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Infectious diseases of poverty.
ISSN: 20499957 Year: 2012 Publisher: London : BioMed Central,

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Communicable Diseases, Emerging --- Communicable Disease Control --- Disease Outbreaks --- Healthcare Disparities --- Poverty --- Socioeconomic Factors --- Communicable diseases --- Epidemics --- Maladies infectieuses --- Pauvreté --- Epidémies --- epidemiology --- economics --- Prevention --- Periodicals. --- Health aspects --- Periodicals --- Social aspects --- Prévention --- Périodiques --- Aspect sanitaire --- Aspect social --- Healthcare Disparities. --- Poverty. --- Socioeconomic Factors. --- epidemiology. --- economics. --- Prevention. --- Social aspects. --- Health aspects. --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Inequalities --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequality --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Indigents --- Low Income Population --- Indigency --- Low-Income Population --- Indigent --- Low Income Populations --- Low-Income Populations --- Population, Low Income --- Population, Low-Income --- Populations, Low Income --- Populations, Low-Income --- Health Care Disparities --- Health Care Inequalities --- Healthcare Disparity --- Healthcare Inequalities --- Disparities, Healthcare --- Disparities, Health Care --- Disparity, Health Care --- Disparity, Healthcare --- Health Care Disparity --- Health Care Inequality --- Healthcare Inequality --- Inequalities, Health Care --- Inequalities, Healthcare --- Inequality, Health Care --- Inequality, Healthcare --- Disease outbreaks --- Diseases --- Outbreaks of disease --- Pestilences --- Destitution --- Contagion and contagious diseases --- Contagious diseases --- Infectious diseases --- Microbial diseases in human beings --- Zymotic diseases --- Outbreaks --- Biosecurity --- Economics --- Working Poor --- Wealth --- Basic needs --- Begging --- Poor --- Subsistence economy --- Infection --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- Human medicine --- Absolute Poverty --- Extreme Poverty --- Poverty, Absolute --- Poverty, Extreme --- besmettelijke ziekten --- armoede --- Communicable Diseases --- Social Inequalities --- Social Inequality --- Inequalities, Social --- Inequality, Social --- Pandemics --- Federal Poverty Threshold --- Poverty Threshold, Federal --- Poverty Thresholds, Federal --- Thresholds, Federal Poverty --- Malalties infeccioses. --- Pobresa. --- Indigència --- Lluita contra la pobresa --- Misèria --- Pauperisme --- Precarietat econòmica i social --- Mendicitat --- Pobres en el mitjà urbà --- Assistència social --- Barraquisme --- Economia de subsistència --- Escassetat --- Marginació social --- Pobres --- Contagi --- Malalties contagioses --- Malalties encomanadisses --- Malalties transmissibles --- Microbiologia mèdica --- Salut pública --- Abscessos --- Desinfecció --- Malalties bacterianes --- Malalties emergents --- Malalties infeccioses en els infants --- Malalties d'origen alimentari --- Malalties parasitàries --- Malalties per prions --- Malalties víriques --- Micosi --- Zoonosi --- Economic and Social Factors --- Social and Economic Factors --- Socioeconomic Characteristics --- Characteristic, Socioeconomic --- Socioeconomic Characteristic --- Federal Poverty Level --- Federal Poverty Levels --- Level, Federal Poverty --- Poverty Level, Federal

De nieuwe wooninitiatieven
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9051301367 Year: 1994 Publisher: Brussel Koning Boudewijnstichting

Naar het middelpunt van de marge : reflecties over veertig jaar armoedeonderzoek en -beleid. Liber amicorum Jan Vranken.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789033477737 Year: 2009 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Huldeboek naar aanleiding van het emeritaat van Jan Vranken. Het boek weerspiegelt in de eerste plaats de waardering voor het werk van Vranken, die uitgaat van een zeer diverse kring van academici, maar ook van collegas, medestanders, bewonderaars bij de overheid, het brede middenveld, de media en andere maatschappelijke velden. De bijdragen in dit boek zijn dan ook zeer divers: wetenschappelijkbeschouwende bijdragen die veelal uit de pen van wetenschappers komen, bijdragen die handelen over het sociale beleid van middenveld- en overheidsorganisaties en bijdragen die over Vranken als wetenschapper, beleidsbeïnvloeder en vooral als persoon gaan.

CVD Prevention and Control
ISSN: 1873247X 18754570

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Cardiovascular system --- Cardiovascular Diseases. --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Developing Countries. --- Hart- en vaatziekten. --- Diseases --- Prevention --- prevention & control. --- Prevention. --- Health Sciences --- Clinical Medicine --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Cardiovascular Disease --- Disease, Cardiovascular --- Diseases, Cardiovascular --- Circulatory system --- Vascular system --- Developing Countries --- prevention & control --- Blood --- Cardiology --- Circulation --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country --- Adverse Cardiac Event --- Cardiac Events --- Major Adverse Cardiac Events --- Adverse Cardiac Events --- Cardiac Event --- Cardiac Event, Adverse --- Cardiac Events, Adverse --- Event, Cardiac

Prevention and Control
ISSN: 22118179 22118160 Year: 2011 Publisher: [Oxford] : Elsevier Ltd.

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Cardiovascular system --- Cardiovascular Diseases --- Developing Countries --- Diseases --- Prevention --- Prevention. --- prevention & control --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Cardiovascular Disease --- Disease, Cardiovascular --- Diseases, Cardiovascular --- Circulatory system --- Vascular system --- Cardiology --- Blood --- Circulation --- Health Sciences --- cardiovascular disease --- cardiovascular surveillance --- cardiovascular health promotion --- public health --- low resource settings --- Developing Countries. --- prevention & control. --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country --- Adverse Cardiac Event --- Cardiac Events --- Major Adverse Cardiac Events --- Adverse Cardiac Events --- Cardiac Event --- Cardiac Event, Adverse --- Cardiac Events, Adverse --- Event, Cardiac

BMC international health and human rights.
ISSN: 1472698X Year: 2001 Publisher: London : BioMed Central,

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Human rights --- Human medicine --- Developing countries --- Delivery of Health Care --- Developing Countries --- Medical care --- World health --- Soins médicaux --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Santé mondiale --- Periodicals --- Health aspects --- Périodiques --- Aspect sanitaire --- Human Rights. --- World Health. --- Developing Countries. --- Delivery of Health Care. --- Medical care. --- Health aspects. --- Developing countries. --- Global Health. --- Public Health. --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- One Health --- One Health Initiative --- One Medicine Initiative --- Worldwide Health --- International Health Problems --- World Health --- Health Initiative, One --- Health Problem, International --- Health Problems, International --- Health, Global --- Health, One --- Health, World --- Health, Worldwide --- Initiative, One Health --- Initiative, One Medicine --- International Health Problem --- Medicine Initiative, One --- Problem, International Health --- Problems, International Health --- Equal Rights --- Equal Right --- Human Right --- Right, Equal --- Right, Human --- Rights, Equal --- Rights, Human --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights of man --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Law and legislation --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- health policy --- developing countries --- human rights --- healthcare --- International Health --- Health, International --- Healths, International --- International Healths --- World Health Organization --- Social Justice --- Human Rights Abuses --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Public health --- Collective Human Rights --- Linguistic Rights --- Right to Housing and Shelter --- Rights of Indigenous Peoples --- Human Rights, Collective --- Indigenous Peoples Rights --- Rights, Collective Human --- Rights, Linguistic --- Public Health - General --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country

Journal of Health,Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 20721315 16060997 Publisher: BMC

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The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) is an international journal quarterly published by icddr,b. The Journal originated from the Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, and over the last twenty-four years has evolved as today’s JHPN by broadening its topic-inclusion related to more diversified issues. It is a rapidly-published, peer-reviewed journal which comprises high quality research articles, review articles, short reports, and letters on recent findings from scientists, researchers and health professionals throughout the world. It is available on the Internet ( The Journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short reports, commentaries, case studies, and letters on new findings from any part of the globe. The sections of JHPN are: Emerging Diseases, Health Systems, Immunization, Nutrition, Population, Reproductive and Neonatal Health, Water and Sanitation, Gender Health and Human Rights, Social Determinants of Health, Chronic Diseases (public-health aspects), and Case Studies.


Preventive health services --- Families --- Nutrition disorders --- Nutrition --- Preventive Health Services. --- Developing Countries. --- Family Health. --- Nutritional Physiological Phenomena --- Nutrition Disorders --- Santé publique --- Health and hygiene --- Prevention --- prevention & control. --- Developing countries --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Nutrition Phenomena --- Nutrition Physiological Concepts --- Nutrition Physiological Phenomenon --- Nutrition Process --- Nutritional Phenomena --- Nutritional Physiological Phenomenon --- Nutritional Physiology --- Nutritional Physiology Concepts --- Nutritional Physiology Phenomenon --- Nutritional Process --- Nutritional Processes --- Nutrition Physiological Phenomena --- Nutrition Physiology --- Nutrition Processes --- Nutritional Physiology Phenomena --- Concept, Nutrition Physiological --- Concept, Nutritional Physiology --- Concepts, Nutrition Physiological --- Concepts, Nutritional Physiology --- Nutrition Physiological Concept --- Nutritional Physiology Concept --- Phenomena, Nutrition --- Phenomena, Nutrition Physiological --- Phenomena, Nutritional --- Phenomena, Nutritional Physiological --- Phenomena, Nutritional Physiology --- Phenomenon, Nutrition Physiological --- Phenomenon, Nutritional Physiological --- Phenomenon, Nutritional Physiology --- Physiological Concept, Nutrition --- Physiological Concepts, Nutrition --- Physiological Phenomena, Nutrition --- Physiological Phenomena, Nutritional --- Physiological Phenomenon, Nutrition --- Physiological Phenomenon, Nutritional --- Physiology Concept, Nutritional --- Physiology Concepts, Nutritional --- Physiology Phenomena, Nutritional --- Physiology Phenomenon, Nutritional --- Physiology, Nutrition --- Physiology, Nutritional --- Process, Nutrition --- Process, Nutritional --- Processes, Nutrition --- Processes, Nutritional --- Health, Family --- Developing Nations --- Least Developed Countries --- Less-Developed Nations --- Third-World Nations --- Under-Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Countries --- Third-World Countries --- Under-Developed Countries --- Countries, Developing --- Countries, Least Developed --- Countries, Less-Developed --- Countries, Third-World --- Countries, Under-Developed --- Country, Developing --- Country, Least Developed --- Country, Less-Developed --- Country, Third-World --- Country, Under-Developed --- Developed Countries, Least --- Developed Country, Least --- Developing Country --- Developing Nation --- Least Developed Country --- Less Developed Countries --- Less Developed Nations --- Less-Developed Country --- Less-Developed Nation --- Nation, Less-Developed --- Nation, Third-World --- Nation, Under-Developed --- Nations, Developing --- Nations, Less-Developed --- Nations, Third-World --- Nations, Under-Developed --- Third World Countries --- Third World Nations --- Third-World Country --- Third-World Nation --- Under Developed Countries --- Under Developed Nations --- Under-Developed Country --- Under-Developed Nation --- Health Services, Preventive --- Preventive Health --- Preventive Health Care --- Preventive Health Programs --- Preventive Programs --- Services, Preventive Health --- Care, Preventive Health --- Health Care, Preventive --- Health Program, Preventive --- Health Programs, Preventive --- Health Service, Preventive --- Health, Preventive --- Preventive Health Program --- Preventive Health Service --- Preventive Program --- Program, Preventive --- Program, Preventive Health --- Programs, Preventive --- Programs, Preventive Health --- Service, Preventive Health --- Disorders of nutrition --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Health --- Population --- Nutrition --- illness --- developing countries --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Home --- Households --- Kinship --- Marriage --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Medical care --- Medicine, Preventive --- Food --- Nutritional Sciences --- Phototrophic Processes --- Autotrophic Processes --- Heterotrophic Processes --- Chemoautotrophic Growth --- Preventive Medicine --- Preventive Psychiatry --- Primary Prevention --- Diseases --- Nutrition. --- Preventive health services. --- Preventive Health Services --- Developing Countries --- Family Health --- Health and hygiene. --- Prevention. --- prevention & control --- Developing countries. --- Nutritional Disorders --- Nutrition Disorder --- Nutritional Disorder --- Alimentation --- Physiology --- Diet --- Dietetics --- Digestion --- Food habits --- Malnutrition --- Family health --- Social medicine --- Health aspects --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- global health --- population health --- health economics --- nutrition --- reproductive health --- Santé publique --- Zdrowie publiczne --- Nutritional Physiological Phenomena. --- Zdrowie publiczne. --- Pathology of the metabolism --- Human medicine --- LMICs --- Low Income Countries --- Low and Middle Income Countries --- Lower-Middle-Income Country --- Middle Income Countries --- Countries, Middle Income --- Country, Low Income --- Country, Lower-Middle-Income --- Country, Middle Income --- Low Income Country --- Lower Middle Income Country --- Lower-Middle-Income Countries --- Middle Income Country

Healthcare in Low-resource Settings
ISSN: 22817824

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Medical care --- Medically underserved areas --- Medically underserved areas. --- Medical care. --- Delivery of Health Care --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Health service shortage areas --- Medical underservice areas --- Physician shortage areas --- Underserved areas in medicine --- Health service areas --- Medical economics --- Scarcity --- Human medicine --- low income countries

Hope is a girl selling fruit : Hoop is een meisje dat fruit verkoopt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789383145027 9383145021 Year: 2013 Publisher: India Tara Books

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Met Nederlandse vertaling in bijlage.


genre-thema"">genre-thema --- hindoeïsme --- meisjes --- armoede (themawoord fictie) --- Indo-European literature --- jeugd (themawoord fictie) --- vrouwenemancipatie --- secundair onderwijs 1ste graad --- multiculturele samenleving --- lager onderwijs 3de graad (doelgroep) --- India --- Lotsbestemming --- Zelfvertrouwen --- Vrouwen ; India --- Poor --- Girls --- Railroad travel --- Picture books for children. --- prentenboeken --- intercultureel onderwijs --- JB DAS --- anderstalige kinderboeken --- reizen --- Prentenboek andere taal --- Jeugdboeken --- Fiction --- Anderstalige jeugdboeken --- Prentenboeken --- lotsbestemming --- zelfvertrouwen --- vrouwen --- anderstalige prentenboeken --- verhalen +9 jaar --- Children's picture books --- Illustrated children's books --- Rail travel --- Railroads --- Routes of travel --- Train travel --- Transportation --- Travel --- Voyages and travels --- Children --- Females --- Young women --- Disadvantaged, Economically --- Economically disadvantaged --- Impoverished people --- Low-income people --- Pauperism --- Poor, The --- Poor people --- Persons --- Social classes --- Poverty --- Economic conditions --- Picture books for children --- Fruit --- Mondiale vorming --- Jeugdboeken 03-06 jaar --- Jeugdboeken 07-09 jaar --- Rechten van het kind --- Vrouwenemancipatie --- Bharat --- Bhārata --- Government of India --- Ḣindiston Respublikasi --- Inde --- Indië --- Indien --- Indii︠a︡ --- Indland --- Indo --- Republic of India --- Sāthāranarat ʻIndīa --- Yin-tu --- インド --- هند --- Индия --- Kinderrechten --- Godsdienst --- Kunst --- Autisme --- Cultuur --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Maatschappij --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Prentenboek

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