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Semantiek en pragmatiek
ISBN: 9789463790987 9463790985 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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De semantiek is de wetenschappelijke studie van de betekenis van woorden en zinnen, terwijl de pragmatiek bestudeert hoe de concrete context waarbinnen we uitingen gebruiken een invloed heeft op hun betekenis. Semantiek en pragmatiek biedt een beknopt maar systematisch overzicht van de basisbegrippen die taalkundigen hanteren om die betekenis te beschrijven en te bestuderen.In deel 1 komt de woordbetekenis aan bod: uit welke bouwstenen bestaat de betekenis van een woord en hoe komt het dat één woord verschillende betekenissen kan hebben? Hoe kunnen woorden eenzelfde of een tegenovergestelde betekenis hebben, en hoe horen woorden samen in netwerken van betekenis? In deel 2 analyseren we de zinsbetekenis: hoe dragen de verschillende delen van de zin bij tot een betekenisvolle beschrijving van een stand van zaken? Wanneer zijn zinsbetekenissen met elkaar compatibel of net niet? Deel 3, tot slot, betreft het concrete gebruik van zinnen in context: wat doen we precies als we iemand een vraag stellen of een bevel geven? Hoe komt het dat iemand iets anders kan bedoelen dan wat hij of zij letterlijk zegt? Welke spelregels volgen we als we met elkaar communiceren in een conversatie?(

Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook
ISBN: 1782167862 9781782167860 1782167854 9781782167853 9781782167853 Year: 2014 Publisher: Birmingham Packt Publishing Ltd

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Over 80 practical recipes on natural language processing techniques using Python's NLTK 3.0 In Detail This book will show you the essential techniques of text and language processing. Starting with tokenization, stemming, and the WordNet dictionary, you'll progress to part-of-speech tagging, phrase chunking, and named entity recognition. You'll learn how various text corpora are organized, as well as how to create your own custom corpus. Then, you'll move onto text classification with a focus on sentiment analysis. And because NLP can be computationally expensive on large bodies of text, you'll try a few methods for distributed text processing. Finally, you'll be introduced to a number of other small but complementary Python libraries for text analysis, cleaning, and parsing. This cookbook provides simple, straightforward examples so you can quickly learn text processing with Python and NLTK. What You Will Learn Tokenize text into sentences, and sentences into words Look up words in the WordNet dictionary Apply spelling correction and word replacement Access the built-in text corpora and create your own custom corpus Tag words with parts of speech Chunk phrases and recognize named entities Grammatically transform phrases and chunks Classify text and perform sentiment analysis

The handbook of child language
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0631203125 0631184058 9780631203124 Year: 2000 Volume: 2 Publisher: Oxford Blackwell Publishers

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Export marketing --- Exports --- Language disorders in children. --- Management. --- Cognitive psychology --- Psycholinguistics --- Developmental psychology --- Language acquisition --- Language disorders in children --- Langage --- Langage, Troubles du, chez l'enfant --- Acquisition --- Language acquisition. --- Language Development. --- Language Development Disorders. --- Auditory Processing Disorder, Central --- Central Auditory Processing Disorder --- Developmental Disorder, Speech or Language --- Developmental Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Developmental --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder --- Speech or Language, Developmental Disorder --- Language Delay --- Speech Delay --- Delay, Speech --- Delays, Speech --- Development Disorder, Language --- Developmental Language Disorder --- Disorder, Language Development --- Disorders, Language Development --- Language Delays --- Language Development Disorder --- Language Disorder, Developmental --- Semantic Pragmatic Disorder --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders --- Speech Delays --- Specific Language Disorder --- Development, Language --- Developments, Language --- Language Developments --- Taalverwerving --- Taalstoornissen --- -Export marketing --- -Communicative disorders in children --- Acquisition of language --- Developmental linguistics --- Developmental psycholinguistics --- Language and languages --- Language development in children --- Psycholinguistics, Developmental --- Interpersonal communication in children --- International marketing --- Overseas marketing --- Marketing --- International trade --- Management --- Language Acquisition --- Acquisition, Language --- Language Development --- Language Development Disorders --- Taalstoornis --- -Management

ISBN: 9789031390298 Year: 2011 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Afasie is een taalstoornis ten gevolge van hersenletsel, bijvoorbeeld na een beroerte. Iemand die lijdt aan afasie kan niet meer normaal over zijn taalvermogen beschikken en zal daardoor communicatieproblemen ondervinden die niet alleen grote gevolgen hebben voor de patiënt zelf, maar ook voor zijn omgeving. In dit boek worden de oorzaken van afasie, de symptomen en de afasiesyndromen beschreven. Ook wordt er een historisch beeld geschetst van de ontwikkeling van het vakgebied en komen wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen aan bod. Een samenhangend overzicht wordt gegeven van het klinische en wetenschappelijke onderzoek naar afasie.


Aphasia --- Speech Disorders --- afasie --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Language Disorders --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Verbal Behavior --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Afasie --- Taalverwerving --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

ISBN: 9789044129243 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Ontwikkelingsdysfasie (OD) is een complexe en hardnekkige stoornis in de verwerving van de mondelinge taal, zonder dat er direct aanwijsbare redenen voor zijn. Vaak voorkomende synoniemen zijn: specifieke taalontwikkelingsstoornis, Specific Language Impairment en ernstige spraak- en/of taalmoeilijkheden. Omdat de taalontwikkeling nauw samenhangt met andere ontwikkelingsdomeinen, hebben kinderen met OD meer kans op schoolse moeilijkheden en sociaal-emotionele problemen.Verder is OD zo complex wegens de ingewikkelde wisselwerking tussen aangeboren taalvermogen en taalaanbod. Een correcte diagnose stellen, is niet eenvoudig en vraagt tijd. Bij de behandeling van OD speelt de hele omgeving een rol. Dit boek richt zich zowel tot logopedisten en andere therapeuten, als tot ouders, artsen, leerkrachten, schooldirecties en leerlingbegeleiders.


Psycholinguistics --- taalverwerving --- ontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Orthopedagogics --- orthopedagogiek --- afasie --- taalstoornissen --- Academic collection --- #KVHB:Dysfasie --- #KVHB:Taalstoornissen; kinderen --- #KVHB:Taalontwikkeling --- Dysfasie --- Ontwikkeling van kinderen --- 463.4 --- taalontwikkeling --- Ontwikkelingsstoornissen ; kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen ; kinderen --- Taalstoornissen ; kinderen --- taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- dysfasie --- ontwikkelingsdysfasie --- Spraak- en taalgebrekkigen --- Aphasia --- Language Disorders --- Acquired Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Acquired --- Acquired Language Disorder --- Language Disorder --- Language Disorder, Acquired --- Speech Disorders --- Verbal Behavior --- Verbal Learning --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Dysphasia --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Ontwikkelingsproblemen --- Kinderen --- Spraakstoornissen --- Taalproblemen --- Diagnostiek --- Therapie --- Zorgverbreding --- Leerlingbegeleiding --- Dysfagie --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word --- Ontwikkelingsprobleem --- Kind --- Spraakstoornis --- Taalprobleem --- Diagnose --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Primary education --- Secondary education

Speech sound disorders
ISBN: 9781496316240 149631624X Year: 2016 Publisher: Philadelphia Wolters Kluwer

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Filled with examples of typically developing children and those with speech sound disorders, Shelley Vellemans Speech Language Disorders offers authoritative coverage of the key concepts of normal speech sound development and production, as well as the related articulation and phonological disorders.A practical resource for patient assessment and treatment, this up-to-date book integrates the latest research in the field with actual speech data examples. Rather than covering treatment options at the end of the text or as an add on, the book integrates these vital components directly into the appropriate chapters to help Speech-Language Pathology students understand the connection between the science of the disorders and real-life practice.Using highly readable prose enriched by clear definitions, examples, and exercises, the author covers all key concepts, including important topics often not offered in similar books, including evaluating and treating speech sound disorders in young children, those with neurodevelopmental syndromes, and those with prosody issues. In addition, the book helps students see the connection between speech sound disorders and the related motor speech disorders that overlap and complicate assessment and treatment. Compelling online videos of children with speech sound disorders (supplemented with assignable exercises) bring concepts to life and connect classroom learning with real-life practice.Considerations for assessment and treatment of children who speak languages other than English are interwoven throughout the text.Numerous data sets and examples of children with speech disorders provide a real-world context.Case studies for practice show readers how to apply the concepts and techniques covered.Assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders in children are covered, including differential diagnosis of dysarthria and Childhood Apraxia of Speech, an area of expertise of the author.Quick and easy assessment forms for identifying childrens speech strengths and weaknesses are included.Application to practice elements include integrated coverage of the assessment and treatment options for each subcomponent of speech sound development disorder.Feature boxes point out common misconceptions and common confusion areas and explain particularly challenging concepts and innovative approaches.Author-developed exercises for applying concepts, practicing evaluation techniques, scoring tests, and developing treatment plans give students hands-on practice in applying concepts.End-of-chapter review questions contain multiple-choice quizzes that allow students to assess their understanding of chapter content.Filled with examples of typically developing children and those with speech sound disorders, Shelley Vellemans Speech Language Disorders offers authoritative coverage of the key concepts of normal speech sound development and production, as well as the related articulation and phonological disorders.A practical resource for patient assessment and treatment, this up-to-date book integrates the latest research in the field with actual speech data examples. Rather than covering treatment options at the end of the text or as an add on, the book integrates these vital components directly into the appropriate chapters to help Speech-Language Pathology students understand the connection between the science of the disorders and real-life practice.Using highly readable prose enriched by clear definitions, examples, and exercises, the author covers all key concepts, including important topics often not offered in similar books, including evaluating and treating speech sound disorders in young children, those with neurodevelopmental syndromes, and those with prosody issues. In addition, the book helps students see the connection between speech sound disorders and the related motor speech disorders that overlap and complicate assessment and treatment. Compelling online videos of children with speech sound disorders (supplemented with assignable exercises) bring concepts to life and connect classroom learning with real-life practice.Considerations for assessment and treatment of children who speak languages other than English are interwoven throughout the text.Numerous data sets and examples of children with speech disorders provide a real-world context.Case studies for practice show readers how to apply the concepts and techniques covered.Assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders in children are covered, including differential diagnosis of dysarthria and Childhood Apraxia of Speech, an area of expertise of the author.Quick and easy assessment forms for identifying childrens speech strengths and weaknesses are included.Application to practice elements include integrated coverage of the assessment and treatment options for each subcomponent of speech sound development disorder.Feature boxes point out common misconceptions and common confusion areas and explain particularly challenging concepts and innovative approaches.Author-developed exercises for applying concepts, practicing evaluation techniques, scoring tests, and developing treatment plans give students hands-on practice in applying concepts.End-of-chapter review questions contain multiple-choice quizzes that allow students to assess their understanding of chapter content.


Speech disorders. --- Phonetics. --- Speech therapy. --- Speech Disorders --- Language Development Disorders --- Speech Therapy. --- logopedie --- spraakstoornissen --- Therapy, Speech --- Speech Therapies --- Therapies, Speech --- Speech Sounds --- Sound, Speech --- Sounds, Speech --- Speech Sound --- Auditory Processing Disorder, Central --- Central Auditory Processing Disorder --- Developmental Disorder, Speech or Language --- Developmental Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Developmental --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder --- Speech or Language, Developmental Disorder --- Language Delay --- Speech Delay --- Delay, Speech --- Delays, Speech --- Development Disorder, Language --- Developmental Language Disorder --- Language Delays --- Language Development Disorder --- Language Disorder, Developmental --- Semantic Pragmatic Disorder --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders --- Speech Delays --- Aprosodic Speech --- Cluttering --- Dysglossia --- Dyslalia --- Rhinolalia --- Verbal Fluency Disorders --- Aprosodia --- Aprosodias --- Clutterings --- Dysglossias --- Dyslalias --- Rhinolalias --- Speech, Aprosodic --- Verbal Fluency Disorder --- Language Disorders --- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency --- Verbal Behavior --- Speech correction --- Speech disorders --- Therapeutics --- Articulatory phonetics --- Orthoepy --- Phonology --- Linguistics --- Sound --- Speech --- Voice --- Defective speech --- Disorders of speech --- Speech, Disorders of --- Speech defects --- Speech pathology --- Communicative disorders --- Treatment --- Spraakstoornissen --- Taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Fonetiek --- Logopedie --- Kinderen --- Phonetics --- Speech therapy --- Speech Therapy --- Disorder, Language Development --- Disorders, Language Development --- Specific Language Disorder --- Spraakstoornis --- Taalontwikkelingsstoornis --- Kind --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie

Multilingual perspectives on child language disorders
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781783094714 1783094710 Year: 2016 Publisher: Bristol Multilingual Matters

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This book investigates language disorders in children who speak languages other than, or in addition to, English. The volume aims to stimulate thoughtful clinical practices and further research in language disorders in multilingual populations.


Language disorders in children. --- Language disorders in children --- Language acquisition. --- Bilingualism. --- Multilingual communication. --- Language Disorders. --- Language Development Disorders. --- Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders. --- Cross-Cultural Comparison. --- Child Language. --- Language Development. --- Multilingualism. --- Child. --- Children --- Minors --- Bilingualism --- Language --- Development, Language --- Developments, Language --- Language Developments --- Psycholinguistics --- Child Languages --- Language, Child --- Languages, Child --- Transcultural Studies --- Comparison, Cross-Cultural --- Comparisons, Cross-Cultural --- Cross Cultural Comparison --- Cross-Cultural Comparisons --- Studies, Transcultural --- Study, Transcultural --- Transcultural Study --- Cultural Characteristics --- Culture --- Language and Speech Disorder Rehabilitation --- Speech and Language Disorder Rehabilitation --- Auditory Processing Disorder, Central --- Central Auditory Processing Disorder --- Developmental Disorder, Speech or Language --- Developmental Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Developmental --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder --- Speech or Language, Developmental Disorder --- Language Delay --- Speech Delay --- Delay, Speech --- Delays, Speech --- Development Disorder, Language --- Developmental Language Disorder --- Disorder, Language Development --- Disorders, Language Development --- Language Delays --- Language Development Disorder --- Language Disorder, Developmental --- Semantic Pragmatic Disorder --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders --- Speech Delays --- Specific Language Disorder --- Acquired Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Acquired --- Acquired Language Disorder --- Language Disorder --- Language Disorder, Acquired --- Speech Disorders --- Verbal Behavior --- Verbal Learning --- Communication --- Intercultural communication --- Language and languages --- Languages in contact --- Multilingualism --- Acquisition of language --- Developmental linguistics --- Developmental psycholinguistics --- Language development in children --- Psycholinguistics, Developmental --- Interpersonal communication in children --- Communicative disorders in children --- Rehabilitation. --- Acquisition --- Kinderen --- Taalstoornissen --- Meertaligheid --- Meertalige kinderen --- Autisme --- Downsyndroom --- Foetaal alcoholsyndroom --- Taalverwerving --- Language Acquisition --- Acquisition, Language --- Kind --- Taalstoornis --- Meertalig kind --- Syndroom van Down --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Language acquisition --- Multilingual communication --- Language Disorders --- Language Development Disorders --- Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders --- Cross-Cultural Comparison --- Child Language --- Language Development --- Child --- Rehabilitation --- Autismespectrumstoornis

Kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9062838189 9789062838189 Year: 1998 Publisher: Bussum Coutinho

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Kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen krijgen al decennialang veel wetenschappelijke aandacht. De behandeling van taalgestoorde kinderen door logopedisten gebeurde echter veelal intuïtief. Pas de laatste jaren is er meer wetenschappelijke belangstelling voor ontstaan. Taaltherapie voor kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen sluit daarop aan en biedt handvatten voor het geven van evidence based taaltherapie.Deze uitgave bestaat uit een boek en een cd-rom. De cd-rom bevat onder meer het computerprogramma `Behandeldoelen taalontwikkelingsstoornissen', een programma dat het de logopedist makkelijk maakt om de behandeldoelen voor taaltherapie te bepalen en deze vervolgens uit te werken tot een behandelplan voor elk individueel kind. Het programma is toegespitst op drie soorten doelen: taaldoelen, doelen voor communicatie en participatie en doelen in relatie met onderliggende stoornissen.In het boek licht de auteur het gebruik van het computerprogramma toe en legt zij een theoretische verantwoording af voor de behandeldoelen die daarin gebruikt worden.In het laatste deel van het boek worden behandelsuggesties gegeven voor kinderen met een taalniveau van 0 tot 6 jaar. Op de cd-rom zijn deze uitgewerkt in de vorm van concrete thema's, scripts met afbeeldingen en liedjes, woordenlijsten en een stappenplan voor taaltherapie met prentenboeken. Taaltherapie voor kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen stelt ervaren logopedisten en logopediestudenten in staat om op een eenvoudige manier een goed gefundeerd behandelplan te ontwikkelen.


Enfant --- --Langage --- --Trouble --- --Speech disorders in children --- Taalstoornissen. --- schrijfproblemen --- taalstoornissen --- leesproblemen --- kinderen --- Social policy and particular groups --- Orthopedagogics --- Psycholinguistics --- Educational psychology --- Paediatrics --- Taalstoornissen ; kinderen --- Language development disorders --- In infancy & childhood --- Speech disorders in children --- Language Development Disorders --- Learning Disorders --- 803.3 --- Taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- #KVHB:Taalontwikkeling --- #KVHB:Taalstoornissen; kinderen --- Communicative disorders in children --- Auditory Processing Disorder, Central --- Central Auditory Processing Disorder --- Developmental Disorder, Speech or Language --- Developmental Language Disorders --- Language Disorders, Developmental --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder --- Speech or Language, Developmental Disorder --- Language Delay --- Speech Delay --- Delay, Speech --- Delays, Speech --- Development Disorder, Language --- Developmental Language Disorder --- Language Delays --- Language Development Disorder --- Language Disorder, Developmental --- Semantic Pragmatic Disorder --- Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders --- Speech Delays --- etiology --- Dyslectische kinderen ; remediëring --- Kinderen met taalproblemen --- Leesproblemen --- spraakstoornissen --- Taalontwikkeling ; kinderen --- Taalstoornissen --- 463.4 --- 800 ) Taalverwerving --- kinderen met taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Dyslexie --- Kinderen --- Lezen --- Taalontwikkeling --- Taalproblemen --- psycholinguistiek --- taalontwikkeling --- taalpsychologie --- taalverwerving --- therapie --- 800:159.9 --- 800.7 --- 800.7 Taalonderwijs. Taalverwerving --- Taalonderwijs. Taalverwerving --- 800:159.9 Taalwetenschap. Taalkunde. Linguistiek-:-Psychologie: zie ook: Psychiatrie: n-{616.89-008} en n-{615.851} --- Taalwetenschap. Taalkunde. Linguistiek-:-Psychologie: zie ook: Psychiatrie: n-{616.89-008} en n-{615.851} --- Spraak- en taalgebrekkigen --- (zie ook: Leesvaardigheid) --- logopedie --- taaltest --- Nederlands: taalontwikkelingsstoornissen --- Disorder, Language Development --- Disorders, Language Development --- Specific Language Disorder --- Spraakproblemen --- Taalverwerving --- Ontwikkelingsproblemen --- Spraakstoornissen --- Kind --- Taalprobleem --- Spraakprobleem --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Ontwikkelingsprobleem --- Taalstoornis --- Spraakstoornis --- Academic Disorder, Developmental --- Adult Learning Disorders --- Developmental Disorders of Scholastic Skills --- Learning Disorders, Adult --- Learning Disturbance --- Scholastic Skills Development Disorders --- Adult Learning Disabilities --- Developmental Academic Disability --- Developmental Academic Disorder --- Developmental Disabilities of Scholastic Skills --- Academic Disabilities, Developmental --- Academic Disability, Developmental --- Academic Disorders, Developmental --- Adult Learning Disability --- Adult Learning Disorder --- Developmental Academic Disabilities --- Developmental Academic Disorders --- Disabilities, Adult Learning --- Disabilities, Developmental Academic --- Disabilities, Learning --- Disability, Adult Learning --- Disability, Developmental Academic --- Disability, Learning --- Disorder, Learning --- Disorders, Learning --- Disturbance, Learning --- Disturbances, Learning --- Learning Disabilities, Adult --- Learning Disability --- Learning Disability, Adult --- Learning Disorder --- Learning Disorder, Adult --- Learning Disturbances --- Dyslexia --- Langage --- Trouble

Is 'werkelijk' waar ? Spraakverwarring, zinsbegoocheling en onvoorstelbare werkelijkheid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9060013638 Year: 1986 Publisher: Deventer Van Loghum Slaterus

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Aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781284077315 1284077314 Year: 2017 Publisher: Burlington Jones & Bartlett Learning

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Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Second Edition reviews the definition, terminology, classification, symptoms, and neurology of aphasia, including the theories of plasticity and recovery. Best practices of aphasia assessment and intervention are presented including neuropsychological models and formal and informal testing procedures to maximize correct clinical rehabilitative decisions. Theoretical bases for rehabilitation, guidelines for organization and delivery of evidence-based therapy, as well as augmentative and alternative communication therapy, and computer-based treatments are also presented.Written by international experts, this accessible text presents a global perspective, while emphasizing important recent advances in communication disorders. Chapters include case illustrations to help students understand clinical issues, learning objectives, review questions, and a discussion of future directions that highlight upcoming developments in the field.


#KVHB:Afasie --- #KVHB:Communicatiestoornissen --- Afasie --- Aphasia --- Language disorders --- Apraxias --- Brain Injuries --- Dementia --- Dysarthria --- Dysarthosis --- Dysarthria, Flaccid --- Dysarthria, Guttural --- Dysarthria, Mixed --- Dysarthria, Scanning --- Dysarthria, Spastic --- Dysarthoses --- Dysarthrias --- Dysarthrias, Flaccid --- Dysarthrias, Guttural --- Dysarthrias, Mixed --- Dysarthrias, Scanning --- Dysarthrias, Spastic --- Flaccid Dysarthria --- Flaccid Dysarthrias --- Guttural Dysarthria --- Guttural Dysarthrias --- Mixed Dysarthria --- Mixed Dysarthrias --- Scanning Dysarthria --- Scanning Dysarthrias --- Spastic Dysarthria --- Spastic Dysarthrias --- Amentia --- Familial Dementia --- Senile Paranoid Dementia --- Amentias --- Dementia, Familial --- Dementias --- Dementias, Familial --- Dementias, Senile Paranoid --- Familial Dementias --- Paranoid Dementia, Senile --- Paranoid Dementias, Senile --- Senile Paranoid Dementias --- Tauopathies --- Acute Brain Injuries --- Brain Injuries, Acute --- Brain Injuries, Focal --- Focal Brain Injuries --- Injuries, Acute Brain --- Injuries, Brain --- Brain Lacerations --- Acute Brain Injury --- Brain Injury --- Brain Injury, Acute --- Brain Injury, Focal --- Brain Laceration --- Focal Brain Injury --- Injuries, Focal Brain --- Injury, Acute Brain --- Injury, Brain --- Injury, Focal Brain --- Laceration, Brain --- Lacerations, Brain --- Brain --- Apraxia --- Apraxia of Phonation --- Apraxia, Articulatory --- Apraxia, Developmental Verbal --- Apraxia, Facial-Oral --- Apraxia, Gestural --- Apraxia, Motor --- Apraxia, Oral --- Apraxia, Verbal --- Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia --- Dyspraxia, Articulatory --- Dyspraxia, Oral --- Dyspraxia, Verbal --- Speech And Language Disorder With Orofacial Dyspraxia --- Speech-Language Disorder 1 --- Dressing Apraxia --- Dyspraxia --- Ideational Apraxia --- 1s, Speech-Language Disorder --- Apraxia, Dressing --- Apraxia, Facial Oral --- Apraxia, Ideational --- Apraxias, Articulatory --- Apraxias, Developmental Verbal --- Apraxias, Dressing --- Apraxias, Facial-Oral --- Apraxias, Gestural --- Apraxias, Ideational --- Apraxias, Motor --- Apraxias, Oral --- Apraxias, Verbal --- Articulatory Apraxia --- Articulatory Apraxias --- Articulatory Dyspraxia --- Articulatory Dyspraxias --- Developmental Verbal Apraxia --- Developmental Verbal Apraxias --- Developmental Verbal Dyspraxias --- Disorder 1, Speech-Language --- Disorder 1s, Speech-Language --- Dressing Apraxias --- Dyspraxia, Developmental Verbal --- Dyspraxias --- Dyspraxias, Articulatory --- Dyspraxias, Developmental Verbal --- Dyspraxias, Oral --- Dyspraxias, Verbal --- Facial-Oral Apraxia --- Facial-Oral Apraxias --- Gestural Apraxia --- Gestural Apraxias --- Ideational Apraxias --- Motor Apraxia --- Motor Apraxias --- Oral Apraxia --- Oral Apraxias --- Oral Dyspraxia --- Oral Dyspraxias --- Phonation Apraxia --- Phonation Apraxias --- Speech Language Disorder 1 --- Speech-Language Disorder 1s --- Verbal Apraxia --- Verbal Apraxia, Developmental --- Verbal Apraxias --- Verbal Apraxias, Developmental --- Verbal Dyspraxia --- Verbal Dyspraxia, Developmental --- Verbal Dyspraxias --- Verbal Dyspraxias, Developmental --- Dysphasia --- Communicative disorders --- Speech disorders --- injuries --- Diseases --- Alogia --- Anepia --- Aphasia, Ageusic --- Aphasia, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasia, Commisural --- Aphasia, Functional --- Aphasia, Global --- Aphasia, Graphomotor --- Aphasia, Intellectual --- Aphasia, Mixed --- Aphasia, Post-Ictal --- Aphasia, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasia, Progressive --- Aphasia, Semantic --- Aphasia, Syntactical --- Dejerine-Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Dysphasia, Global --- Lichtheim's Sign --- Logagnosia --- Logamnesia --- Logasthenia --- Aphasia, Acquired --- Acquired Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasia --- Ageusic Aphasias --- Alogias --- Anepias --- Aphasia, Post Ictal --- Aphasia, Post Traumatic --- Aphasias, Ageusic --- Aphasias, Auditory Discriminatory --- Aphasias, Commisural --- Aphasias, Functional --- Aphasias, Global --- Aphasias, Graphomotor --- Aphasias, Intellectual --- Aphasias, Mixed --- Aphasias, Post-Ictal --- Aphasias, Post-Traumatic --- Aphasias, Progressive --- Aphasias, Semantic --- Aphasias, Syntactical --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasia --- Auditory Discriminatory Aphasias --- Commisural Aphasia --- Commisural Aphasias --- Dejerine Lichtheim Phenomenon --- Discriminatory Aphasia, Auditory --- Discriminatory Aphasias, Auditory --- Dysphasias, Global --- Functional Aphasia --- Functional Aphasias --- Global Aphasia --- Global Aphasias --- Global Dysphasia --- Global Dysphasias --- Graphomotor Aphasia --- Graphomotor Aphasias --- Intellectual Aphasia --- Intellectual Aphasias --- Lichtheim Sign --- Lichtheims Sign --- Logagnosias --- Logamnesias --- Logasthenias --- Mixed Aphasia --- Mixed Aphasias --- Phenomenon, Dejerine-Lichtheim --- Post-Ictal Aphasia --- Post-Ictal Aphasias --- Post-Traumatic Aphasia --- Post-Traumatic Aphasias --- Progressive Aphasia --- Progressive Aphasias --- Semantic Aphasia --- Semantic Aphasias --- Sign, Lichtheim's --- Syntactical Aphasia --- Syntactical Aphasias --- Dominance, Cerebral --- Landau-Kleffner Syndrome --- Word Deafness --- Deafness, Word

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