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Misunderstanding science? : the public reconstruction of science and technology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0521432685 0521525209 0511563736 0511882106 Year: 1996 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Misunderstanding Science? offers a challenging new perspective on the public understanding of science. In so doing, it also challenges existing ideas of the nature of science and its relationships with society. Its analysis and case presentation are highly relevant to current concerns over the uptake, authority, and effectiveness of science as expressed, for example, in areas such as education, medical/health practice, risk and the environment, technological innovation. Based on several in-depth case-studies, and informed theoretically by the sociology of scientific knowledge, the book shows how the public understanding of science questions raises issues of the epistemic commitments and institutional structures which constitute modern science. It suggests that many of the inadequacies in the social integration and uptake of science might be overcome if modern scientific institutions were more reflexive and open about the implicit normative commitments embedded in scientific cultures.

Sciences et médias.
ISBN: 2271055121 9782271055125 Year: 1997 Volume: 21 Publisher: Paris : C.N.R.S.-Editions (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique),

Les marchands de doute : ou Comment une poignée de scientifiques ont masqué la vérité sur des enjeux de société tel que le tabagisme et le réchauffement climatique.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782746505674 2746505673 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris Le pommier

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Cet ouvrage décrypte la stratégie qui a été mise en place, en Amérique du Nord, pour semer le doute, dans le grand public et parmi les élus, dès lors qu une réglementation environnementale était envisagée. Des lobbies industriels, allant de l'industrie du tabac aux compagnies pétrolières, ont ainsi financé des « think tanks » libéraux, et mis en oeuvre une tactique maintenant bien établie pour discréditer les scientifiques, semer la confusion, promouvoir le doute.


BPB1207 --- Sciences médicales --- Politique de l'environnement --- Santé publique --- Tabagisme --- meditsiiniteadused --- medische wetenschappen --- ciências médicas --- медицински науки --- medicinske vede --- medicinos mokslas --- ιατρικές επιστήμες --- ciencias médicas --- lægevidenskabelige områder --- medical science --- medicinske znanosti --- lékařská věda --- orvostudomány --- scienze mediche --- medizinische Wissenschaften --- lekárska veda --- științe medicale --- xjenza medika --- medicinsk vetenskap --- медицинске науке --- nauki medyczne --- medicīnas zinātne --- lääketieteet --- shkencë mjekësore --- tipjip --- tupakointi --- nicotineverslaving --- tobaksmisbrug --- rökning --- Nikotinsucht --- tabaquismo --- nikotynizm --- dohányzás --- fajčenie --- duhanpirje --- νικοτινίαση --- пушење --- pušenje --- rūkymas --- tabagismo --- kouření --- никотиново пристрастяване --- smēķēšana --- suitsetamine --- fumat --- kajenje --- smoking --- bekæmpelse af tobaksmisbrug --- dohányzásellenes kampány --- lutte contre le tabac --- zákaz kouření --- lucha contra el tabaco --- lutte contre le tabagisme --- antipušačka kampanja --- nikotinism --- tabagism --- dohányfüggőség --- kamp mot tobak --- никотинска зависност --- ovisnost o nikotinu --- καταπολέμηση του καπνίσματος --- зависност од тутун --- lotta contro il tabagismo --- nikotizëm --- борба против никотинизам --- Kampf gegen den Nikotinmissbrauch --- Kampf gegen das Rauchen --- nikotinismi --- αντικαπνιστικός αγώνας --- žalingas pripratimas prie tabako --- boj proti kouření --- legislazione sul tabagismo --- tupakkariippuvuus --- lucha contra el tabaquismo --- lotta antifumo --- tupakoinnin vastainen kampanja --- lotta contro il tabacco --- riippuvuus tupakasta --- никотинизам --- antirygekampagne --- kampanija prieš rūkymą --- rookverbod --- kampaň proti fajčeniu --- závislosť od tabaku --- luta contra o tabaco --- åtgärder mot tobaksbruk --- otrava nikotinem --- tobacco addiction --- nikotinizmas --- antitobakskamp --- strijd tegen tabak --- tabaková závislosť --- interzicerea fumatului --- rökfri miljö --- suitsetamisvastane kampaania --- anti-smoking campaign --- bestrijding van tabakmisbruik --- pasivní kouření --- luta antitabaco --- lucha antitabaco --- nikotinfüggőség --- tubakasõltuvus --- nikotinizmus --- nikotinismus --- nicotinism --- norme antifumo --- protikuřácká kampaň --- nedobrovolné kuřáctví --- luta contra o tabagismo --- campagna contro il fumo --- fushatë kundër duhanit --- varësi ndaj duhanit --- campanie anti-fumat --- atkarība no tabakas --- lutte antitabac --- nikotinizam --- addiction to tobacco --- cīņa pret smēķēšanu --- rahvatervis --- shëndet publik --- обществено здраве --- zdraví veřejnosti --- public health --- volksgezondheid --- veselības aizsardzība --- javno zdravje --- közegészség --- saħħa pubblika --- sanità pubblica --- јавно здравје --- salud pública --- saúde pública --- Volksgesundheit --- kansanterveys --- јавно здравље --- zdrowie publiczne --- sláinte phoiblí --- javno zdravstvo --- sănătate publică --- folkhälsa --- offentlig sundhed --- δημόσια υγεία --- visuomenės sveikata --- zdravie verejnosti --- zdravie obyvateľstva --- gezondheid van de bevolking --- υγεία του πληθυσμού --- Закон за јавно здравје --- befolkningens hälsa --- gyventojų sveikata --- salute della popolazione --- zdraví lidu --- јавни здравствени установи --- népegészségügy --- santé de la population --- sănătate populație --- saúde da população --- здравјето на населението --- javno zdravlje --- sanidad pública --- shëndet i popullatës --- здравство --- health of the population --- zdraví obyvatelstva --- väestön terveydentila --- rahva tervis --- zdraví národa --- јавно ветеринарно здравство --- iedzīvotāju veselība --- befolkningssundhed --- veřejné zdraví --- aplinkos politika --- vides politika --- milieubeleid --- Umweltpolitik --- keskkonnapoliitika --- política do ambiente --- екологична политика --- okoljska politika --- polityka ochrony środowiska --- politika ambjentali --- политика заштите животне средине --- politica mediului înconjurător --- politika životného prostredia --- környezetvédelmi politika --- miljöpolitik --- environmental policy --- politika okoliša --- politica ambientale --- política de medio ambiente --- politikë mjedisore --- miljøpolitik --- περιβαλλοντική πολιτική --- политика за животна средина --- ympäristöpolitiikka --- environmentální politika --- miljøstyring --- starostlivosť o životné prostredie --- gestion de l'environnement --- política medioambiental --- gestione dell'ambiente --- política ambiental --- ochrana a tvorba životního prostředí --- upravljanje okolišem --- politica dell'ambiente --- menaxhim mjedisor --- ympäristöjohtaminen --- vides apsaimniekošana --- környezetpolitika --- miljöförvaltning --- Umweltpflege --- διαχείριση του περιβάλλοντος --- gospodarenje okolišem --- managementul mediului --- környezetgazdálkodás --- a környezet gondozása --- politika ochrany životního prostředí --- keskkonnajuhtimine --- politika na ochranu životního prostředí --- péče o životní prostředí --- gestión del medio ambiente --- politica in materia di ambiente --- environmental management --- aplinkos valdymas --- Umweltschutzpolitik --- gestão do ambiente --- milieubeheer --- eolaíocht mhíochaine --- caitheamh tobac --- beartas comhshaoil --- Scientists --- Science news --- Democracy and science --- Professional ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Scientists - Professional ethics --- Science news - Moral and ethical aspects --- Sciences médicales --- Santé publique --- groupe de pression --- Lobbying --- Scientifiques --- Groupes de pression --- États-Unis --- 1970-.... --- Déontologie

La médiatisation de la science : clonage, OGM, manipulations génétiques
Authors: ---
ISSN: 13784099 ISBN: 9782804157050 2804157059 Year: 2008 Volume: *21 Publisher: Bruxelles Paris De Boeck université Institut national de l'audiovisuel

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Ce travail d'une équipe de chercheurs du discours médiatique explore ce type de discours en essayant d'en définir la spécificité au regard de ce que serait un discours de vulgarisation à des fins didactiques. Il montre comment les médias, notamment les grands quotidiens nationaux, mettent en scène les questions des manipulations génétiques.


Analyse du discours médiatique --- Langage et mass média --- Langage et médias --- Language and mass media --- Mass media and language --- Mass média -- Langage --- Mass média et langage --- Massamedia en taal --- Médias -- Langage --- Médias et langage --- Taal en massamedia --- Communication in science --- Science news --- Discourse analysis --- Information scientifique --- Sciences --- Analyse du discours --- Vulgarisation --- BPB0907 --- Moyen de communication de masse --- Vulgarisation scientifique --- Massamedia --- Popularisering --- Genetic engineering --- In mass media --- popularizacija znanosti --- популаризација науке --- videnskabelig popularisering --- popularizarea științei --- ismeretterjesztés --- popularisering av vetenskap --- popolarizzazzjoni tax-xjenza --- vulgarização científica --- популяризация на научни достижения --- popularyzacja wiedzy --- популаризација на науката --- popularizujúca veda --- Popularisierung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse --- επιστημονική εκλαΐκευση --- popullarizimi i shkencës --- divulgación científica --- mokslo populiarinimas --- zinātnes popularizēšana --- popularisering --- teaduse populariseerimine --- popularizace vědy --- popularising science --- tieteen kansanomaistaminen --- volgarizzazione scientifica --- wetenscahppelijke communicatie --- εκλαΐκευση επιστημονικών θεμάτων --- vulgarisation scientifique et technique --- populärvetenskap --- popularizarea științei și tehnologiei --- zinātnes un tehnoloģiju popularizēšana --- volgarizzazione scientifica e tecnica --- popularisering af teknisk og videnskabelig viden --- popularizace vědy a techniky --- teaduse ja tehnoloogia populariseerimine --- populárně vědecká literatura --- popularizacija znanosti i tehnologije --- popularisering av vetenskap och teknik --- divulgación científica y técnica --- популаризација на научните сознанија --- tieteen ja tekniikan kansanomaistaminen --- popularizace vědeckých poznatků --- популаризација на науката и технологијата --- popullarizim i shkencës dhe teknologjisë --- vulgarização científica e tecnológica --- популарна научна литература --- populárně vědecký pořad --- popularising science and technology --- populárně naučná literatura --- εκλαΐκευση τεχνικών θεμάτων --- tudománynépszerűsítés --- mokslo ir technologijos populiarinimas --- media masowe --- sredstva javnoga priopćavanja --- media tal-massa --- масмедия --- meios de comunicação de massas --- средства за јавно информирање --- massamedia --- mezzo di comunicazione di massa --- mediji --- масовни медији --- plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- masmédiá --- Massenmedium --- mass media --- tömegmédia --- medio de comunicación de masas --- massmedier --- hromadné sdělovací prostředky --- μέσο μαζικής επικοινωνίας --- masmedia --- žiniasklaida --- joukkoviestintävälineet --- massekommunikationsmiddel --- mass-media --- massiteabevahendid --- massikommunikatsioonivahendid --- sredstva javnoga informiranja --- joukkoviestimet --- masinės komunikacijos priemonės --- Massenkommunikationsmittel --- massimeediumid --- mjete të komunikimit masiv --- μίντια --- μέσο μαζικής ενημέρωσης --- мас-медиум --- tömegmédiumok --- massemedier --- medier --- média --- means of mass communication --- meios de comunicação social --- meedia --- masovokomunikačné prostriedky --- tömegtájékoztatási eszközök --- visuomenės informavimo priemonės --- Medien --- masovni mediji --- mijloace de comunicare în masă --- massacommunicatiemiddel --- médias --- veřejné sdělovací prostředky --- media --- masu informācijas līdzekļi --- масовни медиуми --- massmedia --- masmédia --- mórmheáin --- an eolaíocht a dhéanamh inrochtana don phobal

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