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L'apogée de la chrétienté : v.1180-v.1330.
ISBN: 2040153144 9782040153144 Year: 1982 Publisher: Paris Bordas

Le temps des réformes : histoire religieuse et système de civilisation : la crise de la chrétienté, l'éclatement (1250-1550)
ISBN: 2213000344 9782213000343 Year: 1975 Publisher: Paris : Arthème Fayard,

Les moines grecs et orientaux à Rome aux époques byzantine et carolingienne (milieu du VIe s. - fin du IXe s.)
Authors: ---
ISSN: 03787893 ISBN: 2803100355 9782803100354 Year: 1982 Volume: 66,1/1983 Publisher: Bruxelles Gembloux Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Classe des lettres Duculot

A successful defeat : Eugene IV's struggle with the Council of Basel for ultimate authority in the Church, 1431-1449
ISSN: 00738522 ISBN: 9789074461733 9074461735 Year: 2009 Volume: 59 59 Publisher: Bruxelles Roma : Institut Historique Belge de Rome,

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In the thirties and forties of the fifteenth century, Pope Eugene IV and the council of Basel are caught in a fierce battle over the ultimate power in the Church. In this book the papal politics towards the council of Basel are mapped systematically for the first time, without losing sight of the events and the evolution of conciliarism at the council itself. With a power claim based on the well-known decree Haec sancta of the council of Constance, the council of Basel plunges the papacy into an existential crisis. Only with the help of the cardinals Nicolo Albergati and Giuliano Cesarini is Eugene able to regain control over the situation. The pope has to adjust his ambition. Thanks to his worldly power in Italy and to many concessions to the European princes, he is able to survive the crisis and attain some success in what actually is a bitter defeat. (


262.13 EUGENIUS IV --- BPB1007 --- Paupérisation --- Église --- 262.13 --- Pausschap. Heilige Stoel. Vaticaan. Paus als soeverein--EUGENIUS IV --- Verpaupering --- Kerk --- Religion Popes and patriarchs --- Papacy --- History --- 262.13 EUGENIUS IV Pausschap. Heilige Stoel. Vaticaan. Paus als soeverein--EUGENIUS IV --- church history --- Eugenius IV [Pope] --- Machtsstrijd. --- Concilie van Basel. --- Rooms-Katholieke Kerk. --- Council of Basel --- Concile de Bâle, --- Histoire de l'Église --- --Papauté --- Papauté --- Christian church history --- Church history --- --History --- Eglise --- Histoire --- Eugene IV --- 1378-1447 --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- utarmning --- zubożenie --- pauperisation --- nuskurdinimas --- tfaqqir --- vaesestumine --- bochtú --- elszegényedés --- obubožanje --- осиромашење --- forarmelse --- empobrecimiento --- köyhtyminen --- обедняване --- οικονομική εξαθλίωση --- empobrecimento --- zbídačování --- осиромашување --- osiromašenje --- Verarmung --- pauperizácia --- varfërim --- nabadzības izplatīšanās --- verpaupering --- pauperizare --- depauperamento --- verarming --- ožebračování --- pauperizācija --- pauperizace --- pauperizacija --- pauperización --- πτώση του βιοτικού επιπέδου --- přivádění na mizinu --- proletarizace --- rënie në varfëri --- περιέλευση σε κατάσταση πενίας --- impoverimento --- pauperizáció --- pauperization --- chudnutí --- ochuzování --- пауперизација --- εκκλησία --- igreja --- knisja --- chiesa --- kirke --- church --- църква --- kishë --- kościół --- cirkev --- Kirche --- cerkev --- bažnyčia --- biserică --- kyrka --- iglesia --- kerk --- crkva --- církev --- kirik --- црква --- templom --- kirkko --- baznīca --- црковна служба --- црковен обред --- církevní liturgie --- соборен храм --- црковен храм --- církevní obřad --- Eugene --- Eugenius --- Eugène --- Condulmaro, Gabriele, --- Condulmer, Gabriele, --- Eugenio --- Basel, Council of --- Basilejský koncil --- Basler Konzil --- Concil von Basel --- Concilium Basiliense --- Koncil basilejský --- Konzil von Basel --- eaglais --- Church history - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Papacy - History - 1378-1447 --- Concile de Bâle, 1431-1449 --- Papauté --- Bâle --- Conciles --- Paupérisation --- Église --- Concile de bâle-ferrare-florence (1431-1445) --- Moyen âge

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