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Civil Society and Social Science in Yoshihiko Uchida
ISBN: 9789811911385 9789811911378 9789811911392 9789811911408 Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore Springer Nature

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This book introduces the work of Yoshihiko Uchida (1913-1989), one of the most prominent Japanese thinkers on the topic of civil society in the post-World War II era. The distinctive features of Uchida's approach to civil society are his view of the metabolic relationship between human beings and nature and his call for a social science rooted in the experiences and inquiries of ordinary citizens. This original approach did not develop in a straight line from Uchida's early work to his mature period, and this book follows the twists and turns in its formation through his reflections on the relationships between "the civil" and "the capitalistic," "the modern" and "the pre-modern," "the historical" and "the trans-historical," and "science by specialists" and "inquiry by laypeople." As a historian of economic thought, Uchida pursued these topical themes by examining figures such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and Hajime Kawakami, a prominent thinker in Japan. By casting a light on these inquiries, this book offers the first depiction of Uchida's body of work as a whole and in doing so illuminates the emergence of original democratic thought in post-war Japan.

Sur - International Journal on Human Rights
ISSN: 18066445 18066445 19833342

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International Encyclopedia of Civil Society
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780387939964 9780387939971 9780387939940 9780387095073 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York, NY Springer

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Renewed and growing interest in the topic of civil society has generated a wealth of new information and knowledge on the subject, but until now, there was no comprehensive reference work to organize and consolidate this knowledge. The International Encyclopedia of Civil Society will fill this gap, creating a framework for cross-disciplinary communication by providing succinct summaries of concepts and theories, definitions of terms, biographical entries, and organizational profiles. It will also serve as a guide to sources of information, and an overview of the contours of civil society, social capital, philanthropy and nonprofits in different parts of the world, and across cultures and historical periods. The key purpose of the encyclopedia is to provide a common set of understandings and a terminological and analytical starting point for the future development in the growing field of civil society studies worldwide. At the international level, the encyclopedia will represent the most systematic intellectual stocktaking of a growing and rapidly developing field. The International Encyclopedia of Civil Society will have considerable appeal to researchers in nonprofit and civil society studies, political science, economics, management studies, social enterprise as well as development studies programs.

Participatie: what's in a name : een multidisciplinaire kijk op maatschappelijke participatie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789049607555 9049607551 Year: 2012 Volume: *19 Publisher: Brugge Vanden Broele

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Voor wie het begrip participatie vanuit verschillende wetenschappelijke invalshoeken wil bekijken, biedt deze uitgave een onmisbare eerste aanzet. Wat wordt precies bedoeld met het containerbegrip participatie? En wat niet? Wat moet die participatie precies opleveren: nieuwe inzichten en kennis voor beleid? Of meer sociaal kapitaal en vertrouwen? En is participatie middel of doel, vertrekpunt of aankomst? De verschillende academische brillen waarmee naar participatie gekeken wordt, maakt dit boek uniek. Een betere inzicht en begrip van elkaars brillen levert immers niet alleen vanuit academisch perspectief een meerwaarde op, maar is ook zinvol ten aanzien van de alledaagse interactie tussen burger en bestuur. Al te vaak blijkt dat de ene partij onvoldoende zicht heeft op het perspectief en de verwachtingen van de andere partij; met onbegrip en conflicten tot gevolg.Inhoudstafel1. Burgerparticipatie: een politicologisch perspectief 2. Juridische benadering van participatie 3. Participatie: een sociologische benadering 4. Participatie als concept binnen de revalidatiegeneeskunde 5. Het politiek-filosofische debat over participatie en representatie: van de historische bronnen naar het supranationale domein 6. Een beleidswetenschappelijk perspectief op maatschappelijke participatie 7. Een economische kijk op maatschappelijke participatie 8. Besluit - Een multidisciplinaire kijk op maatschappelijke participatie

Kinderen, mij een zorg : betekenis en grenzen van de pedagogische civil society
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789088504211 Year: 2013 Publisher: Amsterdam SWP

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De pedagogische civil society is een belangrijk concept geworden bij de vormgeving van de transitie van het jeugdzorgstelsel in Nederland. Het benadrukt dat problemen van ouders en kinderen doorgaans beter opgelost kunnen worden in de sociale netwerken rondom het gezin dan in de spreekkamer van de gedragswetenschapper of de psychiater.Lokale overheden vertalen dit doorgaans in: terugdringen van de tweede lijn en versterken van de nulde en eerste lijn. Maar waar liggen de grenzen van de pedagogische civil society? Wat kan de pedagogische civil society betekenen voor kinderen en jongeren waar de directe omgeving, ouders en/of hun sociale netwerk beschadigend zijn? Voor veel van deze kinderen geldt dat wat hun ouders hen niet konden bieden ook niet geboden kon worden door de voorzieningen waar zij terecht zijn gekomen. Lokale overheden staan voor de uitdagende taak om in alle opzichten een verbeterslag te realiseren. Dus behalve de pedagogische civil society vorm te geven ook de specialistische zorg hieraan te verbinden. Lokale overheden moeten de gespecialiseerde zorg niet slechts terugdringen maar juist op haar waarde inschatten en waar nodig adequaat inzetten.Een stelselwijziging is een uitgelezen moment om een analyse te maken van verworvenheden en knelpunten; om na te gaan op welke punten verbeteringen noodzakelijk zijn. Niet alleen de civil society is aan revisie toe maar ook de gespecialiseerde zorg. Het wordt tijd dat de lokale overheden zich ook gaan bezighouden met de betekenis van de gespecialiseerde zorg

Zorg voor onszelf : eigen kracht van jeugdigen, opvoeders en omgeving , grenzen en mogelijkheden voor beleid en praktijk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789088503290 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam SWP

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Aan het begin van deze eeuw lijken de eigen kracht van jeugdigen en ouders en de kracht van hun omgeving zowel uitgangspunt als doel van het jeugdbeleid en de praktijk.Welke theoretische en ideële concepten liggen hieraan ten grondslag? Is Nederland 'over-geprofessionaliseerd' als het gaat om opvoeden en opgroeien? Kan je simpelweg een deel van de professionals door vrijwilligers vervangen? Zijn we op zoek naar (nieuwe) opvoedingsidealen: van actief burgerschap tot alles eruit halen wat er in het individuele zelf zit? Of is het een vertaling van een steeds dominantere maatschappij- en mensvisie: iedereen kan alles, en wanneer dat niet lukt ben je zelf verantwoordelijk? Of is de roep om zorg voor onszelf toch niet meer dan een dekmantel voor bezuinigingen? En biedt jeugdbeleid en praktijk gericht op eigen kracht en zorg vanuit de directe omgeving, meer of juist minder kansen voor jeugdigen en de samenleving? Deze vragen hebben de samenstellers voorgelegd aan een keur aan schrijvers, onderzoekers en professionals die in de dagelijkse opgroei- en opvoedpraktijk werkzaam zijn. U krijgt een kleurrijk palet van analyses, overdenkingen en overtuigingen. Stuk voor stuk geschreven door gepassioneerde spelers in de jeugdsector. Bekeken met pedagogische, bestuurlijke, filosofische, onderwijskundige en sociologische 'brillen'. De antwoorden bieden u een mogelijkheid uw visie aan te scherpen en u te behoeden voor al te klakkeloze overname van richtinggevende concepten in het

De participatieve omslag : onze democratie in transitie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789463796873 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Nood aan een ander gesprek over onze democratie? Weg van de crisis, over naar de realiteit? In De participatieve omslag gaan Filip De Rynck en Stef Steyaert dat gesprek met je aan. Ze brengen nuance in de retoriek over democratie. Want die is in transitie, niet in crisis. Bestuurders op alle niveaus voelen aan dat ze participatieve initiatieven een plaats moeten geven. En hoewel de klassieke representatieve democratie weerstand biedt, dwingen zo'n initiatieven ook de traditionele bestuursmodellen richting participatie. In de ruimte tussen klassieke representatie en andere manieren van besluitvorming spelen burgers, politici, middenveldorganisaties en ambtenaren hun rol. En dat roept vragen op. Het doet twijfels rijzen die boeiend zijn om onder de loep te nemen. De analyse in dit boek reikt je de hand om de evolutie naar een meer participatieve democratie mogelijk te maken. Cases van onder andere Ecopower, Park Spoor Noord en Straten vol Leuven tonen je hoe participatie werkt.Bron :


democratie --- 213 Democratie --- 400 Overheid --- Participatieve democratie --- Burgerparticipatie --- #SBIB:35H501 --- #SBIB:324H50 --- 32 --- Bestuur en samenleving: netwerken, inspraak, participatie, interactief beleid --- Politieke participatie en legitimiteit (referenda, directe democratie, publieke opinie...) --- Democratie --- Besluitvorming --- Politiek --- Participatie --- Medezeggenschap --- Burgerinitiatief --- Cocreatie --- participatie --- bestuursmodellen --- Political sociology --- Political systems --- politieke participatie --- burgerparticipatie --- BPB9999 --- BPB2009 --- participatieve democratie --- société civile --- vie associative --- deliberatieve democratie --- België --- svarstomoji demokratija --- δημοκρατία με εξουσία λήψης αποφάσεων --- deliberativt demokrati --- deliberatívna demokracia --- démocratie délibérative --- samtalsdemokrati --- deliberatív demokrácia --- demokrazija deliberattiva --- deliberativní demokracie --- democrazia deliberativa --- делиберативна демократија --- arutlev demokraatia --- deliberative democracy --- democracia deliberativa --- posvetovalna demokracija --- deliberativna demokracija --- demokracja deliberatywna --- deliberative Demokratie --- balstiesiskā demokrātija --- demokraci deliberative --- deliberatiivinen demokratia --- democrație deliberativă --- делиберативна демокрация --- demokratikus megvitatás --- discursive democracy --- democratisch overleg --- deliberação democrática --- democracia discursiva --- keskusteleva demokratia --- demokratično posvetovanje --- toma de decisiones por consenso --- demokratiškas svarstymas --- samtaledemokrati --- demokratische Deliberation --- demokratická deliberácia --- julkisen harkinnan demokratia --- democratic deliberation --- δημοκρατική λήψη αποφάσεων --- демократска расправа --- samrådsdemokrati --- rådslagsdemokrati --- deliberativ demokrati --- overlegdemocratie --- demokratická rozprava --- délibération démocratique --- демократско расправљање --- deliberazione democratica --- diskutim i gjerë demokratik --- dezbatere democratică --- diskurzivna demokracija --- расправна демократија --- deliberacja demokratyczna --- neuvotteleva demokratia --- deliberación democrática --- deltagelsesdemokrati --- osallistava demokratia --- démocratie participative --- partizipative Demokratie --- democrație participativă --- democrazia partecipativa --- participativní demokracie --- συμμετοχική δημοκρατία --- deltagandedemokrati --- osalusdemokraatia --- demokrazija parteċipattiva --- demokraci pjesëmarrëse --- līdzdalības demokrātija --- dalyvaujamoji demokratija --- részvételi demokrácia --- daonlathas rannpháirtíochta --- партиципативна демократија --- партиципативна демокрация --- participatívna demokracia --- democracia participativa --- participatory democracy --- demokracja uczestnicząca --- participativna demokracija --- participative democracy --- δημοκρατική συμμετοχή --- demokratische Partizipation --- demokratisk deltagelse --- demokratická participácia --- demokraatlik osalus --- demokratinis dalyvavimas --- parteċipazzjoni demokratika --- participation démocratique --- uczestnictwo w demokracji --- sudionička demokracija --- participación democrática --- demokratikus részvétel --- osallistuva demokratia --- pjesëmarrje demokratike --- демократско учество --- demokratična udeležba --- demokrātiskā līdzdalība --- democratic participation --- demokratische Mitbestimmung --- participare democratică --- democratische participatie --- demokratiskt deltagande --- participação democrática --- részvételen alapuló demokrácia --- демократско учешће --- demokratická účast --- partecipazione democratica --- учествувачка демократија --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- vida associativa --- foreningsliv --- kolektyvinė veikla --- колективни активности --- ühistegevused --- veprimtari kolektive --- działalność społeczna --- kolektivne aktivnosti --- kollektív tevékenységek --- attivitajiet kollettivi --- collective activities --- колективна активност / колективни дейности --- společenská činnost --- föreningsliv --- колективне активности --- vida asociativa --- activitate colectivă --- Vereinsleben --- verenigingsleven --- ζωή και δραστηριότητες συλλόγων και μαζικών φορέων --- skupinske dejavnosti --- vita associativa --- sabiedriskās aktivitātes --- järjestötoiminta --- kolektívne aktivity --- општествени активности --- општествени дејности --- společenská aktivita --- kolektivní činnost --- društvene aktivnosti --- actividad asociativa --- občianska spoločnosť --- det civila samhället --- гражданско общество --- kansalaisyhteiskunta --- società civile --- sociedade civil --- pilietinė visuomenė --- κοινωνία των πολιτών --- civil társadalom --- civil society --- občanská společnost --- sociedad civil (movimientos de opinión) --- грађанско друштво --- civilno društvo --- civiele samenleving --- societate civilă --- civilsamfund --- społeczeństwo obywatelskie --- pilsoniskā sabiedrība --- Soċjetà ċivili --- sochaí shibhialta --- civilna družba --- kodanikuühiskond --- Zivilgesellschaft --- shoqëri civile --- граѓанско општество --- société civile organisée --- organizacije civilne družbe --- maatschappelijke organisatie --- организација грађанског друштва --- organised civil society --- societate civilă organizată --- organizuota pilietinė visuomenė --- organisation i civilsamfundet --- organización de la sociedad civil --- civil society organization --- organização da sociedade civil --- organizēta pilsoniskā sabiedrība --- organisierte Zivilgesellschaft --- organización de ciudadanos --- цивилно општество --- sociedade civil organizada --- οργάνωση της κοινωνίας των πολιτών --- organizácia občianskej spoločnsti --- organizovaná občianska spoločnosť --- organisation de la société civile --- sociedad civil organizada --- organizirano civilno društvo --- organiserat civilsamhälle --- organiseret civilsamfund --- civilsamfundets organisationer --- organizirana civilna družba --- organizarea societății civile --- civilsamfundsorganisation --- società civile organizzata --- kodanikuühiskonna organisatsioon --- организация на гражданското общество --- цивилно друштво --- организовано цивилно друштво --- razvoj civilnog društva --- organización cívica --- civilsamhället --- organizzazione della società civile --- organized civil society --- Organisation der Zivilgesellschaft --- организација на граѓанското општество --- zorganizowane społeczeństwo obywatelskie --- civil society organisation --- organizace občanské společnosti --- организирано гражданско общество --- organizacja społeczeństwa obywatelskiego --- građansko društvo --- civil társadalmi szervezet --- организирано граѓанско општество --- CSO --- maatschappelijk middenveld --- organização cívica --- organizatë e shoqërisë civile --- szervezett civil társadalom --- pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācija --- organisationer i civilsamhället --- organizovaná občanská společnost --- οργανωμένη κοινωνία των πολιτών --- organisationer i det civila samhället --- järjestäytynyt kansalaisyhteiskunta --- det civila samhällets organisationer --- shoqëri civile e organizuar --- organiseeritud kodanikuühiskond --- Bürgergesellschaft --- zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation --- OSHC --- organizacija civilnog društva --- pilietinės visuomenės organizacija --- Participatiesamenleving --- PXL-Central Office 2020 --- maatschappijkritiek --- politieke structuren --- transitie --- Democracy --- Political participation --- Leiderschap --- Media --- Maatschappij --- Film --- daonlathas breithniúcháin --- gníomhaíochtaí comhpháirteacha --- België --- société civile

Sociology of religion : a quarterly review.
ISSN: 17598818 10694404 Year: 1964 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Sociology of Religion, the official journal of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, is published quarterly for the purpose of advancing scholarship in the sociological study of religion. The journal publishes original (not previously published) work of exceptional quality and interest without regard to substantive focus, theoretical orientation, or methodological approach.


Religion and sociology --- Sociologie religieuse --- 316:2 --- 316:2 Godsdienstsociologie --- Godsdienstsociologie --- Periodicals --- Religion and sociology. --- Religionssoziologie --- Zeitschrift --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Religion --- Spezielle Soziologie --- Religion and society --- Religious sociology --- Society and religion --- Sociology, Religious --- Sociology and religion --- Sociology of religion --- Sociology --- Soziologie --- Arts and Humanities --- Social Sciences --- General and Others --- Society and Culture --- Doctrine sociale de l'Église. --- Église et problèmes sociaux --- Église catholique --- the gender paradox in work satisfaction and the Protestant clergy --- theological modernism --- cultural libertarianism --- laissez-faire economics in contemporary European societies --- conservative Catholics and the Christian right --- Mormonism --- feminism --- religious diversity and the LDS Church --- radicalization of religious discourse in El Salvador --- Oscar A. Romero --- women's role in historic religious and political movements --- book reviews --- mormons --- female clergy --- gender --- job satisfaction --- individualism --- Republican party --- Creationism --- Molly Mormons --- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) --- church hierarchy --- Norway --- political movements --- Lofthus revolt (Norway) --- Thrane movement (Norway) --- Hauge movement (Norway) --- Norwegian Methodism (Norway) --- Y2K --- Apocalypse --- Evangelical Christianity --- Eschatological Belief --- Apocalyptic Catholicism --- evangelicals --- James Davison Hunter --- evangelical morality --- culture wars --- cultural tension --- eligious progressives --- sect-to-church theory --- theoretical developments --- religious organizations --- Christianity in Britain --- Religion and the Future --- End Times --- Macintosh (Apple) --- Macintosh devotion --- operating system (OS) --- technology --- computers --- sociology of religion --- life ethic --- abortion --- abortion opposition --- consistent life --- social isolation --- urban poor --- low-income --- surveys --- church attendance --- congregations --- religious involvement --- volunteering --- Congregations and Social Action --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- new religious movements (NRM) --- Japan --- comparative analysis --- meaninglessness --- religious expression --- reflexive spirituality --- individual religiosity --- Lubavitch movement --- orthodox judaism --- messianic belief --- Lubavitchers --- failed predictions --- failed prophecies --- Italy --- Catholicism --- secularization --- religious market theory --- Italian Catholicism --- moral attitudes --- moral issues --- multi-level analysis --- religious affiliation --- Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) --- women --- education --- multivariate analysis --- ethnographic studies --- Chinese immigrants --- assimilation --- ethnic identification --- American way --- social reidentification --- Taiwanese immigrants --- Buddhist immigrants --- Buddhist temple --- outreach strategies --- W.E.B. Du Bois (1868–1963) --- sociological methods --- African Americans --- fundamentalism --- marginality --- conceptualization of religion --- sociology of contemporary religion --- Afro-Brazilian religions --- Argentina --- Tunisia --- Iran --- ulema groups --- denominational affiliation --- social structural inequality --- social conditions --- religious identity --- General Social Survey (GSS) --- class culture --- secularization theory --- Rodney Stark --- Eastern Germany --- theoretical models --- market model --- individualization --- religious changes --- Manifest Destiny --- mission and destiny --- foreign conflict --- George Bush --- Bill Clinton --- Persian Gulf War --- Kosovo conflict --- Max Weber --- Comparative Religions --- Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredi) --- Israel --- Judaism --- rabbinical tradition --- Goddess movement --- Goddess pilgrims --- ancient Goddess worship --- female bodies --- pilgrimage --- tourism --- ethnic tourism --- environmental tourism --- historical tourism --- Sheila Larson --- Sheilaism --- religious individualism --- LGBT Christians --- Reformed Protestants --- Netherlands --- El Salvador --- social stratification --- anomie theory --- logistic regression models --- Salvadoran immigrants --- qualitative field research --- Religion and Immigration --- Elite congregations --- urban ecology --- religious districts --- racial-ethnic diversity --- American Congregation Giving Study --- political influence of religion --- religion and politics --- South Carolina --- adolescents --- adolescent religiosity --- adolescents and religion --- statistics --- youth attitudes --- American youth --- American adolescent religiosity --- pluralism --- religious pluralism --- American civil religion --- research --- ethnic homogeneity --- racial homogeneity --- volunteer organizations --- intergroup relations --- social psychology --- network analysis --- case studies --- interviews --- social dynamics --- multiethnic religious organizations --- emotional support --- clergy --- race differences --- self-esteem --- negative interaction --- gender role attitudes --- Arab-American women --- Arab Americans --- religiosity and ethnicity --- SHAS movement (Haredi) --- Pierre Bourdieu --- Bourdieusian Theory --- Bourdeauian --- Jews and Catholics --- social mobility --- social mobility patterns --- The Hague (Netherlands) --- formal log-linear modeling --- descriptive measures --- religion and social position --- Jews and Protestants --- Jews --- Catholics --- Protestants --- Bosnia-Hercegovina --- religion and war --- violence --- ethnic cleansing --- religion and ideology --- Catholic religious nationalism --- religious nationalism --- national identity --- Bosnia-Herzegovina --- European Union --- Central-European countries --- new democracies --- legislation --- religion and state --- Hungary --- Poland --- religious freedom --- Slovenia --- equality of religious communities --- law --- Germany --- anti-cult --- Soviet Union --- Leningrad (Russia) --- religious communities --- dissent movement --- religious searches --- communism --- soviet intellectuals --- atheistic government --- Islam --- social identity --- Soviet atheism --- Islamic identity --- Islamist threat --- Islamic teachings --- social status --- religious service attendance --- race and ethnicity --- religious tradition --- religious preference --- friendships --- religious resource mobilization --- strikes --- religious activists --- Kwame Nkrumah --- Ghana --- Christianity --- Gramscian theory --- Protestantism --- Oaxaca (Mexico) --- Latin America --- religious fragmentation --- Cuernavaca (Mexico) --- Sergio Méndez Arceo (Red Bishop) --- radicalization --- religious participation --- religious competition --- religious women --- catholic women --- transnational religious life --- transnational religiosity --- transnational religious organizations --- campus ministries --- college students --- evangelical organizations --- Korean Americans --- second-generation --- immigrants --- ethnic religious group formation --- ethnicization --- racialization --- religious doubt --- religion and health --- post-communist --- Religious Denominations --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- atheism --- China --- religious research --- scholarship --- cultural change --- ethnic congregations --- immigrant churches --- religious culture --- church participation --- religious activity --- competition theory --- social differentiation --- Catholic ethic --- Protestant ethic --- Gallup and General Social Survey --- volunteerism --- Kemetic Orthodoxy --- internet religion --- cyberspace religion --- revival religions --- ancient Egyptian religion --- ancient Egypt --- Kemeticism --- Asian Americans --- racial formation theory --- American Evangelicalism --- evangelical racial reconciliation theology --- evangelical campus ministries --- white evangelicals --- racial ideologies --- analysis of race --- evangelical feminism --- gender hierarchy --- egalitartianism --- psychism --- Psychism theory --- nonrecursive models --- spirituality --- sociological research --- medieval ecclesia --- Middle Ages --- Juliana Mont-Cornillon --- church-sect typologies --- Feast of Corpus Christi --- micro-processes --- language --- political roles --- academic roles --- religious roles --- roles --- Christian language --- Enlightenment --- reductionism --- information age --- social realism --- sociology of religion in France --- religious identities --- France --- symbolic mediations --- sociological study of religious phenomena --- gender and culture --- feminist theory --- religious identification --- Free Monks (Eleftheroi) --- Greek Orthodoxy --- rock music --- musical expression of religious themes --- religion and music --- Northern Ireland --- social identification --- community construction --- processes of categorization --- social comparison --- race --- prayer --- secular poverty-to-work programs --- faith-based poverty-to-work programs --- social capital --- faith and learning --- religious colleges and universities --- social scientists --- Jewish Israeli social scientists --- sociology of religion in Israel --- liberal morality --- political conservatism --- ideology --- United States (US) --- conservatism --- church and state --- multiculturalism --- masculinity --- Wild at heart --- John Eldredge --- literature --- Promise Keepers (PK) --- evangelicals and abortion --- religion and abortion --- ethnography --- ethnographic research --- conversion --- immigrant Chinese youth --- ethnic socialization --- upward assimilation --- segmented assimilation --- islam --- Muslim Americans --- religious identity development --- September 11 --- muslims --- Saddam Hussein --- Iraq --- religious variables --- political variables --- Iraq invasion --- Korean Protestants --- Korean immigrants --- Korean American Protestants --- cultural traditions --- Korean Protestantism --- ethnic culture --- ethnic identity --- strictness theory --- church growth --- Christian Right --- legislating morality --- liberal individualism --- ritual symbolism --- Catholic Worker community --- religious rituals --- symbols --- male clergy --- Ordained Women and Men Study (1994) --- denominations --- religion diffusion --- missionaries --- human agency --- acculturation --- missionary styles --- Christianity in France --- sect-church dichotomy --- religious economy --- religious market --- evangelical Protestantism --- Catholic priests --- questionnaires --- political ideology --- ecclesial ideology --- religious ethnography --- social identity categories --- social identities --- data gathering and analysis --- Islamic activism --- sharia --- social movements --- Jewish identity --- jews --- homosexuality --- ethnic minority gays and lesbians --- gay and lesbian Jews --- LGBT Jews --- religious groups --- religious group socioeconomic distinctions --- socioeconomic indicators --- female leadership --- parish culture --- low-income mothers --- Taiwan --- religious change --- religious conversions --- chinese society --- Chinese American college students --- Chinese Christians --- Chinese Americans --- microsociological interaction rituals --- conversion patterns --- conversion process --- urban immigrants --- conservative Protestantism --- HIV --- AIDS (HIV) --- evangelical movement --- Catholic nuns --- Buddhist nuns --- Buddhism (US) --- religious syncretism --- appropriation --- religious hybridity --- sect-to-church transition --- sectarianism --- sects --- Yiguandao (一貫道) --- Yiguan Dao (China) --- Sociology of Law --- controversial religious groups --- Donald Black --- African-American AIDS ministry --- AIDS-activism --- ideological reconstruction --- religious behaviors --- religious transmission --- parents --- parental beliefs --- American Jews --- National Jewish Population Survey --- religion and ethnicity --- Jewish Identification --- logistic regression --- American Jewish population --- Jewish denominations --- social networks --- logistic regression techniques --- ordinary least squares (OLS) --- intermarriage --- ethnic capital --- ethnic groups --- religious mobility --- apostasy --- switching --- ethno-apostasy --- religious switching --- George W. Bush --- religious strategy --- war on terrorism --- religious conflicts --- Pakistan --- India --- majoritarianism --- marginalization --- Hindu-Muslim violence --- Hindu-Sikh violence --- Hindutva --- Shiv Sena --- Wenzhou (China) --- post-Mao --- theological camps --- institutional policy and theology --- elections --- General Social Surveys (GSS) --- non-response bias --- religious exclusivism --- religious conservatives --- Faith-Based Initiative --- faith-based liaisons (FBL) --- parental divorce --- young adults --- teenagers --- social desirability --- religious youth --- causal analysis --- American culture and religion --- American Buddhism --- Buddhism in America --- cognitive science --- cognition and religion --- religious attendance --- socioeconomic status (SES) --- American evangelical missionaries --- Pacific Northwest (PNW) --- secularism --- secular humanism --- evangelicalism --- political tolerance --- minority opinions --- civil liberties --- religious congregations --- social service agencies --- social services --- inter-organizational --- agency-congregation --- globalization --- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople --- Orthodox Church of Greece --- contemporary globality --- contemporary globalization --- ecclesiastical governance --- congregational characteristics --- National Congregations Study (NCS) --- conflict --- charismatic movement --- organizational characteristics --- local congregational culture models --- religion --- Asia and America --- transnational religious connections --- adolescent religion --- National Study of Youth and Religion --- poor and non-poor --- poverty --- Asian American religion --- racial analysis --- Baylor Religion Survey --- sociological patterns --- Protestant congregations --- denomination --- social processes --- immigration --- state support --- Religion and State database (RAS) --- personal control --- divine control --- sexual harassment --- religious institutions --- Orthodoxy --- sexual orientation --- denominational political actions --- political activity --- religious stratification --- conflict theory --- analysis --- quantitative analysis --- religious political action organizations --- National Congregations Study (NCS-II) --- American congregations --- methodology --- sexual intercourse --- National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health --- adolescent sexual behaviors --- adolescent sexual activities --- religious contextual effects --- National Survey of Youth and Religion --- religiosity and mental health --- data analyses --- paranormal beliefs --- Conventional Christian beliefs --- supernatural --- factor analysis --- regression analysis --- compatibility hypothesis --- deviance hypothesis --- marginalization hypothesis --- American colleges and universities --- faculty religiosity --- religious faith and academic life --- evangelical Christianity --- linear secularization --- theories of secularization --- secularization patterns --- ecularization and sacralization --- residential care - assisted living (RC - AL) --- long-term care (LTC) --- religious and spiritual care --- end of life --- spiritual help --- Maria of the Oak (Germany) --- social system theory --- spiritual growth --- The Rainbow (Israel) --- solidarity and individuality --- personal religious identity --- well-being --- World Values Surveys --- hierarchical linear modeling --- government regulation --- life satisfaction --- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) --- Rajneeshpuram (Oregon) --- collective violence --- rural churches --- modernization --- rural communities --- oral tradition --- Indigenous oratory --- Christian nonprofits (US) --- leadership --- compensation --- psychological distress --- Presbyterian Church (US) --- congregational life --- meditation --- Christian Meditation --- US religious service attendance --- sex --- Southern residence --- Catholic affiliation --- socioeconomic status and beliefs about God's influence in everyday life --- ego-affirming Evanglicalism --- Hollywood Church --- religion for workers --- the creative class --- interaction ritual theory sacred harp singing --- second-generation Korean American Churches --- entertainment industry --- interaction ritual theory --- collective effervescence --- Sacred Harp ritual --- second-generation churches --- immigrant adaptation --- identity formation --- Association for the Sociology of Religion --- post-secular society --- religious differences --- Paul Hanly Furfey --- the sacred --- African chiefs --- Robert J. McNamara --- boundary work in inclusive religious groups --- constructing identity --- the New York Catholic Worker --- college --- elite colleges and universities --- progressive Catholicism in Latin America --- Jurgen Habermas --- religious modernity --- Weber and Durkheim --- identity --- inclusion --- I–Thou --- National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen --- religion and students --- liberation theology --- God --- lived religion --- America --- understanding religious boundaries of national identity in the United States --- God imagery --- opposition to abortion and capital punishment --- religious support for the consistent life ethic --- religious giving and the boundedness of rationality --- worldwide growth of Mormons, Jehovah --- Spiritual Narratives in Everyday Life project (2006-2007) --- Christian America (CA) --- religious divide --- death penalty --- religious giving --- mormonism --- Jehovah's Witnesses --- Seventh-day Adventists --- higher education and theological liberalism --- Born Again --- Balaka --- Pentecostalism --- religious transformation in rural Malawi --- rational choice and interactive ritual theories --- the study of religion --- the Bible --- identity integration --- Christian belly dancers --- religiosity --- Born-Again --- born-again conversion --- rituals --- behavioral strictness --- Belly dance --- identity integration techniques --- adolescent motherhood --- Brazilian favelas --- role conflict --- Evangelical democrats --- Wal-Mart --- religious group identity --- congregations' social composition --- religious congregation --- Brazil --- unmarried mothers --- Republican Party (GOP) --- Baylor Religion Survey (2005) --- Evangelical Democrats --- Evangelical Protestants --- evangelical identity --- key informant interviewing --- U.S. Congregational Life Survey (2001) --- American Islam --- Paul Hanly Furley --- sacred space --- collective memory --- memorializing genocide at sites of terror --- educational attainment and religiosity --- religious financial giving --- atheism in America --- the rejection of theism --- memoryscapes --- memorials --- monuments and memorials --- financial giving --- monetary giving --- Northern Indiana Congregation Study --- Atheist identity --- theism --- irreligion and unbelief --- nonreligion --- scientists and spirituality --- religious content in conversion narratives --- reliious groups --- money --- church cultures --- sacralized frames of giving --- children --- Catholic Second Graders' Agency --- the sacrament of reconciliation --- Anglican orthodoxy --- the symbolic politics of the Anglican communion --- Religion among Academic Scientists survey --- spiritual atheism --- religion and science --- narrative interview process --- conversion narratives --- constant comparison --- grounded theory --- sacralization --- self-sacrificial giving --- religion and children --- religion and homosexuality --- Anglicanism --- parental religiosity --- religious homogamy --- young children's well-being --- the relationship between Catholic action and call to action --- religion and helping others --- values --- ideas --- sociology --- Pentecostal miracles and healings --- religion and family --- child development --- social movement organizations (SMO) --- Catholic Action (CA) --- Christian Family Movement --- Call to Action (CTA) --- social movement theories --- sociology of place --- movement-to-movement transmission --- Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) --- prosocial behaviors --- social techniques --- miracles --- religion and the sense of control --- rural clergy --- United Methodist clergy --- religious involvement and happiness in Taiwan --- secularization in Europe --- NORC General Social Survey (1996) --- sense of control --- rural ministry --- fertility --- European Values Surveys --- European Social Survey (ESS) --- religious decline --- socially engaged religion --- the secular-religious distinction --- Paul Hanley Furfey --- secularism in Western Europe --- Zwolle, the Netherlands --- the charismatic self in everyday life --- Canadian new religious movements --- religious disaffiliation in the United States --- Westphalian modeling --- sociological observation of religion --- transformation --- political secularism --- organizational diversity --- John de Ruiter --- charismatic disenchantment --- Portraits of American Life Study (PALS) --- Evangelical elites --- social networks and religion --- congregational social embeddedness in religious belief and practice --- spiritual individualism --- engaged spirituality --- social implications of holistic spirituality --- Mind-Body-Spirit practitioners --- religious reading --- Baylor Religion Survey (2007) --- religious belief --- congregational social embeddedness --- social embeddedness --- mind–body–spirit (MBS) --- Spiritual Narratives in Everyday Life project (2007-2007) --- the effect of bias in survey measures of church attendance --- Canadian women religious' negotiation of feminism and Catholicism --- religion and social attitudes --- moral judgments toward premarital sex and cohabitation in Brazil --- ethnicity --- perceived barriers to marriage among working-age adults --- measurement errors --- bias --- overreporting --- Ontario (Canada) --- religion and women --- feminism and Catholicism --- union formation --- premarital sex --- religion and sexuality --- Brazilian Protestants --- National Survey of Religion and Family Life (NSRFL) --- marriage --- religious orthodoxy and the American worker --- faith-based humanitarianism --- South Africa --- U.S. Catholic priests --- strength of religious affiliation --- religious population share and religious identity salience --- religion and work --- Economic Values Survey --- organizational behavior --- moral cosmology theory --- workplace --- religious orthodoxy --- institutional isomorphism --- extraversion --- Catholic clergy --- Catholic religious culture --- liberalism --- Los Angeles Times priest survey (2002) --- Catholic dissent --- dissent --- National Jewish Population Survey (2001) --- Jewish population --- evangelical Protestants --- black Protestants --- unaffiliated parents and the religious training of their children --- faith pinnacle moments --- stress --- miraculous experiences, and life satisfaction in young adulthood --- pastoral work --- peer support groups --- United Methodist Church clergy --- faith in the age of facebook --- religion and social network site membership and use --- Evangelical Christian international students in the United States --- worldviews --- religious upbringing --- religious education --- religious experiences --- United Methodist Church (UMC) --- National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR) --- social media --- social network site (SNS) --- evangelical Christians --- origins and consequences of religious freedoms --- religious self-identification among U.S. Catholics --- moral freighting and civic engagement --- UK --- Putnam and Campbell's Theory of Religious-Based Social Action --- Mexican Americans in religious and nonreligious organizations --- fundraising --- employment --- Evangelical parachurch organizations --- state and religion --- religious restrictions --- self-identification --- Catholic Church --- traditional Catholicism --- liberal Catholicism --- Belonging, Becoming and Participation Grids (BBP) --- Mexican Catholic Church (MCC) --- Mexican ethnic organization (MEO) --- gender dynamics --- Atheism --- Atheist identity and activism --- critical sociology of Atheism --- politics --- religious gender differences --- elite women --- religion and regional culture --- religious commitment --- cultural identity --- the American concept of Biblical Literalism --- activism --- atheist movement --- New Atheism --- religion and gender --- American Pacific Northwest (PNW) --- liberal Protestantism --- Biblical Literalism and sexual morality --- the transposability of a conservative religious schema --- childhood misfortune --- redemption --- adult Born-Again experiences --- role strain theory --- the role of head clergy of racially diverse churches --- religious identity and boundary work --- Christian fraternity --- secularization in Canada --- Berger --- racial-ethnic variations in the consequences of religious participation for academic achievement at elite colleges and universities --- conservative worldviews --- biblical literalism --- literalism --- sexual morality --- born-again Christians --- faith transition --- victimization --- childhood experiences --- interracial --- interracial church clergy --- college campuses --- colleges and universities --- religious group involvement --- Berger's theory of pluralism --- Furfey lecture --- religion in everyday life --- attachment to God --- symptoms of anxiety-related disorders among U.S. adults --- popular religious involvement and Buddhist identity in contemporary China --- young Evangelicals --- negotiating gender --- religious and secular American culture --- religious polarization --- time effects on religious commitment --- workplace-bridging religious capital --- anxiety-related disorders --- anxiety --- Buddhism --- Spiritual Life Study of Chinese Residents --- Buddhist identity --- chinese buddhism --- popular religious involvement --- existential security theory --- popular religion --- gendered evangelical worldviews --- polarization --- cross-sectional surveys --- Great Britain --- Alberta (Canada) --- British Columbia (Canada) --- Congregational Faith at Work Scale (CFWS) --- new, emergent and peripheral religious currents --- religion-state arrangements --- religious markets in the Muslim world --- Evangelical ambivalence toward gays and lesbians --- follower agency and charismatic mobilization in Falun Gong --- religious service attendance and interracial romance --- marital formation and infidelity --- religious markets --- muslim world --- comparative political economy --- LGBT --- gays and lesbians --- human sexuality --- sexuality --- Gay Rights Opponents --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- Chinese new religious movements --- charisma --- follower agency --- charismatic leadership --- regression models --- endogamy --- marital infidelity --- marital fidelity --- sexual infidelity --- scholarship in the sociology of religion --- religion and gender in sociology --- community formation --- political incorporation --- migration and settlement patterns of the Indian Diaspora --- religious movements --- the significance of religion and spirituality in secular organizations --- religious vitality --- the study of religion in sociology --- the Black Church --- gender and religion --- sociology of migration and immigration --- migration patterns --- religious movement scholarship --- secular organizations --- religious change in China --- Black religious life --- W. E. B. DuBois --- religious reflexivity --- the effect of continual novelty and diversity on individual religiosity --- Paul Hanley Furfey Lecture --- civic engagement among Arab Muslims in the United States --- gendered background expectations in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints --- religion and giving for international aid --- parental religiosity and youth religiosity --- family structure --- Arab Muslims --- civic engagement --- Mormon women --- mormon doctrine --- religion and generosity --- charity --- religious socialization --- Latino protestants and their congregations --- heterodoxy --- heresy --- Bourdieu's concept of doxa --- state-sanctioned exclusion in Pakistan --- faith --- congregational diversity --- racial inequality --- rationalizing judgment day --- Harold Camping's Open Forum Program --- family disruption and racial variation in adolescent and emerging adult religiosity --- Ahmadiyya --- racial attitudes --- race and religion --- multiracial congregations --- cognitive dissonance --- apocalyptic groups --- divorce --- Asian immigrants' participation in religious institutions in the United States --- nonbelievers in the Church --- cultural religion in Sweden --- the natural environment as a spiritual resource --- regional variation in religious adherence --- academics --- conservative Protestants --- bodily manifestations and their interpretation in Pentecostal rituals and everyday life --- immigrant religion --- Asian immigrants --- Asian Protestants --- institutional religious practices --- Church of Sweden --- International Social Survey Program --- natural amenities --- nature --- spatial econometric modeling techniques --- anti-conservative --- academic identity --- interaction rituals --- spiritual experiences --- emotions --- emotional experiences --- somatic manifestations of emotion --- causality --- normativity --- diversity --- U.S. sociology of religion --- paradigmatic reflection --- paranormal investigation as a spiritual practice --- gender and cultivating the moral self in Islam --- Muslim converts --- pornography consumption --- the public sociology of religion --- portrayals of religion --- paranormal --- paranormal investigation --- spiritual practices --- religious observances --- Portraits of American Life Study --- Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture --- Saint Peter --- intergenerational persistence among U.S.-born Catholics since 1974 --- urban church --- social justice activists --- church culture --- pedagogies of conversion to Islam and Christianity --- the sociological study of religious buildings --- organized religion --- disaffection --- managed diversity --- racial diversity --- social justice --- faith-based community organizing (FBCO) --- religious buildings --- Guatemala --- orthodoxy --- temporality and action --- American Protestant denomination --- individualized marriage and family disruption ministries in congregations --- culture --- Latino congregations and youth educational expectations --- relationships with God among young adults --- orthodox communities --- postdivorce --- religious supports --- Latino youths --- Latino adolescents --- religious dynamics --- socioeconomic differences --- personal religiosity --- religious role theory --- God theory --- confirmatory factor analysis --- charismatic leadership in institutionalized religion --- bounded affinity theory of religion and the paranormal --- political engagement --- the prosperity gospel --- African American Christian Zionism --- black Church politics --- the social construction of nonreligious moral identities --- the effect of religion on blood donation in the United States --- institutionalized religion --- charismatic leaders --- bounded affinity theory --- blood donation --- research on American religion in light of the 2016 election --- religious movement --- religiosity in the Tea Party --- the Religious Right --- socio-mental flexibility and multiple religious participation in African-derived Lukumi and Ifa --- religious practices and beliefs among religious stayers and religious switchers in Israeli Judaism --- Tea Party --- presidential elections --- religiosity and political preferences --- volunteers --- Tea Party Movement (TPM) --- Religious Right (RR) --- Christian identity --- multiple religious participation --- socio-mental processes --- religious behavior patterns --- conversion among U.S. Latinos --- economic insecurity --- religiosty --- the European Social Survey 2002-2014 --- the wrath of God --- fatalism and images of God in violent regions of the world --- religion and crime --- Latino Protestants --- Latino Catholics --- assimilation theory --- national origin hypothesis --- semi-involuntary thesis --- fatalism --- Caucasus Barometer --- social control --- social learning --- Catholics and Atheists --- religious identities among gay men --- middle class --- impression management --- middle-class Pentecostals in Argentina --- boundaries of religion and ethnicity among Sikhs --- no religion --- sexual minorities --- faith and sexual identity --- sexual and religious identities --- middle-class congregations --- religious demographics (US) --- Sikh community --- Sikh Dharma --- Christian Natonalism --- Donald Trump --- the 2016 presidential election --- religious resistance to Trump --- progressive faith --- the Women's March on Chicago --- Muslim American activism in the age of Trump --- the emotional management of progressive religious mobilization --- Christian heritage --- Christian nationalist ideology --- Christian nationalism --- Christianity in America --- Christianity (US) --- Democrats (US) --- Republicans (US) --- religious leaders --- Progressive faith communities --- progressive religious activism --- Muslim American --- Muslim American activism --- Faith-based community organizations (FBCO) --- religious mobilization --- assumptions of independence in the study of religion --- patterns of conservative religious belief and religious practice across college majors --- short-term mission travel --- transnational civic remittance --- marijuana use --- binge drinking --- the moral community hypothesis --- complex inequality --- college education and religion --- patterns of religious belief --- education and religion --- Short-term mission (STM) travel --- immigrant effect --- moral community hypothesis --- social ties --- close networks --- transgender experience --- inclusive gender lens in the sociology of religion --- paths to enlightenment --- constructing Buddhist identities in mainland China and the United States --- religion's role in shaping environmental action --- Russian faith --- religiosity and civil society in the Russian Federation --- Portrait of Americal Life Study (PALS) --- religion and social networks --- buddhist identity --- cultural sociology --- environmental action --- religion and environment --- religious beliefs --- environmental policy --- environment protection --- religious diversity --- morality --- immigrants from Ghana --- spiritual seeking --- African Evangelical Christianity --- spiritual but not religious (SBNR) --- logistic and binomial regression --- Karlson–Holm–Breen method --- delinquency --- moral injury --- resonance --- self-transformation --- female converts --- weddings --- marriage ceremonies --- humanist weddings --- traditions --- meaning-constitutive traditions --- refugees --- refugee crisis --- intergenerational religious transmission --- transmission --- transmission of religion --- faith transmission --- microsociological analysis of rituals --- barriers --- Christian congregations --- social distancing --- pandemic --- Covid-19 --- COVID-19 pandemic --- Turkey --- public health --- frontline officials --- personal health behaviors --- public health recommendations --- Covid-19 and religion --- lockdown restrictions (US) --- government restrictions --- pandemic management --- COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey --- interaction ritual chain --- theodicic interpretations --- coronavirus --- coronacrisis --- corona --- Latinx Protestants --- American politics --- religious racialization --- ethnicized religion --- somatic inversions --- Eastern Orthodox fasting --- Theravada Buddhist meditation --- racialized religion --- group identity --- marginalized religious groups --- racialized-religious identity --- Christian population --- church–state --- persecution --- privilege --- politicization of religion --- longitudinal data --- American Muslims --- Black Churches --- LGBQ --- black christians --- non-heterosexuality --- financial crisis --- recession --- internet --- Google Trend (GT) --- information sources --- protestant missionaries --- protestantism --- community cohesion --- civic participation --- interfaith --- African-Americans --- financial strain --- job insecurity --- depression --- cross-national measures --- quantitative methods --- Protestant Christianity --- social change --- religious right --- religious disaffiliation --- white evangelical protestants --- political backlash --- radical flank effects --- political sociology --- roman catholic church --- networked religion --- digital religion --- science and technology --- civil religion --- violent conflict --- existential security --- reproductive rights --- pornography --- urbanicity --- secularisation --- religious amenities --- Brazilian congregation --- LGBT rights --- LGBTQ --- Canada --- immigrant religiosity --- Muslims --- South Asian Muslim immigrants --- Muslim immigrant experiences --- Religion.

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