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Une radiographie de la justice : les résultats du premier "baromètre de la justice" en Belgique

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Quelle activité parlementaire en période d'affaires courantes?
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782960146110 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles : ULB : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Le parlement,

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Les Belges et la justice en 2007 : les résultats du deuxième baromètre de la justice en Belgique = : De Belgen en justitie in 2007 : resultaten van de tweede Belgische justitiebarometer
ISBN: 9782802724810 2802724819 Year: 2007 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Cet ouvrage offre un aperçu du développement, de la deuxième exécution et des résultats du baromètre de la justice, instrument de cartographie du comportement de la population belge vis-à-vis de la justice. Il s’adresse avant tout à un large public de personnes intéressées par la justice. Cette deuxième enquête a été effectuée par un bureau d’étude de marché à la demande du Conseil supérieur de la Justice. La première enquête avait été réalisée en 2000 et financée par le Service public fédéral de programmation Politique scientifique (SPF Politique scientifique) dans le but de développer un instrument de mesure qui pourrait régulièrement (tous les trois ans par exemple) sonder le comportement des citoyens. En effet seule une enquête récurrente permet de contrôler au fil des ans l’évolution du comportement des gens par rapport à la justice. Cette nouvelle enquête qui a tenu compte, entre autres, de la proportion d’hommes et de femmes, ainsi que du nombre d’habitants par province a été effectuée auprès d’un échantillon représentatif de 3210 personnes habitant en Belgique et s’est déroulée au cours de la période allant du 7 février 2007 au 17 avril 2007. L’ouvrage est divisé en deux chapitres. Le premier traite les aspects méthodologiques de l’enquête, décrivant le type de sondage de l’opinion publique et les personnes ciblées. Le second quant à lui constitue le cœur de l’ouvrage. Les questions essentielles sont abordées : Dans quelle mesure la justice belge inspire-t-elle confiance ? Le citoyen croit-il en un procès équitable ? Quel est le degré de confiance du citoyen dans les avocats et juges ? Chaque délit doit-il être tout simplement sanctionné ou le citoyen accorde-t-il également de l’importance à davantage de mesures éducatives, alternatives ? Quelle est l’opinion du citoyen vis-à-vis de l’approche de la délinquance juvénile ? Ce ne sont là que quelques aspects qui pourraient offrir aux responsables politiques et aux différents acteurs de la justice un aperçu du regard de l’opinion publique sur leur travail.

Qu'est-ce qu'un bon parlementaire? : réflexions et débat sur l'évaluation du travail parlementaire : colloque organisé par le Parlement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et par l'Université libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, le 24 octobre 2014
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782960146127 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bruxelles : ULB : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Le parlement,

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La justice en vérités
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782874553660 2874553662 Year: 2011 Publisher: Anthemis

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À l’occasion du bicentenaire du rétablissement du Barreau de Bruxelles, le Barreau et le Collège Belgique de l’Académie royale de Belgique se sont associés pour organiser des leçons consacrées à la justice en vérités. Les débats qui animent le monde judiciaire et la société ont été traités sans tabou, dans un esprit pluridisciplinaire et de contradiction, par les meilleurs spécialistes du sujet. Thématiques abordées : - Le procès du procès - Les pas feutrés de la justice - Le juge face à la loi - La victimisation

Faut-il s'inspirer de la justice américaine ?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782803103256 Year: 2013 Volume: 10 Publisher: Bruxelles : Académie Royale de Belgique,

De vierschaar : de criminele rechtspraak in het Oude Antwerpen van de veertiende tot het einde van de achttiende eeuw.
ISBN: 9028917063 Year: 1992 Publisher: Kapellen : DNB/Pelckmans,

Reconsidering constitutional formation I National sovereignty : A comparative analysis of the juridification by constitution
ISSN: 21989842 ISBN: 9783319424040 Year: 2016 Publisher: Springer Open

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BPB1612 --- Droit constitutionnel --- Contrôle de constitutionnalité --- Procédure parlementaire --- Grondwettelijk recht --- Toezicht op de grondwettigheid --- Parlementaire procedure --- parlamentarisches Verfahren --- procedură parlamentară --- parlementaire procedure --- procedura parlamentare --- парламентарни поступак --- parlamentný postup --- parlamentarisk procedure --- parlamenta procedūra --- procedimiento parlamentario --- parlamentsförfarande --- menettely parlamentissa --- parlamentní proces --- parlamento darbo tvarka --- parlamentarni postopek --- парламентарна процедура --- parliamentary procedure --- procedura parlamentarna --- κοινοβουλευτική διαδικασία --- parlamentarni postupak --- processo parlamentar --- procedurë parlamentare --- parlamendimenetlus --- parlamenti eljárás --- парламентарна постапка --- proċedura parlamentari --- parlamentní procedury --- examen parlamentario --- parlamentaarne analüüs --- parlamentsbehandling --- esame parlamentare --- examen parlementaire --- parlamentsundersøgelse --- exame parlamentar --- parlamentaarinen tarkastelu --- parlamentné skrutínium --- parlamentarna procedura --- κοινοβουλευτική εξέταση --- parlamentinė analitinė priežiūra --- verifica di costituzionalità --- kontroll av författningsenlighet --- controlo de constitucionalidade --- control of constitutionality --- контрола уставности --- контрол на конституционост --- kontroll tal-kostituzzjonalità --- konstitucingumo kontrolė --- toezicht op de grondwettigheid --- põhiseaduslikkuse kontroll --- kontrola ustavnosti --- kontroll i kushtetutshmërisë --- control de constitucionalidad --- alkotmányosság vizsgálata --- kontrola konstytucyjności --- presoja ustavnosti --- kontrola ústavnosti --- Kontrolle der Verfassungsmäßigkeit --- kontrol af overensstemmelse med forfatningen --- контрола на уставноста --- έλεγχος συνταγματικότητας --- control constituțional --- perustuslaillisuuden valvonta --- konstitucionālisma kontrole --- alkotmányossági normakontroll --- jogszabályok alkotmányossága --- ústavnost zákonů --- ústavnosť zákonov --- kushtetutshmëri e ligjeve --- ústavnost právního předpisu --- loves forfatningsmæssighed --- контрола на уставноста на општите акти --- ustavnost zakona --- konstitucionālā uzraudzība --- törvények alkotmányossága --- уставност на закон --- контрола на законитоста на управните акти --- constitucionalidad de las leyes --- előzetes normakontroll --- ústavní kontrola --- constituționalitatea legilor --- constitutionnalité des lois --- costituzionalità delle leggi --- συνταγματικότητα των νόμων --- grundlagsenlighet --- utólagos normakontroll --- grondwettigheid van de wet --- lakien perustuslainmukaisuus --- законитост на подзаконските акти --- įstatymų atitiktis konstitucijai --- tiesību aktu atbilstība konstitūcijai --- ústavní stížnost --- constitucionalidade das leis --- constitutionality of laws --- Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Gesetze --- seaduste põhiseaduslikkus --- control al constituţionalităţii --- e drejta kushtetuese --- drept constituțional --- riigiõigus --- Derecho constitucional --- constitutional law --- prawo konstytucyjne --- alkotmányjog --- valtiosääntöoikeus --- konstitucinė teisė --- уставно право --- forfatningsret --- direito constitucional --- författningsrätt --- konstitucionālais likums --- ústavné právo --- ustavno pravo --- ústavní právo --- конституционно право --- Verfassungsrecht --- συνταγματικό δίκαιο --- grondwettelijk recht --- diritto costituzionale --- dritt kostituzzjonali --- ligj parlamentar --- konstitucionalistika --- parlamentinė teisė --- staatsrecht --- konstitutionel ret --- parlamentārās tiesības --- politiek recht --- derecho político --- direito parlamentar --- Derecho parlamentario --- κοινοβουλευτικό δίκαιο --- parlamenti jog --- diritto parlamentare --- droit parlementaire --- parlementair recht --- parlamentní právo --- πολιτικό δικαίωμα --- politikai jog --- konstitucionālās tiesības --- parlamentarisk ret --- конституционално право --- prawo parlamentarne --- droit politique --- liġi parlamentari --- konstitutionell rätt --- oikeuspolitiikka --- parlamentné právo --- direito político --- parliamentary law --- valsts tiesības --- парламентарно право --- parlamentaarne õigus --- parlamentarno pravo --- Parlamentsrecht --- drept parlamentar --- státní právo --- statsforfatningsret --- diritto politico --- politisches Recht --- parlamentaarinen oikeus --- nós imeachta parlaiminteach --- dlí bunreachtúil --- rialú na bunreachtúlachta --- Procédure parlementaire --- Contrôle de constitutionnalité

Les questions disputées et les questions quodlibétiques dans les facultés de théologie, de droit et de médecine.
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ISSN: 07753381 ISBN: 2503360785 2503360009 2503360548 2503360521 250336053X 2503360742 2503360564 2503360734 250336070X 2503360777 2503360637 2503508979 2503360718 250350261X 2503360556 2503360696 2503360688 2503360629 250336067X 2503360645 2503360505 2503360467 2503360661 2503360726 2503360408 2503360432 2503360440 250350969X 2503360610 2503360491 2503360513 2503360602 2503360769 9782503360560 9782503360768 9782503360461 9782503360447 9782503360430 9782503360614 9782503360492 9782503360508 9782503360515 9782503360003 9782503360546 9782503360522 9782503360553 9782503360607 9782503360621 9782503360645 9782503502618 9782503360669 9782503360676 9782503360706 9782503360713 9782503360737 9782503360720 9782503360744 9782503360782 9782503360775 9782503509693 Year: 1985 Volume: 72 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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Tools --- 621.9 --- Hand tools --- Handtools --- Hardware --- Implements, utensils, etc. --- History --- Technology Tools --- Catholic Church --- Eglise catholique --- Liturgy. --- Liturgie --- Middle Ages --- Moyen Age --- Outils --- Sources --- Histoire --- Land tenure --- -Land tenure --- -712 --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Freehold --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Land use, Rural --- Real property --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Arts Landscape architecture --- Benelux countries --- -England --- Germany --- Low countries --- Alemania --- Ashkenaz --- BRD --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Bundesrepublik Deutschland --- Deutsches Reich --- Deutschland --- Doitsu --- Doitsu Renpō Kyōwakoku --- Federal Republic of Germany --- Federalʹna Respublika Nimechchyny --- FRN --- German Uls --- Germania --- Germanii︠a︡ --- Germanyah --- Gjermani --- Grossdeutsches Reich --- Jirmānīya --- KhBNGU --- Kholboony Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh German Uls --- Nimechchyna --- Repoblika Federalin'i Alemana --- República de Alemania --- República Federal de Alemania --- Republika Federal Alemmana --- Vācijā --- Veĭmarskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Weimar Republic --- Weimarer Republik --- ХБНГУ --- Германия --- جرمانيا --- ドイツ --- ドイツ連邦共和国 --- ドイツ レンポウ キョウワコク --- Germany (East) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : French Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : Russian Zone) --- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone) --- Germany (West) --- Holy Roman Empire --- Rural conditions --- Rural conditions. --- Sacramentaries --- Sacramentaires --- Liturgy --- Gregorian chants --- Music --- Chant grégorien --- Musique --- History and criticism --- Histoire et critique --- Sources. --- Food writing --- Gastronomy --- Livres de cuisine --- Gastronomie --- Landscapes --- Landscape archaeology --- Utilisation agricole du sol --- Paysages --- Archéologie du paysage --- Europe --- Historical geography --- Géographie historique --- Civil procedure (Roman law) --- Civil procedure --- Civilization, Medieval --- Justice, Administration of --- Procédure civile (Droit romain) --- Procédure civile --- Civilisation médiévale --- Justice --- Administration --- Castles --- Architecture, Medieval --- Châteaux --- Architecture médiévale --- Names, Geographical --- Noms géographiques --- Literature, Medieval --- Oral tradition --- Transmission of texts --- Littérature médiévale --- Tradition orale --- Transmission de textes --- Dendrochronology --- Plant remains (Archaeology) --- Dendrochronologie --- Restes de plantes (Archéologie) --- Research --- Indexes --- Recherche --- Index --- Hymns, Latin --- Church music --- Hymnes latins --- Musique d'église --- Catholic Church. --- Medicine --- Medicine, Medieval --- Médecine --- Médecine médiévale --- Early works to 1800 --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Vices --- Virtues --- Vertus --- History and criticism. --- Old Norse poetry --- Scalds and scaldic poetry --- Poésie vieux-norroise --- Poésie scaldique --- Tapestry, Medieval --- Tapisserie médiévale --- Local history --- Histoire locale --- Europe, Western --- Europe de l'Ouest --- Hebrew literature, Medieval --- Rabbinical literature --- Littérature hébraïque médiévale --- Littérature rabbinique --- Thematology --- anno 1200-1499 --- Manuscripts. Epigraphy. Paleography --- History of Europe --- anno 500-1499 --- Christian religious orders --- anno 500-799 --- Christian church history --- History of the law --- anno 800-899 --- anno 900-999 --- Applied arts. Arts and crafts --- anno 1200-1799 --- Poetry --- Fiction --- Old French literature --- Geodesy. Cartography --- History as a science --- General palaeontology --- Archeology --- Christian pastoral theology --- Linguistics --- Medieval Latin literature --- Christian spirituality --- Non-fiction --- Stilistics --- Medieval Latin language --- Literary rhetorics --- Higher education --- Christian moral theology --- Literature --- anno 1100-1199 --- History of human medicine --- Italy --- History of civilization --- anno 500-1199 --- Europe: North-West --- Comparative literature --- Cicero, Marcus Tullius --- History. --- Geography, Medieval. --- Names, Geographical. --- Archaeology, Medieval. --- Authorship. --- Civil procedure (Canon law) --- Civilisation medievale --- Civilization, Medieval, in literature. --- Cooking, European --- Cooking, Medieval. --- Dendrochronology. --- Education, Medieval. --- Epic poetry, European --- Glass painting and staining, Medieval. --- Hunting --- Hymns, Latin (Medieval and modern) --- Law, Medieval --- Manuscripts, Medieval. --- Plant remains (Archaeology). --- Poetics --- Poetry, Medieval --- Rhetoric, Medieval. --- Sacramentaries. --- Scalds and scaldic poetry. --- Stained glass windows. --- Tapestry, Medieval. --- Transmission of texts. --- Universities and colleges --- Writing --- Historiography. --- Registers --- Monasticism and religious orders --- Rules --- Civilisation médiévale --- Juifs --- Littérature hébraïque médiévale --- Littérature juive --- Littérature rabbinique --- Droit juif --- Histoire et critique. --- Sermons --- Exempla médiévaux --- Littérature didactique médiévale --- Rhétorique médiévale --- Illustrations --- 940.1 <093> --- 839.5 --- 839.61 --- 839.5 Scandinavische literatuur --- Scandinavische literatuur --- 940.1 <093> Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492)--Historische bronnen --- Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492)--Historische bronnen --- Literature Other germanic literatures Early period --- Book history --- Moyen âge, --- --Règle monastique --- --Monasticism and religious orders --- Sources hébraïques --- --Judaïsme --- --Hebrew literature, Medieval --- Geography, Medieval --- Manuscripts, Medieval --- Cérémoniaux --- --Moyen âge, --- --Ordinaires --- --Catholic Church --- --Sources --- --Poésie scaldique --- --Manuscripts, Medieval --- --Tapisserie --- --Tapestry, Medieval --- --Médecine --- --Consilia --- --Sacrementaire --- --Tradition orale --- --Oral tradition --- --Méthodologie --- --Géographie humaine --- --Land tenure --- England --- Cookery, European --- Cookery, Medieval --- Chants (Plain, Gregorian, etc.) --- -Music --- -Authorship --- -Hebrew literature, Medieval --- -Literature, Medieval --- -Old Norse poetry --- -Oral tradition --- -Poetics --- -Scalds and scaldic poetry --- 398.2 --- Authoring (Authorship) --- Writing (Authorship) --- Art music --- Art music, Western --- Classical music --- Musical compositions --- Musical works --- Serious music --- Western art music --- Western music (Western countries) --- Skalds --- Poets --- Bards and bardism --- Authorship --- Hebrew literature --- Jewish literature --- Tradition, Oral --- Oral communication --- Folklore --- Oral history --- Icelandic and Old Norse poetry --- Old Norse literature --- European literature --- Medieval literature --- Medieval civilization --- Civilization --- Chivalry --- Renaissance --- Chant (Plain, Gregorian, etc.) --- Franco-Roman chants --- Gregorian chant --- Old Roman chants --- Plainchant --- Plainchants --- Plainsong --- Roman chants --- Chants --- -Sources --- Social sciences Folk literature --- Technique --- -Sources. --- 392.8 --- 091:641.5 --- 094:641.5 --- -Cookery, Medieval --- -641.5910902 --- Medieval cooking --- 392.8 Culinaire gewoonten. Eetgewoonten. Drinkgewoonten. Vasten. Tafeletiquette. Maaltijden. Kannibalisme --- Culinaire gewoonten. Eetgewoonten. Drinkgewoonten. Vasten. Tafeletiquette. Maaltijden. Kannibalisme --- 091:641.5 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Preparation of foodstuffs and meals. Cookery --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Preparation of foodstuffs and meals. Cookery --- European cooking --- 094:641.5 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Preparation of foodstuffs and meals. Cookery --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Preparation of foodstuffs and meals. Cookery --- Eating --- Diet --- Cooking --- Dinners and dining --- Food --- -History --- -Technology Cooking characteristic Europe 500-1499 --- 801.311 "04/14" --- 801.311 --- Middle ages --- -Academic collection --- 910.014 --- 801.311 Plaatsnamen --- Plaatsnamen --- 801.311 "04/14" Plaatsnamen--Middeleeuwen --- Plaatsnamen--Middeleeuwen --- Dark Ages --- History, Medieval --- Medieval history --- Medieval period --- World history, Medieval --- World history --- Medievalism --- History General geography Language and communication --- 255 --- Academic collection --- 271-4 --- 271-4 Stichting, stichter, regels en constituties van religieuze orden en congregaties --- Stichting, stichter, regels en constituties van religieuze orden en congregaties --- Monachism --- Monastic orders --- Monasticism and religious orders for men --- Monasticism and religious orders of men --- Orders, Monastic --- Orders, Religious --- Religious orders --- Brotherhoods --- Christian communities --- Brothers (Religious) --- Friars --- Monks --- Superiors, Religious --- Religion Religious congregations and orders --- 900.902 --- 940.17 --- 940.17 Geschiedenis van Europa:--1096-1492 --- Geschiedenis van Europa:--1096-1492 --- Medievalists --- Historiography, Local --- History, Local --- Local historiography --- Historiography --- History 500-1499 --- West Europe --- Western Europe --- 091:003 --- 003 --- 652.1 --- 003 Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- 091:003 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Semiotiek. Schriften. Tekens en symbolen. Codes. Grafische voorstellingen --- Technology Processes of written communication Penmanship --- 264 --- #GGSB: Liturgie --- 264-14 --- 264-16 --- 264-16 Ceremonialia --- Ceremonialia --- 264-14 Pontificalia. Ordinalia. Benedictionalia --- Pontificalia. Ordinalia. Benedictionalia --- Worships Liturgy --- 61 <09> <01> --- -Chants (Plain, Gregorian, etc.) --- 610.902 --- European epic poetry --- European poetry --- 61 <09> <01> Geschiedenis van de geneeskunde--Bibliografieën. Catalogi --- Geschiedenis van de geneeskunde--Bibliografieën. Catalogi --- Technology Medicine History 500-1499 --- 782.292 --- 091:78 --- 264-068.1 --- 264-17 --- 783.2 --- 783.2 Liturgische muziek. Liturgische zang --- Liturgische muziek. Liturgische zang --- 264-17 Boeken met liturgische gezangen. Antiphonaria. Gradualia --- Boeken met liturgische gezangen. Antiphonaria. Gradualia --- 264-068.1 Kerkzang. Hymnen --- Kerkzang. Hymnen --- 091:78 Handschriften i.v.m. muziek --- Handschriften i.v.m. muziek --- Medieval manuscripts --- Manuscripts --- Arts Music Vocal music Chant --- 245 =71 --- 264.20902 --- Latin hymns, Medieval and modern --- Kerkgezang. Hymnologie--Latijn --- Religion Public worship Music 500-1499 --- 264.02009 --- 091:264 --- 264-1 --- 264-1 Liturgische boeken--(algemeen) --- Liturgische boeken--(algemeen) --- 091:264 Handschriften i.v.m. liturgie --- Handschriften i.v.m. liturgie --- Religion Public worship Roman Catholic Church History --- 746.3 --- 745.522 --- 745.522 Tapijtkunst. Tapisserie. Gobelins --- Tapijtkunst. Tapisserie. Gobelins --- Arts Textile Tapestries --- 933.7 --- 933.6 --- 296 "04/14" --- 296.1 --- 933.6 Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: Arabische inval tot Turks bewind--(638-1516) --- Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: Arabische inval tot Turks bewind--(638-1516) --- 933.7 Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: diaspora van 70 tot 1516 --- Geschiedenis van het Joodse volk: diaspora van 70 tot 1516 --- Judaïsme. Jodendom--Middeleeuwen --- Religion Judaism Sources --- 264-12 --- 264.023 --- Liturgies --- 264-12 Missalen --- Missalen --- Religion Public worship Sacramentaries --- -61 <09> <01> --- 892.409002 --- 892.4 --- Literature Hebrew literature 700-1699 --- Hebreeuwse literatuur --- Texts --- Liturgical books --- Civilization [Medieval ] in literature --- Ethics [Medieval ] --- Christian ethics --- Procedure (Law) --- Law [Medieval ] --- Medicine [Medieval ] --- Literature [Medieval ] --- Civilization [Medieval ] --- Glass painting and staining [Medieval ] --- Cookery [European ] --- To 1500 --- Cookery [Medieval ] --- Letter writing. --- Prayer --- Preaching --- Prière --- Prédication --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Guides, manuels, etc --- Letter writing --- Correspondance --- Guides, manuels, etc. --- Visitations, Ecclesiastical --- Church history --- Visites pastorales --- Eglise --- Chansons de geste --- Epic literature --- Littérature épique --- Paleography --- Paléographie --- Ecriture --- Christian art and symbolism. --- Glass painting and staining, Medieval --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Vitraux médiévaux --- Christianity --- History of doctrines --- Study and teaching --- History of education and educational sciences --- 271-5 --- 271-5 Plaatselijke, provinciale en generale oversten en leiding van religieuze orden en congregaties. Generale en plaatselijke kapittels --- Plaatselijke, provinciale en generale oversten en leiding van religieuze orden en congregaties. Generale en plaatselijke kapittels --- 930.22 "04/14" --- 912 <09> --- 526.09 --- 930.22 "04/14" Bronnenstudie. Oorkondenleer. Diplomatiek:--Middeleeuwen --- Bronnenstudie. Oorkondenleer. Diplomatiek:--Middeleeuwen --- Cartografie. Kaarten. Plattegronden. Atlassen--Geschiedenis van --- Sciences Mathematical geography Historical and geographical treatment --- 82-13 --- 809.132 --- 82-13 Epiek --- Epiek --- Literature History and criticism --- Deguo --- 德国 --- Gėrman --- Герман Улс --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- -264 --- 251 --- 251 "04/14" --- 251 "04/14" Homiletiek. Verkondiging. Prediking:--middeleeuwen --- Homiletiek. Verkondiging. Prediking:--middeleeuwen --- Worship --- Prayers --- Religion Preaching --- Canon law --- Vicars capitular --- 262.9 --- #RBIB:XTOF --- 930.22 --- 930.22 Bronnenstudie. Oorkondenleer. Diplomatiek --- Bronnenstudie. Oorkondenleer. Diplomatiek --- Bibliography --- Religion Church law and discipline --- Public law (Canon law) --- Law --- Ecclesiastical law --- Rescripts, Papal --- Capitular vicars --- Bishops (Canon law) --- Dioceses (Canon law) --- Administrators apostolic --- Medieval law --- Christian preaching --- Homiletics --- Speaking --- Pastoral theology --- Public speaking --- Religious aspects --- Littérature médiévale --- -Law, Medieval --- Medical education --- Religious disputations --- Theology --- 230.20902 --- 378.4 <4> --- 378.4 <4> Universiteiten--Europa --- Universiteiten--Europa --- Colloquies, Religious --- Disputations, Religious --- Disputations, Theological --- Religious colloquies --- Religious debates --- Theological disputations --- Debates and debating --- Medieval medicine --- Medical personnel --- Professional education --- Religion Christianity Miscellany of history --- Disputations --- Education --- Stained glass windows --- 748.50902 --- #GOSA:XI.ME.M --- 748 "04/14" --- 748 "04/14" Glaskunst. Glazenierskunst. Kristalwerk--Middeleeuwen --- Glaskunst. Glazenierskunst. Kristalwerk--Middeleeuwen --- Glass painting and staining --- Windows --- Art Stained Glass Historical treatment --- -Vices --- Moyen âge, 476-1492 --- Ordinaires --- Law, Medieval. --- Medicine, Medieval. --- Bibliography. --- Méthodologie --- Vitrail --- Règle monastique --- Monasticism and religious orders - Rules - History - To 1500 --- Religious disputations - History --- Theology - History - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Medical education - Europe --- Canon law - Sources - Bibliography --- Vicars capitular - History - Bibliography --- Law, Medieval - Sources - Bibliography --- Prédication --- Preaching - History - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Preaching - Europe - Study and teaching - History --- Prayer - Christianity - History of doctrines - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Prayer - Christianity - Study and teaching - History --- Épopée --- Judaïsme --- Hebrew literature, Medieval - History and criticism --- Rabbinical literature - History and criticism --- Cartographie --- Gregorian chants - History and criticism - Sources --- Music - 500-1400 - History and criticism - Sources --- Hymns, Latin (Medieval and modern) - History and criticism --- Rhetoric, Medieval --- Poésie scaldique --- Tapisserie --- Médecine --- Consilia --- Sacrementaire --- Oral tradition - Europe --- Literature, Medieval - History and criticism --- Géographie humaine --- Land tenure - Germany - History --- Land tenure - Benelux countries - History --- Land tenure - England - History --- Germany - Rural conditions --- Benelux countries - Rural conditions --- England - Rural conditions --- Writing - Europe - History --- Middle Ages - Historiography. --- Local history - Historiography. --- Middle Ages - Sources. --- Local history - Sources. --- Tools - History - Bibliography --- Cookery, European - History - To 1500 --- Gastronomy - History - To 1500 --- 873.3 --- Exempla --- #GOSA:VIII.ME.M --- Anecdotes --- Didactic literature --- Homiletical illustrations --- Example --- 873.3 Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur --- 808.00902 --- 091:82-5 --- 82.085 --- 82-5 --- 82.085 Retorica. Argumentatieleer. Voordrachtkunst --- Retorica. Argumentatieleer. Voordrachtkunst --- 091:82-5 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Redevoering. Preek --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi-:-Redevoering. Preek --- Correspondence --- English letter writing --- Letter writing, English --- Writing of letters --- Letters --- Literature Rhetoric and Collections 500-1499 --- Redevoering. Preek --- -271-5 --- -930.22 "04/14" --- -History and criticism --- -Manuscripts, Medieval --- Rhetorique medievale --- Scandinavie --- Poesie --- Litteratures --- Rhetorique --- Moyen age --- Latin (langue) --- Etude et enseignement --- MONACHISME ET ORDRES RELIGIEUX --- VIE RELIGIEUSE --- HISTOIRE --- SOURCES --- Methodologie --- Recettes de cuisine --- EGLISE PRIMITIVE (CA 30-600) --- REGLES --- Conditions sociales --- Toponymie --- Datation --- LITURGIE --- EGLISE CATHOLIQUE --- LIVRES DE PRIERES ET DE DEVOTIONS --- Livres liturgiques --- Medecine --- Medecins --- Vie intellectuelle --- Edition critique --- Dioceses --- Eveques --- Noms geographiques --- Chroniques --- Litterature medievale --- Monachisme et ordres religieux --- Histoire medievale --- Regles --- MOYEN AGE --- GEOGRAPHIE MEDIEVALE --- HISTOIRE MEDIEVALE --- Latin (langue) medieval et moderne --- Sacramentaire --- Bibliographie --- Livres liturgiques (musique) --- Ecriture medievale --- Paleographie --- Discours, essais, conferences --- Histoire orale --- Vie rurale --- Histoire rurale --- Vitraux medievaux --- Universites --- Enseignement superieur --- Examens --- -Sacramentaries --- -Glass painting and staining, Medieval --- -Paleography

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