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Towards an Advanced Modelling of Complex Economic Phenomena : Pretopological and Topological Uncertainty Research Tools
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783642248122 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Little by little we are being provided with an arsenal of operative instruments of a non-numerical nature, in the shape of models and algorithms, capable of providing answers to the aggressions  which our economics and management systems must withstand, coming from an environment full of turmoil.   In the work which we are presenting, we dare to propose a set of elements from which we hope arise focuses capable of renewing those structures of economic thought which are upheld by the geometrical idea.   The concepts of pretopology and topology, habitually marginalized in economics and management studies, have centred our interest in recent times.  We consider that it is not possible to conceive formal structures capable of representing the Darwinism concept of economic behaviour today without recurring to this fundamental generalisation of metric spaces.   In our attempts to find a solid base to the structures proposed for the treatment of economic phenomena, we have frequently resorted to the theory of clans and the theory of affinities with results which we believe to be satisfactory.  We would like to go further, establishing, if possible, the connection between their axiomatics at the same time as developing some uncertain pretopologies and topologies capable of linking previously unconnected theories, at the same time easing the creation of other new theories.

Immunology of Pregnancy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780387349442 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York

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Reproductive Immunology is a growing area in both immunology and reproductive sciences and is helping us to better understand several complications of pregnancy. Immunology of Pregnancy is the first book to give a complete and up to date review of our knowledge related to the role of the immune system during pregnancy and the interactions between the placenta and the maternal immune system. This new title covers in detail all the different hypotheses and studies related to the immunology of implantation and provide a practical approach for the application of basic reproductive immunology research to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, pre-term labor and IUGR.

Enacting Electronic Government Success : An Integrative Study of Government-wide Websites, Organizational Capabilities, and Institutions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781461420156 Year: 2012 Publisher: Boston MA Springer US

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Many countries around the world are investing a great amount of resources in government IT initiatives. However, few of these projects achieve their stated goals and some of them are complete failures. Therefore, understanding e-government success has become very important and urgent in recent years. In order to develop relevant knowledge about this complex phenomenon, researchers and practitioners need to identify and assess what are the main conditions, variables, or factors that have an impact on e-government success. However, before being able to evaluate these impacts, it is necessary to define what e-government success is and what some e-government success measures are. This book presents a review of both e-government success measures and e-government success factors. It also provides empirical evidence from quantitative analysis and two in-depth case studies. Although based on sound theory and rigorous empirical analysis, the book not only significantly contributes to academic knowledge, but also includes some practical recommendations for government officials and public managers.  Theoretically, the book proposes a way to quantitatively operationalize Fountain's enactment framework. Based on the institutional tradition, the technology enactment framework attempts to explain the effects of organizational forms and institutional arrangements on the information technology used by government agencies. According to Fountain (1995; 2001) the technology enactment framework pays attention to the relationships among information technology, organizations, embeddedness, and institutions. This framework is very well known in the e-government field, but is normally used for qualitative analysis and there is no previous proposal of how to use it with quantitative data. The book proposes variables to measure each of the different constructs in this framework and also tests the relationships hypothesized by Fountain's theory. Finally, using the advantages of the selected quantitative analysis technique (Partial Least Squares), the study also proposes some adjustments and extensions to the original framework in a theory building effort. Methodologically, the book reports on one of the first multi-method studies in the field of e-government in general and e-government success in particular. This study uses a nested research design, which combines statistical analysis with two in depth case studies. The study begins with a statistical analysis using organizational, institutional, and contextual factors as the independent variables. An overall score representing e-government success in terms of the functionality of state websites is the dependent variable. Second, based on the statistical results two cases are selected based on their relative fitness to the model (residuals) and their position in the general ranking of website functionality (which includes four different measures). In order to complement the results of the statistical analysis, case studies were developed for the two selected states (New York and Indiana), using semi-structured interviews and document analysis. In terms of the statistical analysis, the book constitutes one of the first applications of Partial Least Squares (PLS) to an e-government success study. PLS is a structural equations modeling (SEM) technique and, therefore, allows estimating the measurement model and the structural model simultaneously. The use of this sophisticated statistical strategy helped to test the relationships between e-government success and different factors influencing it, as well as some of the relationships between several of the factors, thus allowing exploring some indirect effects too.

Fuzzy Logic in Financial Analysis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540323686 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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In today's increasing complex and uncertain business environment, financial analysis is yet more critical to business managers who tackle the problems of an economic or business nature. Knowledge based on formal logic and even experience becomes less sufficient. This volume systematically sets out the basic elements on which to base financial analysis for business in the new century. It incorporates a previous work that can serve as the basis and foundation to the new contributions that are now being made in the field of financial economy and intend to provide business with instruments and models that are suitable for the treatment of the new economic context. In dealing with rapid and unpredictable changes in technological and business conditions, it postulates a growing reliance on the opinions of experts instead of past data or probabilistic forecasts, which is a radical change but may yield fruitful results. For this reason, much emphasis is devoted to the problem of aggregation of the opinion of experts in the financial field, with the object of limiting, wherever possible, the subjective component of the opinions and making sure that the decisions have the best guarantee of reaching the desired objectives.

Explicit Stability Conditions for Continuous Systems : A Functional Analytic Approach
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540316374 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Explicit Stability Conditions for Continuous Systems deals with non-autonomous linear and nonlinear continuous finite dimensional systems. Explicit conditions for the asymptotic, absolute, input-to-state and orbital stabilities are discussed. This monograph provides new tools for specialists in control system theory and stability theory of ordinary differential equations, with a special emphasis on the Aizerman problem. A systematic exposition of the approach to stability analysis based on estimates for matrix-valued functions is suggested and various classes of systems are investigated from a unified viewpoint.

De functionaliteit van endoxylanasen en dieetvezet in vleeskuikensvoeders
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Brussel Erasmushogeschool Brussel

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Tarwe vormt een belangrijke bron van energie in pluimveevoeders in Europa. De zemellaag bezit echter veel arabinoxylanen (AX), die moeilijk verteerd kunnen worden in het gastro-intestinaalstelsel en wekken daarnaast anti-nutritionele effecten op. Om deze negatieve, anti-nutritionele effecten te verhelpen, wordt het enzym endoxylanase vaak aan pluimveevoeders toegevoegd. Uit eerdere studies werd bovendien geconcludeerd dat gemodificeerde zemelfracties de groei van darmmicrobiota stimuleerden en bijdroegen tot de algemene gezondheid van het vleeskuiken. Tot op heden zijn de werkingsmechanismen van deze zemelfractie en de endoxylanases echter nog niet helemaal duidelijk.

Wat is het effect van Dichlooracetaat (en combinatietherapieën) op kankercellen?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Brussel Erasmushogeschool Brussel

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Kanker is een alom bekende aandoening die een groot deel van de wereldpopulatie teistert. Kankercellen bezitten de eigenschap om zeer snel te prolifereren en kunnen zo gezonde weefsels overwoekeren en beschadigen. Deze eigenschap komt voort uit een aangepast metabolisme (aërobe glycolyse). Een mogelijke oplossing zou kunnen bestaan uit het manipuleren van dit metabolisme, waartoe het geneesmiddel dichlooracetaat (DCA) in staat is. DCA is een geneesmiddel dat eind de Jaren ’80 onder andere werd gebruikt voor mitochondriale ziekten en waarbij het geneesmiddel de mitochondrion activeert waardoor de cel terug aan cellulaire ademhaling doet. In deze paper werd het verdere werkingsmechanisme van DCA onder de loep genomen. Door de switch naar cellulaire ademhaling (oxidatieve fosforylatie) worden er extra reactieve zuurstofcomponenten gecreëerd, die DNA schade kunnen veroorzaken. Een tweede gevolg van oxidatieve fosforylatie is een depolarisatie van het mitochondrion waarbij apoptose-inducerende stoffen vrijkomen. Een recentere trend is de combinatie van DCA met andere antikankertherapieën. Zo verhoogt DCA de bestralingsgevoeligheid van kankercellen waardoor deze efficiënter worden bestraald. Een combinatie van DCA met antidiabetica vertoonde supplementair effect t.o.v. stimulatie van oxidatieve fosforylatie. Sommige chemotherapeutica zijn niet werkzaam bij een onderdrukt mitochondrion, dus wordt DCA aangewend om dit mitochondrion te activeren. Deze combinatietherapieën worden tot op heden onderzocht maar een ‘ultieme’ antikankertherapie werd nog niet gevonden.

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative Educational Curricula
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781402093142 Year: 2009 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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As the importance of environmental security increases worldwide, colleges and universities are evaluating how well they are preparing the next generation of environmental scientists and managers and developing new educational approaches. In this volume, we examine: (1) current educational practices and the need for change, (2) educational needs from the perspective of employers and professionals, and (3) new practices in higher education in environmental fields. The contributors were carefully selected by an international coordinating team based on their international reputations in the field of progressive educational approaches and understanding of the global employment market in environmental science. Although the focal geographic areas are North America, Europe and the former Soviet republics, the ideas and strategies discussed are universal to all institutions of higher education. We highlight specific non-traditional approaches such as using the university as a curricular tool, developing permaculture programs, and applying sustainability pedagogy, and document their success from both a student and employer perspective. We also include case studies on risk assessment and eco-efficiency education to illustrate why and how transdisciplinary education can be accomplished. We conclude that it is imperative that our educational systems teach environmental security at the university level within a transdisciplinary context; and that opportunities, such as internships and other methods of applied learning, are included in the curriculum.

Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics : Volume 2
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783642304514 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg Imprint Springer

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This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), held at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona, 05 - 07 June, 2012. This edition of the conference has been presented with the slogan Creating new opportunities in an uncertain environment . There are different ways for assessing uncertainty in management but this book mainly focused on soft computing theories and their role in assessing uncertainty in a complex world. The present book gives a comprehensive overview of general management topics and discusses some of the most recent developments in all the areas of business and management including management, marketing, business statistics, innovation and technology, finance, sports and tourism. This book might be of great interest for anyone working in the area of management and business economics and might be especially useful for scientists and graduate students doing research in these fields.

Soft Computing in Management and Business Economics : Volume 1
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783642304576 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg Imprint Springer

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This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), held at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona, 05 - 07 June, 2012. This edition of the conference has been presented with the slogan Creating new opportunities in an uncertain environment . There are different ways for assessing uncertainty in management but this book mainly focused on soft computing theories and their role in assessing uncertainty in a complex world. The present book gives a comprehensive overview of general management topics and discusses some of the most recent developments in all the areas of business and management including management, marketing, business statistics, innovation and technology, finance, sports and tourism. This book might be of great interest for anyone working in the area of management and business economics and might be especially useful for scientists and graduate students doing research in these fields.

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