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Skills for Midwifery Practice is the go-to book for all midwifery students who need to learn what to do in a range of situations, how to perform a skill, and why they need to do it in a certain way.Written by midwifery educators Ruth Johnson and Wendy Taylor, the book makes learning easy with background information, learning outcomes, helpful diagrams and lists to represent the skill flow. It explains the underlying physiology associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and clearly defines the nature and extent of current practice.This version is fully updated and referenced throughout to provide a detailed evidence base to support learning and further study. It is ideal for midwives in training, qualified midwives returning to practice, as well as other members of the obstetric healthcare team.
Midwifery --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Vroedkunde --- vroedkunde
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pocket medical dictionary. Awnr.: 2004/416 en siso: 043; inclusief spell-checker.
Medicine. --- Dictionaries, Medical. --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- Medicine --- DICTIONARIES, MEDICAL --- Dictionaries --- Geneeskunde --- Reference books, medical. --- Medical. --- Woordenboeken --- Software. --- Woordenboeken. --- Human medicine --- Taalverwerving --- Dictionaries, Medical --- Medicine - dictionary
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Dit naslagwerk biedt u de Etiologie, symptomatologie, diagnostiek, therapie, prognostiek en frequentie van duizenden ziektebeelden.
Geneeskunde woordenboeken --- Woordenboeken --- Geneeskunde --- Medicine. --- woordenboeken --- geneeskunde --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- Geneeskunde ; woordenboeken --- Medicine --- Woordenboek --- Beroep --- Hulpverlening --- Verpleegkunde
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This second edition of a groundbreaking book is substantially revised to deliver the foundation for an evidence-based model for best practices in midwifery, a model critical to raising the United States' current standing as the bottom-ranking country for maternity mortality among developed nations.With a focus on updated scientific evidence as the framework for midwifery practice, the book includes 21 completely new chapters that address bothcontinuing and new areas of practice, the impact of institutional and national policies, and the effects of diversity and globalization. Incorporating themidwifery model of care, the book provides strategies for change and guidance for implementing evidence-based best practices.
Midwifery --- Midwives. --- Birth attendants --- Nurse midwives --- Traditional birth attendants --- Medical personnel --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Vroedkunde --- Opleiding --- United States --- United States.
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Supporting Women to Give Birth at Home describes and discusses the main challenges and issues that midwives and maternity services encounter when preparing for and attending a home birth. To ensure that a home birth is a real option for women, midwives need to be able to believe in a womans ability to give birth at home and to promote this birth option, providing evidence-based information about benefits and risks.This practical guide will help midwives to have the necessary skills, resources and confidence to support homebirth. The book includes:the present birth choices a woman hasthe implications homebirth has upon midwifery practicehow midwives can prepare and support women and their familiesthe midwifes role and responsibilitiesnational and local policies, guidelines and available resourcespain management options
614.53 --- Vroedkunde --- Bevalling --- vroedvrouwen --- Thuisbevalling --- Verloskunde --- Childbirth at home --- Midwifery --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Home birth --- Home childbirth --- Home delivery (Obstetrics) --- Homebirth --- Home care services --- Natural childbirth --- Opleiding
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Research is a fundamental part of midwifery practice. However, not everyone finds it easy to understand the basic principles, and particularly the language of research. This accessible handbook enables midwives and student midwives to firstly understand how to search and make sense of research evidence, how to write a research proposal and finally how to undertake a research study. The Handbook of Midwifery Research specifically focuses on the needs of midwives and students and helps increase the knowledge and understanding of midwifery research, enabling the reader to undertake research with confidence. With case studies, learning objectives and clear examples throughout, this is an essential purchase for any midwife or student wanting to understand or undertake research. This handbook includes useful tools and techniques to assist midwives and students to keep themselves up-to-date with the best available evidence, enabling them to apply this evidence to their own clinical practice.
wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- vroedkunde --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- evidence-based methodiek --- Vroedkunde ; wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Vroedvrouwen --- Onderzoeksstrategieën --- Methodologie --- Midwifery --- Bevalling --- Vroedkunde --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Research --- Vroedvrouw --- Onderzoeksstrategie
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INHOUD: Spellingvarianten - Gebruikte afkortingen - Engels/Nederlands - Nederlands/Engels
Dictionaries, Medical. --- Dictionaries, Polyglot as Topic. --- Medicine. --- 61 <03> --- #KVHA:Geneeskunde. Woordenboeken. Engels; vert. Nederlands --- #KVHA:Geneeskunde. Woordenboeken. Nederlands; vert. Engels --- 61 --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Geneeskunde. Hygiëne. Farmacie --- Medicine --- English language --- Dutch language --- Geneeskunde --- Dictionaries. --- Dictionaries --- Dutch. --- English. --- Woordenboeken. --- Human medicine --- Dictionaries, Medical --- Dictionaries, Polyglot as Topic
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Merck manual of medical information
Medicine. --- 670 Gezondheid --- #KVHA:Geneeskunde. Woordenboeken. Nederlands --- geneeskunde --- woordenboeken --- 616 --- 61 --- Diagnostiek --- Geneeskunde --- Gezondheid --- Symptomen --- Ziekten --- 605.1 --- andrologie --- cardiologie (hartziekten) --- dermatologie (huidziekten) --- endocrien stelsel (endocriene klieren, hormonaal stelsel) --- farmacologie (farmacotherapie, geneesmiddelenleer) --- gastro-enterologie (maag-darmziekten) --- gewrichtsziekten --- gynecologie (vrouwenziekten) --- immunopathologie --- kindergeneeskunde (kinderziekten, pediatrie, perinatologie) --- leverziekten --- metabolische ziekten --- nefrologie (nierziekten) --- neurologie (zenuwziekten) --- oftalmologie (gezichtsstoornissen, oogziekten) --- ongevallen --- otorinolaryngologie (gehoorstoornissen, neus-keel-oorziekten) --- pneumologie (ademhalingsziekten, longziekten, luchtwegenziekten) --- psychiatrie --- stomatologie --- vaatziekten (bloedvatenziekten) --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Health Workforce --- (zie ook: vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: neurochirurgie) --- (zie ook: psychologie) --- pathologie --- medische wetenschappen --- Human medicine --- Encyclopedieën --- Medicine --- Encyclopedie --- Beroep --- Hulpverlening --- Verpleegkunde
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This new edition of the popular Normal Childbirth builds on the strengths of the first edition, with updated national and international data and the most recent discussion and topics of debate, around the controversial area of childbirth. With the increasing risk of litigation, there is often a move to err on the side of caution and classify women as 'at risk' if they present with even a hint of a problem. This is a contested area, with wide interpretation of terminology and midwives need to be aware of the wide parameters of 'normal' in order to practise autonomously, effectively and safely. Soo Downe covers a wide variety of subjects, with international contributors giving the benefit of their expertise. This evidence-based text offers a widely applicable source book on multiple aspects of normal birth, proposing new approaches and paradigms for future research and practice.
Gezondheidszorg --- Gezondheid --- Geboorteregeling --- Vroedkunde --- Vroedvrouwen --- Childbirth --- Labor (Obstetrics) --- Midwifery --- Natural childbirth --- verloskunde --- vroedkunde --- Bevalling --- Verloskunde --- Labor, Painless (Obstetrics) --- Lamaze method of childbirth --- Painless labor (Obstetrics) --- Psychoprophylactic childbirth --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Birth --- Obstetric labor --- Obstetrics --- Pregnancy --- Delivery (Obstetrics) --- Birthing --- Child birth --- Live birth --- Parturition --- Vroedvrouw --- Voeding --- Gedrag --- Drank --- Opleiding --- Spiraal (voorbehoedsmiddel)
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Essential Midwifery Practice: Intrapartum Care addresses a wide range of topics including the evolution of Intrapartum care, debates about knowledge and childbirth education. It looks at birth environments, labour rhythms, working with pain, normal birth, unusual labours and complementary therapies. Written by key experts, this unique and diverse text will bring readers right up-to-date with the latest research and reflection in their specialist fields, and provide guidance on best practice.
Kraamverpleegkunde --- Postnatale zorgen --- multidisciplinaire benadering --- postnatale zorgen --- postnatale zorg --- Geboorte --- Vroedkunde --- Bevalling --- bevalling --- obstetrie --- vroedkunde --- 610 --- arbeid --- evidence-based practice --- geboorte --- pijn --- 614.7 --- baby's --- ouderschap --- voeding --- Baby's --- Midwifery --- Postnatal care --- Postpartum care --- Puerperal care --- Maternal health services --- Puerperium --- Nursing specialties --- Midwives --- Postnatale zorg --- Opleiding
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