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Sociology of culture --- Social interaction. --- Social perception. --- Death --- Sex. --- Social aspects. --- Social interaction --- #SBIB:316.7C170 --- #SBIB:309H504 --- 316.64 --- #A91M1 --- ethiek --- Human interaction --- Interaction, Social --- Symbolic interaction --- Exchange theory (Sociology) --- Psychology --- Social psychology --- Cultuursociologie: culturele groei, vooruitgang, stagnatie, technologische verandering, cultuurbewegingen --- Code en boodschap: sociologische, antropologische benadering --- Social perception --- -Death --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Cognition, Social --- Interpersonal perception --- Social cognition --- Interpersonal relations --- Perception --- Social cognitive theory --- Social aspects --- Philosophy --- Theses --- -Social aspects --- -Cognition, Social --- Sex --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Death - Social aspects.
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Philosophical anthropology --- Behavior [Sexual ] --- Coutumes sexuelles --- Gewoonten [Seksuele ] --- Seksuele gewoonten --- Sex customs --- Sexual behavior --- Death. --- Sex (Psychology). --- Sex. --- Sexual behavior in animals. --- Sexual behavior in animals --- Death --- Sex (Psychology) --- 176 --- 577.8 --- 591.16 --- Dying --- End of life --- Life --- Terminal care --- Terminally ill --- Thanatology --- Psychology, Sexual --- Sex --- Sexual behavior, Psychology of --- Sexual psychology --- Sensuality --- Animals --- Breeding behavior --- Copulation behavior in animals --- Copulation in animals --- Copulatory behavior in animals --- Copulatory pattern (Animal behavior) --- Mating behavior --- Reproductive behavior --- Sex behavior in animals --- Animal behavior --- Philosophy --- Psychological aspects --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology
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De hedendaagse maatschappij wordt gekenmerkt door morele verdwazing. Ronald Commers peilt naar de oorsprong ervan en gaat in het bijzonder na op welke wijze er na de Tweede Wereldoorlog is omgesprongen met de menselijke seksualiteit. Hij wijst op de diepe werking van een om platte economische redenen gecultiveerde obsessie, namelijk die van het verterend verlangen. Die obsessie is in de vele verhalen over de menselijke conditie en het samenleven voortdurend aan het werk. Met anderen betwijfelt hij of de westerse mens zich na de verschillende 'seksuele revoluties' wel echt heeft ontdaan van de maatschappelijke dwang waarmee de bevrijdende erotische belevingen gevangen gehouden worden. De seksualiteit is de laatste jaren, gestimuleerd door een radeloze mediacultuur, een lucratief consumptieartikel geworden. Op die manier wordt de erotische beleving, bron van het menselijk herstel en fundament van het geluk, opnieuw gekooid en gedegradeerd. De door het winstbejag georkestreerde genotseconomie heeft vandaag een hoogtepunt bereikt en dramt in ons aller hoofd een mensbeeld dat iedereen veroordeelt uitzinnig te begeren. Via de media en de filmindustrie wordt dat mensbeeld nog meer kracht bijgezet, bijvoorbeeld in Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct, Indecent Proposal. Steeds gaat het daarbij over een vijandige lust die verterend werkt en de mens ten gronde richt en waaraan hij onmogelijk kan ontkomen. Ronald Commers toont aan dat dit pessimistische mensbeeld zelf wortelt in de verspillende economie van het laatkapitalisme, waarin onveranderlijk wordt gemikt op flexibele, manipuleerbare en onevenwichtige behoeften die door een voorthollende consumptie worden aangewakkerd. Vreemd genoeg loopt deze maatschappelijke dynamiek uit op seksuele armoede en ellende en wordt de erotiek uit het bestaan gebannen. De 'kunst van de minne', de ars amatoria, is meer dan ooit een illusie geworden.
Sex customs. --- Sex. --- Social ethics --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sex --- Sex customs --- 392.6 --- Seksualiteit --- #GBIB:IDGP --- #SBIB:613.88H20 --- Customs, Sex --- Human beings --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Manners and customs --- Moral conditions --- 392.6 Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- Gender (Sex) --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Opvattingen over seksualiteit (historiek, moraal) --- Sociale ethiek --- Sociologie van het gezin. Sociologie van de seksualiteit --- Erotiek --- Ethiek --- Kunst --- Literatuur --- Godsdienst --- Sport --- Duurzaamheid --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Autisme --- Cultuur --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Man --- Noorwegen --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Voeding --- Maatschappij --- Verpleegkunde --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Volwassene --- Vrouw --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- seksualiteit --- erotische belevingen
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Sex --- -Birth control --- -241.64*7 --- 261.6 --- Population control --- Pregnancy --- Family planning --- Contraception --- Reproductive rights --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Religious aspects --- -Catholic Church --- -History --- -Religious aspects --- -Prevention --- Catholic Church --- -Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Doctrines --- -Sex --- -Doctrines --- -#GROL:SEMI-241.64*7 --- Theologische ethiek: geboorteregeling; contraceptie; sterilisatie; castratie --- 241.64*7 Theologische ethiek: geboorteregeling; contraceptie; sterilisatie; castratie --- #GROL:SEMI-241.64*7 --- #gsdb5 --- 241.64*7 --- Birth control --- History --- Prevention --- Sexe --- Régulation des naissances --- Aspect religieux --- Histoire --- Catholic Church. --- Church of Rome
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intimiteit --- seksualiteit --- Sexology --- Personality development --- Affective and dynamic functions --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sexual Behavior. --- 392.6 --- Sex (Psychology) --- 615.52 --- Psychology, Sexual --- Sex --- Sexual behavior, Psychology of --- Sexual psychology --- Sensuality --- Premarital Sex Behavior --- Sex Behavior --- Sex Orientation --- Sexual Activities --- Anal Sex --- Oral Sex --- Sexual Activity --- Sexual Orientation --- Activities, Sexual --- Activity, Sexual --- Behavior, Premarital Sex --- Behavior, Sex --- Behavior, Sexual --- Orientation, Sexual --- Sex, Anal --- Sex, Oral --- Reproductive Behavior --- Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- Psychological aspects --- 392.6 Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- Sexual Behavior --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- liefde --- man-vrouw relatie --- seksuele ethiek --- #GGSB: Seksualiteit --- #GGSB: Seksuele ethiek --- #gsdb5 --- 241.64 --- Psychologie --- Sociale en echtelijke betrekkingen --- 241.64 Theologische ethiek: seksuele ethiek --- Theologische ethiek: seksuele ethiek --- 172 --- 159.91 --- Rapports sociaux et conjugaux --- 159.943 --- 176 --- Intimiteit --- Primary groups --- Philosophical anthropology --- Psychology --- Sex (Psychology). --- Sex. --- Seksualiteit --- Seksuele ethiek --- Love --- Relationships --- Theory --- Book
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contraceptie --- kinderwens --- seksuele ethiek --- partnerkeuze --- moederfiguur --- man-vrouw relatie --- eenzaamheid --- seksualiteit --- sociale problemen --- Sex. --- Sexual Behavior. --- 241.64 --- 392.6 --- Sex --- #gsdb6 --- #GBIB:SMM --- #GGSB: Moraaltheologie (algemeen) --- #GGSB: Seksualiteit --- #GGSB: Seksuele ethiek --- #GGSB: Samenleven --- #gsdb5 --- 241 --- Psychologie Psychologie --- Philosophie Filosofie --- Société Maatschappij --- Relations humaines Menselijke relaties --- Littérature Literatuur --- seksuele opvoeding --- relaties --- 000.1 --- 613.88 --- 176 --- 301.151 --- C3 --- 416 )* ONTWIKKELINGSPSYCHOLOGIE --- persoonlijke ontwikkeling --- Huwelijksproblematiek --- Menselijke relaties --- Liefdesrelaties --- 392.5 --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Premarital Sex Behavior --- Sex Behavior --- Sex Orientation --- Sexual Activities --- Anal Sex --- Oral Sex --- Sexual Activity --- Sexual Orientation --- Activities, Sexual --- Activity, Sexual --- Behavior, Premarital Sex --- Behavior, Sex --- Behavior, Sexual --- Orientation, Sexual --- Sex, Anal --- Sex, Oral --- Genotypic Sex --- Phenotypic Sex --- Sex, Genotypic --- Sex, Phenotypic --- 392.6 Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- Seksualiteit. Seksueel leven. Concubinaat. Samenwonen. Prostitutie. Erotiek. Seksuele gebruiken. Liefdeskunst --- 241.64 Theologische ethiek: seksuele ethiek --- Theologische ethiek: seksuele ethiek --- 179.7 --- 159.92 --- 159.91 --- 159.94 --- 304 --- Algemene werken --- Seksuologie --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Sociale psychologie --- Kunst en cultuur --- Sexology --- Reproductive Behavior --- Sexual Behavior --- Sex Characteristics --- Sex Determination Analysis --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Social psychology --- Internal medicine --- Psychiatry, psychology. --- handboeken en inleidingen. --- Moraaltheologie (algemeen) --- Seksualiteit --- Seksuele ethiek --- Samenleven
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Sex --- Women in the Catholic Church --- Church and society --- Sexualité --- Femmes dans l'Eglise catholique --- Eglise et société --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church --- Aspect religieux --- Eglise catholique --- Women --- History --- BPB1105 --- Religion --- Église --- Pédophilie --- Godsdienst --- Kerk --- Pedofilie --- Church and the world. --- Sexualité --- Eglise et société --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Gender (Sex) --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Sexology --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Catholic Church&delete& --- pedofīlija --- pædofili --- pedofelija --- педофилия --- pedofilie --- Pädophilie --- pedofili --- pedofiilia --- παιδεραστία --- paedophilia --- pedofilija --- pedofilia --- педофилија --- pedofília --- lapse seksuaalne väärkohtlemine --- niegodziwe traktowanie dzieci w celach seksualnych --- abuso sessuale su bambini --- abus sexuel commis contre des enfants --- σεξουαλική κακοποίηση παιδιών --- lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö --- seksualno zlostavljanje djece --- sexuálne zneužívanie detí --- сексуално насилие над деца --- abuso sexual de crianças --- seksuelt misbrug af børn --- seksualinė prievarta prieš vaikus --- spolna zloraba otrok --- abuz sexual asupra copiilor --- gyermek szexuális zaklatása --- seksuāla vardarbība pret bērnu --- sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern --- seksueel misbruik van kinderen --- обљуба врз малолетник --- полов напад врз малолетно лице --- abuso sexual de menores --- pedofílie --- child sexual abuse --- pohlavní zneužívání dětí --- Регистар на педофили --- sexuella övergrepp mot barn --- abbuż sesswali tat-tfal --- εκκλησία --- igreja --- knisja --- chiesa --- kirke --- church --- църква --- kishë --- kościół --- cirkev --- Kirche --- cerkev --- bažnyčia --- biserică --- kyrka --- iglesia --- kerk --- crkva --- církev --- kirik --- црква --- templom --- kirkko --- baznīca --- црковна служба --- црковен обред --- církevní liturgie --- соборен храм --- црковен храм --- církevní obřad --- fe --- uskonto --- náboženstvo --- vallás --- religión --- religioon --- godsdienst --- religie --- vjera --- religija --- religione --- reliģija --- religião --- náboženství --- religia --- религија --- reliġjon --- θρησκεία --- religion --- религия --- usutunnistus --- víra --- deismus --- светец --- теизам --- irreligiosità --- religiosità --- zbožnost --- věřící --- религиозност --- religiozita --- teismus --- деизам --- побожност --- světec --- kreacionismus --- panteismus --- Religionsgemeinschaft --- fideismus --- svatý --- vallási közösség --- Glaubensgemeinschaft --- pobožnost --- верници --- вера --- пантеизам --- péidifilia --- eaglais --- reiligiún --- Women - Religious aspects - Catholic Church - History --- Sex - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Pédophilie --- Église
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Prostitution --- Sex --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Government policy --- Social aspects --- Law --- Social problems --- Sociology of work --- Social policy --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Great Britain --- Gender (Sex) --- Human beings --- Human sexuality --- Sex (Gender) --- Sexual behavior --- Sexual practices --- Sexuality --- Commercial sex --- Sex businesses --- Sex industry --- Sex-related businesses --- Sex shops --- Sexually oriented businesses --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sexology --- Business --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Comité P --- prostitution --- prostitución --- prostytucja --- prostituutio --- проституција --- prostitucion --- prostitutie --- prostitúció --- prostituzione --- prostitucija --- prostitutsioon --- prostituție --- prostitūcija --- prostituce --- prostituição --- prostituzzjoni --- проституция --- prostitúcia --- πορνεία --- prostituzione femminile --- moterų prostitucija --- male prostitution --- sieviešu prostitūcija --- kvinnlig prostitution --- prostitucioni i fëmijëve --- bordélyház --- child prostitution --- prostitution masculine --- prostituție feminină --- машка проституција --- välittää prostituutiota --- weibliche Prostitution --- dječja prostitucija --- női prostitúció --- Kinderprostitution --- prostitúcia mužov --- prostituto --- kerítés --- prostituição masculina --- männliche Prostitution --- prostitución de menores --- prostituta --- miesprostituutio --- prostituzione minorile --- proxenetismo --- prostitución femenina --- prostituție masculină --- gyermekprostitúció --- детска проституција --- lapsiprostituutio --- prostituição infantil --- πορνεία ανδρών --- Kuppelei --- dětská prostituce --- ženska prostitucija --- sutenerisms --- kinderprostitutie --- kuplířství --- rufferi --- koppleri --- prostitution des enfants --- svodništvo --- подведување --- prostitucion i meshkujve --- πορνεία παιδιών --- meeste prostitutsioon --- πορνεία γυναικών --- prostitúcia žien --- prostituzione maschile --- prostitucion i femrave --- proxénétisme --- férfiprostitúció --- prostituição feminina --- naisprostituutio --- manlig prostitution --- koppelarij --- female prostitution --- μαστροπεία --- laste prostitutsioon --- prostituție infantilă --- proxenetisme --- prossenetismo --- vrouwelijke prostitutie --- mannelijke prostitutie --- muška prostitucija --- vaikų prostitucija --- bērnu prostitūcija --- barnprostitution --- mužská prostituce --- procuring --- vīriešu prostitūcija --- nedobrovolná prostituce --- prostitúcia detí --- ženská prostituce --- naiste prostitutsioon --- prostitution féminine --- vyrų prostitucija --- женска проституција --- kupliarstvo --- куплерај --- prostitución masculina --- sigurim klientele për prostitucion --- sąvadavimas --- ontucht --- prostitutsiooni vahendamine --- striapachas --- Sex work --- Violence --- Attitudes --- Legislation --- Book
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