze slaagt de auteur erin om hulpverleners uit te nodigen tot reflectie over het meest wezenlijke aspect van hun opdracht. Al wie dit leest, heeft zin om weer verder te gaan!
Sociology of social care --- maatschappelijke hulpverlening --- hulpverlening --- Hulpverleners ; professionalisering --- Social service --- Methodology --- Well-being and quality of life --- welzijnswerk, methoden --- 321.4 --- 361.1 --- Maatschappelijk werk - Sociale zorg ; opleiding en beroep --- PXL-Social Work 2017 --- maatschappelijke zorg --- Maatschappelijke kwetsbaarheid --- Kansarmoede --- Hulpverlening --- Relatie cliënt --- Communicatie --- Gespreksvoering --- Hulpverleningsrelatie --- Maatschappelijk werk
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Cette étude a pour objet la conception merleau-pontyenne de l'imaginaire et la manière dont elle conduit à repenser radicalement le réel dans sa totalité et, finalement, à imposer une ontologie dont l'imaginaire est le principe même, « l'institution de l'Etre ». L'imaginaire est une notion clef de la philosophie de Merleau-Ponty, à part égale avec la perception dont il se révèle être l'envers indissociable, la part d'ambiguïté originaire. Parce qu'il s'intéresse d'abord à la capacité que l'imaginaire détient de concurrencer voire de dépasser le perçu, Merleau-Ponty montre qu'il y a entre eux une homogénéité renvoyant à un fond commun qu'il qualifie de « mythique » et d'« onirique ». La réflexion merleau-pontyenne élabore ainsi une définition originale et révolutionnaire de l'imaginaire comme possédant une véritable chair et comme lieu de présence décuplée des choses mêmes. S'ensuit alors la nécessité d'élargir la notion de réalité en reconnaissant la dimension et la « texture » imaginaires du réel. Ainsi apparaît une question qui constitue l'un des principaux axes directeurs de la réflexion merleau-pontyenne : quelle authenticité peut-elle encore être instituée au sein d'une existence dont la nature est apparentée à celle des songes et de la comédie, et lors même que l'être des choses et des personnes n'est aucunement l'en-soi, mais, bien plutôt, l'ubiquité des ombres et des reflets ? L'un des enseignements remarquables que nous transmet Merleau-Ponty définit ainsi la manière dont « l'imagination peut sauver de l'imagination ». This study focuses upon Merleau-Ponty's conception of the imaginary and intends to show how his philosophy leads to radically rethink the whole reality and, eventually, to establish an ontology whose very principle is the imaginary that Merleau-Ponty also defines as the institution of the Being . The imaginary is a key notion in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, on a par with perception, since the former proves to be the reverse side of the latter, its original ambiguous part. Merleau-Ponty being primarily interested in the capacity of the imaginary to compete with - indeed to surpass - the perceived, he shows that they are homogenous and share a common origin that he describes as mythical and dreamlike . Thus, in an original and revolutionary way, Merleau-Ponty defines the imaginary as having a genuine flesh and as bringing tenfold increased presence of the things themselves. It follows that we have to enlarge the notion of reality by recognizing the imaginary dimension and texture of the Real. This raises a question which is one of the main avenues in Merleau-Ponty's thought: what kind of authenticity can still be instituted when the nature of existence partakes of that of dreams and comedy and when the being of things and persons is not in the least the en-soi, but, instead, the ubiquity of shadows and reflections? One of Merleau-Ponty's most remarkable teachings defines the way how imagination can save from imagination
Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- History of philosophy --- ontologie --- filosofie --- geschiedenis --- existentialisme --- metafysica --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice --- Imagination (Philosophy) --- Phenomenology --- Ontology --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, --- Imagination (Philosophy). --- Ontology. --- Phenomenology. --- Academic collection --- Philosophy, Modern --- Being --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- Merleau-Ponty, Jean Jacques Maurice, --- Merlō-Ponty, Mōris, --- Ponty, Jean Jacques Maurice Merleau-, --- Ponty, Maurice Merleau-, --- מרלו־פונטי, מוריס, --- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, - 1908-1961
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Singular reference to ourselves and the ordinary objects surrounding us is a most crucial philosophical topic, for it looms large in any attempt to understand how language and mind connect to the world. This book explains in detail why in the past philosophers such as Frege, Russell and Reichenbach have favoured a descriptivist approach to this matter and why in more recent times Donnellan, Kripke, Kaplan and others have rather favoured a referentialist standpoint. The now dominant referentialist theories however still have a hard time in addressing propositional attitudes and empty singular terms. Here a way out of this difficulty emerges in an approach that incorporates aspects of the old-fashioned descriptivist views of Frege, Russell and Reichenbach without succumbing to the anti-descriptivist arguments that back up the current referentialist trend. The resulting theory features a novel approach to the semantics and pragmatics of determiner phrases, definite descriptions, proper names and indexicals, all treated in uniform fashion in both their anaphoric and non-anaphoric uses. This work will be of interest to researchers in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and theoretical linguistics. The wealth of background information and detailed explanations that it provides makes it also accessible to graduate and upper level undergraduates and suitable as a reference book.
Theory of knowledge --- Philosophy of language --- Linguistics --- Philosophy. --- Language and languages—Philosophy. --- Philosophy of mind. --- Linguistics. --- Ontology. --- Metaphysics. --- Logic. --- Philosophy of Language. --- Philosophy of Mind. --- Theoretical Linguistics. --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Science --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- God --- Ontology --- Philosophy of mind --- Being --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- Linguistic science --- Science of language --- Language and languages --- Mind, Philosophy of --- Mind, Theory of --- Theory of mind --- Cognitive science --- Philosophical anthropology --- Methodology --- Theoretical Linguistics / Grammar. --- Linguistique --- Philosophie
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Het is een privilege om in de zorg- en welzijnssector te mogen werken, zegt Vlaams zorgambassadeur Lon Holtzer vol overtuiging. De sector kampt met grote uitdagingen. Tegelijkertijd dienen zich ongekende opportuniteiten aan. De auteur gaat hierover in gesprek met economen en ethici, onderwijsdeskundigen en sociologen, beleidsvoerders en zorgverleners, mantelzorgers en vrijwilligers. Verfrissend, zonder taboes en recht voor de raap. De 7 privileges van de zorgverlener vormen de rode draad doorheen deze boeiende verkenningstocht. Een eigenzinnige hertaling van de 7 werken van barmhartigheid. Thema's als diversiteit, technologie, autonomie, ontmoeting, kwetsbaarheid en zelfrealisatie krijgen vanuit het perspectief van zorg en welzijn een hedendaagse interpretatie. De hoofdrol in dit verhaal is weggelegd voor elke zorgverlener die dagelijks het beste van zichzelf geeft. In dat geven vindt hij/zij de essentie van zichzelf, het mens-zijn en het leven. De cliënt krijgt, zoals het hoort, het laatste woord.(bron:
Zorg- en welzijnssector. --- Sociology of social care --- zorgsector --- welzijnswerk --- maatschappelijk welzijn --- diversiteit --- Sociale welzijnszorg ; Vlaanderen --- Gezondheidszorg ; Vlaanderen --- Health facilities --- Well-being and quality of life --- #SBIB:316.334.3M52 --- #SBIB:316.8H30 --- Kwaliteiteszorg --- Gezondheidszorg --- Hulpverleners --- Medische ethiek --- Zorg --- 601.51 --- gezondheidszorg --- hulpverleners --- België --- welzijn --- verpleegkunde --- gezondheidszorg (gez) --- kwaliteitszorg (gez) --- organisatie --- Medische sociologie: professionele aspecten van de hulpverlening --- Professies en methoden in het welzijnswerk: sociaal werk, vrijwilligerswerk, hulpverleningsmethoden … --- Gezondheidszorg in België --- organisatie van de gezondheidszorg - België --- 362.1 --- PXL-Healthcare 2015 --- medische ethiek --- Zorgverlener --- Zorgverlening --- Welzijnszorg --- Mantelzorg --- Diversiteit --- Technologie --- Autonomie --- Kwetsbaarheid --- Vermaatschappelijking --- Relatie cliënt --- Innovatie --- Multiculturele samenleving --- Sociology of health --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Flanders --- Zorg- en welzijnssector --- Hulpverlener --- Inclusie --- Maatwerk --- Maatschappij
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La malattia tumorale può essere avvicinata con l’obiettivo di uccidere le cellule malate oppure con quello di far fare loro a ritroso la strada che porta da uno stato di equilibrio naturale alla malattia. Questo libro racconta una ricerca originale dell’autore ispirata a questa visione biologica del cancro, ricerca che ha portato alla produzione e all’utilizzo di prodotti antitumorali. Inevitabilmente, la storia della ricerca scivola in una visione del mondo e della vita che presenta i tratti di una documentata critica ai valori e alle priorità che caratterizzano il mondo in cui viviamo. Un libro profondo e umano, che fa pensare, che fa sperare.
Popular Science. --- Popular Science in Medicine and Health. --- Oncology. --- Internal Medicine. --- Science (General). --- Internal medicine. --- Medicine. --- Médecine interne --- Cancérologie --- Médecine --- Cancer cells. --- Cancer. --- Clinical medicine -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Cytology -- Data processing. --- Diseases --- Behavior --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Personal Satisfaction --- Neoplasms --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Tumors. --- Tumours --- Cancers --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors --- Popular works. --- Health. --- Tumors --- Pathology --- Cysts (Pathology) --- Oncology . --- Medicine, Internal --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Physicians --- Health Workforce --- Medicine . --- Personal health --- Wellness --- Physiology --- Holistic medicine --- Hygiene --- Well-being
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Theories about the ontological structure of the world have generally been described in informal, intuitive terms, and the arguments for and against them, including their consistency and adequacy as explanatory frameworks, have generally been given in even more informal terms. The goal of formal ontology is to correct for these deficiencies. By formally reconstructing an intuitive, informal ontological scheme as a formal ontology we can better determine the consistency and adequacy of that scheme; and then by comparing different reconstructed schemes with one another we can much better evaluate the arguments for and against them and come to a decision as to which system it is best to adopt. Conceptual realism, which is defended here as the best system to adopt, contains both an intensional and a natural realism as well as an Aristotelian essentialism based on a logic of natural kinds. "This book is a significant contribution to the field of formal ontology, and to analytical ontology in general - it presents an original and powerful systematic position with a host of important technical results." Johanna Seibt, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Ontology. --- Realism. --- Ontologie --- Réalisme --- EPUB-LIV-FT LIVPHILO SPRINGER-B --- Logic. --- Linguistics --- Philosophy, medieval. --- Computer science. --- Metaphysics. --- Philosophy of Language. --- Medieval Philosophy. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Being --- Philosophy --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- God --- Ontology --- Philosophy of mind --- Informatics --- Science --- Medieval philosophy --- Scholasticism --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Psychology --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- Philosophy. --- Methodology --- Language and languages—Philosophy. --- Medieval philosophy. --- Mathematical logic. --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism
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July 2011 -- The Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has presented Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic with its prestigious award for outstanding results of major scientific importance. This volume sets out the foundations of Transparent Intensional Logic, together with many applications to a wide range of topics including formal semantics, philosophy of language, and philosophical logic. Special attention is devoted to some topics that generally tend to be dealt with only in passing. They include, inter alia, notional attitudes, knowing whether, concepts (understood rigorously and non-mentalistically), attitudes de re, and anaphora in hyperintensional contexts. The overall programme is set out and placed in historical and systematic context. The programme consists in devising one overarching semantic theory for all sorts of discourse, whether colloquial, scientific, mathematical or logical. The semantic theory is a procedural one, according to which sense is an abstract, pre-linguistic procedure detailing what operations to apply to what procedural constituents to arrive at the product (if any) of the procedure. Such procedures are rigorously defined as so-called constructions residing in a platonic realm. The semantics is tailored to the hardest case, as constituted by hyperintensional contexts, and generalized from there to intensional and extensional contexts. This anti-contextualist and fully compositional semantics is, to the best of our knowledge, the only one that deals with all kinds of context in a unique and systematic manner. The three authors have striven to write an accessible study of Transparent Intensional Logic that may be read by researchers and advanced students of logic, semantics, linguistics, informatics, computer science, and kindred disciplines.
Philosophy. --- Logic. --- Semantics. --- Coding and Information Theory. --- Philosophy of Language. --- Ontology. --- Philosophy (General). --- Linguistics --- Coding theory. --- Logique --- Ontologie --- Linguistique --- Codage --- Sémantique --- Philosophie --- Language and logic. --- Language and logic --- Philology & Linguistics --- Logic --- Philosophy --- Languages & Literatures --- Philosophy & Religion --- Linguistics and logic --- Logic in language --- Language and languages --- Philosophy, general. --- Formal semantics --- Semasiology --- Semiology (Semantics) --- Comparative linguistics --- Information theory --- Lexicology --- Meaning (Psychology) --- Data compression (Telecommunication) --- Digital electronics --- Machine theory --- Signal theory (Telecommunication) --- Computer programming --- Being --- Metaphysics --- Necessity (Philosophy) --- Substance (Philosophy) --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Psychology --- Science --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Methodology --- Semantics --- Information theory. --- Language and languages—Philosophy. --- Communication theory --- Communication --- Cybernetics --- Semiotics. --- Semeiotics --- Semiology (Linguistics) --- Signs and symbols --- Structuralism (Literary analysis)
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