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Marketing strategy and competitive positioning
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780273706977 0273706977 Year: 2008 Publisher: New York: Financial Times/Prentice Hall,

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Epic content marketing : how to tell a different story, break through the clutter, and win more customers by marketing less
ISBN: 9780071819893 0071819894 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York McGraw-Hill Education

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One of the world''s leading experts on content marketing, Joe Pulizzi explains how to attract prospects and customers by creating information and content they actually want to engage with. No longer can we interrupt our customers with mediocre content and sales messages they don’t care about.Epic Content Marketing takes you step-by-stepthrough the process of developing stories that inform and entertain and compel customers to act--without actually telling them to. Epic content, distributed to the right person at the right time, is the way to truly capture the hearts and minds of customers. It''s how to position your business as a trusted expert in its industry. It''s what customers share and talk about.Once we hook customers with epic content, they reward us by sending our sales through the roof.Epic Content Marketing provides everything youneed to:Determine what your content niche should be to attract and retain customersDiscover and develop your content marketing mission statementSet up a process for creating and curating epic contentLearn how to leverage social and e-mail channels to create--and grow--your audienceMeasure the performance of your content--and increase your content marketing budgetWith in-depth case studies of how John Deere, LEGO, Coca-Cola, and other leading corporations are using content to drive epic sales, this groundbreaking guide gives you all the tools to start creating and disseminating content that leads directly to greater profits and growth.Whether you''re the CMO of a Fortune 500, a digital marketer, or an entrepreneur, Epic Content Marketing gives you the tools you need to vanquish the competition. Start your epic journey now!


The Right Sensory Mix
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783662637951 9783662637944 9783662637968 9783662637975 Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg :Imprint: Springer

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Why do some people drink black coffee and others stick to tea? Why do some people prefer competitors' products? Why do we sell less in this country? Many companies fail to acknowledge and analyze disparities observed among customers and simply put them down to culture or emotion. New neuroendocrinological research proves that people are rational: They just have a different biological perception of the same stimulus! Their preferences, behavior, and decisions are strongly influenced by the hundreds of millions of sensors monitoring their body and brain. People with more taste buds are for example sensitive to bitterness and are more likely to drink their coffee with sugar or milk, or to drink tea. After reading the book, executives will be able to: · Decode people's behavior and preferences scientifically · Design the right sensory mix (in terms of color, shape, depth, taste, smell, texture, sound, and more) · Shape attractive products and services for every local market · Devise immersive experiences for each persona · Combine smart sensors and human senses in a powerful and ethical way · Systematically increase the innovation adoption rate · Invent planet and people-friendly futures Berry-AMA Book Prize Finalist! "Diana Derval has written the best book that I have seen on the critical role of the five senses in determining our brand preferences. Her writing is lively, full of relevant case studies, and rich in insights. No marketing department or new product department must proceed without first reading this book."- Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management Prof. Diana Derval, PhD, EMBA, Chair of DervalResearch, contributor for Harvard Business Review, social entrepreneur, and patented inventor, is a pioneer at decoding human preferences and behavior with biosciences.

Global marketing and advertising: understanding cultural paradoxes
ISBN: 9781452257174 Year: 2014 Publisher: Thousand Oaks, Calif. Sage

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Packed with cultural, company, and country examples that help explain the paradoxes international marketers are likely to encounter, Global Marketing and Advertising, Third Edition, offers a mix of theory and practical applications as it covers globalization, global branding strategies, classification models of culture, and the consequences of culture for all aspects of marketing communications. In this Third Edition, author Marieke de Mooij includes new topics and updated information and findings from recent studies and helps readers apply global marketing concepts to the management of global branding and marketing communications. New and Continuing Features Includes new topics, including global public relations, culture and the media, and culture and the Internet, along with more extensive coverage of consumer behavior Helps companies define cross cultural segments to better target consumers across cultures Shows how culture affects strategic issues, such as the company's mission statement, brand positioning strategy, and marketing communications strategy Includes both recent and classic advertising examples from various parts of the world Demonstrates the centrality of value paradoxes to cross cultural marketing communications Uses the Hofstede model to help readers see how their understanding of cultural relationships in one country/region can be extended to other countries/regions.

Ik ben een aanrader : wie zegt wat hij denkt, is goud waard voor een merk
ISBN: 9789081516365 9081516361 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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Wie vraagt u om raad als u op zoek bent naar een lekkere wijn, nieuwe loopschoenen, een nieuwe tv, nieuwe kookpannen of een nieuwe ontharingsset? Hoeveel van wat u koopt, koopt u omdat u rechtstreeks beïnvloed bent door familie, vrienden, collega's? Wie zijn die consumenten die een merk maken of kraken? Waarom doen ze dat? Aanraders zijn van alle tijden. Ze geven gevraagd of ongevraagd hun mening en doen dat over alles. Ook over merken. Soms genuanceerd, soms ongezouten. Sinds het internet kregen ze nog een belangrijkere rol dan ze al hadden. In dit boek leest u hoe dat kon gebeuren, waar ze nu staan en waarom ze met de dag belangrijker worden.Aanraders die producten en diensten vanuit hun eigen ervaring loven of kraken dat zijn de échte 'reclamemakers'. Mensenmedia vervangen massamedia, maar vormen allen samen weer een ander massaal medium. Betrouwbaarder. Overtuigender. Eerlijker. Sterker.'Ik ben een aanrader' geeft de visie van een ex-reclameman op de toekomst van marketing en reclame. En die veranderende toekomst is schitterend voor alle consumenten en voor de merken die zodanig excelleren dat ze collectief de hemel in worden geprezen. Bron :

De vermaatschappelijking van de zorg voor psychisch kwetsbare mensen : onderzoek, praktijk en beleid
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9020961381 Year: 2005 Publisher: Leuven LannooCampus

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De zorg voor personen met ernstige en langdurige psychische problemen is gekenmerkt door een toenemende vermaatschappelijking. Deze personen worden minder frequent en minder langdurig opgenomen in psychiatrische ziekenhuizen en het streefdoel is hen te ondersteunen in hun sociale rollen als gezinslid, burger, collega, enz. Dit betekent ook dat men probeert om in de samenleving ruimte te cre?ren om kwetsbare mensen een plek te geven in natuurlijke woon-, arbeids-, educatie- en vrijetijdsomgevingen. Dit laatste vereist echter grote transformaties in de zorg en in de samenleving. Het onderzoeksinstituut Lucas bestudeerde deze tendensen in de verschillende deelaspecten van het proces van vermaatschappelijking. Deze publicatie biedt een overzicht daarvan en leidt naar conclusies, aanbevelingen en voorstellen over langdurige zorg in de samenleving. Het boek is bedoeld als basisinstrument voor hulpverleners en zij die ertoe opgeleid worden. Ook beleidsmensen en onderzoekers zullen in deze publicatie nuttig materiaal en verwijzingen vinden. 1. Inleiding. 2. Metamorfoses van de GGZ. 3. De doelgroep van cliënten met ernstige en langdurige psychische problemen. 4. Werkzame ingrediënten van zorg en zorgprogramma's. 5. Visies van betrokkenengroepen op de vermaatschappelijking van de GGZ. 6. De mantelzorgers. 7. Lotgenotencontact. 8. Stigma en discriminatie. 9. Aanbevelingen voor het beleid. 10. Referenties


364.4 --- 616.89 --- Social Work, Psychiatric. --- Community Mental Health Services --- Health Services Needs and Demand --- Mental Disorders --- Mental Health. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:316.8H11 --- #SBIB:316.8H22 --- Academic collection --- 672 Gezondheidszorg. Behandeling --- geestelijke gezondheid --- #KVHB:Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- #KVHB:Psychiatrie --- 606.8 --- 614.1 --- geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- gezondheidszorg --- psychiatrie --- psychiatrische problemen --- rehabilitatie --- schizofrenie --- vermaatschappelijking --- 361 ) Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- sociale integratie --- zorgverlening --- S20110195.jpg --- hulpverleningsproces --- integratie --- psychiatrische patiënten --- thuiszorg --- Mental Hygiene --- Health, Mental --- Hygiene, Mental --- Orthopsychiatry --- Psychiatric Social Service --- Psychiatric Social Work --- Social Service, Psychiatric --- Psychiatric Social Services --- Psychiatric Social Works --- Service, Psychiatric Social --- Services, Psychiatric Social --- Social Services, Psychiatric --- Social Works, Psychiatric --- Work, Psychiatric Social --- Works, Psychiatric Social --- 364.4 Hulpverlening. Bijstand --- Hulpverlening. Bijstand --- Health Services Needs --- Needs --- Needs and Demand, Health Services --- Target Population --- Health Services Need --- Need, Health Services --- Needs, Health Services --- Population, Target --- Populations, Target --- Target Populations --- Health Care Sector --- Assertive Community Treatment --- Health Services, Community Mental --- Services, Community Mental Health --- Services, Mental Health Community --- Mental Health Services, Community --- Community Treatment, Assertive --- Treatment, Assertive Community --- Psychiatry. Pathological psychiatry. Psychopathology. Phrenopathies. Psychoses. Mental abnormality. Morbid mental states. Behavioural and emotional disturbances --- epidemiology --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: gehandicapten (fysiek, mentaal) --- Welzijnsorganisatie: sociale dienstverlening voor specifieke groepen --- Psychiatrische centra --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg --- 615 --- 361.2 --- 301.17 --- 616.5 --- 362.1 --- Psychische stoornissen. --- Rehabilitatie --- België. --- Psychiatrische patiënten. --- psychopathologie --- Psychiatry --- cliënt-hulpverlener relatie --- mantelzorg --- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg ; België --- Social Work, Psychiatric --- Mental Health --- Psychosociale problemen --- Zorgverlening --- GGZ (geestelijke gezondheidszorg) --- #gsdbP --- Psychosociaal probleem --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Belgium --- Psychisch probleem

Maak je merk cool : branding naar de nieuwe generatie
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789077442920 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven Den Haag LannooCampus Sdu

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Een inspiratiebron voor marketeers met tientallen casestudy's. De perfecte combinatie van wetenschappelijke en commerciële inzichten uit marktonderzoek. Generatie Y (13 - 29 jaar vandaag) is de meest reclamekritische generatie. Maar wat drijft hen en hoe ontwikkel je de juiste merkstrategie voor deze generatie? Talrijke casestudy's onthullen de vijf belangrijkste attributen van een cool jongerenmerk: Jack&Jones, Nokia, H&M, G-Star, Coca-Cola... Bron :

International Journal of Health Economics and Management
Authors: ---
ISSN: 21999023 21999031 Publisher: Springer Nature

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Medical care --- Medical care, Cost of --- Medical care, Cost of. --- Delivery of Health Care --- Economics, Medical --- Health Care Costs --- Health Services Needs and Demand --- Cost of medical care --- Health care costs --- Health care expenditures --- Medical costs --- Medical expenses --- Medical service, Cost of --- Medicine --- Medical economics --- Medical savings accounts --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Health services --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Health Services Needs --- Needs --- Needs and Demand, Health Services --- Target Population --- Health Services Need --- Need, Health Services --- Needs, Health Services --- Population, Target --- Populations, Target --- Target Populations --- Health Care Sector --- Costs, Medical Care --- Health Costs --- Healthcare Costs --- Medical Care Costs --- Treatment Costs --- Cost, Health --- Cost, Health Care --- Cost, Healthcare --- Cost, Medical Care --- Cost, Treatment --- Costs, Health --- Costs, Health Care --- Costs, Healthcare --- Costs, Treatment --- Health Care Cost --- Health Cost --- Healthcare Cost --- Medical Care Cost --- Treatment Cost --- Health Expenditures --- Medical Economics --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Finance --- Finance. --- Economics --- Costs --- economics --- Economics, Medical. --- Health Care Costs. --- economics.

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