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Married women --- Sex role --- Employment --- Femmes --- Rôle selon le sexe --- Travail --- Conditions sociales --- Rôle selon le sexe. --- Married women - Employment - Europe --- Sex role - Europe --- Sexual division of labor --- Women --- Division sexuelle du travail --- Rôle selon le sexe --- Social conditions
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Industrial economics --- International economic relations --- Latin America --- Asia --- Division internationale du travail --- Industrie --- Industry --- International division of labor --- Internationale arbeidsverdeling --- Developing countries --- Pays en developpement --- Industries --- Industrialization --- 316.774 --- -Industrial development --- Economic development --- Economic policy --- Deindustrialization --- Massamedia--(communicatiesociologie); technologische aspecten zie {659.3} --- -Massamedia--(communicatiesociologie); technologische aspecten zie {659.3} --- 316.774 Massamedia--(communicatiesociologie); technologische aspecten zie {659.3} --- Industrialization - Developing countries
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Public law. Constitutional law --- Brussels-Capital --- Law --- Droit --- Brussels (Belgium) --- Bruxelles (Belgique) --- Politics and government --- Administration --- Local government --- Federal government --- Law and legislation --- 342.4.04 <493> --- 323 <493.21> --- -Local government --- -#SBIB:003.GIFTSOC --- #SBIB:323H23 --- #SBIB:323H520 --- 353.9 <493.21> --- 949.321 --- 353.9.077.92 --- #A9906A --- Staatshervorming 342.4.011.8STA --- Ministerie van het Brussels(e) Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 353.13 --- brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest --- region de bruxelles capitale --- BX / Brussels - Brussel - Bruxelles --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 342.55 --- NBB congres --- V1 - Droit constitutionnel - Grondwettelijk recht --- GRONDWETTELIJK RECHT V 1 --- Local administration --- Township government --- Subnational governments --- Administrative and political divisions --- Decentralization in government --- Public administration --- Division of powers --- Federal-provincial relations --- Federal-state relations --- Federal systems --- Federalism --- Political science --- Central-local government relations --- State governments --- Grondwetsherziening. Staatshervorming--België --- Binnenlandse politiek--?<493.21> --- -Belgische politieke instellingen: gemeenschappen en gewesten --- Politieke processen in het Belgisch bestel --- Federale en regionale machten. --- Brussels Region (Belgium) --- -Brussels Region (Belgium) --- -Economic conditions --- Social conditions --- Brussels Gewest: statuut --- 323 <493.21> Binnenlandse politiek--?<493.21> --- 342.4.04 <493> Grondwetsherziening. Staatshervorming--België --- Brussels Gewest: statuut. --- Powers, Division of --- Provincial-federal relations --- State-federal relations --- #SBIB:003.GIFTSOC --- Belgische politieke instellingen: gemeenschappen en gewesten --- Federale en regionale machten --- Economic conditions. --- Politics and government. --- Social conditions. --- 841 Politiek Bestel --- Brussels Metropolitan area --- Congresses --- Publiek recht. Staatsrecht --- Brussel-Hoofdstad --- Grondwetsherziening. Staatshervorming--België --- Local government - Law and legislation - Belgium - Brussels Region --- Federal government - Belgium --- BELGIQUE, ESPACE GEOGRAPHIQUE --- BRUXELLES
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Journal of Chemical Education, delivers a wide range of interesting articles and activities useful in both the classroom and laboratory.
chemie --- lesvoorbeelden --- Didactics of chemistry --- didactiek --- Chemistry --- Chimie --- education --- periodicals --- Study and teaching --- Periodicals --- Etude et enseignement --- Périodiques --- Educational publishing --- Electronic journals --- Chemistry. --- Educational publishing. --- Electronic journals. --- Chemie. --- Onderwijs. --- Chimie. --- Enseignement. --- education. --- Étude et enseignement --- Study and teaching. --- JEX7 --- American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education, Inc. --- 54 --- tijdschriften --- abonnementen --- chemie (scheikunde) --- exacte wetenschappen --- onderwijs --- Chemie --- Chemistry. Mineralogical sciences --- chemie. scheikunde --- General and Others --- Chemical Engineering --- Engineering --- 54 Chemistry. Mineralogical sciences --- Chemical Engineering. --- Engineering. --- Périodiques --- AMECHESOC-E EJCHIMI EPUB-ALPHA-J EPUB-PER-FT --- Cyber journals --- Cyber magazines --- Cyber periodicals --- Cyber serials --- E-journals --- Ejournals --- Electronic magazines --- Electronic periodicals --- Electronic serials --- Internet journals (Electronic publications) --- Internet magazines (Electronic publications) --- Internet periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Internet serials (Electronic publications) --- Online journals --- Online magazines --- Online periodicals --- Online serials --- Periodicals in machine-readable form --- Web journals (Electronic publications) --- Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- Web serials (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web journals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web magazines (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web periodicals (Electronic publications) --- World Wide Web serials (Electronic publications) --- Education --- Publishing --- Electronic publications --- Communication in education --- Publishers and publishing --- Physical sciences --- periodicals. --- Didactiek van de chemie --- Analytische chemie --- Anorganische chemie --- Organische chemie --- Analytical chemistry --- Inorganic chemistry --- Organic chemistry --- Education. --- 54 Chemie. Kristallografie. Mineralogie --- Chemie. Kristallografie. Mineralogie --- Journal --- Chemistry - Study and teaching - Periodicals. --- Chemistry - education - periodicals. --- tijdschriften (vorm) --- schoolvakken
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arbitragehof --- rechterlijke macht --- raad van state --- belgie --- cour d'arbitrage --- pouvoir judiciaire --- conseil d'état --- belgique --- Arbitragehof --- Raad van State --- Conseil d'État --- Juridiction supérieure --- 323.1 Raad van State --- 351.95 <493> --- conseil d'etat --- 351.95 <493> Administratieve rechtscolleges. Raad van State:administratieve afdeling--België --- Administratieve rechtscolleges. Raad van State:administratieve afdeling--België --- Hogere rechtspraak --- Arbitragehof. --- Raad van State. --- Rechterlijke macht. --- Belgique --- Cour constitutionnelle --- Pouvoir judiciaire --- 323.2 Arbitragehof --- 342.59 --- BPB0603 --- 342.59 Bevoegdheidsconflict tussen de machten. Overlegcomite. Belangenconflict.Verhouding wetgevende-uitvoerende macht. Arbitragehof --- Bevoegdheidsconflict tussen de machten. Overlegcomite. Belangenconflict.Verhouding wetgevende-uitvoerende macht. Arbitragehof --- België --- Grondwettelijk Hof --- Rechterlijke macht --- Law of civil procedure --- Administrative law --- Belgium --- Judicial power --- Congresses --- Congrès --- Belgium. --- Congrès --- Belgium. Constitutional court --- Belgium. Raad van State --- 323.2 Grondwettelijk Hof van België --- judicial power --- kohtuvõim --- teisminė valdžia --- na breithiúna --- súdna právomoc --- władza sądownicza --- pushtet gjyqësor --- potere giudiziario --- setgħa ġudizzjarja --- dømmende myndighed --- sodna oblast --- richterliche Gewalt --- судска власт --- sudbena vlast --- съдебна власт --- putere judecătorească --- tuomiovalta --- dömande makt --- poder judicial --- tiesu vara --- δικαστική εξουσία --- bírói hatalom --- soudní pravomoc --- sudska vlast --- igazságszolgáltatás --- Consejo General del Poder Judicial --- soudcovská moc --- ordine giudiziario --- Judikative --- моќ за пресудување --- soudní moc --- pouvoir juridictionnel --- pouvoir de juridiction --- poder de jurisdição --- poder jurisdicional --- rechtsprechende Gewalt --- Curte Supremă de Justiție --- aukštesnės instancijos teismas --- soud vyšší instance --- sodišče zadnje instance --- ylioikeus --- повисок суд --- висш съд --- sądownictwo wyższe --- kõrgema astme kohus --- jurisdicción superior --- súd vyššej inštancie --- augstākā tiesa --- högre instans --- higher court --- qorti ogħla --- viši sud --- giurisdizione di grado superiore --- gjykatë e lartë --- hogere rechtspraak --- letztinstanzliche Gerichtsbarkeit --- fellebbviteli bíróság --- ανώτατο δικαστήριο --- højere retsinstans --- виши суд --- jurisdição superior --- corte suprema --- Koronabíróság --- megyei bíróság --- letztinstanzliches Gericht --- high court of justice --- виш суд --- Højesteret --- organ gjykimi i lartë --- oppergerechtshof --- Bundesarbeitsgericht --- aukštasis teisingumo teismas --- gjykatë supreme --- curte de apel --- visoki sud --- najvyšší odvolací súd --- curte superioară de justiție --- cour d'appel --- Άρειος Πάγος --- Gjykata e Kurorës --- curte de casație --- hovioikeus --- Högsta domstolen --- kasační soud --- najvyšší súd --- soud poslední instance --- vysoký súdny dvor --- civilinių bylų teismas --- Semmítőszék --- tribunal de casación --- hof van beroep --- tribunale superiore delle acque --- Crown court --- legfelsőbb bíróság --- Revisionsinstanz --- tribunal des conflits --- aukštesnysis teismas --- kasačný súd --- high court --- tribunal supremo --- Cour de cassation --- korunný súd --- vrhovni sud --- aukščiausiasis teismas --- Oberster Gerichtshof --- Cour suprême --- врховен суд --- visoki prizivni sud --- ylin oikeusaste --- Bundesfinanzhof --- aukščiausiasis apeliacinis teismas --- апелациски суд --- Consulta --- apellatsioonikohus --- apelācijas instances tiesa --- hovrätt --- vysoký súd --- nejvyšší soud --- tribunal superior de justicia de la comunidad autónoma --- opperste gerechtshof --- Bundesgerichtshof --- Karūnos teismas --- Ακυρωτικό Δικαστήριο --- domstol för kompetenstvister --- Queen's Bench Division --- Supremo Tribunal de Justiça --- Înalta Curte de Justiție --- Kolegji Gjykues Mbretëror --- odvolací soud --- másodfokú bíróság --- Karalienės suolo kolegija aukštesniajame teisme --- soud nejvyšší instance --- gjykatë supreme apeli --- supreme court --- hof van cassatie --- ylin tuomioistuin --- Bundessozialgericht --- kassationsdomstol --- Hoge Raad der Nederlanden --- Bundesverwaltungsgericht --- kassationsret --- corte di cassazione --- εφετείο --- teise astme kohus --- Riigikohus --- appelationsdomstol --- supreme court of appeal --- kassatsioonikohus --- korkein oikeus --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Administratieve rechtscolleges. Raad van State:administratieve afdeling--België --- E-books --- cumhacht bhreithiúnach --- ardchúirt --- Judicial power - Belgium - Congresses --- Pouvoir judiciaire - Belgique - Congrès --- Acqui 2006 --- Juridiction supérieure --- BELGIQUE --- COUR D'ARBITRAGE --- CONTROLE DE CONSTITUTIONNALITE --- CONSEIL D'ETAT --- POUVOIR JUDICIAIRE --- DROIT CONSTITUTIONNEL --- QUESTIONS PREJUDICIELLES --- JURIDICTIONS ADMINISTRATIVES --- COMPETENCE
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Some five hundred pieces make up the Molly and Walter Bareiss collection of Greek vases, now in the antiquities collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum. This fascicule documents the red-figured drinking vessels in the collection, including such masterpieces as a white-ground cup attributed to Euphronios, an exquisite cup by the Brygos Painter, and another signed by Douris.
Vases --- -Vases, Ancient --- -Ancient vases --- Containers --- Urns --- Catalogs --- Cleveland Museum of Art --- Cleveland (Ohio). --- -Vases --- -Vases, Greek --- -Greek vases --- Private collections --- -Catalogs --- Bareiss, Molly --- -Bareiss, Walter --- -Art collections --- Art collections --- J. Paul Getty Museum --- -Getty (J. Paul) Museum. --- Getty Museum --- JPGM --- Museo J. Paul Getty --- Vases, Classical --- -Classical vases --- Vases, Ancient --- Los Angeles County Museum of Art. --- Los Angeles Co., Calif. --- Los Angeles County (Calif.). --- LACMA --- Museo de Arte del Condado de Los Angeles --- MACLA --- 미국 로스앤젤레스 카운티 박물관 --- Miguk Losŭ Aenjellesŭ K'aunt'i Pangmulgwan --- Los Angeles County Museum. --- Ella Riegel Memorial Museum. --- Riegel Memorial Museum --- Ella Riegel Archaeological Collection --- Ella Riegel Study Collection --- 378.4 <73 PHILADELPHIA> --- -Vases, Apulian --- Apulian vases --- Vases, Greek --- 378.4 <73 PHILADELPHIA> Universiteiten--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA--PHILADELPHIA --- Universiteiten--Verenigde Staten van Amerika. VSA. USA--PHILADELPHIA --- University of Pennsylvania. University Museum --- Los Angeles County Museum of Art --- Mythology, Classical, in art --- Joslyn Art Museum --- Catalogs. --- Vases, Apulian --- University of Pennsylvania --- Pottery, Greek --- Pottery --- Yale University --- Vases. --- Vases, Ancient. --- United States. --- Vases grecs --- Vases antiques --- Catalogues --- Toledo Museum of Art --- CVA-E EPUB-LIV-FT LIVARCHE LIVART LIBRE-B --- Vases, Corinthian --- Vases corinthiens --- University of Missouri--Columbia. --- Vases, Black-figured --- Vases à figures noires --- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston --- Vases, Red-figured --- Vases à figures rouges --- Yale University. --- Amphoras --- Amphores --- Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) --- Bareiss, Walter --- Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) --- Ella Riegel Memorial Museum --- Bryn Mawr College --- Archaeological collections --- Vases apuliens --- University of Pennsylvania. --- -Boston Museum of Fine Arts --- Bosuton Bijutsukan --- Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Mass.) --- MFA --- ボストン美術館 --- 名古屋ボストン美術館 --- -University of Pennsylvania. Museum of American Archaeology --- University of Pennsylvania. Museum --- Pennsylvania. University. --- Free Museum of Science and Art --- University of Pennsylvania. University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology --- Vases, Etruscan --- Cleveland (Ohio). Museum of Art --- -Containers --- Ancient vases --- Greek vases --- Los Angeles Co., Calif. Museum of Art, Los Angeles --- Los Angeles County (Calif.). Museum of Art --- Los Angeles Co., Calif. Museo de Arte --- Los Angeles County Museum. Art Division --- -Private collections --- Pottery, Greek - Greece - Athens - Catalogs --- Pottery - Connecticut - New Haven - Catalogs --- Vases, Ancient - Catalogs --- Vases - California - Los Angeles - Catalogs --- Vases, Apulian - Italy, Southern - Catalogs --- Vases, Greek - Italy, Southern - Catalogs --- Vases, Greek - Catalogs --- Vases - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia - Catalogs --- Vases, Classical - Catalogs --- Vases - Nebraska - Omaha - Catalogs --- Mythology, Classical, in art - Catalogs --- Omaha. Joslyn art museum --- Vases - Ohio - Cleveland - Catalogs --- Toledo --- Vases - Private collections - California - Malibu - Catalogs. --- Vases - California - Malibu - Catalogs. --- Vases étrusques --- Museum of art, rhode island school of design (providence) --- J. paul getty museum (los angeles, calif.) --- Robinson, david moore (1880-1958) --- University of michigan --- University of california --- Fogg art museum (cambridge, mass.) --- Gallatin (famille) --- Metropolitan museum of art (new york, n.y.) --- Fine arts museums (san francisco, calif.) --- Bryn mawr college (pa.). library --- Museum of fine arts (boston, mass.) --- Cleveland museum of art --- Toledo museum of art --- Los angeles county museum of art --- Joslyn art museum (omaha, neb.) --- University museum (philadelphie, pa.) --- Bareiss, molly (19..-....) --- Bareiss, walter (1920?-....) --- Krannert art museum (champaign, ill.) --- World heritage museum (urbana, ill) --- Walters art museum (baltimore, md.) --- Céramique grecque --- Museum of art and archaeology (columbia, mo) --- Collections archéologiques --- Collections privées --- Collections d'art --- États-unis --- Cambridge (mass.) --- Vases, Etruscan. --- Vases, Greek. --- Private collections. --- Bucchero (Pottery) --- Art
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