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Hazard mitigation --- Hazardous geographic environments --- Climatic changes --- Catastrophes --- Milieux géographiques dangereux --- Climat --- Management --- Social aspects --- Forecasting --- Risk assessment --- Réduction --- Gestion --- Changements --- Aspect social --- Prévision --- Evaluation du risque --- Extrêmes (Météorologie) --- Catastrophes naturelles --- Écosystèmes --- Évaluation du risque. --- Prévision. --- Gestion du risque. --- Atténuation des risques. --- Conservation. --- Milieux géographiques dangereux --- Réduction --- Prévision --- Forecasting. --- Hazard mitigation.
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Ecology --- Environment. --- Environmental Pollution. --- Ecology. --- Ecologie. --- Zeitschrift. --- Ökologie. --- Lithuania. --- Life Sciences --- Biology --- Umweltbiologie --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Balance of nature --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Pollution, Environmental --- Soil Pollution --- Pollution, Soil --- Environmental Impact --- Environmental Impacts --- Impact, Environmental --- Impacts, Environmental --- Environments --- Ökologie. --- Environmental Pollutants --- Environmental Health --- Biologie --- Ökologe --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Zeitschrift --- Ökologie
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Lafontaine, Marie-Jo --- Marie-Jo Lafontaine (°1950, Antwerpen, B.) --- Videokunst installaties 1979-1999 Marie-Jo Lafontaine --- Videokunst video-installaties --- Portretfotografie --- Environments installaties --- 778.5.07 --- (069) --- Videokunstenaars, laserkunstenaars, computerkunstenaars, klank en beeld kunstenaars --- (Musea. Collecties) --- youth --- motion pictures [visual works] --- video art --- -Electronic art --- youth [people] --- -Lafontaine, Marie-Jo --- Video art --- Experimental television --- Iconography --- Film --- installations [visual works] --- multimedia works --- art [fine art] --- Photography --- Art --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 2000-2099 --- Belgium --- Electronic art --- Art, Modern --- Performance art --- Television --- Experimental films --- Lafontaine, Marie-Jo, --- Lafonṭen, Mari-Z'o, --- לאפונטן, מארי־ז׳ו, --- Exposition --- Luxembourg --- Photographie --- Kunst --- Environments ; installaties --- Videokunst ; installaties ; 1979-1999 ; Marie-Jo Lafontaine --- Videokunst ; video-installaties --- Time-based art --- art [discipline]
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Provincie Namen in beeld laat u kennismaken met het rijke ergoed aan monumentaal en landschappelijk schoon van deze veelzijdige en voor het toerisme bijzonder aantrekkelijke provincie, met indrukwekkende burchten en oude kastelen, prachtige abdijen en abdijruïnes, sprookjesachtige grotten en ongerepte natuurparken, met belangrijke cultuurcentra als Namen en Dinant, waarvan de geschiedenis teruggaat tot in het verre verleden. Een provincie die het ontdekken waard is en die steeds weer aangenaam verrarst. (Bron: covertekst)
landscapes [environments] --- Regional documentation --- landschappen --- Namur (Prov.) --- 908 <493.9> --- 908 <493.9> Heemkunde. Area studies--België, provincie Namen --- Heemkunde. Area studies--België, provincie Namen --- Namur (Belgium) --- Namen (Belgium) --- Description and travel. --- België --- Namen (provincie) ; reisgidsen --- C3 --- 070067.jpg --- Namen (provincie) --- Kunst en cultuur --- Namur [provincie in gewest Wallonië -BE] --- reisgids --- East-Flanders --- cultuur --- oost vlaanderen --- culture --- flandre orientale --- East Flanders (Belgium) --- Flanders, East --- Flandre orientale (Belgium) --- Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium) --- Flanders (County) --- Brabant (Prov.) --- Iconographie --- 070064.jpg --- Oost-Vlaanderen --- Plaatselijke geschiedenis --- Limburg (provincie)
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Raveel, Roger --- Drawing --- sculpting --- Sculpture --- Painting --- art [fine art] --- drawing [image-making] --- outdoor sculpture --- painting [image-making] --- Art --- anno 1900-1999 --- Belgium --- Brugge --- Exposition --- Peintres --- Peinture --- Roger Raveel °1921 (°Machelen-aan-de Leie) --- Schilderkunst ; 20ste eeuw ; Roger Raveel --- Belgische kunstenaars --- Environments --- Nieuwe Realisten --- Nieuwe Figuratie --- 75.038 --- 75.07 --- Willem Elias, Katrien Noblesse, Roger Raveel [et al.] --- schilderkunst --- Raveel Roger --- kunst --- België --- tekenkunst --- 75 .071 RAVEEL --- Roger Raveel --- schilders --- 75.071 --- 736.8 --- Schilderkunst ; 1950 - 2000 --- Schilderkunst ; schilders --- Exhibitions --- Biography --- Painters --- Art [Modern ] --- 20th century --- Raveel, Roger 1921-2013 (°Machelen-aan-de-Leie, België) --- 790 --- schilderkunst 20ste eeuw --- België schilderkunst --- kunstenaars --- artistes --- art [discipline] --- Painting, Belgian --- Artists' preparatory studies --- Artists --- Raveel, Roger,
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General biophysics --- General biochemistry --- Biophysics --- Radiobiology --- Biophysique --- Radiobiologie --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Biophysics. --- Environment. --- Radiation. --- Radiobiology. --- 541.15 <05> --- Radiations --- Dose Hypofractionation --- Environmental Impact --- Environmental Impacts --- Impact, Environmental --- Impacts, Environmental --- Environments --- Environmental Health --- Mechanobiology --- Radiation chemistry. Chemical effects of extraneous radiations (except light) on substances, including mixtures--Tijdschriften --- Nuclear medicine --- Life Sciences --- Cytology, Cell Biology --- Radiation --- Physics --- Biology --- Nuclear medicine. --- Life Sciences. --- Physics. --- 541.15 <05> Radiation chemistry. Chemical effects of extraneous radiations (except light) on substances, including mixtures--Tijdschriften --- biochemie --- Environment --- Radiation Dose Hypofractionation --- Radiation biology --- Nuclear physics --- Biological physics --- Medical sciences --- Environmental aspects
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Ecology --- Environmental protection --- Nature conservation --- Milieu --- Encyclopedias. --- Encyclopedieën. --- General ecology and biosociology --- environments [object groupings] --- biology --- Nature protection --- biologie --- milieu --- C6 --- handboek --- milieubeheer --- naslagwerk --- 502 --- 504 --- 574 <031> --- #C9012 --- 504 Environment. Environmental science --- Environment. Environmental science --- 502 Nature. Nature study and conservation. Nature and wildlife protection --- Nature. Nature study and conservation. Nature and wildlife protection --- 574 <031> General ecology. Biocoenology. Hydrobiology. Biogeography--Encyclopedieën. Lexica --- General ecology. Biocoenology. Hydrobiology. Biogeography--Encyclopedieën. Lexica --- Conservation of nature --- Nature --- Protection of nature --- Conservation of natural resources --- Applied ecology --- Conservation biology --- Endangered ecosystems --- Natural areas --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Encyclopedias --- Opvoeding, onderwijs, wetenschap --- Conservation --- Menselijke ecologie --- Milieubescherming --- Milieuhygiëne --- Pollution --- Ecologie humaine --- Environnement--Protection --- Hygiène du milieu --- Verontreiniging --- Milieu-encyclopedie --- Encyclopedie: milieu --- Milieuverontreiniging --- Encyclopedieën --- Encyclopedie --- Ecologie
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Bertin, Jean-Victor --- Corot, Camille --- Harpignies, Henri Joseph --- Cabat, Louis --- Ziem, Felix Francois Georges Philibert --- Dauzats, Adrien --- Washington, Georges --- Groiseilliez, de, Marcelin --- Breton, Emile Adélard --- Français, François-Louis --- Breton, Jules --- Blin, François --- Herlin, Auguste Joseph --- Castan, Gustave Eugène --- Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel --- Anastasi, Auguste-Paul-Charles --- Hédouin, Pierre Edmond Alexandre --- Japy, Louis Aimé --- Marilhat, Prosper --- Bonheur, Rosa --- Courbet, Gustave --- Penguilly L'Haridon, Octave --- Daubigny, Charles-François --- Monet, Claude --- Wallaert, Pierre Joseph --- Lepic, Ludovic Napoléon --- Painting --- schilderkunst --- landscapes [environments] --- landschappen --- painting [image-making] --- France --- 75 <44> --- Landscape painting, French --- -French landscape painting --- 75 <44> Schilderkunst--Frankrijk --- Schilderkunst--Frankrijk --- Exposition --- Kortrijk --- Paysage --- Peinture --- Landscape painting --- 19th century --- Exhibitions --- Painting [Modern ] --- Painting [French ] --- Musée des Beaux-Arts (Lille, France) --- Ziem, Felix François Georges Philibert --- Musée des beaux-arts [Lille]
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Onze contributions consacrées à différentes déclinaisons dans le temps et dans l'espace, de la Rome antique jusqu'à Bruxelles à l'aube du XXe siècle, du phénomène de destructions volontaires d'objets matériels : l'importance réelle de l'acte destructeur, sa condamnation ou sa légitimation par les contemporains, que ce soient des édifices religieux, des textes ou des actes de cannibalisme.
Wrecking --- Buildings --- Démolition --- Dommages de guerre --- History --- War damage --- Histoire --- 024.8 --- 355.018 --- 930.85 --- Beschadiging, verlies en diefstal van boeken door gebruikers. Checkpoint --- Gevolgen van de oorlog. Oorlogsschade --- Cultuurgeschiedenis. Kultuurgeschiedenis --- 930.85 Cultuurgeschiedenis. Kultuurgeschiedenis --- 355.018 Gevolgen van de oorlog. Oorlogsschade --- 024.8 Beschadiging, verlies en diefstal van boeken door gebruikers. Checkpoint --- Aggressiveness. --- Architecture --- Civilization. --- Cultural property and war. --- Disasters --- HISTORY --- Human behavior. --- Iconoclasm. --- Philosophy and civilization. --- Religious architecture --- Mutilation, defacement, etc. --- Social aspects. --- World. --- Vandalism. --- Démolition --- Iconoclasm --- Idols and images --- Barbarism --- Civilisation --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Culture --- World Decade for Cultural Development, 1988-1997 --- Calamities --- Catastrophes --- Curiosities and wonders --- Accidents --- Hazardous geographic environments --- Aggression (Psychology) --- Aggressive behavior --- Aggressiveness (Psychology) --- Psychology --- Defensiveness (Psychology) --- Fighting (Psychology) --- Toughness (Personality trait) --- Spiritual architecture --- Defacement of architecture --- Malicious mischief --- Mutilation --- Vandalism --- Civilization and philosophy --- Civilization --- Action, Human --- Behavior, Human --- Ethology --- Human action --- Human beings --- Human biology --- Physical anthropology --- Social sciences --- Psychology, Comparative --- Worship --- Defacement --- Behavior --- Pillage --- Political persecution --- Crime de guerre --- --Pillage --- --Histoire --- --Crime de guerre --- --Aggressiveness. --- --024.8 --- 024.8 Beschadiging, verlies en diefstal van boeken (door gebruikers). --- Beschadiging, verlies en diefstal van boeken (door gebruikers). --- History.
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Field ACTions Science Reports A unique international instrument that provides a platform for spreading good practices of development actions Field ACTions Science Reports The promotion of an essential process of capitalisation of knowledge related to field actions at an international level. Field ACTions Science Reports is an international, free access for both readers and authors, peer-reviewed journal devoted to promoting field-based activities in developing countries and impoverished areas of developed countries. Field ACTions Science Reports is a forum that publishes manuscripts and opinion pieces in the areas of health, economy and development, education, agriculture, and the environment. The main criterion for publication is that the articles describe actions that are useful and can be reproduced.
Economic development --- Environmental policy --- Public health --- Economic development. --- Economic history. --- Environmental policy. --- Public health. --- Social conditions --- Public Health. --- Economic Development. --- Environment. --- Developing Countries. --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Environment and state --- Environmental control --- Environmental management --- Environmental protection --- Environmental quality --- State and environment --- Environmental auditing --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Development, Economic --- Economic growth --- Growth, Economic --- Economic policy --- Statics and dynamics (Social sciences) --- Development economics --- Resource curse --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Environmental Impact --- Environmental Impacts --- Impact, Environmental --- Impacts, Environmental --- Environments --- Environmental Health --- Economic Growth --- Community Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Community --- Health, Public --- Preventive Medicine --- Education, Public Health Professional --- Political aspects --- Government policy --- Developing countries --- Developing countries. --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- NICs (Newly industrialized countries) --- Economic conditions --- Law and legislation --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country --- Social Sciences --- Sociology --- Social conditions.
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