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Schipbreuk der beschavingen
ISBN: 9789002269226 Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Al meer dan een halve eeuw reist Amin Maalouf de wereld rond en geeft hij zijn ogen de kost. Hij groeide op in de wereldse en welvarende steden Beiroet en Caïro, en zag hoe die steeds meer in de greep kwamen van religieuze radicalisering, nationalisme en geweld. Hij was in Saigon aan het einde van de Vietnamoorlog, en in Teheran toen de Islamitische Republiek werd uitgeroepen. Vandaag staan we, vreest hij, op de drempel van een wereldwijde schipbreuk, die alle domeinen van de beschaving treft. Amerika verliest elke morele geloofwaardigheid. Europa riskeert uiteen te vallen. De Arabische wereld zinkt weg in een diepe crisis met rampzalige gevolgen voor haar bevolking en voor de hele planeet. Om nog maar te zwijgen van de ernstige bedreigingen op het vlak van klimaat, milieu en gezondheid waar de aarde mee wordt geconfronteerd en die alleen kunnen worden aangepakt door middel van wereldwijde solidariteit. En laat het daar nu net aan ontbreken. Het is hoog tijd, vindt Maalouf, dat de mensheid zich de juiste vragen stelt, en er een antwoord op probeert te formuleren. In Schipbreuk der beschavingen treedt Maalouf op als geëngageerd toeschouwer en denker, als iemand die zijn eigen, persoonlijke ervaringen koppelt aan reflecties over een steeds veranderende wereld.


Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- BPB2102 --- radicalisering --- nationalisme --- geweld --- βία --- vardarbība --- violență --- насилие --- násilie --- násilí --- väkivalta --- smurtas --- vjolenza --- violenza --- erőszak --- violência --- насилство --- przemoc --- vold --- nasilje --- violencia --- Gewalt --- насиље --- vägivald --- våld --- dhunë --- violence --- smurtavimas --- agresivita --- физичко насилство --- агресивност --- violenza fisica --- violenza morale --- национализъм --- kansallisuusaate --- nazzjonaliżmu --- nationalism --- nacionalizam --- nacionalismus --- nacionālisms --- национализам --- nacionalizëm --- Nationalismus --- nacionalizmus --- naționalism --- nacionalismo --- nacionalizem --- rahvuslus --- nazionalismo --- nacjonalizm --- εθνικισμός --- nacionalizmas --- σωβινισμός --- sciovinismo --- sovinizmus --- шовинизъм --- chovinismo --- chauvinisme --- Chauvinismus --- шовинизам --- şovinism --- szowinizm --- sovinismi --- chauvinismo --- šovinizmas --- šovinismus --- šovinism --- chauvinism --- šovinizam --- radicalización --- radikalisoituminen --- радикализација --- ριζοσπαστικοποίηση --- radikalisering --- radikalizácia --- radikalizzazzjoni --- radicalizare --- radicalizzazione --- радикализация --- radicalisation --- radikaliseerumine --- radikalizācija --- radicalização --- radikalizálódás --- Radikalisierung --- radikalizacija --- radykalizacja postaw --- radikalizace --- radacú --- radicalisatie --- foréigean --- náisiúnachas

Vocabulaire juridique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782130624639 2130624634 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris : Presses universitaires de France,

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Définir, après les avoir identifiés, les termes juridiques de la langue française, tel est l'objet de ce Vocabulaire juridique. S'appuyant sur un premier travail réalisé par Henri Capitant en 1936, Gérard Cornu a développé "une oeuvre nouvelle par ses entrées, sa méthode, ses auteurs. L'éminente vocation du Vocabulaire juridique est de saisir, dans les définitions, les catégories du droit". Plus qu'une série de définitions de termes et d'expressions, ce Vocabulaire est un outil de consultation et de recherche indispensable aux juristes, mais aussi un instrument de culture générale nécessaire à la compréhension de notre société, dans laquelle le rôle du droit ne cesse de croître. Depuis sa première édition en 1987, son succès ne s'est jamais démenti. Il s'explique non seulement par la pertinence des définitions, mais aussi par des mises à jour régulières, car le droit est une discipline vivante. Une liste explicative des maximes et adages de droit français, dont certains en latin, complète l'ouvrage. La première édition de ce dictionnaire a été couronnée par l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques et par l'Académie française.


technisch Frans --- Didactics of French --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- rechtstaal --- Law --- Droit --- Dictionaries --- French --- Dictionnaires français --- French. --- Terminologie --- BPB9999 --- Pouvoir judiciaire --- Dictionnaire --- BPB1403 --- dictionnaires --- Rechterlijke macht --- Woordenboek --- woordenboeken --- Dictionnaires français --- Terminologie. --- Wörterbuch --- ordbog --- dizzjunarju --- slovar --- slovník --- ordbok --- dicionário --- słownik jednojęzyczny --- sõnaraamat --- λεξικό --- sanakirja --- szótár --- речник --- rječnik --- dictionary --- woordenboek --- vārdnīca --- žodynas --- dicționar --- diccionario --- dizionario --- fjalor --- Lexikon --- slovní zásoba --- sanasto --- etymologický slovník --- lexikón --- lexique --- lexikon --- leksik --- verklarend woordenboek --- тријазичен речник --- dizionario etimologico --- glossario --- leksikons --- leksikon --- фразеолошки речник --- překladový slovník --- vocabulario --- výkladový slovník --- dvoujazyčný slovník --- léxico --- specialordbog --- толковен речник --- етимолошки речник --- lessico --- vocabolario --- lexicon --- sõnastik --- judicial power --- kohtuvõim --- teisminė valdžia --- na breithiúna --- súdna právomoc --- władza sądownicza --- pushtet gjyqësor --- potere giudiziario --- rechterlijke macht --- setgħa ġudizzjarja --- dømmende myndighed --- sodna oblast --- richterliche Gewalt --- судска власт --- sudbena vlast --- съдебна власт --- putere judecătorească --- tuomiovalta --- dömande makt --- poder judicial --- tiesu vara --- δικαστική εξουσία --- bírói hatalom --- soudní pravomoc --- sudska vlast --- igazságszolgáltatás --- Consejo General del Poder Judicial --- soudcovská moc --- ordine giudiziario --- Judikative --- моќ за пресудување --- soudní moc --- pouvoir juridictionnel --- pouvoir de juridiction --- poder de jurisdição --- poder jurisdicional --- rechtsprechende Gewalt --- cumhacht bhreithiúnach --- Terminology. --- Dictionnaries. --- foclóir --- Law - France - Dictionaries --- Law - Dictionaries - French --- Law - France - Dictionaries. --- Law - Dictionaries - French. --- Droit - Dictionnaires français. --- Droit - France - Dictionnaires français --- Law - Terminology. --- Law - France - Dictionnaries. --- Droit - Dictionnaires français --- Law - Terminology --- Law - France - Dictionnaries

Regarding the pain of others
ISBN: 0374248583 9780374248581 9780312422196 0312422199 Year: 2003 Publisher: New York : Picador,

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Twenty-five years after her classic On Photography, Susan Sontag returns to the subject of visual representations of war and violence in our culture today. How does the spectacle of the sufferings of others (via television or newsprint) affect us? Are viewers inured--or incited--to violence by the depiction of cruelty? In Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag takes a fresh look at the representation of atrocity--from Goya's The Disasters of War to photographs of the American Civil War, lynchings of blacks in the South, and the Nazi death camps, to contemporary horrific images of Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Israel and Palestine, and New York City on September 11, 2001. In Regarding the Pain of Others Susan Sontag once again changes the way we think about the uses and meanings of images in our world, and offers an important reflection about how war itself is waged (and understood) in our time.


psychotrauma's --- Semiotics --- photography [process] --- fotografie --- Polemology --- Photography --- pijn (lijden) --- douleur (souffrance) --- Atrocities --- Photojournalism --- Violence --- War and society --- War in art --- War photography --- Combat photography --- Photography, Combat --- Photography, War --- Documentary photography --- Society and war --- War --- Sociology --- Civilians in war --- Sociology, Military --- Violent behavior --- Social psychology --- Camera journalism --- Editorial photography --- Journalism, Camera --- Journalistic photography --- News photography --- Photo journalism --- Photography, Journalistic --- Photography for the press --- Press photography --- Commercial photography --- Journalism --- Illustrated periodicals --- Military atrocities --- Cruelty --- War crimes --- Social aspects --- Atrocities. --- Atrocités. --- Bildpublizistik. --- Filosofische aspecten. --- Fotografie. --- Fotojournalistiek. --- Gewalt. --- Guerra --- Guerra. --- Guerre dans les médias --- Guerre et société. --- Guerre --- Journalism. --- Krieg. --- Kultur. --- Oorlog. --- Oorlogsfotografie. --- Photographie de guerre --- Photographie de presse. --- Photography. --- Psychology, Social. --- Sociale aspecten. --- Violence. --- Violência --- War and society. --- Warfare. --- Aspectos sociais. --- Aspect psychologique. --- Aspect social. --- Dans l'art. --- Société. --- Histoire. --- Social aspects. --- Fremder Feind. --- 82:3 --- 82:3 Literatuur en maatschappijwetenschappen --- Literatuur en maatschappijwetenschappen --- Photographie de presse --- Atrocités --- Aspect social --- Dans l'art

Politie en gezondheidszorg.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 17845300 ISBN: 9789046608302 9046608301 Year: 2016 Volume: 40 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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In de uitvoering komen politie en gezondheidszorg elkaar vanuit hun eigen functie regelmatig tegen. De contacten kunnen betrekking hebben op (drugs-)overlast of gerelateerde problemen, zedenzaken, psychiatrische stoornissen bij (veel-)plegers, geweld, calamiteiten en crisissituaties. Het gemeenschappelijke element bij al deze zaken is dat zij direct de leefbaarheid en veiligheid van buurtbewoners raken. Politie en gezondheidszorg hebben niettemin een andere functie en finaliteit, wat tot grensproblemen kan leiden. En toch is het ondertussen overduidelijk dat de aanpak van veel urgente maatschappelijke problemen om een gecombineerde aanpak vraagt van beide sectoren. Ondanks deze groeiende nood aan een betere afstemming en gemeenschappelijke aanpak bestaat er relatief weinig literatuur over de raakvlakken en vormen van samenwerking tussen politie en gezondheidszorg. Dit Cahier voorziet in deze leemte.


beroepsgeheim --- psychiatrie --- politie --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- gezondheidszorg --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- kindermishandeling --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Police --- Public health --- Comparative law --- Santé publique --- Droit comparé --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Training --- Formation --- BPB --- police --- soins de santé --- violence --- geweld --- βία --- vardarbība --- violență --- насилие --- násilie --- násilí --- väkivalta --- smurtas --- vjolenza --- violenza --- erőszak --- violência --- насилство --- przemoc --- vold --- nasilje --- violencia --- Gewalt --- насиље --- vägivald --- våld --- dhunë --- smurtavimas --- agresivita --- физичко насилство --- агресивност --- violenza fisica --- violenza morale --- Gesundheitsversorgung --- veselības aprūpe --- health care --- zdravotní péče --- terveydenhoito --- trattamento sanitario --- zdravstveno varstvo --- здравствена заштита --- kura tas-saħħa --- sundhedspleje --- cuidado de la salud --- здравеопазване --- tervishoid --- sveikatos priežiūra --- îngrijirea sănătății --- hälso- och sjukvård --- zdravstvena skrb --- zdravotná starostlivosť --- υγειονομική μέριμνα --- egészségügyi ellátás --- gezondheidsverzorging --- cúram sláinte --- ochrona zdrowia --- kujdes shëndetësor --- cuidados de saúde --- medicinska njega --- медицинска нега --- asistencia facultativa --- medicīniskā aprūpe --- υγειονομική φροντίδα --- medical care --- ιατρική μέριμνα --- υγειονομική περίθαλψη --- cura médica --- trattamento medico --- asistencia médica --- orvosi ellátás --- lægebehandling --- lékařská péče --- ιατρική φροντίδα --- лекување --- kujdes mjekësor --- medicininė priežiūra --- liečebná starostlivosť --- ärztliche Behandlung --- medische verzorging --- nemocniční péče --- soin médical --- îngrijiri medicale --- медицинска заштита --- cuidados médicos --- soins médicaux --- arstiabi --- ιατρική περίθαλψη --- lääkärinhoito --- policja --- pulizija --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- Comité P --- foréigean --- póilíní --- Pays-Bas --- Belgique --- soins de santé

Politieke islam, 9/11 en jihad
ISBN: 9789033462740 9033462745 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leuven/Voorburg Acco

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Islam and politics --- Jihad --- September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- Islam and politics. --- Jihad. --- September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001. --- Sociology of religion --- Islam --- International relations. Foreign policy --- History of civilization --- globalisering --- BPB0901 --- Fondamentalisme --- Guerre --- Violence politique --- analyse --- C1 --- democratie --- fundamentalisme [godsdienst] --- islam --- fundamentalisme --- politiek --- S2007153.JPG --- 217 --- politiek geweld --- #SBIB:316.331H331 --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- #SBIB:321H91 --- 297.17 --- 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- 911 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- Attack on America, 2001 (September 11 Terrorist Attacks) --- Nine-Eleven Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- Pentagon-World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- September 11 Terror Attacks, 2001 --- September 11 Terrorism, 2001 --- Terrorist Attacks, September 11, 2001 --- World Trade Center-Pentagon Terrorist Attacks, 2001 --- Hijacking of aircraft --- Terrorism --- Holy war (Islam) --- Islamic holy war --- Jahad --- Jehad --- Muslim holy war --- War (Islamic law) --- Politics and Islam --- Political science --- 297.17 Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- Fundamentalisme --- Oorlog --- Politiek geweld --- Kerken en religie --- 2 --- 327 --- 32 --- Godsdienst en politieke attitudes --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Niet-specifieke politieke en sociale theorieën vanaf de 19e eeuw: islam, Arabisch nationalisme --- Political aspects --- Politiek --- Godsdienst --- Internationalisering --- Buitenlandse politiek --- islám --- ισλαμισμός --- Iżlam --- islamas --- islams --- islamismo --- iszlám --- ислям --- ислам --- mahomedanism --- islamism --- moslimský veriaci --- islámské náboženství --- sunita --- islámská církev --- mohammedanisme --- šíita --- mohamedanizmus --- muslimi --- muhamedanisme --- mohamedánstvo --- Mohammedanism --- muhameedlus --- suna --- muhamedānisms --- muslimské náboženství --- muhamettilaisuus --- mahometonybė --- mešita --- Muhamedanizëm --- politikai erőszak --- политичко насиље --- politisk vold --- политическо насилие --- poliittinen väkivalta --- poliitiline vägivald --- politinė prievarta --- политичко насилство --- violencia política --- violenza politica --- political violence --- πολιτική βία --- politiskā vardarbība --- vjolenza politika --- političko nasilje --- politické násilí --- dhunë politike --- politische Gewalt --- przemoc polityczna --- violență politică --- politično nasilje --- violência política --- politiskt våld --- politické násilie --- rivoluzione --- револуција --- vallankumous --- forradalom --- atentát --- герила --- Revolution --- guerrilha --- guerile --- Guerillabewegung --- révolution --- revolução --- guerrilla --- guerriglia --- revolutsioon --- gerilla --- gerillaháború --- gherilă --- revolucion --- επανάσταση --- revoluție --- αντάρτικο --- revolúcia --- revolucija --- revolūcija --- partisan --- revoliucija --- revolta --- partizānu karš --- revoluce --- partizanas --- sissi --- guérilla --- revolution --- revolución --- politikai kényszer --- guerilla --- lotta armata --- επαναστατική δράση --- gerila --- revolutie --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Maatschappij --- Seksualiteit --- Theater --- Wetenschap --- Architectuur --- Man --- Film --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Media --- Kleuter --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Ioslam --- foréigean polaitiúil --- cogadh

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