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History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Vandermeerssche, G. --- anno 1940-1949 --- Geschiedenis van de nieuwste tijden --- Guerres --- Histoire contemporaine --- Ideologieën --- Idéologies --- Oorlogen --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Guerrillas --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Guérillas --- Underground movements --- Biography. --- Mouvements de résistance --- Biographies --- Vandermeerssche, Gaston. --- 949.3.036 --- geschiedenis --- Wereldoorlog II --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Guérillas --- Mouvements de résistance --- Vandermeerssche, Gaston --- Belgium --- Secret service --- Biography
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Biographies --- Levensbeschrijvingen --- Rufeisen, Oswald --- Jews --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Christian converts from Judaism --- Juifs --- Holocauste, 1939-1945 --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Biography --- Jewish resistance --- Mouvements de résistance juifs --- Carmelites --- Catholic Church --- Clergy&xBiography. --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Mouvements de résistance juifs
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Enzymes. --- Chemical industry. --- 328 <44> --- Painting --- Technique. --- Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 --- Mouvements de résistance --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Underground movements --- Underground movements. --- Vacuum. --- Sea. --- Surrealism. --- Working class --- Diastase. --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- History --- Mouvements de résistance --- Histoire --- Underground movements, War --- Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 - Mouvements de résistance - France.
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Belgique ; histoire --- België ; geschiedenis --- Chemins de fer --- Guerres --- Oorlogen --- Spoorwegen --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Railroads --- Sabotage --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Travailleurs des chemins de fer --- Underground movements --- History --- Employees --- Political activity --- Mouvements de résistance --- Histoire --- Activité politique --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Mouvements de résistance --- Activité politique --- World War, 1939-1945 - Underground movements - Belgium --- Railroads - Belgium - History - 20th century --- Sabotage - Belgium - History - 20th century --- Railroads - Employees - Political activity - Belgium --- BELGIQUE --- HISTOIRE --- GUERRE MONDIALE (1939-1945) --- MOUVEMENTS DE RESISTANCE --- 1940-1945 (OCCUPATION ALLEMANDE) --- CONDITIONS SOCIALES --- 1940-1945
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A partir des documents réunis par les autorités allemandes lors du procès de l'infirmière britannique Edith Cavell, exécutée en octobre 1915 à Bruxelles, présente la filière d'évasion de soldats alliés dont elle faisait partie. Etudie la formation et le fonctionnement du réseau clandestin, sa répression, et la place de cet engagement dans le parcours de ses membres. ©Electre 2016
World War, 1914-1918 --- Première guerre mondiale --- Underground movements --- Mouvements de résistance --- Cavell, Edith, --- Nurses --- Medical care --- Belgium --- History --- Guerre mondiale (1914-1918) --- Medical care. --- Nurses. --- Underground movements, War. --- Underground movements. --- German Occupation of Belgium (1914-1918). --- World War (1914-1918). --- 1914-1918. --- Belgium. --- Great Britain. --- Première guerre mondiale --- Mouvements de résistance --- Wereldoorlog I --- verzet --- biografieën --- Cavell, Edith --- World War, 1914-1918 - Belgium --- World War, 1914-1918 - Underground movements --- Nurses - Great Britain - Biography --- World War, 1914-1918 - Medical care - Belgium --- Cavell, Edith, - 1865-1915 --- Belgium - History - German occupation, 1914-1918
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Dans ce volume, l'auteur, professeur honoraire au Collège de France, spécialiste des mythes grecs, nous invite à un "parcours" entre mythe et politique, retraçant sa formation et son itinéraire de savant et d'homme engagé dans le siècle. Textes inédits, remaniés ou repris tels quels de publications antérieures.
Belief and doubt --- Mythology --- Religion --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Myths --- Legends --- Folklore --- Gods --- Myth --- Conviction --- Doubt --- Consciousness --- Credulity --- Emotions --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Will --- Agnosticism --- Rationalism --- Skepticism --- Vernant, Jean Pierre. --- Vernant, J.-P. --- Vernant, Jean Pierre --- Greece --- Civilization --- Mythe --- --Politique --- --Religion --- Vernant, Jean-Pierre, --- History --- Civilization, Ancient --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Histoire --- Mythologie --- Civilisation ancienne --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Philosophy. --- Historiography. --- Underground movements --- Philosophie --- Historiographie --- Mouvements de résistance --- Grèce --- Philosophy [Ancient ] --- Belief and doubt. --- Mythology. --- Religion. --- Politique --- Vernant, Jean-Pierre, - 1914-2007 --- Greece - Civilization - To 146 BC --- VERNANT (JEAN-PIERRE), 1914 --- --VERNANT (JEAN-PIERRE), 1914 --- --HISTORIOGRAPHIE --- PHILOSOPHIE GRECQUE --- PHILOSOPHIE POLITIQUE --- MYTHOLOGIE GRECQUE --- HISTORIENS --- INTELLECTUELS --- ACTIVITE POLITIQUE --- ENTRETIENS --- HISTOIRE --- FRANCE --- 20E SIECLE --- --PHILOSOPHIE GRECQUE --- RELIGION ET POLITIQUE --- MYTHES POLITIQUES --- HISTORIOGRAPHIE
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De Tweede Wereldoorlog speelt een centrale rol in de collectieve herinnering. Heel wat opvattingen en vraagstellingen rond ideologie, ethiek en identiteit worden door de oorlogsherinnering gekleurd. Die herinnering neemt ook in literatuur een prominente plaats in. Zo bevat het Vlaamse fictionele proza alleen al zowat 300 boeken die expliciet met de Tweede Wereldoorlog aan de slag gaan. De foute oorlog is de eerste omvattende studie van deze literaire oorlogssporen, met een speciale focus op vijf centrale thema's: de gebeurtenissen rond mei 1940, het verzet, de collaboratie, de repressie en de jodenvervolging. Voor elk ervan biedt dit boek een overzicht van relevante romans en novelles, met analyse van thematische tendensen en inzicht in de kenmerken en ontwikkelingen van de literaire beeldvorming. De rode draad is de vaststelling dat de literaire oorlogsherinnering doordrongen is van een scherpe kritiek op het morele en politieke gedrag van de eigen gemeenschap tijdens en na de oorlog. Wordt de bezetter afgebeeld als een ongewenste maar herkenbare tegenstander, dan verschijnen leden van de eigen gemeenschap als onbetrouwbare en onberekenbare wezens. In plaats van een goede herinnering, gedragen door overwinning en bevrijding, ontstaat het beeld van een foute oorlog waarin nederlaag en schuld overheersen; een beeld dat in de Vlaamse collectieve herinnering vaak is weggedrukt, maar dat Vlaamse auteurs telkens opnieuw op het voorplan hebben gebracht. Door zijn brede opzet, zijn aandacht voor belichte en onderbelichte thema's, het bijeenbrengen van gecanoniseerde en vergeten auteurs, en door de toegankelijke synthese van kenmerken en ontwikkelingen in de Vlaamse literaire herinnering aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog, vormt het boek een essentiële aanvulling tot de studie van de naoorlogse Nederlandse literatuur.
Fiction --- Thematology --- Dutch literature --- Flanders --- Clandestiene bewegingen in de literatuur --- Collaborateurs dans la littérature --- Collaborateurs in de literatuur --- Collaborationists in literature --- Holocaust [Jewish ] (1939-1945) in literature --- Holocaust [Joodse ] (1939-1945) in de literatuur --- Holocaust juif (1939-1945) dans la littérature --- Mouvements clandestins dans la littérature --- Underground movements in literature --- Flemish literature --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Flämisch. --- Prosa. --- Niederlage. --- Schuld. --- Weltkrieg. --- Flemish literature. --- War and literature. --- History and criticism. --- Literature and the war. --- World War (1939-1945) --- 1900-1999 --- History and criticism --- Literature and the war --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Épuration (1944-....) --- Shoah --- Défaite --- Collaborateurs --- Dans la littérature --- Mouvements de résistance --- 839.3-3 "19" --- Nederlandse literatuur: proza--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- World War (1939-1945). --- 1900-1999. --- 839.3-3 "19" Nederlandse literatuur: proza--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Collaborationists --- Défaite. --- Dans la littérature. --- Flemish literature - 20th century - History and criticism --- World War, 1939-1945 - Literature and the war --- Épuration (1944-....) --- Défaite. --- Dans la littérature. --- Mouvements de résistance
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History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1700-1799 --- anno 1600-1699 --- Louvain --- Antwerp --- Brussels --- Government, Resistance to --- History --- Belgium --- Politics and government. --- 949.32 LEUVEN --- 949.32 BRUSSEL --- 949.31 ANTWERPEN --- 949.3.022 --- Government, Reistance to --- -Government, Resistance to --- -Civil resistance --- Non-resistance to government --- Resistance to government --- 949.31 ANTWERPEN Geschiedenis van België: provincie Antwerpen:--reg./lok. --- Geschiedenis van België: provincie Antwerpen:--reg./lok. --- 949.32 BRUSSEL Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant; provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--BRUSSEL --- Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant; provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--BRUSSEL --- 949.32 LEUVEN Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant; provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--LEUVEN --- Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant; provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--LEUVEN --- -History --- -Belgium --- Civil resistance --- Political science --- Political violence --- Insurgency --- Nonviolence --- Revolutions --- Geschiedenis van België: provincie Antwerpen:--reg./lok --- Résistance au gouvernement --- Brabant (Belgium) --- Brabant (Belgique) --- Belgique --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- Histoire --- Brussels (Belgium) --- 17th century --- 18th century --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Louvain (Belgium) --- 938 --- Brabant (hertogdom)--17de eeuw --- Brabant (hertogdom)--18de eeuw --- Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant--provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--BRUSSEL --- Geschiedenis van België: hertogdom Brabant--provincie Brabant--(reg./lok.)--LEUVEN --- Vlaams-Brabant --- Government, Resistance to - Belgium - History - 17th century --- Government, Resistance to - Belgium - History - 18th century --- History. --- Political resistance --- geschiedenis --- Flandre (belgique) --- Anvers (belgique) --- Bruxelles (belgique) --- Louvain (belgique) --- Revoltes --- 17e-18e siecles --- Conditions sociales --- Histoire economique --- 17e siecle --- Histoire politique
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Clandestine literature was published in all countries under Nazi occupation, but nowhere else did it flourish as it did in the Netherlands. This raises important questions: What was the content of this literature? What were the risks of writing, printing, selling, and buying it? And why the Netherlands? Traditionally, the combative Dutch "spirit of resistance" has been cited, a reaction not only to German oppression but to German propaganda: while the Germans hoped to build bonds with their "Germanic" Dutch "brothers," clandestine literature insisted on their incompatibility. However, when reading clandestine literature, one should not forget that this "spirit of resistance" came rather late and did not prevent the transportation of seventy-three percent of the Netherlands' Jewish population to Nazi death camps -- the largest percentage in Western Europe. The Dutch case is complex: while the country proved to be remarkably resistant to Nazi propaganda, little was done to prevent the actual execution of Nazi policies. The complete story of Dutch clandestine literature therefore combines resistance and complicity, victory and defeat, pride and shame.
History of the Netherlands --- Journalism --- Dutch literature --- anno 1940-1949 --- Anti-fascist movements in literature. --- Underground literature --- World War, 1939-1945 --- History and criticism. --- Literature and the war. --- Underground movements --- Anti-fascist movements in literature --- History and criticism --- Literature and the war --- Littérature et propagande --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Littérature néerlandaise --- Mouvements de résistance --- Littérature et guerre --- Littérature clandestine --- Histoire et critique --- Pays-Bas --- 094:839.3 --- 098.1 --- 070.13 --- 839.3 "19" --- 329.18 --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- Verboden boeken --- Persvrijheid. Perscensuur. Wettelijk kader van de pers--z.o.{351.751} --- Nederlandse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Fascisme. Rechtsextremisme. Rechtsradicale partijen --- 329.18 Fascisme. Rechtsextremisme. Rechtsradicale partijen --- 839.3 "19" Nederlandse literatuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- 070.13 Persvrijheid. Perscensuur. Wettelijk kader van de pers--z.o.{351.751} --- 098.1 Verboden boeken --- 094:839.3 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- European War, 1939-1945 --- Second World War, 1939-1945 --- World War 2, 1939-1945 --- World War II, 1939-1945 --- World War Two, 1939-1945 --- WW II (World War, 1939-1945) --- WWII (World War, 1939-1945) --- History, Modern --- Clandestine literature --- Illegal literature --- Literature, Underground --- Literature --- Littérature et guerre. --- Histoire et critique. --- Underground literature - Netherlands - History and criticism --- World War, 1939-1945 - Underground literature - Netherlands --- World War, 1939-1945 - Netherlands - Literature and the war --- World War, 1939-1945 - Underground movements - Netherlands --- Littérature et propagande --- Littérature néerlandaise --- Mouvements de résistance --- Littérature et guerre. --- Littérature clandestine --- Complicity. --- Defeat. --- Dutch "spirit of resistance". --- Dutch Clandestine Literature. --- Jeroen Dewulf. --- Jewish population. --- Nazi death camps. --- Nazi occupation. --- Pride. --- Resistance. --- Shame. --- Victory.
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In central Brussels stands a statue of a young woman. Built in 1923, it is the first monument to a working-class woman in European history. Her name was Gabrielle Petit. History has forgotten Petit, an ambitious and patriotic Belgian, executed by firing squad in 1916 for her role as an intelligence agent for the British Army. After the First World War she was celebrated as an example of stern endeavour, but a hundred years later her memory has faded. In the first part of this historical biography Sophie De Schaepdrijver uses Petit's life to explore gender, class and heroism in the context of occupied Europe. Petit's experiences reveal the reality of civilian engagement under military occupation and the emergence of modern espionage. The second part of the book focuses on the legacy and cultural memory of Petit and the First World War. By analysing Petit's representation in ceremony, discourse and popular culture De Schaepdrijver expands our understanding of remembrance across the 20th century.
History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Petit, Gabrielle --- anno 1910-1919 --- World War, 1914-1918 --- Women spies --- Spies --- Première guerre mondiale --- Espionnes --- Espions --- Secret service --- Underground movements. --- Biography. --- Biography --- Service secret --- Mouvements de résistance --- Biographies --- Petit, Gabrielle, --- Guerre mondiale (1914-1918) --- Services de renseignements --- BPB1507 --- Espionnage --- Guerre --- Histoire --- Biographie --- 815 Geschiedenis --- Spionage --- Oorlog --- Geschiedenis --- Biografie --- Underground movements --- Première guerre mondiale --- Mouvements de résistance --- anno 1900-1999 --- Belgium --- Geschiedenis van België en Luxemburg --- België --- elulookirjeldus --- bijografija --- biography --- elämäkerta --- biografia --- biografija --- biografía --- βιογραφία --- biografie --- životopis --- življenjepis --- биография --- биографија --- életrajz --- biogrāfija --- biografi --- autobiografi --- önéletrajz --- autobiography --- gyvenimo aprašymas --- autobiografija --- autobiografía --- semblanza --- biografický slovník --- autobiografie --- autobiogrāfija --- автобиографија --- omaelämäkerta --- självbiografi --- biográfia --- biograafia --- autobiografia --- önéletírás --- selvbiografi --- αυτοβιογραφία --- Autobiografie --- memoárová literatura --- autobiographie --- autobiograafia --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- шпионажа --- шпионаж --- szpiegostwo --- kémkedés --- espionaje --- spionage --- controspionaggio --- espionage --- šnipinėjimas --- κατασκοπία --- vakoilu --- vohunjenje --- шпијунажа --- spionaj --- salakuulamine --- spjunaġġ --- špionáž --- spiegošana --- spiunazh --- espionagem --- špijunaža --- vyzvědačství --- систем за електронско прислушување --- ECHELON-System --- ešelons --- špehování --- σύστημα Echelon --- spionaaž --- Echelon (afluister- en onderscheppingssysteem) --- Echelon --- Échelon --- Ешелон --- Echelon-kémrendszer --- ECHELON --- lehallgatás --- beathaisnéis --- spiaireacht --- cogadh --- World War, 1914-1918 - Secret service - Belgium --- World War, 1914-1918 - Secret service - Great Britain --- World War, 1914-1918 - Underground movements --- Women spies - Belgium - Biography --- Spies - Belgium - Biography --- Petit, Gabrielle, - 1893-1916 --- Espionage --- Book --- First World War
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