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Empirical software engineering : an international journal
ISSN: 13823256 15737616 Publisher: Boston, Mass.


Ada 2012 Reference Manual. Language and Standard Libraries : International Standard ISO/IEC 8652/2012 (E)
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783642454196 9783642454189 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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The Ada 2012 Reference Manual is an enhanced version of the text of International Standard ISO/IEC 8652/2012(E) for the programming language Ada. The Ada 2012 Reference Manual combines all of the previous corrections of Technical Corrigendum 1 and Amendment 1 with changes and additions that improve the capabilities of the language and the reliability of programs written in the language. The Ada 2012 Reference Manual will replace the former versions as an indispensable working companion for anybody using Ada professionally or learning and studying the language systematically.

Journal of software engineering research and development.
ISSN: 21951721 Year: 2013 Publisher: Heidelberg, Germany : Springer,

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"The aim of the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD) is to inform the readers about state of the art of software engineering by publishing high quality papers that represent results of consolidated research and innovations in software engineering and related areas."

Petri Net Synthesis
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783662479674 9783662479667 9783662479681 9783662516218 Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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This book is a comprehensive, systematic survey of the synthesis problem, and of region theory which underlies its solution, covering the related theory, algorithms, and applications. The authors focus on safe Petri nets and place/transition nets (P/T-nets), treating synthesis as an automated process which, given behavioural specifications or partial specifications of a system to be realized, decides whether the specifications are feasible, and then produces a Petri net realizing them exactly, or if this is not possible produces a Petri net realizing an optimal approximation of the specifications. In Part I the authors introduce elementary net synthesis. In Part II they explain variations of elementary net synthesis and the unified theory of net synthesis. The first three chapters of Part III address the linear algebraic structure of regions, synthesis of P/T-nets from finite initialized transition systems, and the synthesis of unbounded P/T-nets. Finally, the last chapter in Part III and the chapters in Part IV cover more advanced topics and applications: P/T-nets with the step firing rule, extracting concurrency from transition systems, process discovery, supervisory control, and the design of speed-independent circuits. Most chapters conclude with exercises, and the book is a valuable reference for both graduate students of computer science and electrical engineering and researchers and engineers in this domain.

Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency : 34th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2013, Milan, Italy, June 24-28, 2013. Proceedings
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783642386978 9783642386961 Year: 2013 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency, PETRI NETS 2013, held in Milan, Italy, in June 2013. The 18 regular papers and 2 tool papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. The book also contains 2 invited talks. All current issues on research and development in the area of Petri nets and related models of concurrent systems are addressed.

Handboek Microsoft Teams
ISBN: 9789463562294 Year: 2021 Publisher: [Culemborg] Van Duuren Media

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Leer uw weg in MS Teams kennen en stel de communicatie via chat en videochat in, zowel binnen als buiten uw organisatie. Integreer Teams met andere Office-apps voor naadloze samenwerking. Gebruik Teams om vergaderingen te optimaliseren, aparte vergaderruimten te gebruiken en meer! De gedeelde werkruimte van MS Teams kan u helpen samen te werken en verbonden te blijven met de mensen en bestanden die u nodig hebt, of u nu achter uw bureau werkt of onderweg bent.


opleiding --- izglītība --- uddannelse --- edukazzjoni --- yleissivistävä koulutus --- éducation --- izobraževanje --- oktatás --- vzdelávanie --- educação --- oświata --- švietimas --- образование --- παιδεία --- utbildning --- educación --- education --- arsimi --- Bildung --- образовање --- vzdělávání --- haridus --- istruzione --- învățământ --- obrazovanje --- obrazovne znanosti --- odgoj i obrazovanje --- edukacijske vede --- výchovně vzdělávací proces --- onderwijswetenschappen --- педагогически науки --- ciencias de la educación --- edukační vědy --- educational sciences --- výchova --- xjenzi edukattivi --- образователни науки --- koulutustieteet --- kasvatustieteet --- oktatástudomány --- utbildningsvetenskap --- science of education --- pedagoģijas zinātne --- neveléstudomány --- scienze dell'educazione --- vzdělání --- onderwijskunde --- воспитание и образование --- sciences de l'éducation --- vědy o vzdělávání --- Erziehungswissenschaften --- образовен процес --- edukologija --- nevelés --- παιδαγωγικές επιστήμες --- științele educației --- formazione --- ciência da educação --- vorming --- pedagogické vedy --- prosvjeta --- nauki pedagogiczne --- Mass communications --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Computer. Automation --- bedrijfssoftware --- mediawijsheid --- vergaderen --- computerprogramma's --- groepswerk --- Informatique Informatica --- Logiciel Software --- Télétravail Telewerken --- Equipe Team --- oideachas --- 658.3 --- 681.3 --- 681.3 Computer science --- 681.3 Computerwetenschap --- Computer science --- Computerwetenschap --- 658.3 Personnel. Human factor. Human relations (Staff relations. Personal or interpersonal relations). Working atmosphere --- Personnel. Human factor. Human relations (Staff relations. Personal or interpersonal relations). Working atmosphere --- koulutus

Hallo, ik ben ChatGPT : een boek over ChatGPT. Geschreven door ChatGPT
ISBN: 9789463563130 946356313X Year: 2023 Publisher: Culemborg Van Duuren Media

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"Met dit praktische boek ontdek je de kracht van ChatGPT en leer je hoe je deze technologie kunt gebruiken om je in je dagelijkse bezigheden te ondersteunen. Een absolute must-read voor iedereen die meer uit deze fascinerende technologie wil halen!"Ontdek de wereld van ChatGPT en leer hoe je deze krachtige AI-technologie kunt gebruiken om middels opdrachten in gewoon Nederlands je dagelijkse bezigheden leuker en efficiënter te maken. In dit boek nemen we je mee door de basisprincipes van ChatGPT, van de geschiedenis en de werking tot de meest recente ontwikkelingen. Je leert hoe je ChatGPT kunt gebruiken voor verschillende toepassingen, zoals het opvragen, analyseren en genereren van informatie, het schrijven van voorstellen, samenvattingen en recepten en meer. We bespreken ook de ethische overwegingen van het gebruik van ChatGPT en geven praktische tips voor verantwoord gebruik.Uit de inhoud:Geschiedenis en toekomst van ChatGPTHoe ChatGPT werktDe verschillende versies van ChatGPTToepassingen van ChatGPTGeavanceerde techniekenEthische zaken en praktische tips voor verantwoord gebruikTalloze praktische voorbeelden voor thuis, het werk of ontspanningNaast ChatGPT wordt ook aandacht besteed aan Midjourney, een AI-generator voor beeld, en Microsofts Bing Chat, dat gebruikmaakt van de technologie achter ChatGPT.Bron:


ChatGPT --- Artificiële intelligentie --- Public law. Constitutional law --- Didactics of technology --- Organization theory --- Mass communications --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- toegepaste informatica --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- robots --- nieuwe technologie --- computerprogramma --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- technologische verandering --- cambio tecnológico --- teknologinen muutos --- technologinis pakeitimas --- teknologisk förändring --- mudança tecnológica --- trasformazione tecnologica --- technologická zmena --- технологична промяна --- bidla teknoloġika --- τεχνολογική αλλαγή --- tehnološka promjena --- technologická změna --- technológiai változás --- evoluție tehnologică --- changement technologique --- tehnoloģijas maiņa --- technologischer Wandel --- tehnološka sprememba --- tehnoloogiline muutus --- rozwój technologii --- technological change --- ndryshim teknologjik --- технолошка промена --- teknologisk forandring --- athrú teicneolaíoch --- développement technique --- digitálna revolúcia --- технолошки развој --- technological progress --- tehnoloģiskā attīstība --- tekniska framsteg --- mutamento tecnologico --- technologický rozvoj --- tekniskt framsteg --- technischer Fortschritt --- digitalna revolucija --- digitális forradalom --- tehnoloogia areng --- rivoluzione digitale --- athrú teicneolaíochta --- aanpassing technische vooruitgang --- sviluppo tecnologico --- tehnikas progress --- технички напредак --- revolución digital --- technológiai változások --- προσαρμογή στην τεχνική πρόοδο --- aanpassing aan technische vooruitgang --- pielāgošanās tehnikas attīstībai --- digitaalinen vallankumous --- développement technologique --- ψηφιακή επανάσταση --- a műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- rewolucja cyfrowa --- technologische ontwikkeling --- rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- revoluție digitală --- tehnološke promjene --- mukautuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- развитие на технологиите --- progresso tecnico --- technical progress --- tehnoloģiju maiņa --- postęp technologiczny --- adaptare la progresul tehnic --- technologijos tobulinimas --- digitale revolutie --- teknologiska framsteg --- прилагођавање техничком напретку --- цифрова революция --- техническо развитие --- prilagajanje tehničnemu napredku --- technologische Entwicklung --- revolução digital --- anpassning till tekniska framsteg --- tehnikas attīstība --- tehnološki napredak --- приспособување на технолошките промени --- mutation technologique --- prispôsobenie technickému pokroku --- rozwój technologiczny --- tekniikan kehittyminen --- přizpůsobení technickému pokroku --- progrès technique --- tekniikan kehitys --- a műszaki fejlődéshez való igazodás --- teknologisk udvikling --- progreso técnico --- réabhlóid dhigiteach --- műszaki fejlődés --- adaptation au progrès technique --- digitální revoluce --- teknisk udvikling --- progress tekniku --- tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling --- zhvillim tekonologjik --- progreso tecnológico --- приспособяване към техническия напредък --- Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt --- kohandumine tehnika arenguga --- adaptación al progreso técnico --- технически напредък --- prisitaikymas prie technikos pažangos --- tekninen muutos --- desarrollo tecnológico --- dezvoltare tehnologică --- teknologinen kehitys --- změna technologie --- tekninen kehitys --- technikos pažanga --- teknisk fremskridt --- skaitmeninė revoliucija --- technologinis pokytis --- technological development --- teknikutveckling --- adeguamento al progresso tecnico --- tehnika arenemine --- technologijų raida --- technológiai fejlesztés --- techninė pažanga --- progrès technologique --- технички развој --- teknologiske forandringer --- technológiai fejlődés --- desenvolvimento tecnológico --- tehnološki razvoj --- prilagoditev tehničnemu napredku --- adattament għall-progress tekniku --- sopeutuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- attività tecnologica --- cambiamento tecnologico --- tilpasning til teknisk fremskridt --- tehnika areng --- технолошки напредок --- përparim teknologjik --- digitaalrevolutsioon --- tehnikaareng --- révolution numérique --- progres tehnic --- tehnoloģijas attīstība --- digitālā revolūcija --- adaptation to technical progress --- żvilupp teknoloġiku --- teknologins utveckling --- τεχνολογική εξέλιξη --- voortschrijden van de technologie --- tehnični napredek --- digital revolution --- sfida tecnologica --- digitale Revolution --- pielāgošana tehniskajam progresam --- technický pokrok --- adaptação ao progresso técnico --- technische vooruitgang --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- crise de adaptação tecnológica --- τεχνική πρόοδος --- adaptim ndaj përparimeve teknologjike --- prilagodba tehničkom napretku --- progresso técnico --- műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- inteligência artificial --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- artificial intelligence --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intelligence artificielle --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- софтуер --- λογισμικό --- софтвер (умотворина) --- tarkvara --- Software --- programmatūra --- programinė įranga --- ohjelmisto --- programmel --- softuer --- softwer --- software --- софтвер --- szoftver --- programvara --- logiciel --- oprogramowanie --- softvér --- bogearraí --- programska oprema --- program software --- industrie software --- aplikační programové vybavení --- ανάπτυξη πληροφορικής --- software d'attuazione --- desenvolvimento informático --- programiranje --- programinės įrangos kūrimas --- program de calculator --- programmēšana --- softwarový průmysl --- software-industrie --- programminženierija --- ríomhchlárú --- vývoj informačních technologií --- programa de computador --- Programmierung --- sviluppo di software --- programação informática --- soporte lógico informático --- industri e softuerëve --- edb-program --- sviluppo informatico --- разработване на програми --- ohjelmistoala --- tarkvaratehnika --- програмирање --- tarkvaratööstus --- szoftverfejlesztés --- tarkvarapakett --- softver --- programación informática --- progiciel --- Softwaretechnologie --- programinės įrangos pramonė --- tietokoneen ohjelmointi --- programma software --- software package --- Anwendungssoftware --- desenvolvimento de software --- software development --- datorprogram --- ohjelmistosuunnittelu --- προγραμματισμός Η/Υ --- programmeren --- vývoj softvéru --- tietokoneohjelma --- computer programme --- kompiuterio programavimas --- pacáiste bogearraí --- softwareudvikling --- indústria do software --- Rechnerprogramm --- mjukvara --- softwareontwerp --- arvutiprogrammeerimine --- firmware --- dezvoltare de software --- programinės įrangos technika --- kompiuterio programa --- razvoj programske opreme --- programska podrška --- programme d'ordinateur --- софтверски пакет --- programozás --- standardiserad programvara --- arvutiprogramm --- πληροφορικά προγράμματα --- Softwareindustrie --- programska potpora --- programmazione informatica --- programování --- conceção de software --- industria del software --- ríomhchlárúchán --- industrie du logiciel --- software di base --- balík programů --- počítačový program --- programvaruindustri --- programmatūras pakotne --- softwareontwikkeling --- programmelindustri --- razvoj softvera --- datorprogrammering --- microprogramma --- softwarový balík --- programa de ordenador --- számítógépes program --- ingegneria del software --- softvérový balík --- inxhinieri e softuerëve --- počítačové programovanie --- développement logiciel --- ohjelmistopakkaus --- programa informático --- tietotekniikan kehittäminen --- forbairt bogearraí --- programmation informatique --- desarrollo de programas informáticos --- ohjelmistokehitys --- vývoj softwaru --- programmapakket --- βιομηχανία προγραμμάτων Η/Υ --- softvérové inžinierstvo --- EDV-Programm --- datorprogramma --- softwareindustri --- προγράμματα συστημάτων Η/Υ --- sada programů --- softwarová technologie --- Software-Engineering --- software industry --- dezvoltare informatică --- suporte lógico --- Informatikentwicklung --- edb-programmering --- Standardsoftware --- aplikační software --- softwarové inženýrství --- innealtóireacht bogearraí --- paketë softueri --- tarkvaraarendus --- programové vybavení --- ríomhchlár --- programma di calcolatore --- προγράμματα ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών --- softvérový priemysel --- programmatuur --- ανάπτυξη λογισμικού --- software engineering --- informatikai fejlesztés --- programų paketas --- software applicativo --- développement informatique --- computer programming --- szoftvergyártás --- programmering --- programmatūras izstrāde --- żvilupp ta' softwer --- software aplicativ --- programa de aplicação --- génie logiciel --- развитие на информационните технологии --- programim kompjuterik --- program kompjuterik --- информатичко решение --- new technology --- ny teknik --- új technológia --- нова технология --- nowe technologie --- jauna tehnoloģija --- nuova tecnologia --- nova tecnologia --- nová technológia --- nueva tecnología --- teknologji e re --- nouvelle technologie --- nová technologie --- uus tehnoloogia --- uusi teknologia --- tehnologie avansată --- neue Technologie --- teknoloġija ġdida --- нова технологија --- nuatheicneolaíocht --- νέες τεχνολογίες --- nova tehnologija --- ny teknologi --- naujoji technologija --- moderná technológia --- alta tecnologia --- Spitzentechnologie --- neuartige Technologie --- tecnología avanzada --- technique de pointe --- fejlett technológia --- advanced technology --- Hightech --- advanced technique --- kõrgtehnoloogia --- avanceret teknik --- alta tecnología --- progresivní technologie --- high-tech --- korszerű technika --- forkantteknologi --- teknikë e përparuar --- arenenud tehnoloogia --- spetsteknik --- špičková technika --- högt utvecklad teknik --- hoch entwickelte Technik --- arenenud tehnika --- high technology --- technologie avancée --- tecnologia de ponta --- висока технологија --- tecnologia di punta --- tecnica d'avanguardia --- avancerad teknik --- tecnologia nova --- geavanceerde technologie --- tecnología punta --- csúcstechnológia --- napredna tehnologija --- hoogontwikkelde technologie --- tecnica di punta --- speerpunttechnologie --- kehittynyt teknologia --- högteknologi --- teknologji e lartë --- τεχνολογία αιχμής --- pažangioji technika --- напредна технологија --- attīstīta tehnoloģija --- korkea teknologia --- højteknologi --- προηγμένη τεχνολογία --- technologie nouvelle --- augstās tehnoloģijas --- модерна технологија --- tehnică avansată --- haute technologie --- spitstechnologie --- tecnologia avanzata --- high tech --- aukštoji technologija --- attīstīta metode --- înaltă trhnologie --- spjutspetsteknik --- špičková technologie --- visoka tehnologija --- korszerű technológia --- moderná technika --- pažangioji technologija --- kehittynyt tekniikka --- fortgeschrittene Technologie --- tecnologia avançada --- hightech --- υψηλή τεχνολογία --- AI (artificiële intelligentie)

Cyberveilig in 10 dagen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789401463652 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Amsterdam Lannoo Campus

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Computer architecture. Operating systems --- internet --- computerbeveiliging --- computercriminaliteit --- informatica --- computerpiraterij --- informatiebeveiliging --- Интернет --- internetas --- idirlíon --- internets --- Internet --- интернет --- webb --- an tIdirlíon --- tīmeklis --- veeb --- faqe web --- světová počítačová síť --- svjetska računalna mreža --- web --- međumrežje --- www --- világháló --- információbiztonság --- informationssikkerhed --- siguria informatike --- segurança da informação --- sikurezza tal-informazzjoni --- varovanje tajnosti podatkov --- Informationssicherheit --- bezpečnost informačních systémů --- informācijas drošība --- sicurezza delle informazioni --- informacijska sigurnost --- securitatea sistemelor informatice --- infoturve --- tietoturvallisuus --- информационна сигурност --- sécurité des systèmes d’information --- informationssäkerhet --- seguridad informática --- bezpieczeństwo informacji --- slándáil faisnéise --- information security --- информатичка безбедност --- informacijos saugumas --- ασφάλεια των συστημάτων πληροφοριών --- bezpečnosť informačných systémov --- мрежова сигурност и сигурност в Интернет --- sécurité internet --- infrazzjoni tas-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni --- digital sikkerhed --- дигитална безбедност --- sigurtà tal-internet --- digitale beveiliging --- sikurezza diġitali --- интернетска безбедност --- kibernetska varnost --- zabezpečení informací --- network and Internet security --- parrezikshmëri dixhitale --- осигуреност на информацията --- cyberveiligheid --- kibernetinis saugumas --- informacijos saugumo užtikrinimas --- сигурност в Интернет --- segurança digital --- Infosec --- mbrojtje e informacionit --- digitalna varnost --- zabezpieczanie informacji --- digitālā drošība --- brud på informationssikkerheden --- sieťová a internetová bezpečnosť --- cibersegurança --- kršenje informacijske sigurnosti --- internetna varnost --- assurance de l’information --- Internet safety --- cibersecuritate --- seguridad digital --- securitate informatică --- incidente di sicurezza informatica --- sicurezza digitale --- garantía de la información --- cyberbeveiliging --- kybernetická bezpečnosť --- parrezikshmëria e internetit --- cyber-security --- sicurezza delle reti e dell'informazione --- internetveiligheid --- digitale Sicherheit --- asigurarea informației --- segurança das redes e da Internet --- безбедност на информациите --- cyber-securité --- sigurnost informacija --- verkkoturvallisuus --- událost v oblasti bezpečnosti informací --- цифрова безопасност --- parrezikshmëri kibernetike --- ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο --- ασφάλεια των πληροφοριών --- kybernetická bezpečnost --- informācijas drošības incidents --- internetsikkerhed --- information security incident --- cyber-safety --- internetbeveiliging --- incidente no domínio da segurança da informação --- kyberturvallisuus --- cybersicurezza --- internetsäkerhet --- sicurezza informatica --- incident informačnej bezpečnosti --- IT-beveiliging --- digitale veiligheid --- siguria e internetit --- inbreuk op de informatiebeveiliging --- porušení bezpečnosti informačních systémů --- informācijas aizsardzība --- cybersecurity --- кибербезопасност --- információbiztonsági esemény --- hálózatbiztonság --- kršitev varovanja tajnosti podatkov --- ráthú faisnéise --- segurança eletrónica --- naruszenie bezpieczeństwa informacji --- sécurité numérique --- garantia da informação --- informationssikring --- digital safety --- ασφάλεια στον κυβερνοχώρο  --- internetbiztonság --- net- og informationssikkerhed --- tietovarmuus --- tietojen turvaaminen --- breach of information security --- tīklu un informācijas drošība --- securitatea rețelelor și a internetului --- digitálna bezpečnosť --- inċident tas-sigurtà tal-informazzjoni --- kiberdrošība --- ИНФОСЕК --- кибербезбедност --- безбедност на компјутерски мрежи --- infosec --- vulnérabilitité des systèmes d'information --- garanzia di sicurezza delle informazioni --- informačná bezpečnosť --- INFOSEC --- IT-sikkerhed --- ψηφιακή ασφάλεια --- kiberbiztonság --- segurança da Web --- varnost omrežij in internetna varnost --- пробив в информационната сигурност --- SRRI --- cybersécurité --- küberjulgeolek --- cybersafety --- mrežna i internetska sigurnost --- tietoverkkoturvallisuus --- cybersäkerhet --- informatieborging --- interneto saugumas --- violazione della sicurezza delle informazioni --- interneto sauga --- περιστατικό ασφάλειας πληροφοριών --- sikurezza tal-internet --- INFOSEC  --- digitální bezpečnost --- incident glede varovanja tajnosti podatkov --- segurança cibernética --- incident de securitate cibernetică --- bezpieczeństwo cybernetyczne --- it-säkerhet --- informatiebeveiligingsincident --- shkelje e sigurisë informatike --- cibearshlándáil --- információbiztonsági incidens --- siguria e rrjetit dhe e internetit --- netwerk- en internetbeveiliging --- internetová bezpečnosť --- varnost na internetu --- Incident i sigurisë informatike --- sicurezza di Internet --- bezpieczeństwo cyfrowe --- încălcarea regulilor de securitate a sistemelor informatice --- informacijos saugumo incidentas --- violação da segurança da informação --- bezpieczeństwo w internecie --- sigurnost na internetu --- informationssikkerhedshændelse --- assikurazzjoni tal-informazzjoni --- netbiztonság --- internetová bezpečnost --- informācijas drošības pārkāpums --- NIS --- informacijos saugumo pažeidimas --- információbiztonság megsértése --- cyberbezpieczeństwo --- datasäkerhet --- Netz- und Informationssicherheit --- cybersikkerhed --- siguria kibernetike --- infokindlus --- zagotavljanje informacijske varnosti --- information assurance --- tīklu un interneta drošība --- infoturbeintsident --- kibernetička sigurnost --- parrezikshmëria kibernetike --- Informationssicherung --- sigurtà tan-netwerks u tal-internet --- bezpieczeństwo w sieci i internecie --- segurança informática --- Internetsicherheit --- interneta drošums --- porušenie bezpečnosti informačných systémov --- ciberseguridad --- digitális biztonság --- Cybersicherheit --- incydent związany z bezpieczeństwem informacji --- IT-Sicherheit --- interneta drošība --- Internet security --- InfoSec --- securitate cibernetică --- информациска безбедност --- informationssäkring --- segurança da Internet --- počítačové pirátstvo --- pirateria informatica --- piratage informatique --- компјутерска пиратерија --- píoráideacht bogearraí --- компютърно пиратство --- računalniško piratstvo --- računalno piratstvo --- edb-piratvirksomhed --- piratverksamhet inom dataindustrin --- pirataria informática --- datorpirātisms --- atk-piratismi --- pirateri kompjuterike --- számítógépes kalózkodás --- počítačové pirátství --- piractwo komputerowe --- piraterie informatică --- πειρατεία πληροφορικής --- computer piracy --- arvutipiraatlus --- информатичка пиратерија --- Computer-Piraterie --- kompiuterinis piratavimas --- piraterija informatika --- piratería informática --- illegális szoftvermásolás --- nelegāla programmatūras lietošana --- utilizare ilegală de software --- programmatūras pirātisms --- computerkraak --- szoftverkalózkodás --- hekkelés --- keqpërdorim softueri --- danneggiamento di archivi elettronici riservati --- hacker --- missbruk av programvara --- manipulación fraudulenta de datos informáticos --- Entwendung von Computerprogrammen --- intrusión informática --- proeza informática --- netinkamas programinės įrangos naudojimas --- hekkertevékenység --- software piracy --- počítačová piratela --- komputerové pirátství --- pirataria de software --- πειρατεία προγραμμάτων Η/Υ --- softwarové pirátství --- hekanje --- hakiranje --- piratprogram --- piraterija ta' softwer --- softvérové pirátstvo --- vdiranje v tuje računalniške sisteme --- software misuse --- hakkerointi --- фалсификување компјутерски софтвер --- zneužitie softvéru --- häkkimine --- hakowanie --- незаконско користење софтвер --- ohjelmiston luvaton käyttö --- įsilaužimas į kompiuterines programas ar tinklus --- forcering --- tietomurto --- tarkvarapiraatlus --- détournement de logiciel --- olaglig kopiering av programvara --- софтверска пиратерија --- ohjelmistopiratismi --- copia ilegal de software --- feltörés --- ohjelmapiratismi --- počítačový pirát --- copie illicite de logiciel --- hacking --- piratage de logiciels --- uzlaušana --- piratkopiering af software --- Software-Piraterie --- δικτυοπαραβίαση --- piraterij van programmatuur --- Computerhacking --- хакерство --- piraattarkvara --- пиратство на софтуер --- pirataj informatic --- neatļauta programmatūras lietošana --- nelegálně užívaný software --- piratstvo programske opreme --- softwarepiraterij --- programinės įrangos piratavimas --- intrusion informatique --- Informatik und Datenverarbeitung --- informatyka --- informatică --- informatique --- tietotekniikka --- počítačové systémy --- информатика --- informatika --- informatik --- informaatika --- sisteme kompjuterike --- компјутерски системи --- πληροφορική --- informática --- datamatik --- datoru sistēmas --- sistemi tal-kompjuter --- рачунарски системи --- computer systems --- informatika a průmysl zpracování dat --- kompiuterių sistemos --- arvutisüsteemid --- věda o počítačích --- počítačová věda --- informatics --- znanost o računalima --- rivoluzione informatica --- informatikë --- datalogi --- računalna znanost --- settore dell'informatica --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- cyberaanvallen --- netwerkbeveiliging --- Idirlíon --- píoráideacht ríomhaire --- córais ríomhaireachta --- vulnérabilité des systèmes d'information --- kompiuterinės sistemos

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