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364.65-054.6 <492> --- 325.14 <492> --- #SBIB:39A9 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A83 --- Medische antropologie / gezondheid / handicaps --- Bijzondere arbeidsproblemen: ziekteverzuim --- Medical care of guest workers --- sick call --- sick call.
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Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)
Male prostitutes --- -Male prostitution --- -Teenage prostitution --- -392.65 <492> --- 343.54 <492> --- 613.882 --- Adolescent prostitution --- Prostitution, Juvenile --- Prostitution --- Homosexual prostitution --- Male hustling --- Male sex work --- Prostitution, Male --- Same-sex male prostitution --- Boys, Call --- Call boys --- Callboys --- Giglis (Male prostitutes) --- Gigolos (Male prostitutes) --- Male hustlers --- Male sex workers --- Rent boys --- Rentboys --- Taxi boys (Male prostitutes) --- Working boys (Male prostitutes) --- Men --- Prostitutes --- Male prostitution --- Teenage prostitution --- 392.65 <492>
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Prostitution --- Prostitutes --- Prostituées --- Cross-cultural studies. --- Civil rights --- Etudes transculturelles --- Droits --- Cross-cultural studies --- -Prostitutes --- -Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- -Cross-cultural studies --- Prostituées --- Sociology of work --- Demography --- Community organization --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- Social policy --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Call girls --- Sex workers --- Civil rights&delete& --- Prostitution - Cross-cultural studies --- Prostitutes - Civil rights - Cross-cultural studies --- Sex work --- Aids --- International --- Prostitution of minors --- Migration --- Prevention --- Attitudes --- Sex industry --- Women's organizations --- Book
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De homoseksuele straatprostitutie is een schimmige, weinig bekende wereld. Alleen al daarom is dit een interessante uitgave. Sioen geeft geen cijfermateriaal, maar beschrijft een wereld die hij van nabij heeft meegemaakt. Van 1992 tot 1995 werkte hij als psycholoog bij Adzon, een Brusselse organisatie die jongens in de prostitutie probeert te helpen. Aan de hand van zijn ervaringen en uitgebreide gesprekken probeert Sioen een beeld te geven van de jongensprostitutie in de omgeving van het Brusselse Centraal Station. Eerst beschrijft hij de scene rond het Fontainasplein. Hij vertelt over de jongens, hun klanten, de manier waarop zij onopvallend met elkaar kontakt leggen en hoe zij met elkaar omgaan. Dan beschrijft de auteur hoe een aantal jongens waarmee hij heeft gesproken in de prostitutie terecht is gekomen door te kijken naar hun achtergrond en hun houding ten opzichte van seks, drank en drugsgebruik. Alle jongens zijn zelf homo; ondanks verschillen in achtergrond hebben ze met elkaar gemeen dat ze zich verwaarloosd en verstoten voelden als kind. Tenslotte worden de activiteiten van Adzon beschreven. Een helder geschreven en met veel cases geïllustreerd boek.(Biblion recensie, Hans Pols.)
Male prostitutes --- Male prostitution --- Teenage prostitution --- Sociale agogiek --- bijzondere doelgroepen. --- kinderprostitutie --- Social problems --- Sexology --- jeugdproblematiek --- straathoekwerk --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- minderjarigen --- prostitutie --- Belgium --- Prostitutie --- Jongens --- drugs --- homoseksualiteit --- seksualiteit --- verslaving --- ADZON, Brussel --- Brussel --- prostitués --- #SBIB:613.88H31 --- #SBIB:613.88H32 --- #SBIB:613.88H42 --- 493.23 --- 392.65 --- Homoseksualiteit, biseksualiteit --- Seksuele probleemgebieden: prostitutie --- Seksualiteit en adolescenten --- Adolescent prostitution --- Prostitution, Juvenile --- Prostitution --- Homosexual prostitution --- Male hustling --- Male sex work --- Prostitution, Male --- Same-sex male prostitution --- Boys, Call --- Call boys --- Callboys --- Giglis (Male prostitutes) --- Gigolos (Male prostitutes) --- Male hustlers --- Male sex workers --- Rent boys --- Rentboys --- Taxi boys (Male prostitutes) --- Working boys (Male prostitutes) --- Men --- Prostitutes --- Jongen --- Opvoeding --- Onderwijs --- #gsdbP --- 320 --- sociale vraagstukken --- questions sociales
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Criminology. Victimology --- Criminologie --- Droits de l'homme --- Filippijnen --- Mensenrechten --- Philippines --- Prostitution --- Prostitutes --- Minority women --- Filipinos --- -Minority women --- -Prostitutes --- -Prostitution --- -#RBIB:gift.1999.4 --- 326 --- 342.7 --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Women minorities --- Women --- Philippinos --- Pilipinos --- Ethnology --- #RBIB:gift.1999.4 --- Sex workers --- Prostitution - Belgium. --- Prostitutes - Belgium. --- Minority women - Belgium. --- Filipinos - Belgium. --- Sex work
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Historique et détail des activités des principales places boursières d'Amérique, d'Europe et de la zone Pacifique. Exposé du développement des marchés à terme et à option sur les produits agricoles, les métaux, les produits pétroliers et les instruments financiers.
Futures market. --- Stock exchanges. --- Commodity exchanges. --- Options (Finance) --- Futures market --- Stock-exchange --- Commodity exchanges --- Stock exchanges --- 336.76 --- Bulls and bears --- Commercial corners --- Corners, Commercial --- Equity markets --- Exchanges, Securities --- Exchanges, Stock --- Securities exchanges --- Stock markets --- Capital market --- Efficient market theory --- Speculation --- Call options --- Calls (Finance) --- Listed options --- Options exchange --- Options market --- Options trading --- Put and call transactions --- Put options --- Puts (Finance) --- Derivative securities --- Investments --- Commodities exchange --- Commodity markets --- Exchanges, Commodity --- Exchanges, Produce --- Produce exchanges --- Commercial products --- Produce trade --- Futures exchanges --- Market, Futures --- Markets --- Options (finance)
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Depuis le début des années quatre-vingt, la traite des femmes a connu un développement sans précédent. De nos jours, des milliers de femmes du Tiers Monde sont "importées" en Europe par des trafiquants sans scrupules qui les forcent bien souvent à se prostituer. C'est pour dénoncer ce nouvel esclavage que Chris De Stoop s'est lancé dans une enquête personnelle qui l'a mené dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, d'Asie, d'Afrique et d'Amérique. Pourquoi les Ghanéennes désertent-elles massivement leurs villages ? Comment les Philippines se font-elles pièger par de douteux impresarios ? Qu'est-ce qui attire des millions de touristes "sexuels" à Bangkok et Pattaya ? Comment la bande du Milliardaire a-t-elle édifié son empire du sexe aux Pays-Bas et en Belgique ? L'auteur répond en pionnier à ces questions et démonte les rouages de ces filières qu'il a patiemment infiltrées. Huit mois après sa parution en néerlandais, ce livre a déjà suscité en Belgique la création d'une Commission d'Enquête parlementaire, à Chypre une enquête parlementaire et aux Pays-Bas une révision des conditions d'octroi de permis de travail. Il a également servi de base au film documentaire de la BBC, "The Women Trade". Mais il ne fait que lever le voile que un phénomène internationale appelé à prendre de plus en plus d'ampleur.
Social problems --- Criminology. Victimology --- Belgium --- Europa --- Europe --- Femmes --- Maatschappij --- Sociologie --- Société --- Vrouwen --- Prostitution --- Pimps --- Proxénètes --- Prostitutes --- -Prostitutes --- -Prostitution --- -176.5 --- 364.282 --- 343.9 --- 326.1-055.2 --- 326.1-055.3 --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Panders --- Procurers --- Proxenetes --- Criminals --- Sex workers --- Proxénètes --- 176.5 --- Prostitution - Europe --- Pimps - Europe --- Prostitutes - Europe --- Traite des femmes
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Pimps --- Prostitution --- Prostitutes --- Human trafficking --- Proxénètes --- Prostituées --- Traite des êtres humains --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- History. --- Droit --- Histoire --- Legal status, laws, etc --- History --- BPB0703 --- 392.65 --- Prostitutie--(als seksueel gebruik) --- 392.65 Prostitutie--(als seksueel gebruik) --- Proxénètes --- Prostituées --- Traite des êtres humains --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Sex workers --- Prostitutes - Legal status, laws, etc - France - History --- Prostitution - France - History --- Sex work --- Droit pénal spécial --- Moeurs --- Pornographie enfantine --- Attentat à la pudeur --- Viol --- Services à caractère sexuel --- Belgique --- Proxénétisme --- Publicité
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Dit boek bevat het verslag dat door de auteur voor de Parlementaire Onderzoekscommissie Mensenhandel werd geschreven over de aanpak van de vrouwenhandel te Antwerpen. Centraal in dit verslag staan enerzijds de reacties van de bestuurlijke, justitiêle en politiële instanties op de reportages van journalist Chris De Stoop over vrouwenhandel, en anderzijds de acties die zij in de voorbije jaren hebben gevoerd tegen de exploitatie van prostitutie.
Sociology of occupations --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Antwerp --- Administration publique --- Antwerpen (provincie) --- Anvers (province) --- Droit pénal --- Femmes --- Overheidsbeleid --- Police --- Politie --- Seksuologie --- Sexologie --- Strafrecht --- Vrouwen --- Prostitution --- Prostitutes --- Police corruption --- 343.54 <493> --- 351.741 <493> --- -Prostitutes --- -Prostitution --- -Academic collection --- 364.282 <493.11> --- 392.65 <493.11> --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Sex workers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Persons --- Corruption --- Police misconduct --- Delicten tegen de goede zeden en tegen de familie. Zedendelicten. Verkrachting. Seksueel misdrijf. Sadisme. Prostitutie. Proxenetisme. Pornografie. Messageries roses. Homoseksualiteit als deict--België --- Organisatie van de politiediensten. Werving, selectie, opleiding van de politie. Taken van de politie. Rapportering door, controle over de politie. Relatie bevolking-politie--België --- Corrupt practices --- 351.741 <493> Organisatie van de politiediensten. Werving, selectie, opleiding van de politie. Taken van de politie. Rapportering door, controle over de politie. Relatie bevolking-politie--België --- 343.54 <493> Delicten tegen de goede zeden en tegen de familie. Zedendelicten. Verkrachting. Seksueel misdrijf. Sadisme. Prostitutie. Proxenetisme. Pornografie. Messageries roses. Homoseksualiteit als deict--België --- Belgium --- Academic collection --- Sex workers --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Prostitution - Belgium - Antwerp. --- Prostitutes - Belgium - Antwerp. --- Police corruption - Belgium - Antwerp. --- Sex work --- Government policy --- Criminal law --- Human trafficking --- Book
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Beggars --- Christian heretics --- Executions and executioners --- Gays --- Jews --- Leprosy --- Marginality, Social --- Prostitutes --- Romanies --- Witches --- History. --- Patients --- West-Europa. --- samenlevingsproblemen --- History --- Sociology of minorities --- Social problems --- History of Europe --- anno 1000-1099 --- Marginalisering ; geschiedenis --- Social history --- Outcasts --- Poor --- Poverty --- Histoire sociale --- Marginalité --- Marginaux --- Pauvres --- Pauvreté --- Histoire --- 316.344.7 --- 323.12 --- 940 --- armoede --- C3 --- geschiedenis --- heksenvervolging (x) --- holebibeweging --- joden (x) --- ketterij --- kwakzalverij --- lepra (x) --- marginalen (x) --- zigeuners (x) --- zwervers --- 903.9 --- Jodenvervolgingen --- Lepra --- Marginalen --- Zigeuners --- Academic collection --- #GGSB: Geschiedenis (Europa) --- #VCV monografie 2004 --- 940 Geschiedenis van Europa, van het Westen, van het Avondland --- Geschiedenis van Europa, van het Westen, van het Avondland --- 316.344.7 Kansarmen. Marginalen. Randgroepen. Outcasts --- Kansarmen. Marginalen. Randgroepen. Outcasts --- 323.12 Bewegingen tegen bepaalde rassen, nationaliteiten. Politieke acties tegen buitenlanders. Discriminatie --- Bewegingen tegen bepaalde rassen, nationaliteiten. Politieke acties tegen buitenlanders. Discriminatie --- Occultists --- Warlocks --- Wiccans --- Bohemians (Romanies) --- Gipsies --- Gitanos --- Gypsies --- Kalderash --- Manush --- Roma (People) --- Romani --- Sinti --- Nomads --- Call girls --- Female prostitutes --- Girls, Call --- Harlots --- Hookers (Prostitutes) --- Hustlers (Prostitutes) --- Street prostitutes --- Streetwalkers --- Strumpets --- Tarts (Prostitutes) --- Trollops (Prostitutes) --- Whores (Prostitutes) --- Women prostitutes --- Sex workers --- Exclusion, Social --- Marginal peoples --- Social exclusion --- Social marginality --- Assimilation (Sociology) --- Culture conflict --- Social isolation --- Sociology --- People with social disabilities --- Hansen disease --- Hanseniasis --- Hansen's disease --- Mycobacterial diseases --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- Gay people --- Gay persons --- Homosexuals --- Persons --- Criminal law --- Criminal procedure --- Capital punishment --- Execution sites --- Heresies and heretics --- Heretics, Christian --- Heretics --- Mendicants --- Panhandlers --- Street people (Beggars) --- Patients&delete& --- Kunst en cultuur --- #gsdb8 --- Sexual minorities --- Geschiedenis --- Jodendom --- Prostitutie --- Homoseksualiteit --- Melaatsen --- Heksen --- Ketterij --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- 940 History of Europe. History of the West --- History of Europe. History of the West --- Marginaliteit --- Melaatse --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Kunst --- Atlas --- Museum --- Erotiek --- Literatuur --- Autisme --- Cultuur --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Noorwegen --- Maatschappij --- Vlaanderen --- Vlaams --- Emigratie --- Vrouw --- Voorlichting --- Geschiedenis (Europa) --- DROIT CIVIL --- ANCIEN DROIT --- DROIT DES PERSONNES --- PERSONNES --- HISTOIRE --- Sociale geschiedenis
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