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639.2.081.7 --- 639.2.081.7 Fish detection apparatus. Methods and equipment for locating fish (e.g. echolocation, asdic, sonar) --- Fish detection apparatus. Methods and equipment for locating fish (e.g. echolocation, asdic, sonar) --- Echo sounding in fishing --- Sondage par ultrasons dans la pêche --- fishing operations --- Fish detection --- Echosounding --- extension activities
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Fishery policy --- Pêches, Politique des --- Fisheries --- -Fishery policy --- -341.225 --- 639.2 --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.151.6 --- 334.151.9 --- Fisheries policy --- Fishery management --- Fishes --- Fishing policy --- Economic policy --- Coastal fisheries --- Commercial fisheries --- Commercial fishing industry --- Farms, Fish --- Fish farms --- Fishery industry --- Fishery methods --- Fishing industry --- Freshwater fisheries --- Inland fisheries --- Large-scale fisheries --- Marine fisheries --- Marine recreational fisheries --- Recreational fisheries --- Sea fisheries --- Sea fishing industry --- Sport fisheries --- Aquaculture --- Wildlife utilization --- Fishery sciences --- EG : landbouwpolitiek. --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.). --- Government policy --- Conservation --- Pêches --- Politique gouvernementale --- Pêches, Politique des --- 341.225 --- EG : landbouwpolitiek --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.)
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Droit maritime international --- Internationaal zeerecht --- Pêche --- Visserij --- Fishery law and legislation. --- Fishery law and legislation --- 341.221.2 --- 341.225 --- Fish law --- Fisheries --- Fishery regulations --- Fishing --- Fishing regulations --- Law, Fishery --- International law --- Territorial waters --- Water --- Wildlife conservation --- Law and legislation --- Droit international --- Fisheries (International law) --- Fisheries regulations --- Peches maritimes
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This publication focuses on the economic, environmental and social aspects of fish piracy and identifies the forces that drive this activity. Based on data from a workshop of around 120 experts, as well as analytical documents developed for this study, this book presents systematic and consolidated information in order to assess measures already in place and to propose new solutions.--Publisher's description.
621.039.7 --- 504.06 --- 351.777 --- BPB0701 --- 351.777 Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504} {?613/614} {628} --- Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504} {?613/614} {628} --- 621.039.7 Radioactive waste management --- Radioactive waste management --- Protection of the environment. Management of environmental quality --- Fisheries -- Economic aspects. --- Fishes -- Conservation. --- Fishery management, International --- Fish law --- Fishery regulations --- Fishing regulations --- Law, Fishery --- Conservation of fisheries --- Conservation of fishery resources --- Conservation of fishes --- Fish conservation --- Fisheries conservation --- Fishery conservation --- Fishery resources conservation --- Fishery economics --- High seas fishery management --- International fishery management --- World fishery management --- Fishery management. --- Fishery management, International. --- Fisheries --- Fishes --- Fishery law and legislation. --- Fishing --- International law --- Territorial waters --- Water --- Wildlife conservation --- Fishery management --- Fish management --- Fisheries management --- Fishery resources --- Aquatic resources --- Wildlife management --- Fish counting towers --- Overfishing --- Economic aspects. --- Conservation. --- Law and legislation --- International cooperation --- Management --- 351.777 Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628} --- Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628} --- Fisheries (International law) --- Fisheries regulations
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"Following the introduction of the 200-mile extended economic zone (EEZ), many developing countries suddenly found they had large fish resources, which "wisely managed and exploited" could generate wealth and income of immense benefit. However, one constraint to this was that many countries, for historic reasons, lacked the expertise to manage fisheries on this scale. Despite the need for information, few economists and especially development economists teaching in universities and colleges were able to incorporate fisheries economics into their courses owing to the lack of readily accessible material. As a result, many rising economists were failing to recognize the global importance of fishers as an economic resource capable of generating substantial wealth and income to many countries. Economics of Fisheries Development provides an accessible exploration of this area of economics, introducing development economists to some of the problems of developing fisheries in areas of the world where fisheries now present great growth prospects. The case studies used throughout the book are nearly entirely drawn from developing countries."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Fisheries --- Fishery economics --- Economic aspects. --- Fishery management --- Fish management --- Fisheries management --- Fishery resources --- Aquatic resources --- Wildlife management --- Fish counting towers --- Overfishing --- Coastal fisheries --- Commercial fisheries --- Commercial fishing industry --- Farms, Fish --- Fish farms --- Fishery industry --- Fishery methods --- Fishing industry --- Freshwater fisheries --- Inland fisheries --- Large-scale fisheries --- Marine fisheries --- Marine recreational fisheries --- Recreational fisheries --- Sea fisheries --- Sea fishing industry --- Sport fisheries --- Aquaculture --- Wildlife utilization --- Fishery sciences --- Fishes --- Economic aspects --- Management --- E-books --- AA / International- internationaal --- 338.727 --- BPB1403 --- Capture de poissons --- Modèle économique --- ekonomický model --- Wirtschaftsmodell --- model ekonomiczny --- ekonominis modelis --- model ekonomik --- taloudellinen malli --- økonomisk model --- ekonomikas modelis --- modelo económico --- model economic --- икономически модел --- mudell ekonomiku --- economic model --- majandusmudel --- gazdasági modell --- ekonomski model --- економски модел --- οικονομικό υπόδειγμα --- modello economico --- economisch model --- ekonomisk modell --- ekonometriskais modelis --- modèle économétrique --- økonometrisk model --- econometric model --- οικονομικό μοντέλο --- econometrisch model --- model econometric --- ekonometrinen malli --- modello econometrico --- model ekonometrik --- οικονομετρικό υπόδειγμα --- ökonomisches Modell --- ekonometrisk modell --- ökonomeetriline mudel --- gospodarski model --- ekonometrinis modelis --- економетриски модел --- οικονομετρικό μοντέλο --- ekonometrický model --- ökonometriai modell --- ökonometrisches Modell --- modelo econométrico --- qabda ħut --- laimikis --- риболов --- улов рибе --- captură de pește --- nozveja --- kalasaak --- captura de pescado --- halfogás --- catch of fish --- visvangst --- kapje e peshkut --- połów ryb --- cattura di pesce --- Fischfang --- улов на риба --- ulov ribe --- captura de peixe --- ribolov --- výlov rýb --- úlovek ryb --- kalansaalis --- fiskefangst --- αλιεύματα ιχθύων --- fiskfångst --- Fangertrag --- όγκος αλιευμάτων --- volumen de pesca capturada --- počet ulovených ryb --- volumi i kapjes --- volume des prises --- püügimaht --- quantity of catch --- množství ulovených ryb --- рибен улов --- Fangmenge --- Aufteilung der Fangmenge --- množstvo výlovu --- Regulierung der Fangmenge --- cantitate pescuită --- amount of catch --- žuvies sugavimo norma --- količina ulovljene ribe --- volume of catch --- volume das capturas --- fångstvolym --- Fang --- kvantita výlovu --- sasi e kapjes --- objem ulovených ryb --- количество на дозволен улов на риби --- nozvejas apjoms --- laimikio didumas --- omvang van de vangst --- püügikogus --- saaliin määrä --- fogási mennyiség --- дозволена количина на улов на риба --- sugavimo kiekis --- objem výlovu --- Veeteelt en producten van de veeteelt en van de visvangst --- Fishery management. --- samhail eacnamaíoch --- gabháil éisc --- Modèle économique
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Fishery law and legislation --- Law of the sea --- Pêches --- Droit de la mer --- Droit --- 351.823.1 <44> --- 351.777 <44> --- 351.777 (44) --- Economische wetgeving i.v.m. landbouw, jacht, visvangst. Agrarisch recht. Reglementering i.v.m. bodemprodukten, dierlijke produkten, landbouw, veeteelt --Jachtrecht. Visrecht zie {347.24}--Frankrijk --- Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628}--Frankrijk --- 351.777 (44) Wetgeving, reglementering i.v.m. milieubeheer, milieuhygiene, verontreiniging. Milieurecht. Milieuhygienerecht--zie ook {?502/504}; {?613/614}; {628}--Frankrijk --- 351.823.1 <44> Economische wetgeving i.v.m. landbouw, jacht, visvangst. Agrarisch recht. Reglementering i.v.m. bodemprodukten, dierlijke produkten, landbouw, veeteelt --Jachtrecht. Visrecht zie {347.24}--Frankrijk --- Pêches --- Marine resources conservation --- Marine resources --- Marine resources conservation (International law) --- Fish law --- Fisheries --- Fishery regulations --- Fishing --- Fishing regulations --- Law, Fishery --- International law --- Territorial waters --- Water --- Wildlife conservation --- Law and legislation --- Fisheries (International law) --- Fisheries regulations
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International law --- Shipping law --- zeerecht --- Fishery law and legislation --- Jurisdiction over ships at sea --- Maritime law --- Offenses against the environment --- Crimes against the environment --- Environmental crimes --- Environmental offenses --- Offenses, Environmental --- Offenses, Pollution --- Pollution crimes --- Pollution offenses --- Crime --- Environmental sciences --- Law, Maritime --- Marine law --- Merchant marine --- Merchant ships --- Navigation --- Navigation laws --- Shipping --- Commercial law --- Law of the sea --- Freedom of the seas --- Ships --- War, Maritime (International law) --- Fish law --- Fisheries --- Fishery regulations --- Fishing --- Fishing regulations --- Law, Fishery --- Territorial waters --- Water --- Wildlife conservation --- Criminal provisions --- Law and legislation --- Nationality --- E-books --- Arme de destruction massive --- BPB1108 --- Pollution de l'eau --- Droit de pêche --- Droit de la mer --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- direitos de pesca --- kalastusoikeudet --- halászati jog --- ribolovne pravice --- риболовно право --- prawo połowów --- fishing rights --- derecho de pesca --- δικαίωμα αλιείας --- kalapüügiõigused --- drept de pescuit --- zvejas tiesības --- prava na ribolov --- diritto di pesca --- rybolovná práva --- drittijiet tas-sajd --- visrecht --- fiskeriret --- žvejybos teisės --- Fischereirecht --- право на риболов --- fiskerättigheter --- права на риболов --- rybolovné práva --- të drejta peshkimi --- kufizim peshkimi --- begrænsning af fiskeri --- kalastuksen rajoittaminen --- fiskebegränsning --- žvejybos ribojimai --- pesca vietata --- restricții de pescuit --- diritti di pesca --- püügipiirangud --- zvejas ierobežojumi --- limity výlovu --- забрана за риболов --- fishing restriction --- απαγόρευση αλιείας --- pescuit prohibit --- halászati tilalom --- draudimas žvejoti --- ndalim peshkimi --- limitet e kapjes --- Fangbeschränkung --- halászati korlátozások --- περιορισμός αλιείας --- zákaz rybolovu --- kalapüügikeeld --- limitation de pêche --- limitación de pesca --- Begrenzung der Fischereitätigkeit --- divieto di pesca --- limitazione della pesca --- pyyntirajoitukset --- catch limits --- prohibición de pesca --- fishing ban --- zvejas aizliegums --- контрола на уловената риба --- fogási korlátozások --- interdiction de pêche --- interdição de pesca --- limitação de pesca --- fiskeriforbud --- Fischereigesetz --- beperking van de visserij --- obmedzenie rybolovu --- omezení rybolovu --- Fangverbot --- visverbod --- nozvejas ierobežojumi --- zabrana ribolova --- fiskeförbud --- kalastuskielto --- ograničenje ribolova --- masu iznīcināšanas ierocis --- tömegpusztító fegyver --- Massenvernichtungsmittel --- joukkotuhoase --- massihävitusrelv --- broń masowego rażenia --- оръжие за масово поразяване --- massförstörelsevapen --- zbraň hromadného ničenia --- orožje za množično uničevanje --- masinio naikinimo ginklas --- arma de destruição maciça --- όπλα μαζικής καταστροφής --- arma di distruzione di massa --- оружје за масовно уништавање --- zbraň hromadného ničení --- armë e shkatërrimit në masë --- weapon of mass destruction --- massalevernietigingswapen --- arme de distrugere în masă --- masseødelæggelsesvåben --- oružje za masovno uništavanje --- оружје за масовно уништување --- arma ta' qerda massiva --- arma de destrucción masiva --- massaal vernietigingswapen --- arma tal-qerda tal-massa --- замърсяване на водата --- poluição da água --- vandens tarša --- contaminación del agua --- onesnaževanje vode --- onečišćenje voda --- veereostus --- vattenförorening --- zanieczyszczenie wody --- znečišťování vody --- vesien saastuminen --- ρύπανση των υδάτων --- inquinamento idrico --- загађење воде --- Wasserverschmutzung --- загадување на водата --- ūdens piesārņojums --- waterverontreiniging --- znečistenie vody --- vízszennyezés --- water pollution --- vandforurening --- tniġġis tal-ilma --- poluarea apei --- ndotje e ujit --- inquinamento delle acque di balneazione --- контаминација на водата --- nedsmittning av vatten --- загадување на водата за капење --- contamination de l'eau --- acqua inquinata --- inquinamento delle falde idriche --- загадување на водата за пиење --- inquinamento dell'acqua --- загадување на подземните води --- zagađenje voda --- Wasserverunreinigung --- inquinamento dell'acqua potabile --- scarichi nell'ambiente idrico --- Congresses --- Marine pollution --- Marine resources conservation --- Nuclear submarines --- dlí na farraige --- cearta iascaireachta --- armán ollscriosta --- truailliú uisce --- Droit de pêche --- droit de la mer --- pollution de l'eau --- arme de destruction massive --- Fisheries (International law) --- Fisheries regulations --- Droit international --- Mer --- Piraterie maritime --- Armes --- Droit de visite (droit international) --- Pollution --- Droit --- Mesures de sécurité --- Trafic
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Knowledge investment supporting the adoption of environmentally friendly farm practices is a key driver behind innovation processes in agriculture, yet impact evaluations and financial assessments of existing initiatives remain scarce despite dramatic changes in orientation, organisation and intervention. This report examines the role, performance and impact of farm advisory services, training and extension initiatives in the OECD area to foster green growth in agriculture. Based on a series of case studies, the report discusses a range of methodological issues and the merits of the different types of providers, and identifies best practices in sustainable agricultural management.
Environment --- Agriculture --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Plant Sciences --- Economics --- Denmark --- Annual reports --- Zwitserland --- statistiek --- economische politiek --- economische indicatoren --- economische situatiebeschrijvingen --- werkgelegenheid --- arbeidsmarkt --- fiscaliteit --- research & development --- OESO --- economische conjunctuur --- macro-economie --- vergrijzing --- monetaire politiek --- economische groei --- milieuproblematiek --- concurrentie --- immigratie --- Periodicals --- JP / Japan - Japon --- 93 --- 331.30 --- Chronologieën. --- Chronologies. --- 93 Chronologieën. --- 93 Chronologies. --- Chronologieën --- Economische toestand --- Business. --- Finance, Personal. --- Investments. --- Investing --- Investment management --- Portfolio --- Finance --- Disinvestment --- Loans --- Saving and investment --- Speculation --- Finance, Personal --- Financial management, Personal --- Financial planning, Personal --- Personal finance --- Personal financial management --- Personal financial planning --- Financial literacy --- Trade --- Management --- Commerce --- Industrial management --- Planning --- Economic history. --- Economic policy. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- Economic policy --- National planning --- State planning --- National security --- Social policy --- History, Economic --- Political aspects --- Estonia --- Estonia. --- E.N.S.V. --- Eesti --- Eesti Nõukogude Sotsialistik Vabariik --- Eesti NSV --- Eesti Vabariik --- Ehstland --- ENSV --- Esthland --- Esthonia --- Estland --- Estonian S.S.R. --- Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic --- Estonian SSR --- Ėstonii︠a︡ --- Estonija --- Ėstonskai︠a︡ S.S.R. --- Ėstonskai︠a︡ Sovetskaia Sot︠s︡ialisticheskaia Respublika --- Ėstonskai︠a︡ SSR --- Estonskaya S.S.R. --- Estonskaya Sovetskaya Sot︠s︡ialisticheskaya Respublika --- Estonskaya SSR --- R.P.S.S. Estonia --- Republic of Estonia --- RPSS Estonia --- Viro --- Эстония --- Ėstli︠a︡ndskai︠a︡ gubernīi︠a︡ (Russia) --- Ostland --- Ėstonii͡ --- Ėstonskai͡a S.S.R. --- Ėstonskai͡a Sovetskaia Sot͡sialisticheskaia Respublika --- Ėstonskai͡a SSR --- Estonskaya Sovetskaya Sot͡sialisticheskaya Respublika --- Russia (Federation) --- Europe --- Economic conditions --- OECD countries --- OECD member countries --- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries --- Statistics --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- LU / Luxembourg - Luxemburg --- Economische toestand. --- AU / Australia - Australië - Australie --- AT / Austria - Oostenrijk - Autriche --- IS / Iceland - Ijsland - Islande --- NZ / New Zealand - Nieuw Zeeland - Nouvelle Zélande --- MX / Mexico - Mexique --- BR / Brazil - Brazilië - Brésil --- 262 Europese economische en monetaire politiek --- 338 (4) --- 338 (4) Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Europa --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Europa --- Finland --- pensioen --- sociale zekerheid --- huisvestingsbeleid --- gezondheidszorg --- onderwijs, bestuur --- globalisering --- 338 <438> --- 338 <438> Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Polen --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Polen --- costa rica --- ocde --- oeso --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- 338 <435.9> --- 338 <435.9> Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Groothertogdom Luxemburg --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Groothertogdom Luxemburg --- 338 (439) --- 338 (439) Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Hongarije --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Hongarije --- Yearbooks --- Spanje --- entrepreneurship --- overheidsbedrijven --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- #SBIB:311.21 G --- #SBIB:33H000 --- 462 Economisch beleid --- Economische toestand 338.1 --- OESO / OCDE / OECD 339.92OECD --- 09.01.a --- Statistische gegevens --- Economie: algemene werken --- Sociale verzekering ; België ; Algemeen --- Economic development --- -282 Landbeschrijvingen (sociaal-economisch-cultureel) --- 330.9005 --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- argentine --- argentinie --- tunisie --- tunesie --- 338 <497.4> --- 338 <497.4> Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Slovenie --(vanaf 1991) --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Slovenie --(vanaf 1991) --- 338 <437.6> --- 338 <437.6> Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Slovakije --- Economische situatie. Economische structuur van bepaalde landen en gebieden. Economische geografie. Economische produktie.economische produkten. Economische diensten--Slovakije --- International economic relations --- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development --- FI / Finland - Finlande --- #A91M1 --- #A9209A --- #A9707A --- België --- #SBIB:316.334.3M54 --- #SBIB:316.8H40 --- #A9902A --- Organisatie en financiering van de gezondheidszorg --- Sociaal beleid: social policy, sociale zekerheid, verzorgingsstaat --- Spendings tax. --- Consumption tax --- Expenditure tax --- Taxation of consumption --- Taxation of expenditures --- Taxation of spendings --- Sales tax --- Taxation --- Energy --- Business, Economy and Management --- Social Sciences --- International Business & Transnational Corporations --- Developmental Issues & Socioeconomic Studies --- Political Science --- Public Policy & Administration --- Regional and International Studies --- Business & Economics --- Economic History --- Brazil --- Economic indicators --- Quality of life --- Energy policy. --- Labor market. --- Labor movement. --- Working class. --- Commons (Social order) --- Labor and laboring classes --- Laboring class --- Labouring class --- Working class --- Working classes --- Social classes --- Labor --- Social movements --- Employees --- Market, Labor --- Supply and demand for labor --- Markets --- Employment --- Supply and demand --- Climate change mitigation. --- Climatic changes --- Climate mitigation --- Climatic mitigation --- Mitigation of climate change --- Environmental protection --- Government policy. --- Economic aspects. --- Mitigation --- European Union countries --- Economic conditions. --- Energy development. --- Energy policy --- Sustainable development --- Government policy --- Law and legislation --- Albania --- Economic surveys --- CN / China - Chine --- Social ethics --- Economic forecasting - Japan --- Globalization - Japan --- Japan - Economic conditions - 21st century --- Japan - Economic policy - 21st century --- Radioactive waste disposal --- Nuclear power plants --- Nuclear energy --- Decommissioning --- Labor supply --- Labor force --- Labor force participation --- Labor pool --- Work force --- Workforce --- Labor market --- Human capital --- Labor mobility --- Manpower --- Manpower policy --- International trade --- Service industries --- Industries --- Duties --- Fee system (Taxation) --- Tax policy --- Tax reform --- Taxation, Incidence of --- Taxes --- Finance, Public --- Revenue --- Kazakhstan --- Lesotho --- Health indicators. --- Nutrition -- Europe. --- Public health -- Europe. --- Public Health --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Public Health - General --- Norway --- -Taxation --- Pakistan --- Medical care --- Public health --- Quality control. --- Japan --- City planning --- Poland --- Fisheries --- Fish trade --- Fishing boats --- Social Issues/Migration/Health --- Finance and Investment --- Burkina Faso --- Debts, External --- Medical personnel --- Management. --- Economic development. --- Australia --- Switzerland --- France --- Belgium --- Environmental policy --- Environmental aspects --- Economic aspects --- Austria --- New Zealand --- Education. --- Japan. --- Economic forecasting --- Czech Republic --- Canada --- Education --- Costa Rica --- Income --- Income tax --- Power resources --- Electric power production --- Environmental aspects. --- OECD-länderna. --- Water-supply --- Occupational training. --- Luxembourg --- Governance --- Tunisia --- Politics and government. --- Educational leadership --- School supervision --- Teachers --- Sustainable agriculture --- Corporations --- Double taxation. --- Double taxation --- Law and legislation. --- Labor economics. --- Business enterprises. --- Greece --- Lithuania --- Hungary --- Economic surveys. --- Germany --- Emigration and immigration --- Businesspeople --- Small business --- Economic assistance --- Mexico --- -Economic history. --- Globalization --- -Economic surveys --- MARCHE DE L'ACIER --- SIDERURGIE --- METALLURGIE --- -Austria --- Health
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